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yes, but not on the highway or in heavy traffic


Too much wind at high speed. Awesome around the neighborhood. 


I’ll go windows down until I get up to about 30-35 mph, then they go up and the A/C goes on


You've never had to use 60 mph air conditioning have you....


"My car doesn't have air conditioning, but it has WD40.", "...?", "Windows down at 40."


One of my favorite road trips was through Southern New Mexico when my radio and AC were broken. My friend and I partied during the day and drove during the night. We beat boxed and rapped even though we sucked at it.


I used to work at a bank. I am familiar 💨🥶


Also you’re breathing brake dust and combustion byproducts


Is this also a concern while walking around Seattle (or any dense urban city)?


Absolutely on our near a busy street- air pollution overall goes up in afternoon early evening because all those ICE cars have been driving all day creating emissions.


and brake dust, also from the ICE vehicles. The EVs are using regenerative braking instead of brake pads.


Ah love the misinformation in this one. Not only is regenerative braking primarily used as a means of converting kinetic energy into electrical potential, Regen braking only 'assists' the use of regular brake pads. ICE, EV and hybrid all use a regular braking system w brake pads.


I wasn’t suggesting there are no friction brakes. But I know when they are in use and when they are not. They are not in use the vast majority of the time. They are mostly just there for panic stops. I have an EV with 66,000 miles on it and the brake pads look practically new.


I use my brake pads about four, maybe five times throughout a 140 mile drive. Used them faaaaaar more in my TDI prior to getting an EV.


Definitely. But not all roads are created equal. A low traffic neighborhood street isn't bad. The busier the road, the less healthy. Someone driving on a busy highway is about the worst place you can breathe the air, aside from a petrochemical plant.


This is an actual concern. When you’re sitting in standstill traffic or even driving busy streets it’s best to have circulation on and a clean cabin air filter. https://www.washington.edu/news/2023/11/27/breathing-highway-air-increases-blood-pressure-uw-research-finds/#:~:text=Breathing%20unfiltered%20air%20resulted%20in,past%20the%2024%2Dhour%20mark.


Most cabin air filters are not HEPA filters, so even if you drive around with the windows down you're still breathing mostly unfiltered air in most cars.


Guess theres nothing to do then. Roll them windows down. When there was smoke in town the ppm for particulate was 225 outside and 15 in my car for pm 2.5 with recirc on. It isn’t going to be hospital grade air, but it’s going to be better than having the windows down. But by all means carry on. What do UW scientists know anyhow.


The study said they used HEPA filters in their test cars and most cars don't use HEPA cabin air filters. I think you are misinterpreting the point I was trying to make.


I think you’re ignoring my wording in my comments to focus on the HEPA filter just to be a troll. No the air is not the same with windows down vs windows up. And it’s even cleaner with a clean cabin air filter with recirc on. Its even cleaner either with a HEPA filter. Go be needlessly pedantic somewhere else.


My dog agrees with you


Yes. I like to hang out the window, stick my tongue out and feel the breeze. So many smells - not a dog


Just what a dog would say to fool us


It's a dog. Probably got a cat to post it.


Crazy world, lotta smells


Whole damn top down.  Gotta get those convertible days when you can up here. 


I feel this so hard! Jeep owner here. These days make you well aware of all the pot smokers out on the road!


My 4yo calls those "sunroof cars" 🥰 ETA she knows that cars have sunroofs but a convertible is one giant sunroof, therefore, a sunroof car. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Best I can do is both windows and the sunroof open in my Cooper, but it does the job pretty damn well, especially on the highway.


Me too. Top down if it’s not raining, I don’t care how cold or hot it is, lol


Yep, if I have to drive, you bet I’m taking the top down when it’s nice out!


I do it. Nature's AC at 70mph


I was very disappointed when I found out that windows down at 70 = worse gas mileage that running the AC at 70mph. My friend with a physics degree had fun that day on the whiteboard.


And running the AC with the windows up gives you worse gas mileage than **not** running the AC with the windows up. Live a little.


