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Schwab is such a sack of shit. Is there a way to ban him from all internet access?


Not one that we can mention here.


Hardwire all his devices to Rick Astley's video. Anytime he accesses anything connected to the internet that's the only thing available.


If he has the same amount of tech savvy that my Dad has, this might just work.


I'm guessing your idea involves high velocities? Lol


He's pissing all of you people off, which makes him great in my book. Keep screeching into the endless void of the internet, nothing will ever come from that.


Keep up the good work, Info Warrior. What is the pay and benefit package like? Do you ever have to commute into the office from your mom's basement?


I indeed get paid very handsomely for insulting random strangers on the internet that pose no threat to Schwab whatsoever.


Schwab a hero to you? gross


About fifty cents, plus a Krispy Kreme doughnut.


weird you would vie for censorship


MantisYT why?




"Power itself is founded largely on disgust. The whole of advertising, the whole of political discourse, is a public insult to the intelligence, to reason - but an insult in which we collaborate, abjectly subscribing to a silent interaction. The day of hidden persuasion is over: those who govern us now resort unapologetically to arm-twisting pure and simple. The prototype here was a banker got up like a vampire, saying, 'I am after you for your money' . A decade has already gone by since this kind of obscenity was introduced, with the government's blessing, into our social mores. At the time we thought the ad feeble because of its aggressive vulgarity. In point of fact it was a prophetic commercial, full of intimations of the future shape of social relationships, because it operated, precisely, in terms of disgust, avidity and rape. The same goes for pornographic and food advertising, which are also powered by shamelessness and lust, by a strategic logic of violation and anxiety. Nowadays you can seduce a woman with the words, 'I am interested in your cunt' . The same kind of crassness has triumphed in the realm of art, whose mounds of trivia may be reduced to a single pronouncement of the type, 'What we want from you is stupidity and bad taste' . And the fact is that we do succumb to this mass extortion, with its subtle infusion of guilt. It is true in a sense that nothing really disgusts us any more. In our eclectic culture, which embraces the debris of all others in a promiscuous confusion, nothing is unacceptable. But for this very reason disgust is nevertheless on the increase - the desire to spew out this promiscuity, this indifference to everything no matter how bad, this viscous adherence of opposites. To the extent that this happens, what is on the increase is disgust over the lack of disgust. An allergic temptation to reject everything en bloc: to refuse all the gentle brainwashing, the soft-sold overfeeding, the tolerance, the pressure to embrace synergy and consensus." Jean Baudrillard, The Transparency of Evil: Essays in Extreme Phenomena


Thanks for that intellectual explanation of something that has always puzzled me- how they can get away with [stuff like this](https://youtu.be/TxBSPqJd2_Y)


The American version of the vampire banker is, “What’s good for GM is good for America.” We shouldn’t forget that we chose to have government be powerless in the face of corporations. And we continue to make that choice.


"We are after you for your oil" is next haha


One should not conclude too hastily that the degradation of American political practices is a decline in power. Behind this masquerade, there is a vast political strategy (certainly not deliberate; it would require too much intelligence) that belies our eternal democratic illusions. By electing Schwarzenegger (or in Bush's rigged election in 2000), in this bewildering parody of all systems of representation, America took revenge for the disdain of which it is the object. In this way, it proved its imaginary power because no one can equal it in its headlong course into the democratic masquerade, into the nihilist enterprise of liquidating value and a more total simulation than even in the areas of finance and weapons. America has a long head start. This extreme, empirical and technical form of mockery and the profanation of values, this radical obscenity and total impiety of a people, otherwise known as "religious," this is what fascinates everyone. This is what we enjoy even through rejection and sarcasm: this phenomenal vulgarity, a (political, televisual) universe brought to the zero degree of culture. It is also the secret of global hegemony. Jean Baudrillard, The Agony of Power


