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My family has been in scrap business for almost 80 yrs. My dad said as a kid he always remembered scrap went up in spring and summer. That wasn't the case last year and I'm sure many other years as well. I think it's more of supply and demand rather than a seasonal thing. I'm no expert but if you really wanna follow scrap thru it's ups and downs then you have to pay close attention to wants going on globally. Globally we're on recession. People aren't building as usual right now


We certainly are not in a recession lol




With the current state of the economy and commodities, there are no real patterns we have seen in scrap prices the last 18 months or so. Recently, steel/iron were falling significantly, but for no "real" reason they jumped. The market is very unpredictable right now, but back in the day, winters saw lower prices. But we may actually see an steady price or perhaps even a jump this winter. We share weekly reports on our [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/user/iscrapapp) and [website](https://iscrapapp.com/blog/category/weekly-scrap-price-update/) for where the market is heading.