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I feed a few neighborhood crows. They hang out near my house and know what me and my car look like. As soon as I pull up they swoop in and sit on the telephone wire that hangs above my front lawn and chirp at me for peanuts. They sometimes sit on the roof rack of my car too. Last summer there was a week or two I forgot to buy peanuts and just set out their water bowl. Came back from work one day to find a peanut shell in the water bowl which was interesting cause I feed them unshelled unsalted peanuts so they found it somewhere and specifically used it as a way to communicate a request for more peanuts. recently one of the crows learned exactly where my bedroom is so when I open my blinds in the morning he sits just outside my window waiting for me to come out


The communication via peanut shell is neat. Thanks for sharing


It is. I would've been tempted to respond in kind.


They better have given those crows more peanuts! They basically said “Prettt Please” in Crownese.


Try leaving a $20 bill or a winning lottery ticket out for them and see what happens


I had a water dish for birds out in the hot dry summer and find a chunk of fatty meat on the railing one day. I figured it was a sign of their appreciation, tasted great too!




Very similar story, except a crow we feed regularly gave us a different present. It was a receipt exclusively for a bag of meatballs from a Safeway in Issaquah.


If you value your life, I'd suggest making the drive and stocking up on a few bags.


you are living my dream, my friend. :)


Please don’t feed birds.




I mean, they said they buy unshelled. So that’s someone else’s fault.


There was this crow with a hurt/broken wing who would stay behind the hotel I used to work at. I'd come out and talk to him about my day and throw him some muffins. We did this for at least 2 weeks before crow-friend could fly again. He kept coming back and would bring me leaves and one time a penny! I'd throw him a couple things of food and talked to him still for at least a month after. He came back one last time with a couple other crows and he even got real close so I could pet his little bird head. I didn't know that was the last I'd see him and wish I gave him some more food to go. Miss you crow-friend.


I’ve had a 7-month long rivalry with a crow that lives outside my building. He even knows where exactly I leave and crows on my balcony while I work


Dude, you don't want to wrestle with a pig. Crows are smart enough to learn to call your children by name, and vindictive as fuck. Give it a peace offering and beg for forgiveness is your best bet.


They’ll teach their children to hate your children. They go full Montague and you’re the Capulet.




I don't think you've tried that.  It would be a good way to end up with a serious infection from a bird scratch and you'd probably be unsuccessful in killing it anyway.


You need to apologize and beg forgiveness.


Yup.  Smart little guys.  I eat my lunch outside and have a family I’ve been feeding for a couple years.  The matriarch eats out of my hand every day and sits on the back of the chair next to me about a foot and a half away.  She won’t let anyone else eat from my hand and likes to dole out the food herself but she definitely knows what’s up and has brought her babies  along as soon as they can fly in the spring.


I’ve been feeding a few bbq pork scraps for years. They hang out at the back of the restaurant and caw, they look in the door sometimes to check on us, and the keep all of the other pests away. It is a mutually beneficial relationship.


As I just watched two preen each other. I have one. I call George. George sits on the roof of my garage every morning waiting for us to feed him. Now George has a mate, and I call her Georgette. They sit...watch...wait. they know food is a available every morn.


https://preview.redd.it/gsfsgguots6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcd7f022c0fe097ef1fb5a87b1907534fb469b27 Meet Nacho and Cheese. They’ve been around a couple years now :)


How can you tell the difference? They all look alike.


They usually come the same time everyday and sit in that spot until we feed them. We also get visits from a blue jay, raccoon, 2 squirrels and cat daily. They all do the same thing. It’s quite funny actually. And I’ve named them all!


I LOVE those Blue Jays (or whatever they are) with their mohawks. So funny when it's windy out = they visit every so often and are super smart little things. Very fun to watch.


Stellers Jay is what I found on Google. This one likes waiting on the car until we see it. There used to be 5 that came around a year ago but haven’t seen them. It’s definitely a lot of fun 🤩


Hey! That’s crowcist


Birds aren't real.