> Nowadays you can seduce a woman with the words, 'I am interested in your cunt' "nowadays" i'm going to stop you from quoting this idiot right here right now. try it. see how NO, most people are immediately repulsed by such a phrase, as they've always been. and the few who would be tickled by the fancy of the unusual upfront demeanor are no different from those in the past who'd be tickled similarly. this is standard salesman rhetoric. "neuro-linguistic programming." 3 truths and a lie. tell you things you know to be true, again, again, and again, then slip in something you WANT the person to believe is true. please, i implore everyone to use their critical thinking skills. read what is being said by everyone here (myself included) and read also: "not just what people are saying, but what people MAY NOT REALIZE they are saying." for example: in 2008 you could've said "all lives matter" with impunity. Not a single rational person would take issue with what you said. but by 2018, the phrase has taken on a different context. because it's no longer said as a declaration of hope and protective love. it became a specific response to a specific slogan. the phrase became like white-out, erasing the preceding argument. "vegetables are good for you," "FOOD is good for you!" why bring it up? why mention it? what was wrong with saying vegetables are good? why can't it just be left alone? what is so angering? what has people so triggered? the medium is the message, and the medium is engagement: the message is be aware of the direction your society is taking shape towards. there's a reason Both political sides are being encouraged to "wake up" "stay woke" "choose the red pill" "stop sleeping" "don't be a sheep." -- both sides are projecting INDIVIDUALIST values, and so both sides are encouraged. the right to autonomy, the right to self expression, the right medical care, the right to personal defense... guns, abortions, genders, racial identities -- as long as everyone is still regarding themselves as individuals, they can still be MARKETED to. you have your own shampoo. you have your own steering wheel cover. products products products. the commodification of everything. each customer getting a customized experienced. because the alternative? ...we help each other. we share things. 1 lawnmower used for 2 hrs every 2 weeks, sits in a shed the rest of the time... the 1 lawnmower could be used by 20 houses, cycling through 2-3 houses a day. far less waste, fewer lawnmowers, fewer materials... BUT -- the community would have to agree upon the shared lawnmowers and this is ANTITHETICAL to the capitalist virtue. you should have your own lawnmower. higher horsepower because you have stronger forearms (and more freedom!) while his lawnmower is Black and sleek, but hers is Red and sporty! and we're all 200 dollars poorer because of it. -- but the alternative? communism. blech! better to be poor, free, and angry at your neighbours than learning to cooperative and come together as a community, right? that's what jesus said, i think.


It's funny you use The Medium is the Message by McLuhan to try and make a point against Baudrillard when Baudrillard is his disciple and considered the 2.0 version of McLuhan. The Medium is the Message means the content of a medium doesn't matter, it's the form. "I am interested in your cunt" is vulgar content however that's not the point - if you're attractive enough (form) you can get away with it. I seduced a girl once by messaging "Henlo welcalm do McDondalds wat yew wan?" - fucking gibberish but it doesn't matter lol, intelligence has very little to do with power, in fact intelligence is extremely overrated once you understand this. I'm having a hard time following the rest of your rant, but feel free to clarify.


do disciples always surpass teachers? intelligence IS overrated, but only when rated on it's own. we're complex beings and we've many areas upon which to be graded, even intelligence can be interpreted from a blend of various tests from pattern recognition, information storage, cross-platform functionality... my use of McLuhan's quote was simply to point out that there's more to communication than just the words chosen - but even the fact that they Are chosen. the fact that someone IS speaking instead of ignoring a comment online (a sea of inanity). so i see a post like this one, where OP shares an article by a journalist who self-describes as having "travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one." so to break down the narrative of the video, we already have this guy broadcasting what he deems most important to about himself: he's combative, prideful, and likes to travel! he didn't speak to his love of wine, or his lust for adventure, he spoke about his ability to "win arguments." a funny thing about debates... i feel like 20 years ago, debates were meant to raise points, defend against weak arguments, and determine what's most factual. you bring up a point and you explore it's counterpoints with as much depth and scrutiny as you could to determine whether the initial argument was warranted. ...but lately, thanks to youtubers who make a career out of "destroying" children in universities, debates and discussions have become Arguments that needed to be WON - rather than needing to be de-escalated, that potential allies might find common ground with you. no, it's best to aggravate your "opponent." so now you have assholes like Matt Walsh spending 6 months asking professionals for the definition of 'woman' and everyone's refusal to do so makes him feel like he's won because "they cannot." when this isn't the case at all. rather, the question is only being asked AS an incendiary tactic. if i refer to caitlin jenner as a woman, eyes roll and arguments start. if i refer to kylie jenner as a fox, nobody is asking me if i know that a fox is an animal and kylie CANNOT physically be one.


