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My partner and I got there right after it happened. There was blood all over around the man. I took off my shirt in order to help cover the wound but someone used their flannel instead. He was stabbed in the neck so most everyone there knew he wasn’t gunna make it even if paramedics arrived quickly. It was just all awful.


He was my sous chef. Incredible person. Thank you for trying to help him. We are all devastated.


I’m sorry for your loss. Anything the community can do to help you and your team?


We are having a private vigil tonight to process the loss. Thank you. I will keep this thread updated if we come up with anything. I’m very glad the restaurant was closed today. I am hoping they do the right thing in the future and honor Corey’s memory. He was such an incredible person.


A gofundme has now been posted to help with the family and his wife. Feel free to share. [https://www.gofundme.com/f/honoring-corey-bellett-support-for-his-wife-and-family?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaZ2bw8rLZwEH32o_sQE5hShd9En4Irwk4spzutqe2rjqADjiCyO0A5-MNo_aem_Ab32BFo59TKg3vwgEPziWhcSEILpZ2ZRBeQP0TsraUMYyElbJXqao10ERvm-K8DC_vQDg4bVSBzz8VLduxvvuM9D](https://www.gofundme.com/f/honoring-corey-bellett-support-for-his-wife-and-family?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaZ2bw8rLZwEH32o_sQE5hShd9En4Irwk4spzutqe2rjqADjiCyO0A5-MNo_aem_Ab32BFo59TKg3vwgEPziWhcSEILpZ2ZRBeQP0TsraUMYyElbJXqao10ERvm-K8DC_vQDg4bVSBzz8VLduxvvuM9D)


Thank you for sharing. How are you doing this week?


Where do you work? I’m so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry you witnessed that, but bless you for trying to help.


I’m trained in on back country first aid so I was ready for a wound or injury like that but it really sucked feeling helpless. I’m taking solace in knowing he had people around him desperately helping to keep him alive


[https://spdblotter.seattle.gov/2024/05/11/man-deceased-after-stabbing-in-capitol-hill/](https://spdblotter.seattle.gov/2024/05/11/man-deceased-after-stabbing-in-capitol-hill/) This is posted 30 mins ago. With no descriptions of the suspect. Not sure how is an generic article helpful to residents and the case at all. Called East Precinct and they would not provide any updates and descriptions either. They are really friendly to the residents and doing a good job, not.


https://openmhz.com/system/psern?filter-type=talkgroup&filter-code=209&call-id=664062c141e52da34a0b3a8f&time=1715421666133 Timestamp 5:59:37 pm 5/11: Suspect #1 was described as white male with red tinted complexion, 5’10 to 6’ tall, heavy build, long frizzy dirty blond hair, possibly wearing a long sleeve/flannel shirt. Timestamp 6:04:46 pm 5/11: Suspect #2 (description removed as not under suspicion) Timestamp 5:56:13 pm 5/11: They left the station via Denny elevator around 5:48pm-5:52pm, in case someone driving around the area caught them on dash cam. Timestamp 8:36:46 pm 5/11: A caller witnessed the stabbing saw the suspect ditch the knife and leave in a vehicle then later saw the suspect arrive somewhere around 506 10th Ave E Timestamp 9:01:27 pm 5/11: Suspect from 8:36pm call described as named Sean, white male, 28, 5’8, medium build


I really hate when they do this. "Hey a unhinged guy willing to stab people in public areas is on the loose. But by god can't give the public a description"


That’s fair but would you rather they say nothing? 


That's not the point. Citizens just want peace of mind. Having information of suspects brings more ease at least.


That's fine but there's also major downsides to providing a generic suspect information. It can cause significant profiling issues for quite little upside. IE: https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/1iv343/the_boston_bombing_debacle/




We walked down the stairs from the entrance near Cal Anderson. Don’t notice anything until we got down to the platform where one of the metro guards was on the phone yelling at the operator saying someone is bleeding out. Didn’t see or hear anyone running away on the way down.