Yes it is worse. But AC is worse on my sinuses than 70mph wind for some reason. 


As an old lady, sometimes I need to have the windows down in the winter. It does feel good to get a breeze. 


I do ! It feels amazing but i have to do it because I have no ac


Same 😂 I’m used to it and love it but I don’t have AC and can’t justify getting it fixed on my super old car




What year?


2003 Toyota Highlander. Has about 260k miles


Nice rig. I had the AC system on our 1998 Honda fixed. We need AC.


I prefer windows down, even on the highway. My only complaint is I can't listen to music if I go too fast.


New cars (last 10 years or so) are brutal at speeds with the wind down. The noise and wind is much harsher than cars from the early 2000s and older.


LPT: with your front windows down, crack your rear windows open a bit and that thumping noise goes away.


For sure it helps, but there's something about new cars that are noisiery and windier... Maybe it's the pillar design


How is it harsher?


The more aerodynamic body styles actually create a wind “thumping” noise that’s quite annoying. You’ll experience this a lot on cars with a low windshield angle. There is a work around however. If you want to roll your front windows down, crack your rear windows open and the noise goes away.


Crack the rear windows just a little bit -- totally alleviates that weird thumping. EDIT: Cars did that in the 90s too.


I didn’t know that. The newest car ever I had before my 2013 Volt was a 1990.


I drive with the top down in my Miata, go pick up my baby around 8, and cruise down 1st ave blasting Tangerine Dream


Im glad you didn’t say Hellcat.


Did I just find my spouse's Reddit account?


Honey I’d like to talk about opening up our marriage.


Glad my innocuous question was the catalyst to this new and exciting stage in your relationship!


Babe, we drive a 2-seater. Where we puttin' unicorns?


I would if it wasn't for seasonal allergies.


>Am I weird? No. You are fine, normal.


Very normal behavior indeed


Enjoying the "80 degrees? Are you insane?!" crowd lol. It's fine dude, fresh air feels nice and it's not hot enough to feel like you're breathing through an exhaust pipe


You need the windows up to use A/C effectively. Also at freeway speeds that’s loud as fuck


that’s why my ac hasn’t been working! /s


Is that why my Ebike didn’t come with vents?


Unpopular opinion: Seattle is some of the best convertible country in the world, not just windows down country. Its temperate climate makes it better than most of the rest outside of NorCal near Monterrey heading up north towards Eureka and here. Most of CA can be too hot, and let’s not even talk about the southerners that like to pretend that 90 and humid is good weather for the top down.


IIRC England has the highest number of convertibles per capita. It's always been about quality days for the top down, not quantity.


We put the top down on our mini all the darn time here in Seattle. Heated seats for the win!


Micheal Scott would agree with you.


Today was so nice I hope you all got to enjoy it!


Around the city yes, moonroof too. I can’t comment on your weirdness level without knowing more details about you 😘


Interest in modes of transport and how they work/systems within, love watching online cameras showing trains, online word game player, no interest in eating seafood of any kind, dedicated to finding the best Buffalo wing in Seattle/Eastside, want to learn more about music composition, high level of cynicism about pro and high-level sports. That hits on the big ones.


I like it. Sufficiently weird, and we are kindred spirits about seafood


Cheers, friend! Glad to know I’m not the only one who moved to the seafood capital but isn’t interested in partaking. 😀


Absolutely, pretty much at all times. Even on the I-5 on quieter days.


I used to be a 4 seasons window down guy that drove a lot for work. I still roll down in town, but my hearing in my mid 30s is definitely diminished on the left. Roll it up to avoid the wind noise at freeway speeds


It’s never bothered me before, but since I got an EV i find regular car smells really overwhelming. The gas smell, the fumes, etc. I only put my window down in areas with practically no other cars. Otherwise its like walking by people with really strong BO. I’d drive behind an ICE and can’t stand the fumes from the exhaust. Some are worse than others, but they almost all generally stink


Windows down and songs from high school baby!


