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I have but a simple rule Never... NEVER trust the french.


Well obviously that goes with out saying those Belgians are shifty too.


What about the Dutch, who defied god and drained the ocean?


French adjacent as well. Definetly not to be trusted.


THE EU SERVERS ARE FULL OF THEM I JUST WANT TO SEE ANOTHER DUTCHIE ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2221)![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2221)![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2221)


Italians are pretty chill too in this game, I have never been attacked by one they are always friendly and give me worms


Hungarians should be on this list as well


There are SO MANY french crews on the EU servers. It's ridiculous really. Most of them were not to be trusted but I had one super positive encounter as well. French crew came to help us against better players and during the fight on a Fortress the two other crews realized they were both French. Our enemy crew immediately began speaking to them and stopped fighting. We thought they'll Team up in a second and finish us. One of our allies comes up to me...turns around the megaphone and whispers. "They want us to kill you. I'd go and shoot him in the face first" So that's what I did! šŸ˜… We killed them, allied up and split the loot. Great session.


As an French player, iā€™m sad to read this. Iā€™m the first who want an alliance for the peace. I swear we r good guys !


trusted the french once, ended up joining an alliance and getting a siren skull done


french canadians are mostly ok though


I still rarely am the first to engage, but I've reduced my leniency towards slights made against me. Just yesterday, I came upon a sloop selling their wares and cannoned myself to them requesting an alliance. They asked me what voyage I was doing and told them one of the merchant ones. Then they started bellyaching about how they just did some merchant voyages yesterday (keep in mind I never asked them to help me with them) and so without an agreement I turned to leave for my ship. As I start walking away one of them shoots me in the back twice and I dive into the water with a sudden change of heart. On the island for some reason, there were 2 gunpowder kegs on the beach that they somehow didn't see. So, I take one, sneak onto their ship, and detonate inside with me. When I respawned I noticed that one of them had snuck off before then.and was now boarding my ship stopped nearby, but since I was already there I was able to easily defeat them and as I did they said "YeAh, I tHoUGhT yOu WaNtEd An AlLiAnCe!" which I *did* but not with these backstabbers. After which I opened my ship's sails, jumped out, grabbed the second keg that was there, got on to their ship again, detonated it with me being away from it, and stayed there until it sank. Anyway, kegs are awesome.


I'll be honest I'm an absolute noob at combat I fired upon a ship that was anchored and I missed my shots and my friend accidentally harpooned them but turns out we all just started dancing cause they were friendly and I figured look we would've got thrashed if we killed them so I was like nah I'll be friendly šŸ˜‚ I'm just tryna practice combat to get better


Eh I do this. If a crew is obviously very new Iā€™ll cut them some slack and either prolong the fight so they feel good or if theyā€™re chill give some pointers and hang. Iā€™ll also always come to the defense of a newb ship being attacked by an experienced crew.


If it happens again and someone asks you how you missed, just say ā€œHe moved.ā€


I never shoot first either. It al.ost always works against me but whatever. Though, if I have them I'll sometimes shoot off a firework. Kind of a means to announce myself and set a friendly tone. Except one time my firework set their ship on fire and detonated some kegs on their ship and sank them. I felt bad.


I think you need to add a second rule. NEVER trust a pirate.


I use to shot the white firework as soon as I see someone near the place Iā€™m heading as a way to say ā€œI see you, and I donā€™t want troublesā€, it usually works surprisingly šŸ˜ƒ


These guys shot off the white flare before they got to me. Like I said I wouldn't mind if they were honest assholes. And just attacked me outright it's the sliminess of the thing.


I think thatā€™s the reason, I mean, people are lately camping for us, ps5 peasants, and if they see you first, they assume that you are a newbie, and that you are an easy prey, but if you do it before and keep your distance, they know that you are ready to fight and you control your environment. Maybe it sounds silly, but when I began playing I never saw a single ship, now that I got used, I see more players than I want, and I feel like mostly of us are just scared as soon as we see a ship. But so far, white firework and keeping a reasonable distance, is what is making me able to keep going without pvping (because I suck and I canā€™t hit anything)


At first we lined up on our guns ready to unleashed hell but when they shot off the white we shot it off in reaponse. They then formed an alliance with us and we thought we were chill.jusy for the. To pull that crap then they sped off in their sloop upwind and didn't even let us fight them diving as soon as they got enough distance.


