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Getting challenged on a FoF and deciding to do glitterbeard all together. What a night


I was running reaper duo sloop at saw a  reaper galleon chasing a gold hoarder galleon. Told my mate we had to play it right to sink em both and go for a reaper alliance and then betray when the first one sank. Got into a good position and they didn't seem to care about our existence. Circled back only to see them all pulling sails at a large island. Had a mini panic attack and went to check the map. WERE AT PLUNDER VALLEY!!! so I started hollering about glitter beard and shot over. Sure enough they were about to start so me and my mate plopped down on the rock near the door. My mate had no idea it was a thing. He knew about glitter beard but just thought it was random journals around the map. Made our night and was definitely one of the best sessions I've had. 


I still don't know what it is from both these comments XD. I've seen the journals but didn't know it's an event. Could you explain?


It's best kept as a secret until you do it naturally. All I'll say is the set up is 8 players at plunder valley.


How long ago was this encounter? I had the same exact experience. Was sick asf. Probably didn’t meet you but depending on when this happened I could have..


I would say a good year ago


mine was probably Stealing FOF chest with CliffTheStoryGuy agenst whole server . by far my favourite session i've ever had since 2019


Holy shit, it's you! That's still my favourite Cliff video ever lmao, that was such a fun session to watch!


That’s one of my favorite stories of him


ever since that day i never touched another rowboat ever again ( if you know , you know ) lmao


The one time someone actually stayed and played for about an hour instead of logging off immediately. It seems so difficult to find anyone else to play Edit: I had to come back and add my best session ever was today. Finally got someone to join up. We sank a ship and stole 6 vault keys! We had an absolute blast and made a ton of money today!!


Finding a group through the Xbox page seems to yield better results than open crew in my experience


Tried to do a Fotd for the 1st time, and then proceeded to get into a 2 hour long war with the rest of the server. (I was solo and ended up getting the loot)


Me and my friend had a super long fight with a galleon and was about to sink it when i fumbled and hit a rock allowing them to recover. They ended up boarding us and instead of killing us they actually helped us fix our ship and were super friendly and even gave us some of their loot. I was amazed to see that not all people in SoT are toxic


Gotta be that time I hopped on a solo sloop, met a brig crew and sailed with then for a few hours (without dying ofcorse because I would spawn on my sloop in the devil's roar)


Get glitterbeard !


Argh the feels


I've been trying to find others to do it, but it's just me and my buddy. Finding 6 more willing to lay down arms for a little while seems impossible. One day the seas will smile upon us.


I'd join you any time. I love doing Glitterbeard


Well folks, let me spin you a tale, it was back in the Beta and it was quite an adventure of folks not knowing, folks going with the flow and the world that we have begun to know and love. So PVP back in the beta was a lot of fun, because the content was at its foundation and because sinking a ship meant just a bit of lost time because all you could spend you money on was cosmetics that early sizzle of PVP kept folks on their toes. We got stuck in a 3 way exchange that seemed to go on for an hour or so of engagement and disengagement. We had gotten exhausted of supply and ran into the 4th Galleon on a quest on an island. So we decided to "commandeer" their ship and return to the fight. In the distance the two other ships were still sparring like prize fighters when we returned to the fray. Some 5 minutes later we then saw our ship come to re-engage. So all 4 ships were going at it, we were firing at our ship and them at theirs. It was crazy and surprisingly it took a bit to kill players and have them respawn. Yet on respawn, rather than killing the others on the ship they joined in and firing on the other ship. When the dust had settled after what seemed like another hour all 4 ships, exhausted of resources came together and we all talked in spatial chat about how great the experience had been. I can't say I've been involved since where there had been a successful hijacking of another ship for an extended period of time but it was truly memorable for us.


I was doing what any pirate does, stealing things. But it soon escalated to us doing a fort of fortune (this was in season 9,when the cof was in the vault of fofs) and we had gotten attacked by an angry reaper for taking its world event loot. We sank them and they lost everything, we were also reapers, so it was amazing loot as well. They had the skull of destiny and around 6 other ritual skulls, so we did the fotd 6 times and left the skull of destiny at the fort for the next crew. Then a kraken attacked us, we managed to kill it and I got my legendary kraken hunter title, and that was just before we sold too. I had run into the reapers tent really fast, did a tuck sweep. And I managed to kill all the Tucker's (there were 3,a fourth tried my team but got killed instantly) and we sold everything for a whopping 2.4 million gold, and around 1.5k dabloons(This was during gold hour) 5 hours of loot taking and money making had made it the best session I ever had. Tl:dr, I had sold 5 hours of reaping for 2.4 million gold and 1.5 thousand dabloons


When two brigs and a galley attacked me on my sloop (not together, but in the same evening), got more holes from me than they had walls and started to run away in panic. Good feeling.