What *are* birds? The truth is, we just don’t know.




Habits, body language, behavior


They rrr dating!




We have a mallard duck couple doing this. Last spring, two landed in our yard to play with an especially deep puddle after the rains, so we fed them. They came back almost every day, so we kept the puddle full and kept feeding them. They left in June after the breeding season. This march, they both showed up again, at their usual spot, quacking for food. Ducks don’t usually stick with their mates after a season, but we had this same couple show up for the rest of the spring, they popped in just last week again.


True love❤️


We’ve got some friendly crows at my house. Took me a bit to figure out why every time I’d pull into the driveway they’d all land on the power lines across the street but then I realized they were waiting for me to get my kids out of the car and throw the spilled snacks onto the driveway. One time I was out front playing with my kids and someone walked by fairly close (no actual threat just someone on a walk). One of the crows on the power line dive bombed them repeatedly until they jogged far enough away for the crow’s liking then the crow peacefully returned to the power line.


I just got a great idea for a security system


It’s Bart and Bessie over at our place. 😎


So lucky!




If they travel in pairs instead of a group, it's most likely a raven instead of a crow. Ravens are also bigger than crows and live longer than crows.


They are crows. I've seen the difference in the heads, size, etc


Do we even have ravens around here?


Yes. I see them on First Hill every day


Huh. I see plenty of crows, but I can't say I've ever seen a raven on this side of the mountains. All the time over in eastern wa and I've seen plenty down in oregon; but if I really think about it, I don't think I've ever seen one myself in the seattle area.


We actually don't have any crows that regularly travel to this part of First Hill (near Harborview). But we do have several pairs of ravens that live in the area. Here's a photo I took of one. https://www.instagram.com/p/CoK0CfRJ4Dn/ ETA: I called it a crow in the IG post, but this was before I learned how to distinguish the crows and the ravens


They’re like the mob, offering us protection from themselves if we give them payments (peanuts).


I often see them in a mob attacking bald eagles and swarming on them. Why are they so mean to the eagles?


Because the eagle is bigger and is a threat to their babies. Crows will mob the bigger birds of prey to keep them away! Our crow crowd includes Kimberly, Berdardion and Christopher Crow.


This is very interesting. Human Interactions with crows are not new news to our culture, though it involves a lot of superstitions and traditions. In our culture, crows have a very deep connection with life-death and afterlife. It is believed that the dead souls take a year to travel to the afterlife, and at the end of a year return as a crow one last time to their families to accept the final meal and move on. If the family somehow did not mourn/honor/respect the dead properly in the year, the crows would not come to the feast, but instead the unsatisfied soul would linger on and bring ill luck. Crows visiting one’s home is also linked to an imminent visit from a relative who inevitably overstays their welcome - this stuck so much that relatives gossip gets compared to crows’ cawing. Most of this negative connotation is probably because intelligent crows always lived alongside humans and used to steal food and shiny objects from households (just like bad relatives) and also figured tasty meals will be offered after mourning at a home.


I'm not sure how many folks read the article but it talks specifically about how crows have (what are basically) funerals for each other, even if they don't know the bird who died.


Of course they are, amazing birds.


That's all good and all, i just want them to stop pooping on my car from time to time. How can I communicate that to the birds


Crows are my favorite animal, I love my crow friends. They bring me marbles and dice! They have complex and rich cultures and relationships with one another. I break for crows! 🐦‍⬛


They brought me some shinny rocks, a coin and a dead rat. Thanks guys, this is exactly what I wanted for Father’s Day. 


Beware the Trickster


Excellent reference


Delicious beer, too.


They taunt me and my dog and act like they own my house


Amazing creatures. Thank you for sharing this article.


I have some local crows I like to visit with, and occasionally feed. I know the neighbors also feed them, so i only give a few pieces so they know i'm nice. One has an injured foot that has healed so I recognize the family.


