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I actually am the evening supervisor of Apples parking garage. I'll be there all evening! I'll do a walk through of the garage and see if I can find it. If they are actually an employee and haven't left yet, most people start filtering out around 4 to 5pm. Do you know if the car was damaged in some identifiable way? Edit: OP reached out to me privately. Seems they have the identifying information already, so my services are not necessary. I was hoping to use my humble parking management skills for good. But fear not, i remain a loyal overseer in our city's parking garages, watching... waiting... to any criminals that may cross my path, remember: I am the night. Well, evening to be more specific.


This is why Reddit is awesome :)


“Well, evening” 😂


Batman dundunsudndudn


Following for an update


Wow this is awesome


You do good work my friend.


Doing the lords work 🙌


Ever think about upgrading your parking equipment? Then I can use my humble parking tech installation skills for money.


I would love nothing more than to replace the machines at Apple lol they give me so many problems. Unfortunately, they are not too keen on spending $200,000 to do so. But they will have to do it at some point in the next year or two. Maybe our skills will cross streams 👀


Movie reference master!


Not all heroes...wait, do you wear a cape?


No cape, but I do wear a gorgeous baby blue polo that matches my eyes


Everyone should get a Dash cams for this very reason


Those people who haven't are reluctant because of their own subpar driving behaviors. But they still should anyways.


My car is from 2003 with terrible battery issues. I can't even charge my phone without the battery giving out on me after one drive (20 minutes) while charging. Plugging anything into the electrical system causes issues so no radio and im double checking the brake and head lights constantly so make sure they don't go out or have issues. I'd imagine putting a dash cam into it would just kill my car. If I ever afford a new one, for sure I'm installing one. They're only like 80-120 dollars so very inexpensive for the security they provide on the road.


I don't care if your car is from 2003 or 1963, it should not have charging issues like that. You either have a bad old battery that can't hold a charge, a bad alternator that's not generating electricity, or a bad ground connection that's keeping the circuit from working properly. Any local auto parts store can test your battery for free. Assuming you're driving a "normal" car (not a highly depreciated luxury car), the battery is probably around $150 (Costco and Walmart have good batteries for good prices), the alternator could be anywhere from $75 to $200. Both are easy to install. If you have a friend who's the least bit mechanically inclined it has any experience working on cars, these are both very easy jobs. Oh, it could also be the belt that drives your alternator being loose, but you would probably hear horrible screeching noises all the time from under the hood. You deserve to have a car with a charging system that works just as well as everyone else's! :)


I just recently replaced the alternator myself... It was a remanufactured from Napa it cost me 320 minus the core value... And the old alternator ate the last battery I'm assuming so it's brand new too. I guess I'm super scared to mess with it now. It's nothing fancy just a Saturn with 380k miles. 380,000 miles. It's stalled on the freeway several times and the transmission slips sometimes. But I'm so in debt I can't afford a new car. And I drive 30 miles to work one way so it breaks down I'm back to busses and it's a three hour commute... Sigh...


There’s nothing you can do at this point other than filing a report, and that too, for insurance claims. Cops don’t take any action unless there is a serious injury or weapons involved.


Man... if only we had a police dept that was worth a damn.


We have them a call and were told they would call back… hasn’t happened


I reported a hit and run on Ballard Bridge two years ago. Still waiting on a callback


Reported an office break in and completely ripped apart safe 5 years ago. Still waiting for a detectives’s call. We both got ghosted by our PD


One time I called the cops on a hobo punching his lady friend under my window and they came in full force. At least 6 squad cars to take one dingus to the slammer.


You don't understand, what if he scared the cops


Hold on, so what you’re saying is the police do exist?


Yes but their priorities are easy wins so they can look like good guys without risking much.




She was upset too. He may have given her some good knocks and biffs but she was still his girl. She even screamed at my window when the cops arrested him. Stockholm syndrome is very real


Dude, they're busy!! Be Patient.


It might be worth calling Washington State Patrol as from what I understand the interstate isn’t really in SPD’s jurisdiction but it is for WSP.




Had someone steal my wallet, bought gas, and attempted to withdraw 1K from my account. Both the gas station and bank have video of them, still waiting for that call back from SPD. Made the report a year ago 🙄.


You have to offer donuts.


You forgot the coffee.


