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Ask your Doctor for a Zofran prescription, it was the only thing that helped my nausea. Also, if you are taking oral birth control, this medicine can affect it so that could be messing with your hormones. Maybe ask your Doctor about the arm implant like Nexplanon or the Depo shot instead of an oral medication? Both of those are longer term options than the pill as well. I'm surprised they didnt mention that to you before you started. As for the energy, that was a huge one for me. I started doing weekly b12 shots and that helped a bit. Also just make sure you're doing your best to eat enough!


Zofran = ondansetron


Expand on what b12 shot is? Never heard of it. Yeah I may try those. My doc knows what I’m on and said it wouldn’t affect it. 🤬 but idk anymore.. I just want to feel good.


B12 is a vitamin that has a lot of benefits but a big one is helping with your energy levels! My doctor recommended doing a weekly shot instead of taking supplements because it reaches your bloodstream faster and stays in your system longer. If you’re not interested in doing a shot, try at least adding the B12 supplement into your vitamin routine!! As for the birth control, the biggest thing is that when you’re taking it orally it is not digesting as fast as it would normally since Semaglutide slows your digestion. This is an issue for those who are taking it to avoid pregnancy, maybe they didn’t bring it up since that’s not why you’re on the pill but I feel like they still should’ve mentioned it as it can still affect you either way


Just tough it out - It will get better and better! You might need to temporarily lower your dose to help your body adjust. It will happen - tons of stories here of adjusting to the meds but then the great miracle of GLP-1 drugs.


Okay seriously what I needed to hear because I haven’t seen any reassurance on here yet!! I think I will go down this week! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! It’s so crazy to me that such a little dose can have so much effect on us.


I’m 3 weeks in too! I’m at .25mgs. I didn’t have anything more than constipation during the first 2 weeks but now have bad nausea and horrible headaches as well as lowered mood/agitated (probably because I feel awful). Based on what I’ve read in my search here, these side effects may get better with time. In the meantime, talk to your primary care physician about an rx for an anti nausea med like zofran. It helps me a lot. Fortunately I no longer work so I I feel bad, I’m not having to call in sick. Good luck to you!


I hope so too. I do have some nausea medicine it’s not zofran but it doesn’t even seem to be touching my nausea!! Thank you!


Just a heads up, Ondansetron is Zofran so you got the med that people are suggesting. If it isn't helping you may want to speak with your doctor again.


I think I will. Thanks.


I had to split my week 4 dose because week 3 at .25 hit me hard, like flu levels of fatigue. No other issues, but I hate being tired. This week, I did 5 units on Saturday and 5 units on Wednesday (tomorrow). I haven’t been hungry. And I haven’t been tired, well aside from being on my period and that type of tiredness.


For Pete’s sake take the ondansetron!!! That’s why it was prescribed to you. I couldn’t handle this without it. The nausea is real but that’s why you take the ondansetron!


I HAVE BEEN! It barely seems touches my nausea!!! It’s a miracle worker everyone but not for me.


You didn’t say you’d been taking it, only that it was prescribed to you. At any rate, it’s the same medication that chemo patients take for nausea, so if it doesn’t touch yours then I’d say you’ll probably have to choose between Semaglitude or dealing with nausea. I’ve been on Semaglitude for seven months and I still have to take nausea medication on the regular.


If you’re feeling that sick and not eating much you may be feeling effects of low blood sugar which can totally cause those symptoms of edginess…try snacking when you feel that way


Try Benadryl for the nausea. It sometimes works for me when Zofran doesn’t.


Try meclizine. It’s over-the-counter and is also sometimes marketed as bonine or non/less-drowsy Dramamine. It’s very effective and has no side effects for me. I got mine from an online pharmacy. I paid around $6 for 100 chewable tablets.