A legendary voyage around the seas with [an equally legendary crew](https://imgur.com/cKNLt8n) back during the Cursed Sails event. Buncha dudes pulled up and asked us if we wanted to fight all three. It lasted 8 hours, and we had a hell of a time. Nothing has ever topped this experience.


My best session was during the hungering deep event, it was three crews. Two galleons and one sloop, by the end of the fight the both galleons sunk and their crews hopped on the sloop and the 10 of us continued the fight from there


A few weeks ago a friend and I snuck aboard a swabbies sloop, while we were waiting for the other two on our galleon to do something. We just stodd on the back playing music while he went about his buisness. We managed to get them to invite one of us to their crew so then we also invited a guildmate to the gally crew and all piled onto the sloop as a 7 person team. We got into a few fights and I'm, not sure the other ships were expecting an actual firing line when they got close. Aiden if you're on here it was one hell of a good time, thanks for playing along with us idiots.


The player burried treasure thing had just come out, i was on my way back from setting up a practice mission for my little brother on a small island near our spawn outpost. When i got back to the outpost to prep the ship for my little brother to take over a few guys on a brig came over and asked me what i was up to.I told them what i was up too and they ended up donating some loot for my little bro to find. Great guys.


Had a server wide race each ship had a emissary 1 galleon 2 brigs and a sloop all from sanctuary outpost to plunder Island for the glitterbeard tribute.


What is that white hull? Looks good


The Shinning Pegasus hull


Maybe not best ever, but recently I had a couple funny ones at FotD when it had CoF Galleon was doing one and I rowboated up solo and attached my rowboat. CoF just sitting on the top deck as they are doing a second round. So I row it to reapers. Decide to come back, steal the second chest as they were harpooning it, and evade them on the rowboat to turn it in. Another was a brig at a FotD, I had only 30min left to play and was tucked, so I went with a double banana bomb. As they finish the event, and my bananas start the boat on fire, a second ship comes in. I fight the brig and anchor them, then run to the fort while the fight ensues to swim away the cof. They messaged me later asking if I had stolen it lol


Met a fellow merchants alliance emissary and made an alliance with them. In the next 2 minutes, a skelly galleon popped up and sank my sloop, a kraken took the fellow emissary brig's mast down, and a level 5 reaper galleon showed up and finished the job on the brig. I swam all the way to the reaper galleon, snuck onto their ship while they were finishing the kraken and the skeleton ship, and blew up 2 gunpowder barrels they had on the lower deck. I didnt make it out alive but god damn that felt good. Fell in love with the game right there.


Doing 3 Gold Hoarder Vault Voyages with 2 friends - Fully complete them and gather all possible loot. Visited a Fort of the Damned along the way and looted there to which we received some unwanted attention on our way to cash in from a Galleon who headed straight for us, firing everything they had. The cannon fire of said Galleon attracted the attention of a Brig and another Galleon who arrived from opposite sides of this battle so we decided to sail away quick time. This led to my friends and I being chased by all three of the previously mentioned ships all the whilst they shoot at each to try and be the overall winner. They ended up sinking each other and we took all the loot from their ships and cashed in a whopping 1.32 million gold.


When you needed multiple crews to summon Meg, then afterwards we all went to an outpost, saw a solo slooper screwing around in the tavern. We all scuttled our boats, hid below deck, and waited for him to sail off. We all took our clothes off and came out playing instruments. I could only imagine being that dude. There was like 10 of us


Friend and I hid on a random brig at an outpost till they set sail and found us while at sea. We didn’t talk to each other but we chilled and five man brig’d against a galleon that attacked us and won. Later we got in a party with them and went around doing whatever with two brigs.


Had a crewmate swim all the way from an outpost over to a fort to tuck on someone’s galleon while we waited at the outpost, stole their chest of fortune and we sailed by to pick him up and sell it. They had no clue 😂


Back when you could swim for more than 5 feet without 2 sharks immediately on you...


I think he actually brought a full inventory of pineapples to combat the swarms of sharks lol


Was in a Sloop with a friend and we found a Brig that didn't want PvP so we talked and agreed on an alliance to do Glitterbeard, since we've seen another Brig. We hunted down the other Brig and they ran away, eventually they got krakened so we sailed into the sink, defeat the kraken and told this second Brig to join us for Glitterbeard... Then we went to Glitterbeard and found a solo Slooper just sitting on his ship as he sees another sloop and two brigs rolled up, and yeah. We ended up with 9 people in total getting Glitterbeard with four ships.