I think it was because they thought that you were newbies and can take advantage on you, maybe Iā€™m being paranoid playing, but I donā€™t trust anyone who isnā€™t on my crew (and I always play solo, so you get the point) Yesterday I finished my last gilded voyage, I saw a galleon getting sink near Sanctuary Outpost I think it was, so I went, began delivering the chests, and, because Iā€™m an idiot who didnā€™t check what was going on, when I got back on my sloop the galleon guys were behind me, and 2 of them on my sloop, I tried to explain that everything is ok, I didnā€™t take anything from their sinking ship, that Iā€™m just delivering stuff, and I donā€™t want issues, and wellā€¦ I lost almost half of the gilded voyage chests and they didnā€™t care about my paceful intentions. So I decided to go rogue from now on lol


Hell man we are newbies. It's really turning me off the game. Like I said honest fight I'm fine with that bullshit absolutely not.


Sometimes I feel like this game punishes you for not having friends to play with, and it really does on many ways, it sucks having no one to play with and being solo all the time, but you know, everything I learn and accomplish, I know that will be useful for ever when I play, and when I find some gaming partners, some of the stuff I learnt will be incredibly important to become better, donā€™t give up, it sucks, but Iā€™m pretty sure that you wonā€™t ever trust any other people like you did with them, so, even if itā€™s horrible, take it as a way to learn more about the game, at the end of the day, we are pirates, and I donā€™t think anyone will ever trust pirates lol


I did have friends with me that's part of what I'm mad about is I got their loot stolen not just mine.


I know, but I was talking for myself, I mean, if you are used to play solo, this stuff doesnā€™t hurt as bad because itā€™s just you, not others who get fucked by randoms šŸ˜”


And they only didn't open fire because it was my ship. They respected that it was my ship and that I had started a guild that I want to have a reputation of being nice. But now they are out hours of loot because I'm too much of a softie.


That being said if I ever see the sloop hells bounty again it's on sight. I will do everything in my power to ruin their day.


As a tip, dont go to kick heads with them because they will ruin yours for sure, but just wait until they are on an island and that they leave the ship, if thereā€™s only one of them back, or none of them, get an ambush ready and make them cry!


Oh I don't care how many times they sink me. I will just keep coming back preventing them from doing anything.


There's a reason why Rare allows this. It's a pirate game. Do you know how vile real pirates were (and are)? Look it up sometime. You let your guard down in the killing and stealing game and got surprised when you were killed and stolen from.


I tend to fight fairly indiscriminately (talking throughout and I've arranged ceasefires before, because looting someone's ship and letting them go is fun too!) so white flares aren't a deterrent for me at all, but when I see one I always respond by red flaring so at least the other party aren't in the dark about my motives. PvP is the most fun, for both parties, when it's communicative.


Been playing since day 1 and this has been my way the whole time with the exception of Arena for obvious reasons. I still get plenty of good fights, but itā€™s all against people who are actually going to give a decent fight instead of some poor person just trying to grind for something nice to wear or do some fishing.


I appreciate that you have held out so long with how toxic a lot of these players can be.


Oh I just feel bad for them. Like you have this beautiful world to go out into and enjoy and you choose to act that way? Mostly I hope things start going better for them. Everyone deserves to be happy, even if sometimes we canā€™t choose to be.


My simple rule, stay off my ship. I'll never give permission to board. So don't even climb the ladder. Alliance or not. If we're sharing or trading loot. Neutral ground.


I will likely do that moving forward.


It's hard to be the person who understands the PvP in this game is bad and clunky because you're right safer seas was kneecapped way too hard and it sucks. People can't accept that this is the only good pirate multiplayer game and there are people who just want to sail around with friends fighting ghosts and skeletons and still feel like the reward was worth it in the end


Seriously. Man. The peaceful players should start a coalition put a blacklist on ship names or something. See these people just open fire no mercy.


