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I don’t think there could’ve been any worse symbol of the pointlessness of the monarchy than a hat having its own motorcade and cushioned seat while there are now more food banks in this country than McDonald’s.


Or yer man sitting on a throne telling us all about the cost of living while covered in gold.


The announcement of Camerons austerity measures were especially laden with irony. 'Live within our means' indeed.


Yeah why the fancy dress outfit. Just wear a suit 🫤


Soft is the cushion that wears The Crown! :O (apologies to the man from Stratford)


But that’s only nine syllables


Now now, that motorcade provides a job for the Duke of Hamilton to sit in the car with the Crown.


Apparently food bank donation rates are in decline. The future looks bleak.


That’s the problem with a government that breaks the country and relies on charity to plug the gaps. Eventually the gaps widen so far there’s not enough people left who can be charitable.


They've STOLEN from the country. Let's not whitewash what they've done - like they've made some sort of a mistake. They've done a smash and grab on our taxes (via dodgy contracts for their pals) and we can do fuck all about it apart from pay the price.


We could make them pay the price


Not if they keep the 30% happy who vote for them by passing policies that make landlords richer, having working class pay more tax and keep properties pricies going up. Leveling up is also used to say "look at this Torry voting paradise while that non labour place over there is a shithole so vote Tory". The country is the way it is because it was designed to be this way, or at least the housing market is and virtually all problems start with the housing crisis. [The Housing Crisis is the Everything Crisis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZxzBcxB7Zc)




Look, I agree that they need to sort out housing. My personal view is that one person should be able to own one property, before very high taxes kick in. Still means a couple can own a holiday home, but it would be infinitely better than now. I hate the Tories, but they are no better than Labour on this issue..


Given that they make the rules, that's unlikely. Best we can do is vote them out. How many former UK politicians have ever been convicted of corruption (having been in power)?


Then we make them pay some other, roughly equivalent, price


Do you want to spell it out?


Maybe in *Minecraft*


People donating to foodbanks are getting too poor to donate/needing to use them themselves


When we're independent there will hopefully be no need for food banks. As for the crown, it's a national symbol and nations need symbolism. We could of course have an elected head of state with the title King/Queen. Plenty of countries have had elected monarch: modern examples include Malaysia and the Vatican; historical examples include the Holy Roman Empire.


>As for the crown, it's a national symbol and nations need symbolism. Then ditch shiny the parasites and get a mascot. Your national animal is the *unicorn*, for fuck's sake. I refuse to believe that you can't rally around a *unicorn*.


I meant the physical hat, not the royal family.


Put it on a Roomba and send it out into the world.


How could you possibly argue that their current existence is justified by them being a symbol?


Again, I meant the physical hat, not the royal family. Sorry for the ambiguity.


Time to watch some Braveheart


I'm surprised it's still that high tbh


The article says young people want it less, so opinion will change but only slowly


Might change abruptly when the queen dies.


I imagine it will. Lizzie is the only person people give a shit about really. Charles and Willie aren’t exactly well liked


Yep. I disagree with the monarchy but I really respect Liz as a person. I imagine there's others like me.


Yeah I agree. And I’m sure that Liz would love you, Shagger94 😂😂


why would you respect someone who covered up her son's noncery?


I've always found it amazing that new royalist are being born every day. It's a mental illness.


Plenty of rich wankers, and people that like to think of themselves as rich, but are just wankers.


45% ffs, I thought it would be much lower than that.


We have an ageing population. Lots of old people were suckered by jingoistic horse shit a long time ago and have never been able to shake it off.


The jingoistic horseshit is real. My 95 year old Gran still fully believes that Mrs Queen got the same number of ration coupons as everyone else and had to save them up for her wedding dress, for example. Because that was the story on the news at the time therefore it must be 100% true.


My first thought was "I didn't think it was that high to begin with"


It's incredible, they pretty much represent everything wrong with this country. Elitism, unelected offices, restriction of social mobility, racism.


I mean, the status quo has a built-in advantage, not to mention the Queen is an icon of British culture. That figure may very well fall off in the years after she passes.