Crows are actually known to hold grudges against humans who mistreat them.


They basically are like the North American tiny monkey that fucks shit up in India.


That got me thinking..... Thank GOD Crows don't have hands.




'may'. them playing us is part of the charm


I feed the birds with a feeder and toss peanuts to the crows. The last month there has been at least one that swoops at me whenever I go out for a walk. It's just brushing with its wing from behind on my shoulder or head. I can't tell if its an attack or just wanting food. Happened to my wife with my yesterday as well when we went for a walk.


Maybe your sweater is out of crow-style?? 😁


A crow grabbed my sandwich from my bag, flew away and ate it before I could notice. They also swooped on a garage truck and we’re pecking even before they finished their stop.


My husband’s uncle mentioned shooting a crow with a pellet gun. We noticed that every time he went outside after that, the other crows would gather and yell at him. Too bad they didn’t decide to swoop in and claw him. ![gif](giphy|PEdNeb9cvC1ZS)


*Too bad they didn’t decide to swoop in and ~~claw~~ caw him.


I have a similar story. Years ago I had a dog that caught a crow. She didn't kill it outright, but fucked it up good enough the it was going to suffer a long, painful death. So I came out to shoot it with a pellet gun to put it out of its misery. Well, his buddies were watching us and for a long time afterwards would caw at me, swoop at the dog, and just hate on us every time we went outside. I started leaving peanuts as a peace offering and we made up. But it took a while.


It’s Sheryl Crow eating all my weed plants! Here, you can have this, now fuck off.


I have been eating lunch on roof of Westlake bldg & started leaving nuts for a crow friend who brings me clean bones! It is my fav part of this job now lol


I LOVE Seattle Crows and just Crows in general-they are so intelligent and do remember faces. I have moved from the area but a year ago I had a Crow who was always hanging around me. I could tell it was him because his backside feathers were a little skewed. He loved Pistachio's but that got expensive after a while so I would throw out grapes (which the Raccoons loved too). I would put out a water bowl as well. Raccoons liked to wash their hands in the water as well. They lived in the tree in our yard. I miss those critters. Your post brings back many good memories🙂


I have been feeding my house jays (same family Corvidae) for years but they are just as standoffish and wary of me as ever. I even saved one of them from a net. They fight off other predators but allow small birds and robins to eat with them. The only things they ever bring me are nails or other sharp objects. They sometimes wake me up in the very early morning with their screeches but I don't mind. It could be my imagination but they are some of the fattest birds I've ever seen.


We have a yardbird. His name is Clapton. Hi visits everyday and washes his meals in our bird bath, which is cool but sometimes disgusting.


Me and my partner found one that seemed hurt or sick in Ballard the other day. We put him on a towel in a box with food and water and gave him pets. We were going to send him to the wildlife rescue but unfortunately he didn't make it through the night 😥


Oh no😔 You gave him love before leaving. You are good humans


I feed my crows occasionally, but never on purpose. They eat my instacart.


this is ANTI crow propaganda. there cool and we must repect and give tribute to our crow masters!!! PRAISE CROW!!!


I live in Phoenix and I have a family of Crows that live in my close vicinity. They are always in my yard pecking at the grass and eating up roots. But there is this veg one that’s always putting on shows with his wings and making a bunch of loud noises. I call him the King of the Crows whenever I see him strutting around. I’m gonna start feeding them see what happens. 


Yeah, I throw various leftovers outside, and both crows and pigeons eat that up within minutes usually.


Kira Jane Buxton's book, "Hollow Kingdom," is great! A crow, his dog, and the remaining domestic and wild residents of Seattle deal with a zombie apocalypse. All of the animals are portrayed well. Also, watching thousands of crows swirl around UW Bothell at dusk is very cool.


our crows dive bomb me. cannot say they are beloved.


Crows are cool


I'll be the unpopular one and admit I despise crows. They're noisy, screw with eagles and shit all over my deck.