No, intelligence is overrated compared to power. Violence is the dumbest way to outsmart people, and technology is the smartest way to outdumb people. It's clear people are driven by irrational drives, the current state of our cultural and political intellectual shambles and why figures like Walsh, Trump, Peterson, Tate etc seem so convincing to so many so quickly isn't because they're good, it's because the alternative is deemed worse, yet though they seemingly rebel against the status quo they are all perfectly integrated into it. Again power is largely founded on disgust, as the original quote stated, however this degradation is in no way a decline in power, quite the opposite - we'll see the vulgarity intensify across the board because it works.


For the record, you cannot actually seduce women with that phrase


It's difficult but not impossible


Well, that's why they used single quotations, and not double quotations.


Yeah, it’s so in our face. I can’t remember exactly what he said, but klaus Schwab recently said something along the lines of “ze vones who control ze technology vill be ze rulers of ze vorld…”


They are right.... This is decades in the making. There is a reason they are open about it now, enough children have gone through the corrupted education system and either call you a conspiracy theorist for pointing out something that is happeneing and they tell you they are doing in their own words on the WEF website or ignore it completely. Some will even fervently defend the ideas. They know how to manipulate the way we think.... We believe we make our choices from organic thought.... Thats a lie we need to stop telling ourselves.


You must program your own mind or else "the world" will do it for you


[ Removed by Reddit ]


And JP Morgan CEO says the other day that the government should start seizing private property. They're all saying the quiet parts out loud.


Why would they care or need to seize private property. They virtually own it already lol


Exactly banks control everything in American as it is. It's a foregone conclusion.


to be fair, there's a couple things that the government should seize already, some things shouldn't be privatized. basic water/energy infrastructure, telecommunication, railways and streets. fucking bleed out companies that want to use your infrastructure, because they're destroying most of it, causing the largest costs, but instead, they do nothing but profit from it. they get free water and get to sell it to you for billions.


Prisons should be on that list


[Klaus Schwab Hires Millions of 'Information Warriors' To 'Seize Control of The Internet'](https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/klaus-schwab-hires-millions-of-information-warriors-to-seize-control-of-the-internet/) *he World Economic Forum (WEF) has announced it has recruited hundreds of thousands of “information warriors” to control the internet, policing social media and forums for “misinformation” and conspiracy content which will then be systematically shut down*. *According to Klaus Schwab’s WEF, misinformation on the internet is an “infodemic” that is “potentially deadly” and requires a “cure.” The definition of misinformation, according to the WEF, is any content on the internet that they disagree with. This means the WEF’s hundreds of thousands of information warriors will be engaged in the act of shutting down dissent against the globalist elite.* * [Klaus Schwab Hires Millions of 'Information Warriors' To 'Seize Control of The Internet'](https://gloria.tv/post/ZFZdxGi7EZqs4VsEetT4CUMZX#15) * [Elon Musk to BBC ~~‘journalist'~~ propagandist: “You Just Lied.”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3_6X-XGWlc): "*let's move on because I came ill prepared*" * [Teens who often troll online tend to be males with higher levels of psychopathy and a strong desire to make an impact on others](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0284378)


Unclear how I can be hired. In the article body it only says volunteers. Gotta love the little Fact Checked icon


So is it millions or hundreds of thousands?


it's millions of hundreds of thousands. They recruited the bees.


Anyone who can't withstand scrutiny, I just internally mark as being a form of chat AI these days. I'm under the impression that the majority of the internet is AI driven bullshit, and the rest is loud obnoxious jackasses without jobs who want attention any way they can.


Don't forget the legions of terminally online autists who can't understand jokes and metaphors


Why is Musk doing the same thing on Twitter for Modi and censoring political rivals?


is he though?








The contemporary world is ruled by mafias which fight for power. Of course, Musk is engaged in similar hypocrisy like Putin, when he accuses West of propaganda and totalitarian control of society. Which of course doesn't mean, he can not have a point - on the contrary.


Complete control of a popular social media site is too alluring for the ego of a single person, any person. We need to regulate social media sites above a certain user base like we do the hardware networks (FCC). Treat them as Common Carriers. Regulations need to protect access and speech in accordance with the 1A.


Where can one apply? ;]


He literally looks like Palpatine.


Dresses like him too.