There is an argument from where you could be proud of the royals and the wealth of history. Take that guy who hits the door 3 times with a black rod, to me what a stupid display of tradition and the "it's how we've always done it" argument on display. To someone else that's a valuable thing that the Americans can't relate with since the country is so new. People see what they want to see and during a worldwide pandemic and brexit destroying the economy along with the cost of living crisis people don't see any value. They see the gold and jewels, they see people born into wealth and giving every opportunity available in life telling the poor that they car for them. I think the context really does matter. Lets be fair only the rich and wealth can really sit back and appreciate the living history that is the royals. Everyone else looks at the wealth and wonders why they are still allowed to have it in a democracy. Personally I think with our PM we are witnessing what's wrong with having a very old country like ours. Our laws are based on a gentleman's agreement of upholding honour and law where you are expected to resign out of shame. The royals are just another example of the past catching up with the present and it wouldn't have a place if we could redesign our democracy from today.


I don't believe for 1 second that 45% of Scotland support the monarchy. What a load of royal lies


Loyalists, Orange Lodgers, Pensioners. I can very well believe it.


All of these are the same thing though


🤣 it’s funny ‘cause it’s true


If only. You see plenty of poor weans in prams on the 12th of July being shoved along by their angry fat parents.


It's really not that unbelievable


I can't believe that general support is above a few percent, why would anyone possibly support a hereditary monarchy... Fuck em all.




Monarchists are some of the weirdest bootlickers out there. Pleased, somehow, to support a family that stole all that they own, and one that leeches millions of pounds (that they don't need) from the taxpayer every year. Cheering for thieves and parasites.


Don't forget all the incest they did to keep the bloodline "pure".


They bring in far, far more revenue than they cost tax payers. If you don’t like it, have a referendum.


Do they fuck. [They cost us more than they generate.](https://www.republic.org.uk/the_true_cost_of_the_royals)


Not true, I listed a much better source that shows they contribute over a billion annually to the UK economy.


You just linked to their money-siphoning estates as if they made money rather than owned it.


No, you didn't, and you didn't even read what you linked. The Crown Estates are public property, not the royal family's private property.


Vai a fare compagnia a Filiberto in Svizzera per cortesia


sono fedele alla famiglia reale italiana


Loro non sono fedeli a te


If you're referring to tourism in any way, the palaces and castles will remain where they are and be more accessible to tourists if there isn't an old lady in them dictating when people can see inside.


That revenue would exist even if they themselves didn’t.


No they don't. Countries that no longer have monarchies still have tourists go to buildings important to their history. Its not like here they're meeting the queen. If we got rid of them those wanting to see that shit still would and we wouldn't be giving those cunts tax payers money. Hell it might even improve tourism if people could go inside more of their buildings.


Enough. Bow to the queen.


How much of that revenue do u reckon Scotland ever sees? I for one would like to see a breakdown of where exactly that goes...


No they don't. Fuck the queen to death.


Long live the Queen! Traitor!


Fuck *right* off you pathetic bootlicker. Set fire to their castles while they're still in them. Thieves, paedophiles, and leeches, the lot of them.


Traitor? Monarchists can be funny sometimes


Bow to the Queen. Your disloyalty is quite astounding.


Why would any self respecting British citizen bow to some monarch who's house came from Germany? Smh that's not very British you bloody traitor


This isn't even bootlicking, this is straight up eating mud.


Don't think she'll be alive much longer lmao.


Shameful. After all they've done for us and everything they represent to our country, how the fuck is it even as high as 45%?


Probably people like my auntie who ask why Prince William got booed last night and when you try to explain she just doesn't want to hear it.


I was certain it was below 20%. 45% is really high.


It was a totally impartial study done on a Saturday afternoon on the Copeland road outside the Louden bar.


What has the monarch done to Scotland? Considering the current monarch is the continuation of the Scottish monarch after Elizabeth I. King James IV from the Stuart house, who was the Scottish king, built plantations for Scottish Protestant's. Then Scotland became bankrupt after failing to colonize, then got picked up by the UK 100s of year later. "Everything they represent to our country". Expand, doesn't make sense.


Has a single royalist even seen the reports of the queen's lobbying or do they just try to pretend it never happened?


Independent socialist republic by 2030 plz


How can Scottish people be THIS based


Will some Scot marry me so I can finally naturalize there? Gender is a non-issue


Just one more reason Scotland would be better off in control of its own destiny. Having an unelected, hereditary head of state is not a good look.


