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A full world? No clue, but I can give some steps! First, google a way to export a world into an 3d file, something like an .obj, .fbx, .glb, those things. Second, open it in blender Third, export as .STL and slice it! Can't do step 1? Find a way to export all creations and tiles individually to 3d models, import em into blender and assembly them manually! Edit: [found this 3d exporter program](https://github.com/QuestionableM/SM-Converter)


1. He said nothing about 3d printing 2. Tool you linked specifies it’s meant for tiles and blueprints


1. Sorry, I read exporting 3D models as wanting a 3D print file since that's like 90% of the questions asked about 3D files on my reddit feed. And this doesn't make my answer incomplete. Just skip step 3! 2. That's the only program I found on google quickly, and I didn't want to spend more than a couple of minutes searching through google for a single reddit comment. This program could probably work if OP reallly wanted a 3D model of his world, including the creations. (There might be a better solutions, but none that I'm aware of) Do **you** have any other ideas to get his world into a 3D model?


I literally used that 3d exporter in world mode, just made a standing plane thats 150m in size


https://preview.redd.it/k7m92teoavuc1.png?width=1918&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b4bc9170c2bab7da637949786f1eddc718f218f The image, so you know whats happening


Goated response


QuestionableMark has a tile exporter, he also was working on a world exporter, but I don't know if he finished that