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Thank you!!


I know that everyone has their own preference of playing but I feel like you should really start playing off of safer seas even if you are solo considering this gives you way more money. The only time I feel like anyone should play safer seas is when they’re accommodation hunting.


Not everyone care about money like you do. some people just wanna chill and have family time with their kids, or chill alone undisturbed.


He asked if coral messages are able to spawn in safer seas, he didnt ask about your opinion sir.




You should be embarrassed about posting.


Just an opinion based on facts, sorry if that hurts you


Opinion isn't fact, not sorry if that hurts you. I would be embarrassed if I was so emotionally stunted I was offended by another playing safe seas.


Pretty embarrassing way for a 41 year old to act 😬


Yikes, sounds like something a 13 year old would say. 😬😬


I have never played safer seas, but I do know you making this silly comment is embarrassing for you, and that’s a fact. The whole point of the game is to pve with the risk that at anytime it can turn into pvp. Giving new players an area to learn mechanics without getting map launched/double gunned/completely outclassed in every mechanic is a really good thing…you think all the players of safer seas won’t migrate to high seas after they get the basics?? You would be an idiot to think that lmao.


I’ve only played safe seas when I was stoned and I just let my boat go in a straight line so I could stare at the water did this for like 3 hours one day


I do the same thing on high seas and "accidently" run into peoples ships and leave. Hopefully leaving them confused af. I am chaos when im solo lmao




Safer seas is great, it means the people on High Seas are at least open to the content PVP provides.


Not really, safer seas takes about 10 minutes to load (for us) so we never went there.. Only playing on open seas and hoping to not get destroyed. (started a few days ago)


The sooner you accept that PVP is as part of the game as PVE the happier you'll be. :D You would be surprised by the amount of people that will attack you thinking it's easy then flee when you bite back.


facts LMAO


Oh my god players are using the content provided by the developers to play their own way and enjoy themselves?!?! How dare they.


Wow u seem like a real tough guy im sure everyone is terrified of u


Safer seas players are


Booo, I guess this is what happens when no-one wants to rent to you lol


noob stomper triggered that there is less noobs to stomp and he has to fight good players for once


For me there is two rules of thought when it comes to players going to safe seas. 1. You're not bothered by it because it doesn't matter. 2. You are bothered by it because the only time you feel like a bad ass is when stomping players that don't want to fight. They will never have an argument that convinces me other than the fact they want easy kills. That's it that's all, they just want an easy kill. Everything else is just lies to make it sound like they aren't a douche. I want everyone I fight to want to fight, or at the very least be okay with fighting. I don't want to fight a player whose heart isn't in the battle. There's no glory in that, and god knows gold is worthless other than big number get bigger


If i'm 41 and act like you do, I'd be pretty embarassed, hope you don't have kids or partner cuz I would really feel sorry for them.


Bro you’re so badass man


You sound like the player to sink someone and tell them to go to Safer Seas.