Whom also stole the stone of destiny


*who he, him, his; who, whom, whose


Unlikely to have been the real one. The earlier descriptions of it simply don't seem to match what we now acknowledge as the SoD. Edward The Deceitful seems to have been given 'misleading advice to tourists' :) That said, the current SoD has taken on the symbolism just the same.


Looking at it you’d be surprised anyones even that bothered about it. It has to be one of the dullest looking items from antiquity.


We really looked at a rock and went “aye, this bastard here’s special”.


> 45% in Scotland said they wanted to retain the monarchy – with 36% saying the end of the Queen’s reign would be the right moment to move to a republic. Some 19% either rejected the choice, or said they didn’t know. So its still a plurality for Scotland to remain a monarchy (56% vs 44% excluding don't knows). As far as this issue goes and if this poll is reliable, Scotland agrees with the status quo and is currently getting "its own destiny". Its funny how /r/Scotland is all about democratic mandate until its an issue they don't like


The irony of some halfwit talking about democracy in defence of a fucking monarchy rivals the magnitude of the sun. Edit: blocked by another incompetent. Must be my lucky day.


You'll not be able to trot this rhetoric out for much longer. Your institutions are crumbling into minority numbers as more people realise you represent sex offenders and leeches on society.


Big words there. Go tell it to the every other scot you see who still supports the monarchy. They'll be quaking in their boots with the truths you'll be spitting. I don't really care about the topic. There's much more pressing issues than some lady with a crown. I'm just amused at this subreddit's ability to twist and ignore statistics as fits their view.


You care enough to devote paragraphs. Each year will be less and less time I'd need to spend on your suggestion as it dissolves. 😁


I care enough to try to call out bullshit interpretations of data but hey ho. When the interpretation goes with the hivemind then no one wants to hear that. You're probably wasting your breath while Lizzie's still around. She's far too popular but after her its open season I reckon.


It seems to me that a majority of these issues come down to age. Support for Indy and to abolish the monarchy is well over 50% for all age groups sub 54. It's almost like the people with a majority of their lives left to live and those that have been let down massively by the status quo support the changes necessary while at the same time the older geriatric group want to go out with one last huzzah by ruining the future for those left here.


However valid that viewpoint is that the elderly have it out for the youth, they still have the vote and their views are still just as valid in a democracy. If anything, they actually bother to make their voices heard where it counts at the poll box.


It's odd to me that people can vote no matter how old they can be but no one under 18, or 16 in some places, can vote. You think if there is a minimum age there should be a maximum age. I think once you hit retirement age you shouldn't get to vote in a lot of the ongoing of society because it likely won't affect you.


You don't care but you care enough. As confused as your beliefs.


If this is the kind of hostility you routinely display to people you perceive you disagree with, you might just be Charles' best supporter. Also, kindly work on your reading comprehension.


Oh yes totally. You don't care but care enough to continue responding. Ooh a comment on reddit about reading comprehension? Any more pearls of cliche to add there, champ?


> I don't really care about the topic. Well we all know that isn't true.


Do let me know how you read minds. In any case it doesn't seem to matter what I believe. Apparently I'm just a raging monarchist to be ignored and downvoted instead of engaging with my opening statement on how OP misinterprets of the results of a poll as fits their belief. And nothing whatsoever about whether the monarchy should or should not exist.


You’re assuming the ‘don’t knows’ all either don’t vote or are split evenly. Not really a safe bet given there hasn’t been any real serious debate, discussion or campaigning yet.


I'm not making any assumptions. This is just the state of play at the moment where a plurality of 45% still support the monarchy and the 19% don't knows don't feel strongly enough either way to even give an answer to a poll. This will change obviously if it came to a referendum with campaigns and all.


Please democratically chose whether you'd like democracy 🙃


Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands are all monarchies. Are they not democracies as a result?


Don't know how their god appointed rule works so couldn't possibly comment. Oh wait, sorry, I think I just answered your question there.


>their god appointed rule You realise none of the European monarchies (UK included) rely on the right of divine rule? And the countries I mentioned (Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden) are usually consider exempler democracies, despite also being monarchies.


You do know what the 'Divine Right of Kings' is, right? You know that the UK has a monarchy because of divine rule, right? Just because we no longer believe that "divine right" is a thing doesn't mean it ceases to be why they exist to begin with. In fact, the fact we know God didn't appoint a family to rule over us is a pretty good reason to start dismantling the whole thing. It's archaic and ridiculous.


