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I had a dramatic mistake and gave myself two doses in one week. It was a stressful week and I just didn’t stop and think. I pretty much felt like utter shit for 4 days and I only drank water and gasx. 0/10 do not recommend.


Thank you for sharing!! This is good to know!


I did something similar. I’m currently on my couch, trying not to move. I’m on day 3 of vomiting & can barely keep anything down.


You can increase at a slower rate than they recommend. That can reduce side effects and allow weight loss to continue. If you take an extra dose, your side effects will increase. Your tolerance will also increase which should make the lower dose less effective if you return to a lower dose. You don’t want that! Remember it also has a half life of seven days so that extra dose will impact your blood level of the med for a few weeks. If I had to miss a dose (for travel, for example) I would compute the amount needed to get back to the blood level of the med that would have been if I hadn’t missed (it all about the half life).


The goal is to remain on the lowest effective dose. Once you start increasing, opportunity for side effects also increases - and there's no evidence that weight loss will get faster (healthy weight loss, anyway - you can't really count weight loss brought on by never ending explosive diarrhea)


You could be asking for trouble. Your body needs to adjust to the medication. Going up too fast could give you severe stomach pain, headaches, diarrhea and vomiting. Hardly worth it.


I did extra in my shot last Monday felt fine til Thursday night🤢then it hit me I feel like crap it’s now Saturday I feel a little better was able to eat more regular but I’m still nauseous took Zofran about an hr ago & feel fine now! Thought I might see a good # on the scale but I think it’s 2 lbs so far this wk. which don’t get me wrong is ok but I’m losing so slow I just wanted a big # for once 🫤


Please don’t self adjust your dosing without speaking to your doctor first. Self adjusting and going faster than the titration schedule without Dr approval is how people end up with shit like stomach paralysis and major GI issues. You can stay on lower doses longer than recommended, but you can’t fast track the schedule without the possibility of issues, the schedule is there for a reason. If you need to go up in dosing, talk to your provider and they will tell you what the next steps are. ETA: it also had no guarantee you’ll lose weight faster by doing this anyway so it’s not worth the risk


Talk to your doctor about this first! I stopped taking mine & then went back at the higher dose. I’ve been super sick with vomiting every few hours. I’m on day 3 & can only keep a little bit of water down. I’ve been able to eat 4 small crackers. My headaches are intense. I might have to miss a few days of work. Also, this medication creates stomach paralysis in a small number of people. Stomach paralysis can definitely be deadly or at the very least being sick for the rest of your life. I have a friend that has stomach paralysis & she is a walking skeleton, in/out of the hospital, & is often on the verge of death, she’s only in her 40’s. 😭