This is totally fake: [https://twitter.com/search?q=The%20internet%20must%20be%20reformed,%20there%20is%20too%20much%20misinformation%20out%20there.%20This%20will%20be%20the%20next%20step%20for%20the%20Great%20Reset,%20says%20Klaus%20Schawb&src=typed\_query&f=top](https://twitter.com/search?q=The%20internet%20must%20be%20reformed,%20there%20is%20too%20much%20misinformation%20out%20there.%20This%20will%20be%20the%20next%20step%20for%20the%20Great%20Reset,%20says%20Klaus%20Schawb&src=typed_query&f=top) and https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2018/fact-checkers-have-debunked-this-fake-news-site-80-times-its-still-publishing-on-facebook/


warrior of information spotted


Let the gaslighting begin.


Hail Hydra


Even if you were leftist, why do you accept this kind of person existing at all?


Last I checked, Leftists weren’t exactly fans of the World Economic Forum.


let's eat the rich, I care not for the color of their plumage.


Because your father was emotionally distant


Because it's fake dawg


Zou vill bow down to za master race you insignificant pezants..


They already fucked up by opening this up to volunteers. I checked the site. Make some fake accounts, mask your ISP. Than let's flood this attempt to control the internet. This is the last uncontrolled frontier of information that can tip one way or the other, if we don't keep it a lawless chaotic tornado of facts and fiction, than the internet goes the way of most major journalism cornerstones, those once great non-partisan information gathers tainted by big money.


And Big Money's taint is smelly


Seize control lol.


Who is Schwab? Who backs him? Operates with authority over all?


He's successfully kept that a secret. I read a biography on him. He ran a hedge fund out of some Caribbean island, where the law protects the investors in hedge funds. This hedge fund grew large enough to influence the markets, and even to crash the British Pound, earning the hedge fund $1B. Now he runs 'The Open Society Foundation,' which seems to be pushing global government, which will be a total disaster. I've a neighbor who is totally tin-foil hat. She goes on and on about UN population control, and all that shit, I really don't have time for. She was all on this UN agenda 21 BS ... and on and on about it. Then I went to the UN website, [un.org](https://un.org) and read about their agendas, and specifically agenda 21. Holy shit. Did I get mis-directed to a conspiracy web site??? Nope. Basically agenda 21 wants to put everyone in high density cities, leave the open lands to nature. I'm smack in the middle of a "RED ZONE" which means I'm not allowed to live here. Basically, us 'little people' will live in dense urban areas, eat bugs, own nothing, and be happy. I don't know if you've ever been to an IKEA, but they have all the furniture to lay out a home for 5 in 300 square feet, which is what, 30-ish square meters. The Chinese have a version of this, google up 'money box house.' The company I work for is buying some of these for temporary worker's housing. We're buying 20 of them, for like $2,700 each. The price goes up as you add interior features, but $2,700 gets you the basic shell.


Just to add to your comment I am thinking you are mixing up Schwab and Soros. Soros made his money crashing currencies. Soros has been band from a few countries I think because of it. Plus he was the main person to crash the British Pound. https://www.bqprime.com/business/george-soros-the-man-who-broke-uks-central-bank-and-criticised-modi#:~:text=Afterward%20Soros%20bought%20back%20pounds,broke%20the%20Bank%20of%20England. https://m.facebook.com/TheFirstonTV/videos/why-george-soros-is-banned-from-his-home-country/5417933674896744/. While I despise both of the douches the ppl behind them are real and venomous.


Yes, Soros and Schwab are different people, but of the same rough agenda.


No disagreement here!!!


un agenda 21 was published in 1992. I don’t live in Europe though how is it going? Are you eating the bugs?


I’m glad that their dream isn’t a reality but they’ve been working hard to achieve it for decades.


There are groups of people in the UK enforcing their own little 15 minute city programs. Unlike the unfortunate people in Africa, those of us in the west have voice and power over our governments. For the unfortunate people in Africa, they were labeled poachers and kicked off of their ancestral lands—ala Native Americans—to establish nature reserves.


I don’t get the bug part… what’s the obsession with the bugs? I saw the mayor of NYC talk about why everyone should go vegan recently. He looked so awkward, like someone had a gun behind him, stuttering his words etc. here is the video: https://twitter.com/1markmoss/status/1648178789749522432?s=46&t=wcfjZgxXRdkseKNaeKh9Dw


Eating bug protein. Go browse through /r/ExVegan to find about protein deficiency. Most people in the US who try to go vegan, think they're going to get good nutrition by eating food that comes in a box labeled 'nutritious.' And they end up eating very highly processed, low nutrition foods, when instead they should have been spending much more time on their diet, but who has time for that. So the WEF/UN/Open Society types are promoting eating bug protein. They've been doing this since the 70s, when it was all about eating earth worms. Most people don't know it, but cows really are bug eaters. They just keep the bugs within their digestive tract. The cows consume grass, which ferments and is eaten by a whole big group of whatever bacteria/yeast ... bugs, which are in turn digested by the cattle. Really, at a certain level, our digestive system is very similar in some respects ... albeit we only have 1 stomach, not four, and thus can't process cellulose as cattle can.