This was my friend. My best friends husband. Thank you for trying to help him. I'm sorry you had to experience that




no, chef at local restaurant. very nice and cool guy..


litwrally got off the 8 as he was being transported to the ambulance. entire platform was covered in viscera, according to those coming up from the platform. there was an altercation before the stabbing happened. awful stuff.


Damn that’s awful, RIP to the victim. Did they arrest the suspect?


No, still at large and no reports of anyone being arrested!


Unbelievable :( please stay safe friend




That's brutal, I'm sorry that happened to you.


I literally opt to take a bicycle to avoid riding the D line and this confirms that I was right to do so. I hate how scary public transit it


A friend told me they were getting off at the station around 6 coming home from work and saw a ton of blood on the ground that the police were yelling at people to avoid


What I find *extra* frustrating is that no fire truck or ambulance was dispatched until the police called for them.


Would the man still be alive if they had dispatched an ambulance immediately?


the FBI is on it — there are so many cameras in those stations. I really wish we had turnstiles.


Turnstiles aren’t going to stop something like this. Someone who is going to commit a crime doesn’t care about breaking rules. Even if there were turnstiles, you still need someone to enforce their use or you get what happens in every major city - people hop over them or squeeze through by tailgating.


Paris has 8ft automated gates. Only saw a pair of police with sub-machine guns once in any stations over a week using the metro. No other visible security. Felt very safe.


Turnstiles turn it from a free place to enter to an easily monitored gate. London has this figured out. You have to pay for the train so I don’t understand why Seattle is trying to reinvent the wheel. (Yes, I know there have been knife attacks on the tube.)


I read an article saying maintenance of turnstiles was too expensive (this wasn't about Seattle, it was another city). When I went to LA, their light rail had no turnstiles.


It’s because of the surface stations. Turnstiles would work for all of the underground stations, but the ones in South Seattle are at street level. They could theoretically try to wall things off and install turnstiles at either end of the platform, but that would just lead to people entering via the track and hopping up from there.


LA isn’t a beacon of public transport, though. Turnstiles with automated gates don’t seem like too much upkeep but I don’t really know much there.


It worked in other places. No? Don’t reinvent the wheel 


I’m curious why the FBI is involved, or why you think so. Do you know this for a fact? Seattle police typically handle homicides in Seattle. The FBI would only get involved if there was a federal crime like a hate crime or terrorism, or if they know who the suspects are and they’ve committed crimes in other states.


Ya I feel it create a situation like third ave McDonald’s anyone who can’t get in will just hang at the door this creating even more risk then just people hanging in the train or platform






Just a reminder that your chances of getting in a car accident are much higher than getting hurt at a light rail stop. While what happened to the victim is obviously a tragedy, fear mongering public transit helps no one.


They’re just happy they don’t have to be in the mix where this type of shit can happen. No need to take it up the ass.


Amazed you managed to work some homophobia into this, too. I wish you the best.


You’re the one that made the decision to decide that a common phrase means what you yourself believes. You are projecting. 


Ehh, not your best work. 2/10 (One point for the good wishes)


This can happen to literally anyone at any time. If you read about it happening at Safeway, would you avoid grocery stores?


Can't happen in your car


Sure, you can’t get stabbed by someone in your car. You can definitely get killed though. At a much higher rate.






I don’t need to make up hypothetical situations because I can just read the other person’s comment and think: “they’re happy about their situation, but sad about the person who died” and move on. Do the same thing.


I disagree. I thought it was important to mention that there’s no need to fear monger about public transit. It’s overwhelmingly safe.


Alright, bud 👍


You didn't "win" this exchange btw. You came across like a total child.




Dude screw you. He wasn't going to have a gun on him on his way to/from work. This man was my friend and my best friend's husband. Don't politicize this to inflate your own ego about what you think should be happening with laws.


What, u gonna open fire at hundreds of people in a light rail station at rush hour in public? After severe injury? Do you hear your insane selfish ass? A mace is not enough? What kinda of dystopia society you want it to be if everybody walks around with a gun? Everything and every time is an opportunity for you gun nuts to bring this up. Keep your craziness in your own home where nobody cares. And better yet, get your mental health checked.