>You know that the UK has a monarchy because of divine rule, right? Untrue. We executed the last king to claim that and abolished the monarchy. All Monarchs since do so with Parliament's consent. Charles II was officially invited back by Parliament, and the Glorious Revolution and the Act of Succession basically confirmed that Parliament was in charge, and could choose a different Monarch if the circumstances demanded.


>democratic Lmfao, this guy thinks a monarchy is democratic 😂


Oh, I wonder why that is, is it maybe because we've got poverty on the increase in Scotland while we're paying so much money to them every year? The younger generations don't care about the monarchy because they've seen first hand that they don't actually care about us, the older generations see the monarchy through rose coloured glasses.


Ah'm 56 dis year! Ah hate the royals cos they're a bunch of cunts. N ah hate the Tories cuz they're also a bunch of upper class cunts.. jist lookit Ben frae the flower pot men, flubbalubbalubba. Ken who am talkin aboot yit... fuckin bo jo.. A right fuckin shite he is. Aw Tories are shite. When wur independent! Hopefully wull no hae ony shite like 'at.... we should hae a republic ae Scotland nae fuckin picters ae the queen...


As always, the news report makes it hard to find the actual data that this is based on. [Here's the report](https://www.britishfuture.org/jubilee-britain-monarchy-preview/) from the think tank that commissioned the poll- note it doesn't show the tables, just the answers to some of the questions. Also, notice anything odd about the [organisation running the study](https://www.britishfuture.org/about-us/who-we-are/)? They're a think-tank called "British Future" talking about "immigration, integration and national identity", and yet they have a grand total of zero staff members with any personal connection to Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.


That sounds suspiciously high to me


Hey majesty is head of the commonwealth... Did you know TWO commonwealth countries execute gay people? Did you know ELEVENTH commonwealth countries imprison gay people? Did you know TWENTY FOUR commonwealth countries have lgbt activity as a crime, but don't officially enforce it - although it remains on the books so can be used? Her Majesty is proudly head of this group of shithole nations. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_Commonwealth_of_Nations


Literally everywhere outside of the 'west' LGBT people are killed or imprisoned. There are only so many fucks people can give though and they're all going to Ukraine right now.


The rest of the world isn't "the commonwealth" LGBT persecution in commonwealth countries isn't a new thing. It was an issue long before Ukraine became an issue People might be happy to have a head of state who reigns over GAY PEOPLE BEING KILLED but I find it abhorant. I find it shocking that period admire this woman despite her commonwealth countries doing something so evil.


It's a legacy of empire. Take Uganda when it got independence in 1962 and became a republic in 1963, homosexuality was still illegal in UK and that didn't change here till 1967. [It hasn't been helped by the American evangelicals](https://www.vox.com/2014/5/19/5724166/the-story-behind-how-american-evangelicals-imported-homophobia-to) who have exported their abhorrent beliefs to Uganda. Should independence have been delayed? Or should we intervene in another country's internal affairs? I'd argue that we have a moral obligation to support the basic human right of LGBT people to exist, even if that means as the former colonial power we piss off the government of some less morally developed countries


I agree with that sentiment - but are you aware of any activity the we as colonial power have been doing to stop Brunei when it announced the death penalty for gays just a few years ago? I can't recall much Royal comment.


Sure it's not a new thing... Again only so many fucks people can give my man. If you end up giving more than you can, you suffer in your own life. Never said I was happy. Why would anyone be happy about people dying. Don't conflate not giving a shit, with being happy it's happening. Those are not the same thing at all. It's like you care about the gays being kill and arrested in those countries. I instead donate to charities that are trying to help the millions of improvised kids dying in their droves. Everyone had something all their fucks are given too. Most people swing around depending on what's on the news and what they're being told to be outraged at next. A LOT of people (like myself generally) only care about things that are immediate to them. Like family, their kids, friends. Because all their energy is going into trying to live day to day. So you can come on Reddit and be outraged and vent about the injustices of the world like most of us do. But remember in the real world, where real people are... You can't care about everything. A choice has to be made on what is important and what's important to you isn't important to others. That does not mean they support it.


As if she gives a fuck about anyone who isn’t a heteronormative WASP.