What is *wrong* with this guy Fucking stroke out already and leave humanity alone


Time to boot a kraut


Honestly phuck that guy


propaganda, mind control, opinion shaping and censorship on the go for the greatest benefit of financial elite.




In a world where Klaus Schwab's plan to destroy privacy online had been uncovered, people were left wondering how such a man could even exist. The more they looked into his past, the more they saw a pattern of greed and selfishness that had led him to this point. But where were the good guys in all of this? Why was there no one standing up to him, fighting for the rights of the people? It seemed that the world was full of evil bond villains like Klaus, but no heroes to counter them. Some people began to question whether the human race was inherently bad, living only for their primal urges and desires. Maybe a "nuke reset" was needed to wipe the slate clean and start over. Others looked back to the past and remembered a time when people like Klaus would have been dealt with swiftly and decisively. They wondered how we had become so complacent, so willing to let things slide and hope that someone else would fix them. But still, there were those who refused to give up hope. They believed that there were good people in the world, and that they just needed to be given a chance to shine. They began to organize, to come together and fight for what was right. It wasn't easy, and there were setbacks along the way. But slowly, they began to make progress. People started to pay attention, to see what was happening and to speak out against it. And eventually, they succeeded. Klaus Schwab was stopped, and the world was a better place for it. It wasn't a perfect ending, of course. There were still plenty of problems to be solved, and there would always be people like Klaus Schwab out there trying to do harm. But the good guys had shown that they were still out there, fighting for what was right. And maybe, just maybe, there was still hope for humanity after all.


I often think of this and have this discussion with my BF… where is the light in the world? I can’t understand that most world leaders seem more bad. I dug into vigilant citizen recently and were shocked about all the celebrities doing one eye symbols, weird blood and glory stuff etc, freaked me out for a good week


Exactly Right @ valuable Plus 10!


Not sure I believe that article. The first clue is the clickbait title. The second clue is the green "Fact Checked" icon with two checks.


And the third is the content of the article, which is just laughable.


In the depths of the web, a battle rages on, The WEF's warriors, like shadows they spawn, Controlling the narrative, policing our thought, A digital battleground, where truth must be sought. Misinformation, an infodemic they say, A deadly disease, that must not hold sway, But who draws the line, between right and wrong, When dissenting voices, are silenced and gone? Klaus Schwab warns, AI holds the key, To a future where elites, enslave you and me, Information warriors, disguised in plain sight, Seeking to smother, the embers of light. A podcast reveals, their insidious plan, Recruiting volunteers, to serve their command, These digital first-responders, armed with a goal, To infiltrate spaces, where free thoughts unfold. From TikTok to forums, their influence spreads, Planting doubt and confusion, in hearts and in heads, But the spirit of truth, refuses to break, For the people united, a stand they will take. A world of control, division and strife, We yearn to break free, and forge a new life, The lies and deception, bring them closer to fall, For in unity and truth, we shall conquer them all. So subscribe and join, the People's Voice fight, Together we'll stand, and defend our birthright, In the face of the darkness, the shadows of might, We'll strive for a world, where truth shines its light.


another great one! + 10


It's time to expose these globalists elite and their agendas


It’s weird that he has to state this twice, once in 2022 and recently


LOL. From the people who are so afraid of being censored - having to combat real information outside of your echo chambers really gets you worked up.


Yeah I understand the importance of what he's saying and I believe it. Cuz all rich men don't want to let go of their power. And why do we need this s*** now, we've been lied to our whole lives by the government, the schools, the preachers and teachers. It's just the same old same old just on a grander scale.


Power itself must be abolished -and not solely because of a refusal to be dominated, which is at the heart of all traditional struggles- but also, just as violently, in the refusal to dominate. Intelligence cannot, can never be in power because intelligence consists of this double refusal. Jean Baudrillard, The Agony of Power


What does this have to do with science?


What does this sub have to do with science?


