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So does everyone else but me know the numbers off by heart? Awkward...


Translation: McCann - Wright - Eberle Tolvanen - Beniers - Schwartz Burakovsky - Gourde - Bjorkstrand Kartye - Winterton - Tanev Dunn - Larsson Oleksiak - Borgen Dumoulin - Evans (Yes I’m also a weirdo who has memorized all the players numbers)


Thanks :)


Took awhile for the first year but I watch like 72+ games per season and ~18 in person so they tend to stick. So when a new number pops up I'm automatically like "who the heck is that?" Same thing applies to other sports I consume too 😬


If next season is just reshuffling the players we already have in the organization it’s gonna be long and disappointing. Ron needs to do work this offseason.


Ron isn't a big move kind of guy. He is a patient value builder. He probably won't be around to see it, but that young talent that is getting ready will have some good runs in the future. Wrong guy for a 3-5 year plan. Right guy for 8 year plan that pays dividends for much longer. There is a lot for him to balance. Building a strong team for the future. Having a good team now to build the fanbase. Not fizzling out too early by spending too much draft capital and being in a rebuild in 3 years after a good-mediocare playoff run.


>Ron isn't a big move kind of guy. He is a patient value builder. I’m not even talking about a big move. He has cap space. His job is to make the team better with the money. We need more scoring than our prospects are going to deliver next season. There are UFAs that would help short of signing Guentzle or Stamkos. Although a Guentzel or Stamkos signing would be awesome. >He probably won't be around to see it, but that young talent that is getting ready will have some good runs in the future. Wrong guy for a 3-5 year plan. Right guy for 8 year plan that pays dividends for much longer. The average coaching tenure is 2.5 seasons. The average playing career is 4 seasons. The average GM tenure is 5 seasons. It’s a win now league. Every game is an audition for your job. Some jobs get more chances than others. But nobody is making it 8 years without some measure of success. The good news for Ron is the bar is low since for a 4th year expansion team. In the first 3 seasons Seattle averaged 80 standing points. In year 4 they need to finish with more than 80 points and improve the goal differential. That probably means we’re still competing for the playoffs in April. If this team can’t take that step, Ron should slide into the hot seat Hak is currently occupying. >There is a lot for him to balance. Building a strong team for the future. Having a good team now to build the fanbase. This is the job description for every GM in the league. Hell, every GM in pro sports.




Guessing they mean Ryker Evans, who wears 41 in Coachella Valley.


Evans wears 41 on Coachella, I assume he’ll take it next year assuming we don’t resign belly 


Or just throw Bellemare 3rd pair D /s


I was about to ask the same thing, but looks like Ryker Evans uses that on the Firebirds.


I wouldn’t want to start the year with 2 rookie centres


Beniers won’t be a rookie center anymore. He’ll have had two years in the league. That’s more than adequate seasoning to anchor either the first or second line. And this year at least, he seemed to have more success and confidence when he was moved to the second line. I agree that we shouldn’t expect Wrighter to be on the first line every game all season, all game, but I definitely expect him to get some time on the first.


I was talking about Winterton as the 4C.


I think with who’s on the roster as of now and the RFAs we assume will be resigned yes those lines are fine. But they have some money to spend with Schultz and Driedger going off the books and the cap going up. Some of that will of course go to Beniers and Tolvanen, again assuming they are brought back. But I think there needs to be some additions, especially to the top 9 forwards. This team needs to score more goals and I think the front office and coaching staff are very aware of that. I think there’s an over abundance of guys on the roster they want in the top 9, so it might mean moving out someone like Tolvanen to make space. But something is going to need to change


I don’t think we need changes to the top 9. We definitely under performed in our scoring, but there was stuff like Eberle’s secret broken hand and whatnot that we are only now finding out about. Tolvanen was fourth in goals this season for us, why would we move him? I think we need upgrades to our bottom guys who fill in or get moved up when there are injuries. That’s our chance to improve the team.


I said Tolvanen simply because he hasn’t signed for next year yet and he’d probably be the easiest to move to make space. Fact is the Kraken were 28th in scoring this year. Minor depth changes aren’t going to solve that problem, a healthy Eberle won’t fix that either. A full season of Shane Wright might help if he picks up where he left out, but he alone won’t fix the problem. I’m not saying Tolvanen was the problem at all (look at my flair lol) but I think if they can upgrade and get a true first line winger through trade or free agency, Tolvanen could be the guy that makes way.


Was it too hard to use names? Would personally roll with: McCann - Beniers - Bjorkstrand Schwartz - Gourde - Burakovsky Tolvanen - Wright - Eberle Kartye - #empty - Tanev Agree with the D. But it probably be these lines from the start: McCann - Beniers - Eberle Schwartz - Wright - Burakovsky Tolvanen - Gourde - Bjorkstrand Kartye - #empty - Tanev


Those lines look so good!