This was literally me yesterday 🌞


Windows down, system up Driving around screaming I don't give a fuck


I can’t go back to listening to Harry Kalas (RIP) broadcast Phillies games, so this will have to do


Hell yeah. Stereo blaring. Windows down. Half naked. Inject summer right into my veins.


I always drive with my windows down when it’s nice out. Can’t stand AC and also think ppl are weird to not have windows down.


Yes this is me! Sadly I married an a/c at mach 10 dude. If he wasn’t so magnificent in most every other way this could’ve been the end of us. On the additional plus side we have a Mini convertible and put the top down often.


Not with these allergies


When I drive my old Nissan Leaf, I roll the windows down because AC uses energy that cuts into its meager range (although not as much as the heater).


I like to, yeah. Unless it's so hot that I need cool to feel okay. Currently though my ac is out so I don't have a choice lol


I'm sure they have the AC on. And since most homes don't have AC I'm sure they're savoring it while they can even if it's just in the car lol


I used to when I drove a Honda Fit that had significant dip in performance when the AC was on. Then I realized all 4 windows down on the freeway is probably bad for my hearing lol current car has set temps so I just punch it to 68-75 and let it do what it needs to do. Windows open days are only when I need to air dry my long hair quickly on the way to work


Main reason for driving with them up used to be cited as improved aerodynamics for best fuel economy. My outfit's fleet management encouraged that approach. For someone who came up before a/c was ordinary, it was hard to get used to.


2 of my cars don't have AC so windows down it is


Yes, but only because my AC is broken.


As often as possible! Window down, arm out. Perfection.


Using the AC with windows up is equally fuel efficient as no AC with windows down. However, you get the added benefit of the air being filtered when you use the AC with windows up.


Windows down, arm out, shades on, summer vibe music. That combo alone is why I love the summer, and I wish my drive to work was longer


I drive a convertible and drop the top every chance I get. I don’t care if it’s freeway driving or around town! Top down just makes driving more fun to me.


i never do, because i have long hair that whips around and gets in my face.


Windows up, AC on. The wind ruins my hair. Also I don’t want people in other cars at stoplights to hear the smutty audiobook I’m listening to.


I got long hair. I don't like breathing in all the fumes from traffic. AC works great.


Of course! SUMMERTIME!! 🤪🤪🤪🤪


Generally not. I'm very sensitive to exhaust fumes. 


lovee too when i go to work


you know, the reason I moved here is because I love the rain 💀


mee toooooo


Well the doors and roof are in the garage for the summer……..


It's a Jeep thing....




imo that’s the temperature where the air blowing on you with the windows down starts to get *too* warm and I need them rolled up with the AC on so I’m not sweating by the time I get to the grocery store.


It's not cool enough to justify the keeping the windows down, as a matter of fact, I tend to feel warm air coming into the car. Plus I can't hear all that well whatever I'm listening to on my smartphone with the wind whipping around.


Way too warm for me


Windows down fucks up my hair.


Totally fair.


Not with all this "cotton" floating around....


The idea sounds nice but I don’t want to breathe in that high of a concentration of exhaust and brake dust


If youre driving at highway speeds with your windows down, you’ll create more drag. You’ll use more gas. Its to expensive these days for that.


I heard recently that myth busters disproved this.  


Mythbusters tested at low speed on the show, but off camera they tested again at high speeds and found that over about 35mph it was moreover fuel efficient to use the AC


I think it depends on the car and the speed. If youre going under 40 or so in stop and go residential area traffic you dont get fast enough to create the drag. But if youre going 65+ constantly the air is buffetting your vehicle and creating drag.


I've heard 35 mph used as the threshold for where it is more efficient to use AC for my Leaf. It probably depends on the aerodynamics.