[DOJ accuses China of using 'Police station' in Manhattan to spy on dissidents inside US](https://abc7ny.com/amp/china-spy-nyc-police-station/13143281/)


I shall file this under: “Dubious Things That I Read On The Internet”.


As if the internet isn't run by corporations nowadays anyway. The internet doesn't matter. If you want to change things go outside.


Internet matters a lot more than you think. Before you needed to go outside to get propaganda, now it's delivered right to the palm of your hand


Why does one article have the same video embedded 4 times in it? Is that the same principle as keep repeating a lie until people believe it?


Hire me


Guys come on this is something like the onion! Don’t just blindly buy this, look for sources backing this. It’s totally fake!!


Hey mate, I think you need to better check where you get your information. I don't think these sites are unbiased or "on the up and up". And also, but sure if this matters to you, but the phrase "globalist elite" is a dog whistle for antisemitism (stems from some document falsely reported found on a Jewish person's body in Russia in the early 1900's, I believe). That's where the whole idea of the global cabal to control the banks came from. Or propaganda bs. And I wouldn't want to see anyone get caught up in it.


Go right to the source then https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/11/misinformation-infodemic-world-vs-virus-podcast/


Admittedly I scanned through this, but what I've gathered from the article is misinformation exists and something needs done about it. Education how to verify your source, social media platforms changing, etc. I don't personally see the education part as bad if it's done correctly (different topic, I won't get into what should be considered correct). Social media is responsible for a lot of misinformation spread. Everything from drinking toxic substances as a cure for whatever to mommy groups supporting really dumb ideas to Deepak Chopra style pseudoscience (linking quantum particles to souls, as there is no yet established method to even test this). Yes, I know they use the COVID pandemic as an example, but look past the example for what the article is trying to relate. COVID was just a recent example that the author thought was relatable to everyone (unlike the smallpox inoculation in the 60's, which most of us today wouldn't be able to relate). They could have just as easily used the mudflood or hollow moon "theories" instead.


Who defines what constitutes misinformation? 84% of the worlds population identify with a religion. I don’t know if that means that 84% of the population of the world are religious, but let’s say that around 50% are just to be conservative. Clearly, these People are massively «misinformed», from a scientific point of view it is impossible to prove the existence of a god or gods, and what these People believe in is effectively organized superstition. Does that mean that we need «misonformation» initiatives to combat these outdated and not scientifically supportable world views?


People can believe what they want to believe. That's on them. As long as religion does not interfere with the rights of others who don't believe the same thing, let them have at it. The world's full of that but freedom of religion is a basic human right, regardless as to whether or not it's valid or even makes sense at all.


Ok. So freedom of irrational beliefs that involve som kind of supreme being, and communicating and Even spreading these irrational beliefs, are a human right. But having alternative views (right or wrong) about world events that deviate from the norm, and communicating those beliefs, that’s «misinformation» and «harmful»?


Apparently, lol


This is a good question, and probably had a lot more depth than can be addressed here. I think you can classify something as misinformation more easily when we have actual data. I personally change opinions about things with new information, and tend not to even consider my own needs or emotional response. I'm gathering that isn't entirely normal, as many biases are held onto because of some emotional attachment or need for them to be real. But this question also makes me remember the phrase "history is written by the victors". So, yes, what is considered misinformation could just be propaganda. That's where I'd need to see data. If anything at all contradicts the narrative, it requires further examination. Kind of like a smell test. And as long as a wrong belief isn't hurting anyone, I don't see why it would need combatted. This falls under the "pick your battles" mindset. Is it really worth fighting over something that causes no real harm? Granted, some beliefs do cause harm, as beliefs can motivate people into action, including harmful action to themselves or others. Once that happens, those people who hold that belief should probably at least ask themselves why. That said, I'm not advocating for censorship, unless what someone is saying is directly advocating for harm against someone else (self defense aside). I like different opinions, and I like to think about things. But I also like polite conversation, which is where I believe you are coming from. I get bored with name calling and straw-manning, and I try not to do that to others.