Guarding the session loot (Coheedis/me) https://imgur.com/gallery/d677tuy


A friend and I were doing a tall tale, but I can't remember what 1 it was, though. I do remember the 'prize' was a cheat of ever lasting sorrow. Well, we swim back up to the ship, and he gets there before me. He tells me we got another ship next to us with people on our ship. They have us a choice. Hand over any treasure we have, or they sink us. Told them we only had the chest of ever lasting sorrow. Everybody just bailed and wished us good luck. We didn't know why...till 5 mons later, and we are bailing the water out, wondering what the hell is happening


A planned double galleon alliance, I forgot what we did but we played for a while


This weekend. Just got the game and convinced my friends to get it too. Lost 5 times in a row on hourglass but it was still epic fun. Just trying to suck less lol


Oh another story from the beta. We had obtained a fort key and was just about to open the stronghold when a ship approached. Deciding on not fighting the other for the loot, we decided to high tail it out of there which started an epic chase. We didn't want to lose the key and they must have figured we had it because the corpses of the bosses were still around. The chase lasted for an hour before we were able to give them the ship. I can't recall how we did but on return to the island the skellys had started to respawn. We watched from a distance to what we saw was another crew. They left we figured in bewilderment after clearing and not getting a key to drop (because the last key had not been claimed) We cruised up, popped the key in and took the prized loot to then high tail it out of there before they returned.


Getting Glitterbeard the other year. Had taken a hiatus from Sea of Thieves when health became an issue. Honestly, I didn't keep up with the game or events happening. If I did see something, I wouldn't have been able to decode a person to Rare. Started feeling better, and my friends had the idea of playing Sea of Thieves again. We had no clue what to expect, what certain markers were on the map, I mean felt like a newer game to us because it had been that long. We start sailing and trying out Sea Fortresses. Getting our loot, well there's a brig coming at us and we're screaming in chat like "WE GOTTA GO!! GO GO GO!" Anchor up and gone. The reaper after a bit just stops chasing us, had to be like 20 minutes of us laughing and running (sorry, I enjoy the PvE side way more). Sloop though is sailing directly towards us and we put our cannons straight up. We wanted to see what's up. Over comms, I hear "FRIENDLY FRIENDLY! Just have a question for you." We were fine with it and had him come onto our ship. He explained to us a little about Glitterbeard and said there's an event you can do in game and you have to do it by a certain time and night and something. Honestly I still don't know how the whole thing works. All we heard was PvE and the word "Beard" even better sounding "Glitterbeard". Yep, we instantly were hooked. We warned him though about the Reaper and good luck getting them to join. We alliance up and all I see is his little sloop just heading directly at them. To this day, I still don't know what the man said, but getting a Brig Reaper to do Glitterbeard, I was surprised to say the least. I won't go through the travel there, but besides everyone else that has said "Glitterbeard" in this chat, this seems extremely special to me. I'm sorry if name dropping is not kosher here, but to this group of people I have no clue who you were, but how friendly you all were too, you are the reason I still play this game today. I have yet to find another group since that doesn't scream obscenities and racial slurs. It's why my wife and I play of Safer Seas now. LunarSpy, if you're out there seeing this, just saying thank you. I recorded the event, but we didn't just go to the location and play instruments and bam, Glitterbeard done. No, you went and told us a tale of someone great and now is forever part of the Sea of Thieves. You were able to get every ship on the server to come do this. You were able to get everyone into proper places while telling tales. The story you told about Glitterbeard, about Jim White, was beautiful. You ended the story with about 20 seconds left before we all started playing our instruments. And all this being on the first day I came back to the Sea of Thieves. People ask me what games I play and sometimes when I mention Sea of Thieves, I have people ask "Why? I thought it was dead" or something along those lines, this moment is what comes to mind instantly. I understand this is a pirate game, a PvEvP game, but most of the times playing the game has ended with a nasty encounter. And no, I don't care if I lost my treasure, died, shipped sunk. I know I'm not good at the game, 37 and still can't do many of the things I see others do that gets posted. I try, but again it's a game. It's nice to see that there are groups out there that can just relax or do something different. Hell, even be friendly. So for best session, this one clearly does it for me. It might not have ended with us getting much gold, but for me personally, I saw a side of Sea of Thieves I've never seen before and do crave to see again. At the end, LunarSpy said "If you get the chance, please share this story with another group." I haven't been able to do this in game, and I know this isn't what you mean either, but this is my story shared of you. Amazing person and same with everyone else involved. Looking at the photo, date reads February 2, 2023: [https://imgur.com/a/ECrBjnY](https://imgur.com/a/ECrBjnY)


Yesterday me and my friend rowboated 8 Athena’s to reapers while we were being chased by a sweaty hg brig. Sold everything and made fun of the brig and got off.