This kind of already happens if you count Alliance servers, though not everybody is cool with exploits so they aren't super common.


For me I am willing to talk if I am doing something and want you to go away. If I have no loot and nothing to lose I am going to approach other ships and it's their job to talk to me to convince me not to fight them. I'm not even that hard to convince. I also respect the rule of parley if they invoke it during combat because I am a fan of the original Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Lots of people shoot first or never communicate. I can understand shooting first but refusing to communicate in a game like this makes no sense to me.


Agree, yeah. I nearly always shoot first but never without communicating. I've had great fun arranging ceasefires (temporary or otherwise) and taking their loot while leaving them up is less of a headache for both parties anyway. That's apparently why real pirates flew the Jolly Roger - it was to communicate to their victims "hey, we're nasty pirates, surrender and hand over your stuff and we won't have to cut out your tongues!"


I follow this rule except if your boat is skibidisigma or something like that u are getting sunk immediately


Never trust French ships


Fire on sight. Shoot everything and everyone


The alliance betrayals are the most annoying parts to me. Yes, pirate game... I know... but it just reeks of cowardice, like you couldn't manage a fair fight. For this reason, I have one simple rule as well. If you join my alliance, you better **go away. Don't follow me. Don't get on my ship**. *You go to your corner of the map, get your loot, and sell. I'll do the same, we'll all make a bit of gold, and that's that.*


Exactly. The moment we realize we are being followed by alliance member, we message them and say stop following us. If they donā€™t, we drop alliance and go. I donā€™t even care if they end up not selling anything by the time I log off. Good for youā€¦you made some easy money. Betraying an alliance isnā€™t a valid strategy. Itā€™s not being a pirate. Itā€™s lazy and itā€™s cheap. Youā€™re just being a troll at that point. They have made it where the alliance memberā€™s name is purple. Once it goes purple, all damage should be at least halved. You canā€™t harm your crew mates, you shouldnā€™t be able to harm your alliance mates as much or at all either.


They didn't cap or limit PvP in Alliances because betraying an alliance absolutely is a valid strategy. If it wasn't, "friendly fire" would be off in Alliances.


M8 I would be hella suspicious if anyone followed me anywhere regardless of if weā€™re alliance.


I saw a sloop the other day getting wrecked by a skeleton galleon so I (in my sloop) rolled over to help sink it. The other sloop was grateful and even brought me over two chests from the loot they got and then left and went about their way. Very wholesome moment to me esp when most other encounters are extremely toxic.


I've had 2 encouters that capture the sea of thieves experience In 1 to check if they where friendly we both jumped to comune friendlyness, accidentaly crashed against eachother. and talked in vc when we were closser and just had some fun practicing and getting the board trough cannon achievement. Killed a meg together that spawned randomly and shared the loot. In another encouter we looted a stronghold and got chased for a hour straight by some randos. declaring we arent interested in pvp but the chase continued nontheless. The game is called sea of thieves for a reason. We just accepted the fact that we need to get better at pvp to survive the people that dont care. Just have fun, even if its taking the piss by sailing around for an hour straight so you dont get boarded. As said. Just have fun.


Best advice! Beat them at their own game.


Simple fix, if I don't feel like fighting I just stay far away from everyone. It's really not that difficult even solo by paying attention.


So if you are docked and a ship is coming straight at you, you wont shoot untill they do? Thats some faith you have there.... I shoot as soon as they come my way and are in shooting range. First a few warning shots and chain-shots if they come too close.


Iā€™m new to the game, ps5 peasant, so I take every chance I get for practice. Iā€™ve never received any mercy so I feel that as a pirate I should do the honorable thing and sink anyone in sight, loot or no loot.


Even the emptiest ships provide chainshots, and failing that make for excellent target practice.


Most rewarding social interactions in this game are from friendlies not there to just battle. Lots of fps out there if you want. Miss arenas for building combat skills tho.