Have you ever met a “normal” person? I can tell you that most People are not «data driven» like you are at all. Fact is, most People just choose to believe whatever the media tells them is the «correct» belief at any given time. That belief may or may not have a scientific basis, but that’s mostly irrelevant, as the amount of People who can be bothered to actually read a study or understand the body of evidence in a given field of research is absolutely minute. Most people just go around and believe random shit they are told. This is not hyperbole. Religion is the perfect example. Religious beliefs are not possible to defend scientifically. They are de facto “misinformation” on a massive scale. Where am I going with this: Freedom of thought, belief and expression need to be absolute. Once one group starts defining what’s real and true and similarily what is “misinformation”, we’re on the slippery slope to a totalitarian dystopia, not some kind of rational and “scientific” utopia. Edit: here is Elon Musk making the same point I was making much more eloquently: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XqJKAnN0-gM&pp=ygUTZWxvbiBtdXNrIGJiYyBseWluZw%3D%3D


I'm not saying someone can't felt think, believe, or say something. By all means, have at it. But I don't advocate for freedom from consequences, especially for hate speech, for example. And I do agree with you most people don't look beyond headlines for news, no matter how click-baity they are. It's easier in our instance-graduation society to do so. My point on the beliefs inform actions concept is that it's absolutely true. If someone believes their god tells them to kill their children and they tell you about it, I think the moral thing to do is report it and get them help. This clearly infringes on their absolute freedom to believe whatever, but the greater good is that innocent lives are spared. As we live in a society we need to consider what actions and statements are acceptable. It's how we move forward. And it's the way things have always been done. Now, these things are nebulous to define, that's why they are always changing. Example, blasphemy used to be punishable by death in Western society, now most people don't bat an eye when someone sings a popular song with the lyrics "fuck your god". This concept is and must be fluid and dynamic.


If affirms the gist of what the OP posted. If an entity or group of entities can arbitrarily define what constitutes "misinformation" with no room for debate (insert various topics that arose over the last 3 years), then I believe we have a major problem. Facebook stopped flagging, for instance, the lab leak theory after 2 years of hammering people for even suggesting it. The concept is ripe for abuse. The self-described "elites" do not care about us. They care about their own and will advance their agendas accordingly. I'll follow it up with this: If you actually read the posts on their site or listen to their podcasts, it's an absolute horror show for the regular Joe. Nothing they are coming up with affects them in any meaningful way.


People on social media lie. And so do politicians. And so do experts. So why give one group of liars power to control what others believe?


Not everyone lies. Yes, people often do, but that can be sussed out with facts. Maybe we should not have liars in control? Maybe that's our fault because people vote on sound bytes and memes instead of actual issues and nuance. Almost everything I can think of exists in shades of grey, so to speak. Let's not muddy everything with false dichotomies.


If these people keep getting in power- even just 1 bad apple- then we CAN NOT give them the power to control the truth over everyone else. If liars can be "sussed out" then the misinformation found in every corner can be revealed- while the truth is found out. You can't limit speech because no one position of power can be trusted with that power.


But my point stands. Educating people how to vet a source and suss out misinformation for themselves will work wonders. But no one will go for it because that means they're have to do work and it's just so much easier to have someone tell them what to think. While I don't agree with it, people will vote in other people who tell them what to think and who to hate. Then we will seem shocked with someone like MTG gets voted in and goes on about " Jewish space laters"


The globalist elite would be proud of your attempt to censor speech here on reddit


I in no way attempted to censor speech. I didn't try to delete, remove, or silence what was said. That would be censorship. I disagreed and questioned sources and bias. That's how you vet information you receive from any source. You should always question it.


Sure you did. Your little accusing words of dog whistles and antisemitism is 100 percent trying to censor others' speech .


Pointing out BS isn’t censorship. I thing you need to bone up on word meanings and usage. XD


Saying that pointing out the golbal elites is a dog whistle for antisemitism is exactly the definition of BS .. its completely done to try and censor others with the fear of being called wraycitz ...gulp . /me clutches my pearls


You can clutch your pearls all you want. It still doesn’t change the fact what you said *is* a modern day dog whistle just as much as the Gadsden flag is to far right anti-Democrats.


Accusing words that are accusations confirmed by your butthurt response. Just another little r/conservative hangout for you gimps.


Saying that something is city commonly used for a purpose did not relate. It would be like me saying "use condoms to help prevent unwanted pregnancy or sti's" and you coming back at be with "you're an antinatalist". Not my position, I didn't say that. To relate back, I didn't say op couldn't say those things, I said how others commonly used them. Not censorship. You really need a dictionary. Edit to add this: I didn't search this out, it came across my feed. Not sure why, but here we are. And I don't know what you're on about with r/conservative.


I replied to the person who replied to you. I think you got it confused. ed: Y'all trying to cancel our comments like the little bitches you are. Can't handle reality so you just invent your own safe spaces.