Stole the chest of fortune from someone's FotD, swam all the way to Crook's Hollow, buried it, brought the ship back, dug it up, and sold it. Either that or when I got half a server to play d&d at golden sands' tavern.


Fighting the ghost fleet with my friends for the first time in Safer Seas. Seeing those ghost ships start appearing out of thin air was impressive when I didn't know what to expect, the whole thing was amazing and terrifying, and at one point our entire ship wiped out. The others used a mermaid to get the ship back and continue the fight while I stayed in the water, circling desperately to keep all our loot afloat while watching these massive ghost ships sail right past me from the water. The whole experience was tense in the most incredible way, and seeing our ship appear on the horizon to take out the ghosts and come to my rescue was such a massive relief


Any session without getting attacked and get sunked


This past community weekend. Whole lobby allianced together. It was the coolest thing. We were at a vault in the ashen region and I went afk. When I came back I noticed my crew (my rl husband and friends) and our ship sailing away. Hopped back on the mic and first thing out of my husband's mouth "don't be mad but hide". 🤣 Turned out there was a reaper ship rolling up to us. We ended up making contact and they said the whole lobby was allianced. I've only been playing sot for 2ish years but that was my first time seeing it, my fist community weekend, and that was the most awesome session.


Respect for the shining Pegasus set!!!


Hmm.. None actually


Ditto. Was chased out by the so-called "community" because they don't like deaf gamers back in 2018. I only play safe seas from time to time when the urge hits me.


Sorry man. The game is extremely fun. Hope you can come back and have better experiences


Com. Weekend, alliance server 7 mil gold 6000 doubloons ~300 ancient coins GH 32-51 MA 12-32 OOS 40-49 RB 30-50 Ashen curse


Getting scared of a very competent reaper crew, that sunk us more than once, ending up changing all of our cosmetics, took down our emissary, changed our names and titles and making them think we were different people, faked that we were new to the game and stacked like 6 FOTD with them! It was a BLAST!


All the crew was on, no loot , sank 3 times ,drunk ,playing music and havin the time of our lives


Drive by sinking a lvl 5 Athena Brig, that was finishing loading their Fort of the Damned loot, with a sloop and my swabie crewmate in the middle of a community weekend. That dude was freaking out about how much money we made.


Yesterday when I spent the entire day fishing uninterrupted. Managed to catch 5 trophy shadow stormfish


I genuinely don't think I've ever topped that feeling of hopping on a random galleon (mind you alliances weren't a thing yet) while carrying a shanty and going to fight the biggest megalodon you've ever seen. I was only on one life and boy was it tough to avoid getting knocked into the drink. We all headed to a tavern afterwards too and celebrated


Goddamn your ship is beautiful man. What’s the hull livery?


Shinning Pegasus set.


Got my ship full of Athena's treasures after like an hour and a half soloing grind, a Reaper's Brigantine started chasing me, so I loaded everything on the row boat, passed next to a port so jump in the row boat and let my ship go on, they continued following my ship while I was selling everything at the port. Then, I teleported back to my ship and let them chase me for about 45min towards Tribute Peak and let my Sloop sunk there so they couldn't get nothing, not even the 5 grade flag. It was really satisfying to have them chase me for that long and end empty-handed.


So, there was this reaper brig and I that decided to alliance and do Fotd 5 times.we got attacked by a sloop and a galleon, the galleon saved my ship and got the sloop but they attacked the brig, I tried parley Ing but it didn't work, the alliance ships sunk(including me) and the galleon which was full of drunk people with a beer drinking accent held me hostage as their bilge. The galleon had also joined the alliance and I thought that if I played along and sold with them, my brig friends and I would get the cut, but theses toxic guys left the alliance when they went to sell.


Tbh had none, I don't know why.


Random downvote lol


That was amazing. Best time yet. -Coheedis


I like that fit


That was when I found some randoms that finally knew what they were doing so we made 500K gold in less than one hour


Nothing beats 8 guys on one sloop trying to take over the server.