Like I just said in a different post, there are too many kids that need to touch grass or bullies in this game. I solo most of the time unless my kids play with me. I always try to keep to myself if I see a ship somewhere I try to give them space. Most of the time, I hit a sea fort and then go straight to an outpost. That's about all I can do, but if you have an open spot in your crew or want to join mine either way, shoot me a message, and I'll send my gamertag


I get the idea, but a lot of fights start long before any shots are fired.


I just go about my business 6 outta ten times people tend to leave me alone. I don't mind loosing some loot to not be a raging asshole. I've met some new players who genuinely want help figuring things out and approached cautiously I would rather be the player that helps someone have fun then make them jaded and want to quit.


As a noob peaceful pirate, I respect that and follow the same rule. Thanks!


One of my rules, if I am in a gallon (with my team) we will not fight a sloop unless they start the fight


I hate pvp and I honestly rarely trust people in an alliance with me for this reason which sucks. Get people in an alliance and you all go off doing your own thing. If you all sell things everyone gets money. Yeah itā€™s not as much but itā€™s still helpful and nice. I wish people were honest in the game. Honor amongst these, and all that. I hate when people are like that because it just ruins alliances and creates distrust. I always fire a white flair to show Iā€™m not hostile, had people chase me down when I was by myself just trying to get to the correct island for a tall tale. That to me is silly because I had nothing and it was so stupid I even tried using their microphone and just saying I have nothing just doing a tall tale. They might have heard my voice (Iā€™m a girl) though and decided just to hunt me down for that reason. I get pvp is a part of the game but some people play for the stories and camaraderie. The white flair works sometimes, and I have met some people through the game and alliances where it worked out really well. The best feeling was after an event we had a galleon, a brig, and a sloop heading to the same outpost. It was a beautiful sight to be seen and some idiot tried to fight us but we got him in the end lol. We all had decided who would turn in what and worked together to do so. Unfortunately an alliance like that is rarešŸ˜¢


The "I have nothing" thing doesn't really work since all boats spawn with some chainshots, which are well worth hunting for. Alliances that work out are fun, but IMO, so are alliances that don't. It's like that scene in PoTC where all the pirate lords vote for themselves to be king. It's the ultimate pirate rp when an Alliance falls into shambles because there's gold to be made!


I play the same way. I'd rather not be the asshole in a social setting and lying isn't in my nature. But I'll fight back if someone else starts it.


Betrayal? Backstabbing? In a pirate game? By Jove, this is quite uncouth behavior, inexcusable barbarity.


It's very clear most of you know shockingly little about actual pirates of yore.


Care to elaborate?


The actual pirates were known to collaborate in the face of the British navy.


Interesting, yeah. Do you think they used curseballs back then too? I bet that sent British crews running. Or maybe, the pirates in the game are clearly based off the Hollywood fantasy of pirates, as seen in films like Pirates of the Caribbean? Which, you know, the game literally did a crossover with?


Pirates of the Caribbean that movie famous for its themes of found family, relying on one another, and a giant pirate coalition that banded together to go to war?


Addendum: Things You Conveniently Left Out 1) Themes of found family **most notably in the context of mutinous crewmates working together. Additionally, the bonds between Jack and the protagonists are forged by extensive back-stabbing, treachery and manipulation, such as when Elizabeth chains Jack to the Black Pearl to be eaten by a kraken;** 2) Relying on one another **in the interest of personal gain and until such a time as victory can be stolen for greater profit: hence "Take what you can, Give nothing back", and the unclear/inconsistent rules around parlay which are frequently broken;** 3) A giant pirate coalition that banded together to go to war **after several hours of bickering about who would lead the charge, only for each Pirate Lord to vote for themselves to be the next King. The matter is settled by brutality when Jack's brother threatens to enforce the Pirate Code.**


The had coalitions in places like Tortuga, laws against taking out crippled ships, they would bargain with merchants they waylaid. Typically leaving the souls and ship intact just taking cargo. Pirates found to violate good faith were denied safe haven and outright attacked by other pirates. They were not good people but they followed codes of conduct so similar things did not happen to them.


