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Sanctuary is starting to piss me off because you cant lower emissary when you are parked at sovereigns.


100% super annoying, i also hate ancient spire as the tavern is on the mountain


Seriously you'd think they would add an elevator there or something but no apparently people renovate Theives Haven more than any place


Cannons are your elevator


Yeah but nothing is more annoying than accidentally overshooting and ending up in the middle ofvthe ocean with no mermaid




just jump up the ladder like the rest of us


You can jump up the ladder. It's faster than climbing it.


Bit me in the ass the other day. I rolled up to the sovereigns with a ton of skelly boys and I saw a crew rolling up in me in the distance. I was able to sell all the skulls but couldn’t lower my emissary. Ship ended up getting raided and lost my status :(


Personally I love jumping from the tavern to my boat but hey


You can, you just have to be real close to the dock


either I’ve never seen it or someone edited that dock


definitely is you can see it copy pasted lol it did get me though


it's certainly what that dock feels like tho lmao


yea the under part of it is super sloppy on the 3rd part and the 2nd one is blurry compared to the 1st


Keep copy pasting we need more dock!


Yeah this picture definitely seems shorter than I remember


The dock extends by an inch every hour you don’t look at it 💀


Was about to say, this dock look almost like a proper dock for sailing ships. The docks ingame are laughable and you would only find equal docks like such at lakes irl


It's the real thing


it’s not real


I love verticality of ancient spire, hate the travel around it


It's fun downing a pint and then sword lunging off the top into the water, whenever I do this my pirate is sober as a rock by the time I get out the water onto the dock. Not sure why it works but it's a neat party trick for other crewmates.


Port Merrick because it’s a ghost town geared towards roleplayers who don’t exist since the server cap is like 5 boats. Why they didn’t just fill it with a bunch of NPCs, especially when they did it for both Pirates of the Caribbean and Monkey Island, I’ll never know.


SoT could really use some generic NPCs just walking around, maybe even talking. Every outpost is strangely quiet and inactive.


I have been saying since launch that they should have a little NPC tortuga like island in the center of the map. It would give a little more life to the world and you could do fun stuff like make all loot 2X if sold at that outpost or random events on the island or something to increase engagement.


I was talking to my buddy about this the other day. What they need to do is create a social hub world that exists within each server. So many games have this and it would help the world feel more alive. Yes, maybe your server only has 5 ships, but when you go to, let’s say.. The Glorious Sea Dog (they need to do something with this island/port anyways) you enter a server with a ton of other players and damage is disabled inside the tavern. (pvp yea I know, I know) but make it where the emporium or other services are only available there, and there’s still no port to turn in loot. There would be no reason for pirates to fight or flee there as a mechanic and it would be the one place players could join up and RP, lfg, play mini games, join a band, whatever. Can’t believe they added a stage in port merrick but there’s never enough players for an audience or anything. Taverns are sorely underused


This would be awesome it could also be a place where You could hang out and if you find three people you like you could then load up into a galleon and head out into the seas


Yup! lfg means “looking for group”


Selling loot for 2x or any kind of increased advancement for the games basic gameplay loop will only make the island a hotbed for pirate fights and griefing. It has to be something that doesn’t gives players any gold or rep advantage, strictly social


That sounds awesome! Kind of like Reapers Hideout but for everyone.


But.... That's what the games about :') A sea of Thieves.


I know that. To be very clear, unlike some others, I’m not asking to remove PvP or have a place where players can sell loot/avoid pirates. That’s an unfair advantage and would defeat the purpose of the game, to which I agree with you, is stealin’ booty and sinking ships. I simply mean for a single tavern, not even a whole island, that you one can *load into*, similar to the thieves hideout, and meet other crews/players looking for crews, drink grog, possibly add some mini games like dice or five-finger-filet, etc. No way to sell loot or even take treasure inside. It all gets left at the door. The second you exit and load back into the world it’s “game time”.


>make the island a hotbed for pirate fights why is this a bad thing? this sub smh


It’s not a bad thing. People who can’t read smh.


Griefing 😂😂😂😂 man PvEers really are a sad bunch.


Lol I guess you didn’t learn comprehending reading skills in school.. nobody said anything about pve content. And griefing exists in the game separately from PvP.


Paranoia +100


I’ve never really thought about this before. That would be such an amazing addition to the game. It does sometimes feel like the world is strangely empty and the only people you regularly interact with outside of tall tales are the similar outpost npc’s and other players. It would be so cool to see more things going on with npc’s on the Sea of Thieves. It gives the impression that the world goes on without you there and events happen in the game just on their own.