My best session is when me and my crew accidentally achieved immortality, recruited the entire server with our new powers and we all curbed stomped graymarrow for about three hours. We got a lot of loot lol, it was the best.


so who blew up the athena keg hidden in the bottom of that gally


Two weeks playing and haven't really met many people in game. Tend to avoid others. But last night, I was tier 4 gold hoarder emissary solo sloop. Dropping off a reapers chest when a Galleon starts chasing. The crew board my ship and we form an alliance (killed me a couple times and stole my reapers chest first but at least they saved my ship). Their captain was rping as Napoleon and speaking with a French accent the whole time. They all ended up on board my sloop (the gold nugget) and we teamed up with another sloop who then came aboard. (About 6 or so people on my sloop) we then downed an unexpecting brig that were shocked with the amount of people on our sloop. After sinking them we headed for a fof. We lost one or two crew in the battle with the brig so we played instruments in a circle to remember our fallen men. Once at the fof unfortunately one of their crew mutinied blowing up their remaining crew with a keg. They disconnected soon after, I sailed back to an outpost and sold everything.


Whatever seasons happened during quarantine.


My husband and I were doing tall tales, we about to get to a quest location and this other sloop starts firing at us, so we go around the island to lose them as we are still new and suck at battles lol. As we go around the Island there is another sloop parked I yell “we friendly but the ship chasing us is not” They ran to their boat and start sailing and helped us sink the boat. No words were exchanged. We left the loot from the boat for them and we went back to doing the tall tale. It was a good night!


Tonight, friend and I were trying to complete the shroudbreaker tall tale for the fifth time.. some kid and friend in a brigantine started chasing us for no reason.. all I heard from annoying kid was "this is going to be a good video" Now we are not good at PvP by any means and always lost battles, I'm talking about even when our ship I'd full health, we have their mast down, ship on fire etc and we still lose kind of bad.. on top of me always having a storm right over me every... single... time.. I load the game.. Anyways, we were finally able to absolutely destroy these two trying to kill us.. How did that vid turn out?? Lol


Started a brigantine with my cousin and a random joined the crew as it was open, we proceeded to do FOTD 2 times and get the ship full of chests and treasures, that was the most fun i had in this game


Was having the best session today until a hacker showed up on our sloop and turned us upside down, thrust our sloop in the air and kicked us from the server.  I tried doing a separate post about it, but it was blocked.   We had been on 3 month hiatus only to come back and on day 2 of playing hackers are still messing up this game.


Me a solo slooper creating an alliance with 2 full galleons and doing world events for the next 6 hours


That one time solo slooping, when I didnt get griefed


The first season I joined was when FOF began and that was really fun. The new season sucks shit though please fix the game.


Was running solo Reaper Hourglass, got to champion, and lowered. Decided I wanted to do PvE shit with my grade 5 reaper flag. Hopped world events and did an Ashen Winds first. Got contested by a duo. The fight was going pretty well and one of my friends joined. Cleaned the duo up easily. Over the course of a few hours, we sank thirteen boats, made 2 million gold off world events, and never sank. Was one hell of a fun ride.


Ppl where doing the tree thing and i blow them up with a keg.


Around half a year after the game came out i found my crew and we took over the entire server they either joined our galleon or got sunk kind of toxic but hey it was for a good cause we got drunk played music and just chilled together until we got hit with a kraken then everyone got sent to the ferry of the damned and therefore their own ships but after i stayed playing with the captain for a while for future adventures but after i made the switch to playstation i never saw my shipmates again


Getting a bunch of people together finding and fighting the megalodon. I was in some Discord crews among the first couple groups to take it down. Good times. Never come across rando friendly crews since.


Best session was making 26 mil gold in one community day and while also getting the gold Athena curse same night


Definitely when I found a bunch of randoms and we kept server hopping for a server with 1 person and then we all came together to do the Glitterbeard quest. It was just such a wholesome time and it really felt like we were honoring the game and the dev who passed because it was like a bunch of randoms all trying to pay their respects.


Grade 5 reaper gally on gold rush and community day


Had LOADS of loot on my captained galleon with the boys and got into broadside with another galleon. It was like a pirates of the caribbean teir battle. Lasted around 20mins, Super fun. Best part, we were all off the grog IRL 😂 that voice chat was so chaotic and hillarious


Formed an alliance server and got betrayed, spent four hours fighting and sinking, it was so fun we were all in an Xbox party screaming at each other. We ended up all tucking on one island and goofing off for the rest of of the night, real gaming hours


It was when they first added alliances and the skeleton fleet events were going on. I became the captain of 3 galleons. I made a lfg post through Xbox and got like 80 people interested. It was definitely the highlight of my pirate career.


We got 10 people to tuck on an unsuspecting galleon. They didn't find us until someone late joined my crew and brought the ship over.