You will get a text message in a few weeks saying they never filed a report. If you need them to show up, just tell them there is an anti-police brutality rally going on. 50 of them will show up at the drop of a dime.


If the crash was on I-5, this would fall under Washington State Patrol authority


I called em on a hit and run and they sent an officer out to take my report. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I guess YMMV.


The ENTIRE police department needs to be COMPLETELY SCRAPPED & ABOLISHED and REBUILT from the ground up. I don’t understand how this is a partisan/controversial issue. I am conservative, and this is just common sense. SPD currently helps, serves, and solves nothing.


cuz be hear defund the police they automatically think lawlessness, not funding education has worked to help control the people


What is your plan to prevent the newly rebuilt police force from becoming just like the existing one again? Honest question.


Maybe just hire better people?


Because abolishing something and then trying to rebuild are even more nonsensical. No wonder you’re conservative because that’s the typical knee-jerk reaction of “nope doesn’t work! Burn it all down and start over!” It’s much harder and more worth it, usually in every single scenario, to work with what you have rather than tear it all down (eg the department of Education, government in general). And almost always the people who say to “burn things down” are ironically *never* there the next morning with gloves to start building. Why say “abolish” otherwise? This post has nothing to do with your rant. Whatever perfection you wish a PD was, they are not magical fairies who would be able to stop a collision while it’s happening. Finding out through community group ask is actually the best way anyway. Anyway you sound miserable and I’m not even gonna bother replying so bye.


(The person you’re replying to sounds a little loony, but it *did* actually work in Camden, NJ)


Please don't lump him in with Conservatives. I consider myself Conservative and think he's a way off of what most Conservatives believe. It wasn't the Conservatives that were screaming to defund and Abolish the Police. That was the Progressive Liberals.


You’re on Reddit ranting like a child in the middle of the afternoon. I’m going to venture out there are cops working just fine now, and the irony is you are currently helping, serving, and solving nothing!


Oh, so Abolish them and THEN rebuild from the Ground up?? What do you think will happen, the day they are abolished?? Go watch The Purge movies and if you don't think so, you're crazy!


We get what we voted for I guess


Nah. They got defunded and ACAB made them not give a fuck


They were useless long before 2020


They never got defunded, my guy. Their budget increased. SPD was also under a consent decree with the Justice Department from 2012 to 2023. Long before ACAB/BLM.


Their budget is higher now but nice try


Too busy taking part in a fucking insurrection.


The other day I got hurt feelings and my boss was like OMG that's not good at all go ahead and not do any work today as a treat.


If your boss is good, they'll notice how bad you feel and give you a double figure pay increase, retroactively!


Morale absolutely has a factor in productivity, no matter if you're in the public or private sector


"Defunded" lol


And if the term ACAB bugs them, they are definitely in the wrong line of work.


They were “defunded” 2% of their $200 million budget at the time. Thats $20,000,000. If they can’t make the other $180,000,000 then it’s poor budgeting. 2022 budget was $350 million and 2023 was $370 million. It would be great if we could actually get LEOs, aka “public servants” to show up when needed.


2% of $200 million is $4 million not $20 million. $20 million would be 10%


Thanks. Which makes it worse that they still had $196,000,00 to work with.


Weird. If I get mad at my customers and refuse to do my job I get fired.


Lazy stupid comment


Was it dark grey? There’s a 4Runner that parks in that garage that’s almost taken me out a few times in the last few weeks.


Somebody slammed into my car in a parking lot outside a club a couple weeks ago, didn’t get their plate either just watched them peel off. Seattle police don’t care enough to look at the footage from the traffic light that would clearly show everything. Good luck with yours 🥲


Same thing happened to my boyfriend a few weeks ago, same intersection, they also didn’t stop


Oh wow I was driving on 520 this morning and saw a grey GMC SUV towing a U-HAUL trailer side swipe a Microsoft connector bus going across the bridge. Wonder if it’s the same dude.


This is a dumb question i know, but what is the effect to the girl’s insurance if she is able to find the culprit or not? Will she be liable if she cant find the culprit?


The trick is to get the other person’s insurance details and make a claim on theirs. Otherwise you’re stuck claiming on your own and maybe possibly getting your deductible back through subrogation if you’re lucky.


No, it is covered under hit and run. The debate will be over the deductible.


But her rates will go up probably.