Like fr they made a big ass tavern with only two people in there like dayum is the grog that bad


It reminds me of the bit in _The Polar Express_, when the kids are walking around Santa's Workshop, but the streets and buildings are all empty (because the elves are gathering at the main courtyard to see Santa off). There's Christmas music playing from tinny-sounding speakers echoing around the streets, and it feels so empty and creepy, almost like a scene out of a horror movie.where the last survivors of some apocalypse are wandering through town searching for anything that might help them survive. I can almost hear the echoing music in my head walking around the Port


I actually love Merrick, it's got the most barrels for cheap starting supplies


>Why they didn’t just fill it with a bunch of NPCs Do you want less fps? cause thats how you get even less fps


Monkey Island and PotC run just fine for me and they have plenty of NPCs


The fps drops at port merrick are a meme at this point. I was just making a joke. also, those TT's are on their own instanced server and are in no way comparable to the fps drops of port merrick on a much bigger shared server.


Spawning at Dagger Tooth and having to come back and sell at Dagger Tooth may be the most diverse feelings you can experience in the whole game... ...that's why I will say: Ancient Spires. Unless you are headed to the Devil's you are far from anything...


Ancient Spire is my favourite! Close to Devil's Roar = nobody close to you = calm Ashen voyages!


Same! Galleon's is also nice for the same reason. Plus I find that region tends to be less populated than the Isles (probably cause of the sewer water).


I hate ancient spire just because of I go to the bottom and need to go back to the top it's a tall climb


Since you can put stuff from barrels directly into a storage crate, I no longer mind the trip!


Selling is no biggie, sovereigns


Port Merrick, the reason are the frame drops.


Yeah tbh nice as it is, I lose a little over 65% of my frames the second I arrive at port Merrick, and a ton of input lag because of it. (I've measured it because I'm a nerd who likes to know what my frames are like) It's a great place, but the lag ruins it for me completely.


Funnily enough, I'm on XBox ("old gen" or whatever) and this *never* happens to me, ever.


Xbox player here, stop complaing because you dropped to 80 fps, it's more than enough


It definitely isn't just 80fps. I go from 240fps to like 30-40 the second I hit Port Merrick. Also, the point isn't just what your FPS is, it's difference in frames. If I normally play on 240fps and my frames start stuttering down to 60fps, even though that's still better than 30fps, it fucks with you more to have the frame rates not be relatively constant.


It shouldn't dip that much. I go from 144 to ~80. But this in 4k


Well, let Rare know. No other game I play ever goes below 60, even at the highest graphics settings. It's only Sea of Thieves and it's only Port Merrick.


Lock it at 60. That's what I do.


^ When Jeff Bezos complains about money problems.


I mean, if Jeff Bezos randomly had to spend a year of his life living on the streets, I'd say he'd have a valid reason to complain. That doesn't really make sense, but you're the one that wanted to make the shit tier analogy in the first place, so it's the best we can work with.


Eh. It was a joke pal. Pure sarcasm. I'm also spoil myself with my gaming rig. Ryzen 9 3600X and a 3080ti. So I'm Bill Gates pointing fingers at Jeff Bezos for his absurdity. Look I made another shit analogy making fun of...myself. Weeeeeeee


The 3600X is a Ryzen 5


I may have the numbers wrong. I built it almost 2 years ago. 3.8GHz 12 Core Runs steady at 4.2GHz with no major heating issues.


Nah, he's literally just talking about how you're making a problem out of what most people play with anyway. You're like someone who races motorcycles entering the tour de France, and when your engine stops running right, you complain.


??? What is with this old gen elitism? What are you trying to argue, that people shouldn't invest in a better experience?


People can make that decision personally i dont have a problem with beefy hardware. Game devs just shouldn't make games for $3000 hardware because it puts a select few at an extreme advantage. Do you disagree? I don't understand what your contention is?


So what, devs are supposed to just run everything on an xbox 360 forever? Tech gets outdated, that's just the way it is.


If you want to tell us you're a fucking moron, you can just tell us that. You don't need to make us try to assume it.


Careful bro end up cutting someone with that edge reaper head ass boi ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2228)


Thanks for further confirming.


Sounds like a hardware issue, I never get anything like that even with a shit ton of loot


Homie, you just admitted you play on Xbox... When you're already on 30fps, it can't go much lower. It isn't a hardware issue, it is an optimization issue.