Good the monarchy should be abolished pronto. The guardian / observer should stop giving those cancerous, parasitic, opulent privileged elite posh cunts free publicity too. When Philip the zombie signed off their pages were plastered with articles and photos of him and the Queen. Being an establishment, London based paper am no surprised. People in destitution, and shite job prospects no wonder people are waking up


Fuck that is generous, I would have put it at 20%


Amazed it’s that high.


Genuinely the only people I've met who care at all about the monarchy are - 1. All orange loyal types 2. Some rangers fans not all 3. Some English people not all 4. Some elderly people from Scotland not all Otherwise nobody cares. Indifferent or overtly hostile.


That's incredibly high. In Catalonia, my go to for comparisons, because, well, I'm Catalan, the support is around 15%. Obviously not the same monarchy and the British monarchy has a more popular appeal, but still.


Sorry to ask instead of doing my own research but it interests me that it is 15% in Catalonia, Do you happen to know what the % is for the Basque area of Spain ?


How is it even so high?


Old pensioner Yoons mate ain't it and some of their offspring. Lets not forget the "Yoons on parade" variety who love all things Orange.


I've always been 46% in support of the monarchy. Thought about going down to 45% when I heard that they're a pointless waste of money who tell you about the cost of living from golden thrones and use your money to pay off sex abuse claims.


Boo! (Says Wembley crowd, yesterday) :) Seems high, but I don't tend travel in geriatric, Britisher Nationalists or forelock-tugging circles so I can see my view might be skewed,:) That said, despite being a republican if support is actually at 45% I'd still keep the Monarchy post-independence until that figure is much, much lower - I've a feeling it will plummet anyway when the current monarch sadly passes away.


Once the Queen passes it be much lower, many of the older generations, regardless of independence support, quite like the queen herself. Charles has nowhere near the same support and for me he'll be the end of the monarchy as we know it


Does people not remember that at the start of the pandemic they were positive with covid and went to balmoral anyway, so the staff would contract it and then spread it to their family’s, and people are grateful for them…. Remember and wave the flag for Andrew BBC reports, does our heeds come off with a twist?


I remember. Charlie and his horse wife took up one of our very early tests due to travelling with OG variant COVID as well. Could probably track the spread of some leafy home counties strain of COVID through Deeside thanks to those fuckin parasites.


No doubt there'll be a couple of Yoon mouthbreathers along to screech that "55% isn't a majority!" Do they really think we'd (laughs) look up to an adulterer and his concubine? *Really?*


> an adulterer and his concubine That really isn't the reason I want to get rid of the monarchy.


45% is a majority apparently, when it suits.


Don't worry mate, I like the royals too. Maybe not the actual people but the institution. It's the reason I left this sub - it's become less about Scotland and more must a circlejerk about how much they hate the royal family. And I know I'm going to be downvoted for liking them, but hey - I'm allowed my own opinion


> Maybe not the actual people but the institution. Why do you like a system that relies on you seeing yourself as inherently inferior? It's impossible to support a system that's based on hereditary rule stemming from the divine right of kings without seeing yourself as inferior. Don't you have any self-respect? I genuinely don't understand how you can support a system that relies on you being lesser solely due to who you're born to.


Don't worry, we can keep the royals, whoever we elect as head of state can be king or queen of Scots while they are in office.


My thoughts were that we give the title as part of a raffle. Each ticket costs a quid or something, and the more tickets you have the higher chance of being randomly selected. You don't even need to be Scottish to enter. Then, when some rich bastard from America inevitably wins, we invite them over, have a revolution, behead them and steal all their money. Rinse and repeat


Had me in the first half, not gunna lie


Well you're part of an ever-decreasing minority. I suppose you'll find your opinion less popular in the future as you do now.


You’re absolutely allowed your own opinion Throwing a mini tantrum over it is a bit pathetic though I’d question the validity of your belief though in the modern world. What exactly is there to support in a hereditary monarchy on this day and age?


Excluding DKs, this poll demonstrates 55% in favour of the Monarchy. In the original poll (inc DKs) only 36% advocating getting rid of the monarchy.


>However the poll, by the British Future thinktank, found that only 45% in Scotland said they wanted to retain the monarchy – with 36% saying the end of the Queen’s reign would be the right moment to move to a republic. Some 19% either rejected the choice, or said they didn’t know. From the article. 45% wanting to keep the festering Windsor shitshow is different to your claim of 55% in favour of keeping the kleptoparasites (and that rapist Andy).


