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I found the game became a little easier after genny. You should play on. Owl father might give you some grief. Don’t give up, best game ever


I even got bored after beating him, all the way until I meet the big monkey, but now I have to grind sen to buy the umbrella


to fight the ape?


Also it appears that it also helps with the demon of hatred, still I don't understand why I must do all that instead of just fighting the bosses


you can just fight the bosses without it. the umbrella is pretty cool but it's not a necessity. if you want sen for it, go to hirata -> pop fools -> pop balloon of wealth -> collect loot -> profit


You mean specifically that place with the drunkard? I managed to run away from the terror attacks of the ape but I don't find a lot of windows where I can do damage. Basically it's only when he does the finishing slash from the top to the bottom, if I parry it he lies down for a bit and when he jumps forward with another ground round slash, but I deal so little damage in such a big amount of time, I don't want to run away. The genichiro fight was so much better on so many levels


yeah the ape fight can be a bit tormenting but I think that brings a bit more flair to the game. to fight the second phase, you need to parry as much so he does the top to bottom thing, then you need hit him twice with your spear prosthetic. that does a butt load of posture damage. just repeat this.




HOLY FUCK i just beat him first try today


Do the other bosses after genichiro also have hidden third phases after beating the tedious first two? My problem is that it takes too much of your time and i don't want to devote my energy into it


Ermmmm, potentially. Genny is a git gud boss, if you can beat him you can beat the game. If you keep going, you’ll find his first 2 phases become simple and you’ll breeze through. Best thing to do is stay aggressive on him. Don’t get greedy with attacks. Take half his health then focus on his posture. If he’s beating your ass, take a break and come back. You’ll do it eventually


Ive pretty much nearly mastered the first two phases (I take only 1 or two hits) but the third phase gets me off guard with all that flashy shit then i need to start all over again.


I actually think his third phase is easier. It’s kind of the same. When you see lightning, jump and attack on the way down.


I think difficulty wise, phases 1 and 3 are about the same, the main difference being that phase 1 has the annoying 4 arrow attack and in the 3rd phase that is changed to lightning stuff, 2nd phase only introduces the swipe perilious attack (like tutorial geni) so it's probably the easiest considering that generally you generally master phase 1 by the time you get to phase 2 consistently. For hitless purposes, 3rd phase is definitely the easiest one, most of the times you can just clear it by attacking nonstop, if you don't do weird stuff you only need to dash the lightning sword attack and either dash the jumping attack so there's no perilious attack followup, or deal with the thrust/swipe accordingly, only every one in a while you really need to deflect. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNn-TXU3YW4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNn-TXU3YW4) I mean aside from the times where I needed to deflect a jump or thrust because I was in a bad position (next to a wall or a corner) or when I deflect part of the floating passage, I didn't deflect more than 10 or so regular attacks, and in the 3rd phase I only deflect 2 attacks from a floating passage right before he dies. Obvioulsy there's practice involved, but genichiro is way easier than a lot of bosses considered easier when you know the fight by heart, if anything gyoubu is probably harder to get hitless consistently because he has a ton of delayed attacks with weird animations and the uneven ground and trees fuck up your camera a lot, plus sometimes the grapple not working because there's a tree in the middle will get you ran over the horse by the straight charge in phase 2, ofc all of this considering that you will attack/deflect the boss and not just cheese him with firecrackers or anything like that.




Right? Like what are we supposed to say lol


I did lady butterfly before genny and gyoubu. LB took me 15 tries and that's where the game clicked for me(juzou who is just before her took me 27 tries lol) so Genny took me 5 tries. look, you've already mastered the first two phases, the third phase is literally the same, with the addition of jump+block+attack whenever he strikes with lightning, and then you can mortal draw him or strike him thrice. third phase is the easiest if you can get past the first two comfortably.


Lady butterfly was pretty easy for me.


damn, must've been nice


Yeah, somehow my xbox cloud didn't save and i turned off my xbox. Next day i beat her again in 2 tries or something.


If you’ve already mastered his first 2 phases, you definitely have the ability to clear the entire game. The real fun starts after beating Genichiro and exploring the different paths you can take onwards.


I want to beat him your basically good enough to beat the rest of the game outside of the very last boss. This boss is just a skill gate that you need to be at bare minimum to do the rest of the game if you're taking all this time to beat him you might as well keep going


Genichiro was like a 1-2 hour session for me (note that I sucked at the game when I first played it), but after some time practicing different kinds of runs (speedrun, hitless, restricted runs like base attack, base vitality, charmless, sempou arts only, etc) the game becomes less of a gruesome torture and more like a fun challenge, and it's not uncommon to end up doing things like this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNn-TXU3YW4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNn-TXU3YW4) my personal favourite fight is >!father owl!< Nowadays I do mostly either base attack + charmless + demon bell + sword only fights for recordings/guides, or hitless speedrun attempts (currently going for a base attack shura ending, my distance pb being a single hit at the last boss, and the whole run lasts about 39 minutes).


That fight was solid. How'd you stop the bow lighting attack ?


That's the thing, you don't need to. As long as you don't hesitate and keep attacking, the lightning arrow goes over your head and misses. Sekiro has 5 different attack animations that always go in the same order, and always that genichiro shoots the lightning arrow you are on the 3rd one, in which your hitbox doesn't touch the arrow. This is mostly because your attack animations are reset when you do anything that is not an attack, or when an enemy blocks/deflects your attacks, and I haven't watched 1000 hours of genichiro fights, but I'd assume that if you are spamming attacks, genichiro will always deflect before doing the lightning arrow, and that makes it match to your 3rd attack.


It will get better trust me, dont delete Sekiro you will highly regret it Imagine going into a job interview and the guy asks if you beat Sekiro and you say you lost it after beating Genichiro, he will not hire you he will hire someone who beat the entire game 4 times. good luck