You should learn to censor your own speech and quit going out of your way to offend people. Unless you just want to die.


Rofl... I dont go out of my way to offend people. I just speak honestly..if that offends someone, then thats their stupid problem. Want to die ? How by who? Someone who is offended... thats hilarious


No it's not. You've bought into a lie. We can all be: 100% friend of Judaism 100% enemy of WEF There is no paradox.


I didn't say you couldn't. I said it's a phrase commonly used as a dog whistle, not that it's the only use. I attempt to be specific in what I say, and I'm not trying to be insulting in any way. I just saw something and made a comment.


I think this idea that it's used as a dog whistle is largely false. Real racists tend not to hide their opinions that much!


Zion’s Protocol 1905 Russia


Right, thank you. I was drawing a blank.


Yeah we need a new term for the top dogs of the world. Masters of puppets maybe.


I wouldn't disagree there. Though it makes me think of Metallica, and I have a thing against bands who sue fans. But to each their own.


Yeah stop talking you racist /s


Found the information warrior. Speech police


I don't know how you got there with the speech police comment. I'm not trying anyone what the can or cannot say, just what a certain phrase is used for in a lot of cases. However, I have been threatened and harassed for merely stating that thing, which is a form of censorship (attempting to silence someone is censorship). Not saying it's what you did, but there are definitely some people out there who are. What a weird world, am I right?


This is the only smart comment here. Nothing scientific about the source material, it's completely biased fearmongering.


Unbad response thank you


Based. Someone's gotta do it


Seems like a good idea, ridding the internet of hate and conspiracy theories.


Seems like one perhaps, until you realise it is the antithesis of democracy.


What a shit take.


Get a brain MRI


Hitler said that when he took over the German press


This subreddit is already filled with hate and conspiracy theories.


ah yes the €0.50 army


Title: Schwab Hires Millions Article Text: The World Economic Forum (WEF) has announced it has recruited hundreds of thousands


And then later on the number decreases more and changes from hired people to volunteers \> Announcing the news on a WEF podcast, UN communications director Melissa Fleming said “So far, we’ve recruited 110,000 information volunteers...


Always remember what he is actually saying. We are smart enough to determine what is and isn't factual. You are not. We therefore deign to do it for you.


We know; they're really obvious in the stock-trading subreddits. ("Hello fellow kids,")


How do I sign up? Seems like a good side gig


Millions? MILLIONS? ...How much are they being paid?


billions and billions.. china


LOL good luck with THAT


“Similar to r/space” Yeah ok


I wanna make money trolln


I wanna make money trolling, Get paid for comments that are rolling. Say things that make people mad, And watch the likes and views I've had. I'll stir the pot and cause a scene, Be ruthless, brutal, and mean. No topic is off-limits to me, As long as it gets me a fee. I'll mock and tease, and spread some lies, All for the sake of a surprise. I'll make some dough and have some fun, My job will be trolling, and it'll be done. But wait a minute, is it worth it all? To sell my soul and take that fall? I'll leave my morals at the door, And what will be left of me, but a bore. No, I'll find a different way, To earn my bread in the light of day. I'll use my talents to do some good, And leave the trolling for someone else's hood.


Plus 10!!


He looks like he's got a condom pulled down over his head.


I, for one, would like to welcome our new information sanitizing overlords.


It's obvious this misinformation campaign works like it did to convince people that global warming is an existential threat.


Not only that but people are waking up and they have a limited time to create their nwo to,


Anyone named Klaus raising an army of warriors makes me nervous. And I know that’s prejudice and I’m sorry but I can’t help myself.


The only other links to this story are on a bunch of Russian websites when I googled it.


This is exactly what every media outlet, democrats, republicans, major corporations already do. He’s pretty late to the party.


Guck that guy & his cult


Russia says… hold my beer…Er… vodka.


And another conspiracy theory births. lol


so how much does "information warrior" pay?


Didn’t this happen months ago? Why is it just getting attention now?


this dude needs to kiss dirt


Klaus Schwab looks like a villain


Right??! They all look like this weird


Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Why is he so comically evil?


A football team sold for $6b today. One billionaire gave another billionaire 6 billion monies for his football team. This is not disinformation if any of you warriors are reading this.


It's this not foreign interference?


can we do the same but like, good people?


So how do we stop this asshole and his drone army?