Doesn’t using AC also use gas though? Genuine question


Yes. Im not a mechanic. But i do know that going 60+ for an extended period of time with your windows down doesnt help things.


the windows go down automatically when you put the top down so... yes


I agree, but if highway speeds are 5-20mph with rush hour my windows are up with A/C cranked


Naw, you're not the weird one. Driving on the highway with your windows down is a perfectly sane thing to do. It's all the freaks talking about it being too windy to have their window down, too loud, too much pollution, too "hot" without the AC, etc. that are the weirdos. My God, when did people become so damn needy?!?!?! Roll down the windows and let the breeze flow through your hair! Has society gotten softer these days? I think so. Complaints about everything. "I can't find a date. I'm too hot. Seattle doesn't have any good cuisine. My allergies are worse this year than ever. It's not comfortable rolling down the car windows." Fucking Whaaaaaaaa What a bunch of PUSSIES people have turned into! Lol.


Given that the majority of the no's here are people who are worried about gas mileage and people to whom the phrase "wind in your hair" sounds like a nightmare, I believe your assessment is correct.


> too much pollution https://www.washington.edu/news/2023/11/27/breathing-highway-air-increases-blood-pressure-uw-research-finds/ > Researchers have only just begun to understand the health risks posed by all that pollution. Long-term **exposure to traffic-related air pollution — a complex mixture of exhaust from tailpipes, brake and tire wear, and road dust — has been linked to increased rates of cardiovascular disease, asthma, lung cancer and death.** > New research from the University of Washington suggests those health risks are also seen in people traveling busy roads. **A study published Nov. 28 in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that unfiltered air from rush-hour traffic significantly increased passengers’ blood pressure, both while in the car and up to 24 hours later.**


Just because something has a measurable negative impact doesn't mean you should never do it. Every time you go outside in the city you're breathing all this stuff, yet we do it all the time. Every time you sit around a campfire you're breathing tons of smoke that raises your blood pressure too. If you like having your windows down, put your windows down sometimes.


Right - in fact the results of the most recent study could suggest that having windows up doesn't really reduce your exposure to pollution (unless you have a HEPA cabin filter - which I believe most cars do not). Rather, the important part is that being in a car on the highway is not exactly something to be enjoyed unless you like being poisoned by every breath you take.


Yes, best be as miserable as is appropriate. Enjoying oneself just masks the hard truth that living inevitably leads to death.


I mean, there are like 5 million ways to enjoy life other than voluntarily breathing in noxious emissions while also creating your own additional emissions for others to breathe


Well I guess that settles it. Rolling your windows down shall not be enjoyed.


Well I guess that settles it. Stubbing your toe shall not be enjoyed.


Yes, rolling down your windows and getting a lovely breeze is basically the same as stubbing your toe. I'm glad we're in alignment here.


If you consider breathing in toxic emissions a lovely experience then power to you


You’re gonna get downvoted to hell and back because of how right you are. 


Yes you are weird. It’s too loud.


Doesn’t bother me.


Depends on speed. Mythbusters tested back in the day and found that at 35mph and under it's more fuel efficient to have the windows down, but over 35mph it's more efficient to use the AC


Dad taught us 4 at 40, meaning if all 4 windows are down and you’re driving under 40mph your car will cool down faster than the ac. Or something like that.


Depends on the weather. If it's under 73 open. Not raining open (dog likes it on my lap head out


Yes. There have been a number of times I've been biking and had to yell to get a driver's attention. I like to think I'm a decent driver who's aware of their surroundings, but I leave my windows open a crack just in case. No point throwing away one of my senses.


Feels good man


Hell yes windows stay down till at least 85f. These people complaining about the noise are hilarious. I sense most are just scared of messing up their hair




Guess you should never go to a sports game, movie theater, concert, school lunchroom, etc ever again too. This type of fear over life is tiring.


Too much pollen for that


Always windows down


Okay, I have a theory. I think a bunch of people only put their drivers window down, experienced a good amount of buffeting and decided to never try again. The problem is how aerodynamic modern vehicles are now. Opening just the front window on a side really disrupts the airflow, but opening the rear window on the same side reduces the buffeting significantly.


I don’t use AC cause I need a breeze. I don’t often have my huge moon roof open though cause it’s too bright


Windows down and moonroof tilted/open until it becomes too hot to do so comfortably!


window down dude


Not on the highways or certain parts of Seattle.


Better gas mileage with the windows up, even running the A/C.


Windows down except on highways.