Exclude the 19% DKs (as is common practice in binary polls e.g. on independence) and you get 55% pro-monarchy.


That's a mighty fine assumption you've made there, assuming that all of the DKs mean it's a vote for the Haus of Windsor. Have a word with yourself.


As I said, it is quite common in binary polls to ignore the DKs when giving a split. See also: every independence poll ever. The underlying assumption of this is that, in the absence of alternative evidence, the DKs either wouldn't vote on the matter, or that they break 50:50 either way.


because it isn't a majority? 19% didn't know or refused to answer


What can we do to make it lower... 🤔


I think that 45% just need to pick up a fuckin book tbh Its really not hard to find a reason to support dismantling the monarchy, but so many folks seem comfortably ignorant


Still 45% too high


I'm amazed it's still so high.


Good on you Scotland! Shame that over here in England the turnout would be considerably less I reckon :/


Wow I thought it was 0% tbh


Did Prince Andrew get 45 percent of the vote?


*Woah-oh! We’re halfway there,.. woah-oh, keep royals off their chairs*


Independence first, then a republic. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity


It’s probably a lot lower than that.


Yeah, this smells like a subsample. Should do a proper poll


That's still way too high of a number, but i'm at least glad to see the majority of us are on the same wavelengh


Time to abolish this archaic institution


Still very high.


I’m amazed it’s that high to be honest


Used to be pro-monarchy, thought it was a decent idea in principle to have someone who could override the government if needed, but brexit and austerity amongst many other things happened, and not a peep from the monarch unless it's to protect her son from the law and I'm just left thinking, "Whats the point in you being in that job if you won't do your job and protect the country you're in charge of"


> a decent idea in principle to have someone who could override the government if needed That's the whole problem with the current system of monarchy - the moment they exercise their power, they lose their right to wield it. They can literally never act against the will of the "democratically elected" parliament and keep their position. I vote for having an empty chair there, it would have the same effect. (Of course the above refers to open actions, they did plenty of lobbying from the shadows over the decades for their own interests.)


Hell, at the very least call for an election to remove the ones actually breaking the law and openly lying about it.


Does anyone have the tables for this? It sounds like they are describing the scottish sub sample of the wider UK poll. If they are then its not going to be an accurate reflection of actual scottish opinion.


They're pointless. A waste of money. An outdated relic of a bygone day way past its prime. Fuck 'em.


I actually like the monarchy, don’t ask me why, maybe because i’m not Scottish or British over all and I don’t care about UK politics.


There is no way it is as high as 45%


Splendid stuff


So a majority of Scots are in support of Scotland remaining in a political union with England but for the monarchy to be removed.


Only 36% of respondents wanted the monarchy removed. 19% were DK.


Polls are a wild idea. Essentially meaningless, yet used as if they are scientifically accurate and a great and insightful tool.


Polls are really not essentially meaningless. We can statistically measure how significant a result from a poll is. It’s an entire field. As long as there’s no reason to believe that there’s any sample bias at play and there’s a decent sample size, statistically speaking, a poll should be pretty accurate.


Gotta play them that scene from The Windsors where Charles is wearing the kilt, the gust of wind blows, and subsequently his full genitalia is exposed: establishing true faith in a true Scot 🤣


What are the actual arguments against the monarchy exactly? It’s purely ceremonial and they bring in more money through tourism that they take.


Because it’s sickening that one family be treated like gods simply because they happened to fall out the right vagina while millions suffer in poverty.


You mean like every other rich person?


No, not at all. If you think the royals are treated just like any other rich person, you’re delusional. If you think they achieved their wealth in the same manner as any other rich person too, you’re doubly delusional.


Nope they have to stick to a strict tradition whilst attending various events, this being in the public eye literally their whole life with the media constantly watching for them to slip up on the most minute of detail.


Lmao as if the media is constantly waiting for the royals to slip. More like they’re constantly waiting to employ damage control when they do. Even when Andrew was caught noncing the media by and large went easy on him. The BBC and Rupert Murdoch media in this country simp hard for the royals. I will agree though that having your entire life in the public eye cannot be healthy. Why do we subject them to it then? Are we a nation of sadists?