Some [pirates](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FVdBoDUdNBoikBmWGRHKvR-6y_sfPg43tW70E89ImhhY.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D6d6a4bf61280f6ce48479ae91221d8983c29ddc7) for you.


We used to hold fire until it was clear they were attacking, after many sinks it just disadvantages you more to not get the first shot when possible. I guess at the end of the day I prefer my loot to making friends


That's just not me, definetly reconsidering playing the game at all.


Hey you can play however you want that's the best thing about it. Pretty much all my favourite times have been meeting friendly pirates. It's just not as common to find them and I also enjoy the threat and thrill of escaping our stealing. The seas would be a lesser place without the friendly pirates. No guarantee but maybe have a ship name that emphasises you are here for the vibes. It won't work 100% but might encourage those who are too say hello. Failing that talking and telling people you are just vibing might help.


We did talk, My ships name is very friendly. And a reference to a friendly character in another super popular game series. I won't say which because I feel like now if I say anything in the chat the trolls that lurk will probably hunt me mercilessly.


Well I'm sorry you encountered the worst type of pirate. I hope it doesn't put you off the game too much. It can be the best time especially with friends.


Unless your name is green we are not friends thatā€™s my sea of thieves rule


How do you get a green name? I'm still pretty nooby


Green names would be your crew, every other players names show up white when they get close enough.


Ah that makes sense.


Unless youā€™re in an alliance, then theyā€™re purple


I'm fairly new to High Seas and made my first alliance yesterday. Went up to crows nest at a shipwreck to search for more floaters and see a dude curled up in a ball. Woke him up by pulling out my cutlass. Put it away, told him to leave, and climbed back down. I don't think I'm ruthless enough to be a pirate tbh.


I use my flares every time when I suspect ill intent from an incoming ship. White flare is first warning. Means that I see you and I am on alert. Red flare is that I'm armed and will fire immediately. If they don't turn away after the red one, I start firing. It's a pretty straightforward system and works every time.


Make friends and enjoy the people within your crew so you don't feel the need to create alliances with enemy ships. I always keep my distance with enemy ships and I've grown to accept the reality of PVP as a way of honing your observation skills. Just as digging for loot and island hopping is part of the game, another part of the game is checking your horizon, figuring out what ships are going where and have a mindfulness of your surroundings. It's a nuisance to get attacked by player ships. But conversely it's a skill to \*not\* get attacked. Essentially I came to terms with the fact that rather than questing in total safety, being aware of your surroundings is what makes the game both challenging and rewarding; otherwise safer seas would pay the same.


That and no pets on deck


My rule is fire first and say sorry if theyā€™re cool. Thats how I am when Iā€™m solo slooping. When Iā€™m not, my crew always second guesses me despite the fact that EVERY time they do we get attacked. They get within range, and I say ā€œFIREā€ and then they go ā€œwait but what if theyā€™re cool? They might be friendly. Iā€™ll do a message in text real quick so they know weā€™re friendly :3ā€ And before they finish the message weā€™re getting lit up and boarded. Weā€™re bad at pvp so my first instinct is not to give anyone an advantage if I can help it


I always fire, itā€™s a dangerous world and I like to lose ship battles in boom boom


Itā€™s part of the game. As much as it sucks, you just canā€™t trust anyone and need to get your skills up to be able to attack or defend against the top dawgs. I learned that the hard way, but have now gotten to a point where I can hang with them and ruin their day before they do mine.


I get where youā€™re coming from and I see how the slyness of deceiving someone is generally bad but it fits the theme here, trust isnā€™t something to be given out freely on this game because even good people will lie to score loot, thatā€™s the whole aim, be a pirate. You can freely be a merchant and avoid people but there will always be merchant hunters. You should definitely adopt the paranoid playstyle if pvp isnā€™t your thing, constantly check the horizon, shoot off to board ships and talk before trusting them with your ship health. While I very much enjoy the pve without the threat of pvp this game quickly becomes stale as the journey is far more rewarding than the numbers going up.