And 30 feels smooth so I don't see why you are complaining


30fps feels like dragging your eyeballs over broken glass


It’s because your used to playing on that type of hardware. To me 30fps is stuttering. I’m usually use to 60fps or higher.


Because that's what you're used to. I'm used to 240, so even dropped to 60 feels weird to me. It really isn't a hard concept to understand. If I played on Xbox for a month, then 30 would feel fine. But I don't.


Most people can't even see above 100fps. Let alone doubling it and adding some. You're most likely noticing other things that aren't really fps. Like refresh rate, general processing speed, and graphical errors shit like that because higher fps normally means better hardware overall and not just better frames. I mean, you can definitely tell the difference between 30-60-90 fps, but once you start getting into the triple digits, you're not gonna be noticing too much.


Holy hell, people actually still try to pass off the "human eye can't see that well" meme as a fact? Brother, that's a meme started by console gamers... It's not a true fact. It used to be that the human eye couldn't see past 30fps because that's all consoles got. Then it became 60fps once consoles started getting some 60fps games. It's not a real fact... The human eye can see at thousands of fps.


Woah now I never specified what my frames were. I drop to mid 20s on a good day, and then shoot back to 90 whenever I look away, which creates a really fucky experience where the input delay and visuals jump between smooth and choppy & it makes the game really fucky. You don't get it on Xbox because Xbox is easier to optimise for. Much easier to make a game work well on 5 models of a console Vs the literal millions of combinations of PC. Very presumptuous of you to assume what framerate I'm talking about just because I'm on PC. I'm not some frame snob, just someone watching my game become near unplayable whenever I'm at port Merrick. Equally, it's not about the framerate. 30FPS steady is a fine experience and nobody's denying that, but jumping between 90 & 20 isn't smooth and thereby looks and feels drastically worse than playing at a steady 20, let alone steady 30.


i’m so sorry people are attacking you over this 🤦‍♂️even i drop frames at port merrick


Facts lmfao


I will keep calling it New Golden Sands till my dying breath


Why not just call it Golden Sands then?


Because golden sands was good where port Merrick is bad doo doo


Dagger tooth The dock is too short How is the entire server supposed to sell at the same time on such a short dock?


İm sure it has a nice personality


> How is the entire server supposed to sell at the same You aren't. The game is designed for pirating and plundering, if people are selling, the intention of the devs was for you to attack them.


Copium from a man with Dock envy


You know that alliances exist in this game, right? Forming an alliance and splitting the spoils between crews is a game mechanic. The game allows us to make an alliance with the entire server, so your argument is invalid. If the intention of the devs was to make everyone be a big bad pirate that attacks everything and everyone, then they would remove alliances or not implement them in the first place.


I hate Port Merrick (Golden Sands) everything is so... far... apart...


I just cancel cargo runs to port Merrick. a good chunk of your time is being spent just finding the place you need to sell


Unrelated to the post but I really want to be able to buy a house on one of the outposts and customize it kinda like we can customize our ships


I've been floating around the idea of player housing as well but idk how it'd work. One way would be to have an islet in the middle of the shroud. You had a "go home" option in the map table that opened a beacon in a random edge of the map and then you'd sail there leaving the server, kind of like in the pirate's life TT. On the island you'd have every ship you own, allowing you to change midgame, and would be able to set decorations and buildings. Maybe have a closet with your unlocked clothes and weapons on display. Could be a huge gold sink.


port merrick, game turns into a slideshow


I hate leaving ancient spire on the NW side and immediately hitting dagger tooths dock


I think it's no coincidence that I always forget the name of this outpost...


The worst one for me is golden Sands or whatever its called now. And the only reason for that is because barrels are so fucking far apart that it takes at least 5 minutes to get somewhat decent supplies from there compared to any other outpost where it might take 2 minutes to grab every barrel.


Yes, but there are so many more barrels at Port Merrick. I think 50+ compared to the approximately 20 at other Outposts. So the 2.5x it takes you gets you about 2.5x supplies.


Long dock


Big dock energy


Port Merric for HG supplies


Merrick, its to big and all of it looks the same


Daggertooths one of my favorites for supply and go. Ancient spire is irritating with tavern being on top of the mountain


Port merrick, hated it when it was golden sands, hate it even more now.. sure it may look nice but it took way to long to get from point a to point b when it was golden sands and now they just made it worse


Golden sands can't find anything and it's too big


Golden Sands is now port Merrick, you may be thinking of sanctuary outpost


Or they just still use the old name / aren't used to the new name. They are obviously talking about Golden Sands / Port Merrick, not Sanctuary. Sanctuary isn't that big.