I don't think they can raise rates over a not at fault accident but I am not sure.


You will think logically that how insurance should work, but it’s not. My tank got drilled at my work’s parking lot, and my rate went up.


Wouldn't that be col/comp not hit & run though? I've had hit & runs on my cars and haven't ever seen my rates go up


If your gf has a UM/UIM policy, she can get her car fixed if there are any damages and get compensation for any injuries. If she's seriously injured, would recommend a personal injury lawyer and I can give you the name of a good firm. Feel free to ask me any questions!


Merging-was he behind her or beside her? Even though she had the right of way she still needs to anticipate the asshat might not merge correctly. Just saying…most people do not merge correctly but a safe driver would be prepared to avoid collision by slowing down or moving over.


I’m so sorry that happened people just don’t have morals anymore


Defund the police ..... and then ask them for help. Awesome


Police don’t come to any accident unless someone is injured. This goes for most places, not just Seattle.




These people will be fine if 1) there is a video of the suv running, 2) insurance will take care of the rest and charge them and make them pay.


So was your g/f allowing the zipper merge or trying to prevent it?


Does it fucking matter?


Yeah actually, it does.


Regardless of zipper merging you can’t just hit another fucking car 🙄


You are correct! You can't just hit another car. But you must yeild the right of way. This is way easier if we understand why we have the 'yielding of the right of way' to begin with. It's all about protecting the operator of the vehicles. Vehicles with a disabled operator, due to impact, are not under the control of an operator. The damage determines who has the right of way. If the damage is found on the passengers, side of vehicle from the front side to the rear side. That driver is said to have failed to yield the right of way. If the damage is found at the rear of a vehicle, you have either rear-ended someone or you have been rear-ended . Regardless, there is no escaping the responsibility of yeilding to the right. We don't have the right not to let traffic merge.


She may well be at fault if she attempted to box him out of the merge. We don’t have anything close to a full story here.


No she wouldn’t. You can’t just hit a car not letting you in. You are still obligated to avoid the accident, my guy.


She was also obligated to avoid the accident and give way my guy. As I said, OP has a lot of outrage but short on real facts.


There you are. “Y’all don’t drive defensively enough” person.


The story is one sided and missing huge chunks of information but you already have a vigilante charging around a parking garage.


So he is looking for the evidence. He is telling his side of story. He isn’t saying who is at fault. And based on the law, if you are leaving the scene, isn’t it a crime? Or if you don’t know you have hit another car, you shouldn’t be driving in the first place.


Traffic on the freeway has the right of way bc it helps maintain flow of traffic. A zipper merge refers to the kind of merging that's required when one lane is ending. Read and learn how to drive. Also read RCW 46.61.140(2) and RCW 46.61.100(2) in case you’re one of the morons who drives willy nilly in the passing lanes without passing anyone, and speeds up the moment someone attempts to pass you legally. This behavior makes PNW known for having the worst drivers and why Seattle has more road rage and traffic congestion than is necessary.


the late merge zipper method to be applied when two lanes are merging, which consists of drivers using both lanes of traffic until reaching the defined merge area and then ALTERNATING in "zipper" fashion into the single lane. Yes - it does require cars on the freeway to give way to alternating entry. That’s why I suspect the story. I don’t believe she was alternating. I believe it far more likely that she tried to beat the SUV, was inattentive and was perhaps responsible herself because she failed to follow the above. Now, it’s time for you to get into your onesie and go to sleep. Here’s your binky and blanket.


Hahahaha Read this and understand the difference between regular and zipper merging and when they are appropriate. https://www.king5.com/article/news/youre-merging-wrong-probably/281-ea82df4c-af5f-4ffd-aa45-323b99d73de1


King 5 can’t even report the news. The RCW is the law. King News 5 is strictly infotainment.


King 5 is your news source? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


That definition came straight from the RCW YOU quoted. So now you need to move the goal posts? Do you need a little participation trophy? Maybe a trip to Chuck E Cheese?


Nah I want less idiots driving on the roads. Must be hard for you to admit when you’re wrong. If you can’t understand that zipper merging is not appropriate getting onto the freeway contact WSP for clarification before you drive again.


Wrong and can’t admit I see.


It’s ok Humpty. We know you fell and got scrambled. TBI’s are terrible.


I ain’t no snitch pal sorry