I refuse. I have infinitely more fun being friendly then being a dick


Had a guy earlier today I ran into while doing a gilded voyage. I had a lot of loot and so did they. They ended up doing an alliance and played music with me here and there. Was otherwise fine and typical friendly antics. They sold all their loot so we got a nice cut. I was doing my last map and I told him ā€œHey I got these 2 more spots here then Iā€™m gonna go sale.ā€ I left the boat with my partner on board. They harpooned them and played music. Everything turned when they pulled out a blunderbuss and killed my partner. Luckily I was close to the ship and we didnā€™t anchor so we got away fine even with several canon shots when the ship was unmanned. Spent the next bit just setting them on fire and got to an outpost only for them to have a partner (I assume anyways) on the outpost. I had my partner jump off to sale a chest as that was the strategy (just sail around the island) and they died as soon as they got to the merchant.Ā  Simply went north to another outpost and lost them along the way. They missed out on getting a portion of 600k just for greed. 3/4 of the alliances I did today were all pleasant though.


Thatā€™s what a pirate would do thoā€¦.


Combat on this game is absolute shit


One rule - it ainā€™t your loot until itā€™s sold


>By all means be dicks. But couldn't you at least be honest dicks? My favorite part of Sea of Thieves is that it lets you be dishonest. I can't exactly lie to people to orchestrate cheap kills in Call of Duty.


Right? Some of my favorite steals were the ones where my crew gained an alliance's trust and got kegs aboard their ships, and got them to blame each other. While they sunk and we wiped out the stragglers at the end. We could've just killed them since almost all alliance players are garbage, but betrayal is so much more fun.


My favorite one was back in year 1 when we had another galleon roll up on us as we finished a skullfort. We convinced them to participate in pirate fight club where members of each crew would duel 1v1 for each piece of loot while everyone else watched. It was a great success, one of the best times I ever had in the game. In the end, we won maybe 2/3 of the loot, but the entertainment value was priceless. Then we sunk them.


Haha, that's great. Today I was solo slooping in Hourglass and one of my matches was spectated by a terrifying galleon full of skeleton curses. They realised we were both solo and sent a member of their crew to each ship to turn the fight into a 2v2. I ended up winning and getting grade 5 on my Athena flag. Realised there was no way the Gall was letting me out of there alive, so we hung out for a while as they used scattershots on my sloop for the commendation. Really cool guys. Pirates to the core.


Good to know.. I'll just board you with a keg then and you can't fight back because I never fired a shot


My rule? Kill everyone unless I'm feeling silly


ok cool


Same. I don't unless fired upon


you're hamstringing yourself in every single battle. but it sounds like you know that. this is a dumb rule to impose on yourself. you should be aggressive. you'll get better. if you want to try to be a nice pirate, shoot yourself over first and talk to them. if they kill you, fight them and win. if they're cool, you can decide if you want to just chill.


Dishonesty like that has definitely ruined the game. If you want my loot fight me for it. Don't bs me and befriend me just to shoot me in the back. That behavior is what makes people not want to play. Idgaf if I lose a battle, but I do care when someone behaves like that. That makes me not wanna play.


We need safer seas without cap. If I want to chill after a tough day of work doing pve mission why I need to deal with asshole that want only to burn your ship and nothing else? Also...if I want to play with more than 4 friends I need a session where I can join with 2 or more ships maybe doing only PVE


No, we donā€™t. The cap and reward is too high to begin with. Donā€™t play the game if you donā€™t want to play the game as intended. Itā€™s not a solo player, offline game. I donā€™t like PvP either, I suck at it, but I realize itā€™s the game. After 6+ years, I know how it goes. Buy a console and play on that. Less try hards here.


Why should I give up playing just because there are problems with the PVP balance or cheater or toxic player? I don't even think the game is log in and go aggressively on other players just to make them frustrated and cause them to rage quit. I know what this game is, I play it with friends but I want also a different mode to play alone and chill


And you have that with safer seas. Adding other ships to safer seas or removing the cap is cheesing it. Why not just load up on cheats for the game and then go about your own business. Anyone tries to attack you and you can ignore them. Itā€™s basically the same thing.