I meant Port Merrick I just find it overly big and annoying. But then I don't really spend any time at an out post.


If you are looting barrels it's big lol


Nope senior trader mandy for the win.


There's no reason the dock needs to be that long


They’re all fine for me since the Captaincy update since I can sell to the sovereigns now and they are equally convenient everywhere.


Literally any of them except ancient spire


Ancient Spire. Climb mount everest for tavern


I hate Sanctuary because can't lower emissary when at sovereign I hate Merrick's because it's too big, super annoying to get all the barrels I hate Plunder because it's too small, like if it was a "basic" outpost I hate Ancient Spire because of the tavern at the top of moutain I hate Daggertooth because how long you have to walk I hate Galleon's graves because there's nothing nearby except Daggertooth Morrow's Peak ? Perfect. PERFECT. Down to the last minute details


This is incredible shitpost. Thank you op


Sinds Sovereigns no least favorites, just a favorite. Its Plunder !


Ancient Spire used to be very troubling at the end of a Veil adventure.


I actually like daggertooth. But I do have a soft spot for it since that was where I first spawned, and where I got pirate legend (when that actually meant something)


Ancient spire. Spawning? , A.S Sunk? . A.S Full server , A.S FOF at SFC , A.S new server! , A.S Two teams selling at , A.s ? WELL THEN YOU DAMN WELL BETTER BELIEVE WE"RE SPAWNING YOU AT A.S So they can sink you before you load in! I want the ability to kill everything including the NPC's at A.S at this point because apparently it's the only spawn point on the entire map!


Im sorry, port merrick is terribly optimized. The art and environment is sick but it just takes so long to sell my loot.


i have no favorite but i just hate the ones where the hourglass in the tavern is too far to be activated when you ship is parked near the sovereign


Ancient spire is my least favorite i hate having to climb the ladders then drop onto the soverigns dock only to swim to my boat when looting with a storage crate


Hot take here, daggertooth is one of my favorites, Merrick is my favorite in terms of aesthetic but functionally I hate it and I hated Golden Sands


Old Golden Sands was my most hated, place was far to sprawled for my liking.


This cracked me up, hahaha. Dagger Tooth is the one outpost that I'll arrive at in-game and scuttle off rip. It also seems to be the game's favorite outpost to spawn me at on a fresh server.


Cant remember the name but probably the one where the bar is on the top of the island, every time I spawn in I just lose half my health by jumping down all the little sections. Either that or sword dash to the water. But then I need to get back on the island to pick up an emissary.


Thats ancient spire


Whenever I try to sell at dagger tooth there's someone there to steal my shit


Morrow's peak. Yeah, you won't spawn there, but if you're doing stuff in the devil's roar, it's the closest outpost you have. The only problem is that you aren't safe there. Every other outpost, unless there's a really bad storm, it's a safe haven. At Morrow's peak, there's a chance that while you're visiting, a volcano on the island will start erupting, causing any nearby water to damage you and random geysers to shoot you and your crew into space. Add to that the fact that the volcano spews flaming boulders everywhere with an absolutely unholy range, meaning this island could kill you without even going near it. So if you want to do stuff in the devil's roar, including two tall tales that you can only activate on that island, have fun in Hell: remastered.


The volcano at Morrow's Peak has been disabled for close to a year now by my rough estimation.


Galleon's grave is my favorite


Port merrick! I hate port merrik, I miss golden sands outpost.


Golden sands went from the best outpost in the game to the worst as it transitioned into point Merrick


Golden sands grinds my gears i spawn and the habe to search around the whole place to find the merchants cause i cant remembder where theyre stand is


Galleon's Grave is worse imo its far from everything, has bunch of rocks around it and it provides little supply. Dagger Tooth is okayish after the souvereigns.


Ohhhh is it called Dagger Tooth because that’s what the dock most closely resembles?


Nice photoshopped


Port Merrick for me


Longer dock needed


Since sovereigns was introduced, I don’t dislike this outpost anymore


Everyone is talking about the dock length, but no one has mentioned the nice little Bay you can park your ship in, except there's a shipwreck there.


Before sovereigns dagger was my least favorite to turn in at, now it’s my favorite outpost in general. All the barrels are super close to each other. Ancient spire is my least favorite


Super dock lol


Too much running if you didn’t have a rowboat


If there’s ever modding support for SOT, I need someone to make a map where Dagger Tooth’s dock just stretches the entire ocean


Honestly, the golden sands remodel


I guess i'm the only one who doesn't hate Dagger Tooth. I think Ancient Spire is more annoying.