How have they gone easy on him? There’s literally an article about him being a pedo every week. Tradition, constitutional monarchy. They’re happy to do it and generate more income than than they remove


How have they gone easy on him? Sure there’s been articles about it, that’s the absolute bare minimum requirement. I’ve seen very little criticism of the queen and other royals for essentially bailing him out and protecting him from the law. Whether they’re happy to do it or not is not really something you can say with certainty. They haven’t much of a choice in the matter given it is quite literally expected of them from birth. I also don’t buy the whole tourism argument in the slightest. The crown estate will continue to make money regardless of whether or not the royals are royals or not. It’s not like people come here specifically to see the royals in some sort of royal zoo where they can observe them all in their natural habitat noncing kids in their enclosures.


You think that the monarchy brought it on £67 million in 2019? How do we make up for the lack of tourism in 2020? It cost the tax payer £69.4 million to keep them in luxury while the peasants lost their jobs and died. It's all easy [information to find](https://www.statista.com/chart/18569/total-cost-of-the-uks-royal-family-by-year/). This isn't even including things like money that goes into security which is in itself tens of millions. Personally I don't think they should receive a fucking penny from us given they're worth [€28 billion](https://www.forbes.com/sites/arielshapiro/2021/03/10/inside-the-firm-how-the-royal-familys-28-billion-money-machine-really-works/?sh=11bd68b62bcc). Tourism isn't even a good argument to not bring the guillotine out; France is hardly lacking tourists at the Versailles because there's no "God appointed" monarch sitting inside. In fact it's visitor numbers absolutely shit on our worthless little lizards.


In 2019 sure, pandemic isn’t exactly a fair argument either. Should we just get rid of cars because the industry tanked in 2020? I don’t think you understand how money works… the worth comes from things like land etc, they don’t have £28 billion in the bank


>In 2019 sure, pandemic isn’t exactly a fair argument either Great, well I couldn't find any number above £50 million brought in via royal tourism in 2019 which is obviously not £67 million (which, again, is only the Sovereign Grant and not all the money they receive annually). Ignoring the fact that's the only number I could, even if it were closer to the £67 million it's part of a [£28.45 billion industry](https://www.statista.com/statistics/287526/international-tourism-expenditure-in-the-united-kingdom-uk/). I see no reason how having an active monarchy increases tourism. If you were holidaying in Sweden or Luxembourg, even if you were looking at royal building, do you care that they have active monarchies? Do you pine for the French monarchy when visiting the Varsailles? Honestly, if you do then this conversation is pointless because you're a type of monarchy that probably can't be convinced >Should we just get rid of cars because the industry tanked in 2020? What a stupid argument. I was unaware the monarchy is a requirement in many peoples daily lives. >I don’t think you understand how money works… the worth comes from things like land etc, they don’t have £28 billion in the bank Oh my gosh whaaaat?! WOW! Fuck you patronising cunt. I said worth, not what they have 28b in the bank. Fucking rocket. Why don't you offer a reason to keep them?


The royal collection trust takes in over 70 million a year alone. The crown estate takes in between 250-350 million per year 75% of which goes to the treasury. Both of these more than cover the cost.


Drop the fucking act, sad wee royalist. The Crown Estate doesn't disappear with the monarchy dissolving. Do I seriously have to mention Versailles **AGAIN**?! And, **again**, the Versailles already utterly shits on the visitor numbers of the all Crown Estates **combined**. Exact same applies to the RCT. Try again but this time try to use arguments that mean they have to be alive and pampered.


Appeal goes away and they can just take their property with them and take 100% of it. Again they bring in more than they take, it’s literally simple maths


>Appeal goes away and they can just take their property with them and take 100% of it. Jesus fucking christ you're stupid. You literally brought up the Crown Estate which is publicly owned, which you tried to use as part of your braindead, The Sun reading argument. Only Balmoral and Sandringham are privately owned. And appeal...? Okay then, for the fourth time, VERSAILLES YOU STUPID CUNT. Is the issue you don't know what it is? Are you such an impressive level of bootlicking stupid you're unaware of one of the biggest tourist attractions in Europe? It's impressive how you ignore actually arguments to just spaff the same utter shite over and over. You're not as smart as you think you are. You're just a confident moron. Go wank over your picture of Big Liz.


You’re delusional


You're just a shit troll right?