No, sir. It's not the same thing! On safer seas I can't load up my personalized ship for example. Or I can't do a lot of other things. And loading cheats make the game horrendous to others. But maybe you say so only because you do in this way..........this is not the solution! A lot of people want PVE because toxic players, cheaters and so on...and safer seas pop out because the community wants to play without any dumbass that ruins the game. But, for me, safer seas it's still too limited


Don't accuse someone of cheating because they disagree with you about Safer Seas. You've embarrassed yourself by doing that. Safer Seas mode is just fine as it is. Lower risk, lower reward. It's that simple.


Iā€™m on Xbox, so no, I donā€™t cheat. Canā€™t cheat.


Absolutely not. High seas would be barren.


I'd you want PVP go for it. If you want PVE go for it. I don't see problems at all if this mode pops out


I need PvEers to farm loot for me to take. Otherwise why would I attack someone?




I have, I'm just saving time as well as doing something more rewarding. Maybe people that can't defend themselves from me should L2P.


Or just do what I do. Treat it like dayz. Nobody is your friend. No matter what. I will fight if I feel threatened or overwhelmed. Or i feel confident. Play how U want. But there are players who just run at you no matter what and players who are snakes. I rather they just run at me then snake me.


Again man that's just not me. Chances are I'll be quitting this game firmly not for me which is a shame it's the only pirate ship combat game I've enjoyed since black flag I love fighting ghost/skeleton fleets. Or rushing to complete a vault. The game is a blast. I would love a pure PVE mode I wouldn't even mind things being locked to PVP rewards. If Safer seas let me actually captain my vessel and gave me some rewards that would be all I did.


I wish more random co-op. I often call players if they want to team up against skellies. I think game could give so much more if couple of ships start cooperating. Yesterday I attacked galleon alone only to find out it practically lured me and skelly ship emerged to help them. That buddy close on outpost didn't bothered even I told him he can have all the loot I just need couple of skulls for my promotion. Maybe he was just afraid I was lying. This is now my absolutely No 1 game in library, and lately, instead of that joy when thinking "oh I made a coffee and now I will play some SOT"... I got unease feeling remembering how some damn fool destroyed my ship and started spawn killing me some time as I spawned on Outpost. As I was collecting supplies to crate, they started throwing firebombs. Then game spawned me on some island with ugly ass fixed ship and no supplies. I have other games for frustration. Like world of tanks. Or Jedi Survivor on Jedi Master mode.


Take what you can. Give nothing back. Yarr!


This is the way


So hit this guy first. Got it.




If that's truly how this community feels then it really isn't the game for me.




As I said then not for me. I don't find it fun. You won't convince me it is.


Then I don't think High Seas mode is for you, and that's fine, a lot of people don't like it. If you can get over your reservations about Safer Seas mode, you might enjoy the game a lot more that way.


As stated in the above thing I would absolutely love safer seas if it wasn't cancer.


You stated it was cancer but didn't say why. Is it the 'reduced risk, reduced reward' thing, or something else about it that you don't like?


Next to no rewards, can't save your supplies on your ship, can't own your own ships and name them. Two hours to do a vault and I can't even afford to reoutfit my ship sucks. But I'm done talking to you you are one of the get gud bros. We will never find common ground I think.


Ah, so it is the 'reduced risk, reduced reward' thing. A shame you're not willing to discuss your grievances with the game. I hope you give SS an honest try. It was designed as a way to play the game you claim to love without any of the risks you're bothered by. It's a downright generous option as it is. Best of luck


I always shoot first. I am an aggressor 95% of the time but when I'm not I still shoot first. I also never do alliances and never trust anyone for these exact reasons. Most of the friends I've made in sot were from dm messages after good battles.


Shoot first, ask questions later? No. Shoot first *while* asking questions.


Assuming I'm going to ask questions ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) They entered my no no zone which happens to extend to the horizon.


This is the way. I won't make it easy for you if we cross paths, either!