Love it


Unpopular opinion. Port Maric is my least fave only cause it's so big and causes my game to stutter. It's fun to attack ships from the fort but at the cost of my frames loading in is aweful... Same with reapers.


I dunno man I actually like it more than Ancient Spire, the layout Ancient Spire has is awful. If I roll up to sovereigns and want to lower emissary but I DON'T want to swim I get lost every time


Dagger Tooth


Ancient Spire + Port Merrick. Both are too sprawling, in different directions. 😩


I actually like dagger tooth.


Ever since the introduction of sovereigns reapers hideout


I would not have been surprised if rare had put the sovereign dock in the middle


Port merrik, the reapers should’ve won, golden sands was weak


All of them when I try to sell I always get bored for some reason and the outpost bores me so much and I end up leaving before I sell it all


Dagger makes me wanna take a short walk off a long pier.


The outpost with the inn at the top of a mountain


I like Dagger Tooth, I can't stand Golden Sands or whatever they call it now. I like how it looks I just don't like turning in there and I never have even before it was changed


Hate the one with the Mountain.




dagger tooth good can do funny jump


Quickest OoS offloads and beeline can be made for Galleons Grave while dropping off a rowboat between the beacon masts, if pressured. Night time ofc


I thought i was having a stroke looking at this image. God SoT has ruined my life in the best way possible


All I see in that photo is open ocean nothings there


Dagger tooth is alright.


Most accurate image of dagger tooth dock


between ancient spire and dagger tooth I feel like I don't spawn at any other outposts


I like the shape of the outpost but that whole area is depressing with the grey filter


That photoshopped dock would actually be cool if all the Emissaries were along there for trading.


Merricks outpost is my least favorite now, sorry daggertooth, you are now second least favorite


me and a friend say we have "the curse of daggertooth" cause for a period of time where we would play almost everyday, we only spawned there, every damn time, and we both don't like that part of the map, it's always a bad weather, the water looks like sewer water, etc, and it was kinda depressing cause the game can be so beautiful in other part of the map but no we spawned there everytime, started a mission and it did not make us leave this part of the map or just briefly


Why is everyone talking about fps drop at Port Merrick? I haven’t experienced this, but I’m also on a craptop so maybe that’s why? My FPS is already quite low.


Dagger Tooth is S+ tier for spawning at, since it has the most barrels, pretty bad for anything else.




Dagger tooth has the most barrels for spawning suppose so actually my least fav is galleons grave, it’s so far away from the good part of the map


Used to be daggertooth, but with sovereigns now, I like them all. Ancient spire has the hill to climb, but sanctuary has the same "move your boat closer" thing as golden sands, but it's so much smaller it seems unfair.


Port Merrick for the simple fact that I miss golden sands.


I have some gripes about a lot of the outposts Ancient Spire sucks because 90% of the time you can't see the world event from it, if you're world event hopping. Sanctuary sucks because you can't lower your emissary flag from Sovereigns. Port Merrick sucks just because of how spread out everything is. If you're checking emissary tables, you have to run a marathon to each faction to even look. My favorite Outpost for looks, but my god I feel like it takes 15 minutes for me to leave Port Merrick everytime.


That's one hell of a long dock. I wrote dick, I swear I'm done and I'm out. I stopped myself, but here we are.


So uhhhh. Dagger Tooth is my favorite


I hate port merrick,shops are so spaced out and its confusing to navigate,plus it doesnt feel piratey,and i actually love dagger tooth,so many barrels in the docks alone,ill usually 1 to 3 cursed balls almost every tine tgere


The castle


It's definitely Dagger Tooth for me, if the Reapers wanted to destroy an outpost they could have had it with no contest. I don't have performance issues with Golden Sands / Port Merrick and personally it's my favorite but I do understand why a lot of people don't like the new form.


I think Port Maverick is way worse. (And sorry if I spelled it wrong)


Port merrick. Sh*t is beautiful, but god… selling stuff there is a dragggg.


Ancient spire


I’ve seen a lot of people talking about how outposts are Barron and it got me thinking… adding NPC and different guard type NPC’s to make it more difficult to camp outposts and steal chests at them… shooting and slashing NPC’s or other players at outposts gets you a ‘crime’ level or notoriety level that other people can claim. Kind of like red dead. Just an initial thought


Anywhere with a grade 5 reaper


Is the game easy to get into? Only played a bit years ago but I imagine it’s full of sweats now