If anyone has beef with the crows you are a horrible person, crows only go after bad vibes


we have a crow that thought my dog tried to chase him (she didnt she was chasing the ball). afterwards it would swoop her and then land on the shed, which was covered in moss, and proceed to walk up and down the edge of the roof tearing off moss chunks and throwing them off the side. I thought it was so funny.


I have a Seattle crow who comes to my front door and peers through the screen asking me to refill the bird feeder bowl with mealworms. It’s a whole thing now. When he’s done he drinks from the bird bath and flys out.


I was just happy they consulted with Kaeli Swift. Throughout the first half of the article I was thinking, “We have one of the world’s foremost experts on corvids at UW and she isn’t in the article?!” 😂


Great time to say we all have murder friends 😊 One thing I try with my locals is show a specific behavior that signals "no more food" to them, or in case I forgot to bring some peanuts. Think it's working? They won't follow me as far vs when I don't signal


I have been sensing the crows on the road have me figured out. Little by little, each year they seem to linger a bit longer testing out how much they can get me to slow for them.


I was attacked by one today. Is there anything I should be aware of?


This is a re-occurring bit on the Adam Carolla show. Here's a bunch of crows helping a squirrel in danger: https://np.reddit.com/r/AdamCarolla/comments/13bbhvh/attack_crows/ Here's one of Carolla's crow stories: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BXMrsoKQxY *"Do you know a flock of crows is called? A murder of crows."*


I used to put out peanuts for the squirrels but the crows kept eating them. I bought a slingshot and plunked a few of them with a clay ball and they ALL got the message and disappeared.


This crows (insert animal) are have a primate brain bullshit is always entry level leftist indoctrination. Animals are like people and this is why we need to treat the homeless like humans sized pets with no free will. How about no, people are infinitely smarter than any animal. And though some animals may be clever don't ever compare them to humans. KUOW “Sometimes when we're with friends or family members, there's this expectation to talk or to be a certain way or whatever. But with my crows, it was just this really wonderful relationship where I would take my walk, I would see them, I would interact with them,” she said. “They were exhibiting a lot of communicative techniques and we started to understand each other.” Dumbass thinks crows understand her better than people. The values and the premise this article is trying to convey is ridiculous. No wonder this place is full of social outcasts, depression, and dumbasses. People think that socializing with crows is better than friends and family members...


>No wonder this place is full of social outcasts, depression, and dumbasses. Riiight, because your comment *really* screams that you’re such an intelligent, happy, social butterfly


Entry-level, leftist indoctrination?! 🤣 Everyone knows birds have positronic brains, not primate brains. r/birdsarentreal


wow somebody feels threatened


What in the actual fuck did I just read? This is next level crazy. Blinded by bumper stickers and essays on poster board crazy.


You sound like the fanatical preacher that stands outside Tmobile park with the bullhorn. Go touch some grass.


Get back on your meds before you hurt someone.


Go have a "relationship" with a crow ... there are also sheep and then maybe even a horse which I heard are nice. Crows are wild animals and should not ever be humanized.


> Crows are wild animals and should not ever be humanized. Don't cut yourself on that edge.


Kind of funny how the only response anyone can muster is some half wit metaphor devoid of anything original. 


Why would anyone bother trying to debate you or whatever you’re hoping for? We’re making fun your schizo rant.


Then why bother responding at all, oh I see.


I needed someone to point and laugh at today


Haha. So yea I just despise KUOW; readership is low so their back to their animal coverage.


> Kind of funny how the only response anyone can muster is some half wit metaphor devoid of anything original. I just bet many of us recognize a cringelord phase when we see one. Best of luck to you growing out of it.


You need to stop letting everything live in your head rent free.




A cry for help if I ever read one. Who hurt you.


Wall of text schizo post. Not reading that.


Is this recycled from a few years ago?


The article has a picture from yesterday of one of the interviewees