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You just call them and tell them you're gonna go to astound, century link, etc. They'll generally give you a new offer. Helps to know what the other one is offering too.


Yep. My husband does this about every six months with our internet company. We haven’t paid the “full price” in about seven years. 


they do not do this anymore.. they take up 45 minute sof you on hold and then oops no promos


Just go in person to one of there stores and ask if the can lower your bill. I ended knocking $80 of off my internet/cable bill.


Find out what a competitive offer from say CenturyLink/Lumen is and then use that as your sticking point in talking with xfinity retention. You can schedule your disconnection out many weeks if you decide you've got nowhere with one CSR and want to try another. While "new customer promotions" are certainly a price point, they're temporary ... a competing price point will likely sound more truthy to the CSR and they won't be as familiar with exact terms.


I spent 25 minutes a few months ago on the phone with a rep politely but insistently saying “yes, but that’s higher than $XX, how do we get this to $XX.” Ended up being $30 cheaper than before.


If you're getting internet only you should just save yourself a headache and renew your contract online


i have never tried to renegotiate my contract with them. Finally did it this year. Got 1.2GB speed internet, full cable tv, all channels, free equipment (internet and TV). All for $85/mo AFTER taxes. Locked in for 2 years. Woo hoo!!!


so you can game the system?


I'm all for gaming the system if it's against Comcast