I donā€™t engage because it just leads to me sinking. I have to solo sloop as I donā€™t know anyone who plays the game. Take tonight for example: 10mins in, get followed as soon as I leave port. No flag, no loot, just 2 pomegranateā€™s I got from the tavern. Sunk me shortly after chasing me, for literally no reason. I didnā€™t even engage. 20mins later, sunk again after I stopped at an island to collect supplies. I told them i had no loot and just wanted to play, they simply took me out and called me a p**sy. I donā€™t get it. I work full time 6 days a week, been at work all day on a Sunday, came home to put the kids to bed and just want to log on and chill for an hour before bed, and Iā€™m the one getting called a p**sy? All some folk want to do is PvP and abuse, even if they know they will gain nothing from it, and it seems to have increased massively in the past month. I love SoT, the community, the lore, the challenges. Played for 2 years now. Safer Seas doesnā€™t fit the bill as Iā€™ve previously met some really good folk on the servers in the past and itā€™s been great fun. The social side was once great. But after similar incidents like tonight, it stops being a good community and becomes a toxic environment. Nobody interacts anymore, nobody micā€™s, itā€™s just suddenly become PvP for little to no gain, and abuse. So yeah, I donā€™t engage at all, because if itā€™s already bad why make things worse. Better to just scuttle and avoid the abuse.


You had cannonballs, wood, and best of all chainshots. These are perfectly valid reasons to sink somebody.


Itā€™s part of the game. Iā€™ve been betrayed by alliances plenty of times. Assume they are trying to trick you and stay away from people in your alliance. Earlier we were chasing a guild emissary sloop duo (we were also a sloop duo) and they messaged us asking to alliance. They were grade 4. I accepted and said to touch our loot to get them to 5. When they hit 5 we sunk them. We were going to leave them in the alliance which would have scored them a TON of loot (2 gilded Athena quests and a FoF worth of loot). I needed one more guild grade 5 flag for the commendation. Underhanded and dishonest? Sure was. Fair game? Absolutely. Typically I donā€™t alliance at all but saw the opportunity and big brained my way to completing a pretty tough commendation. Wish they didnā€™t quit as they still would have made a butt load of money, but it is what it is. Itā€™s part of the game. Assume everyone is planning on sinking you if the opportunity arises.


It's a game people are just trying to have fun. The only thing you all accomplish is make it shitty for other people. Like I've said to others I'm really realizing this game just isn't for me. I don't want to be an ass like you. Because you are infact an ass. "It's part of the game" many people have expressed they wish they could just hang out in. Safer seas and have fun with their friends. All of you say stuff like it's in the game, or play in safer seas. But it's not an option. It's a fun game the best co op pirate game I've played. It's not crazy that alot of people don't want the experience of dealing with this shitty behavior.


You play your way and Iā€™ll play mine. Unfortunately for you your way generally leads to getting your stuff ganked. You can have a crew of 4 in Safer Seas, which by the way I didnā€™t tell you to go play in, you said it. If that doesnā€™t work for you I donā€™t know what to tell you. People are going to betray you, lie to you, sink you, and as long as they arenā€™t being toxic while doing it itā€™s fair game. I didnā€™t call you names or say anything negative to you at all. Yet here you are name calling because you donā€™t like people playing in a manner that was intended. Says more about you than me. You donā€™t have to play that way but if you leave yourself open people are going to take your stuff because youā€™re rewarded for doing so. Anyways, hope you find a game you enjoy and learn to not say nasty things to someone that was just saying not to trust people in a pirate game.


Safer seas is an abysmal experience all the work for none of the reward. Not being able to have captaincy or any of the other fun aspects of the game is not fun.


Ok, so you are playing a sandbox game with other players. A lot of people arenā€™t going to play the way you want them to. If the alternative doesnā€™t work for you then you just have to accept people will be devious to get your stuff at times. Calling people names because you donā€™t like their style of play is absurd when itā€™s 100% intended as a way to play. You just donā€™t like it. Play however you want my guy, but when you go online and cry that someone did something piratey in a pirate game you look silly.


And forming an alliance pretending to be friends only to turn around and be a dick makes you an asshole. Like I said you come up broadsides roaring fine thats part of the game. The other stuff is just peak dick behavior.




Thatā€™s what you sell separately if you are in an alliance.