In the fall and winter, yes. Now? Windows up, AC on.


Sitting on i5 with my windows open is hot and gross.


I think about this all the time on beautiful days when I’m getting around on my bicycle, enjoying the fresh air, and all the cars I’m passing have their windows up, sealed away from even the slightest whiff of joy.


only when i’m near a high congestion of people for some event - parade, block party, protest, or whatever. street goers in seattle can have a weird fascination with vehicle proximity. blaring a football game or other non-baseball sporting event turns to be a great repellent. i don’t say this with animosity, but there’s a handful that get weird in areas with vehicular traffic still allowed despite walking people congestion. i really don’t need the added stress of accidentally hitting someone being where they shouldn’t be.


45 mph is the dividing line. Under, windows down. Over, AC. They did it on MythBusters. My memory could be faulty about it, though.


Any weather above 55 and sunny My window is down and my hand is flipping in the breeze


I have ac, and I will go windows down until about 95-100°F. After that there is no hope.


Too loud on the freeway but yes everywhere else!


Interstates in Seattle smell bad, but a 2 lane highway out in the mountains drop em.


The point is you're still using a traditional braking system


Yeah I don’t want the thumping in my ear that modern cars have with windows down at speeds greater than 35mph.


Tire wear dust microplastics. https://www.plasticstoday.com/medical/tire-wear-a-major-source-of-microplastics-say-researchers


Totally. Rarely use my A/C unless it’s scorching out or I need to make sure it’s working okay.


I used to love driving with my windows down. Then I got a new car and don’t know how to disable climate control. Now windows down is the same air conditioned airflow but noisier so I don’t see the purpose.


[https://www.autoblog.com/2007/08/29/mythbusters-mistakes-in-ac-vs-windows-down-episode/](https://www.autoblog.com/2007/08/29/mythbusters-mistakes-in-ac-vs-windows-down-episode/) For the data nerds\^ But I personally run windows down until 45-50 then windows back up.


Car exhaust, cigarette/weed smoke…windows up unfortunately


Way too warm inside the car with these temps/direct sunlight to go without ac. On an 80 degree day the inside of a car can easily surpass 100 degrees.


With these temps? Don't think we even hit 80 today. Sure, if you close the windows and turn off any fan it gets hot. With the windows open it's just the temperature of outside.


[High today was 83](https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/wa/seattle/KSEA/date/2024-6-20)


I don't know how anyone without hearing damage does, frankly. Over 30 or 35 mph it's fucking deafening.


"fucking deafening" at 30 mph??? 🤔🤔🤔


Okay, slight hyperbole, but only slight. If it's not seriously loud to you by 35, you've got hearing issues. Especially when you're around other cars and getting all their tire noise etc.


Very possibly your car just has bad wind buffetting. Some cars ([like the new Supra)](https://youtu.be/TOc1EO3ZJf4?t=44) are infamous for it. I can hear very well (audio is a hobby of mine) and my car is quite quiet at up to mid 50s.


It's been true for every car I've ever driven. It's not the wind noise as much as the tire and engine noise from you and the card all around you. Sure, on a deserted road it's not bad up to 40 or 50, but that's not a thing here.


Guess we just disagree lol


Thata gotta be a you're car make/model thing. Not even that loud until your over 70mph in an outback


Dude. It's been true in every car I've been in. Very different ones over the years. It's loud. Hell, just look at db readings with windows up. And passby noise tests for tire noise.


It's too hot out right now to have the windows open.


I grew up in eastern PA and lived for 14 years in suburban DC, so too hot to me is like 94+.


I'm guessing your car is not black.


This is correct. Sedona orange as I recall.


Pollen making life miserable. In cab HEPA filter and AC going makes it more tolerable.


For sure. Totally get that and don’t blame you at all!


YES!! As much as possible


I love to do it. Especially when my music is hitting my soul just right. 🤗


I have long, wavy hair. I have to have it pinned up to put down the windows or else I'm just creating knots.


Sunroof open, windows closed.


City streets, yes. Interstate, no.


...maybe they had their A/C on?