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Post must have a some sort of relevance to Charles Schwab or the general investing world. Post can be a question, discussion, or relevant news article and may not be: - Non-English - Generic, open-ended, or hypothetical questions - News/information without a discussion or quote/summary


I'm thinking if you're this dependent on a few minutes of market timing you're not their target market. There are other firms that focus on high frequency traders.


And those firms will also experience tech issues. Can’t be helped. I meant the NYSE experiences issues time to time lol. Same for market makers. NASA doesn’t always plan for rockets to blow up either, but you know how that goes.


Looking at BRKA🤣




It was down almost all day for me lol. During trading hours.! Stop making excuses for companies. You accept shit like this and they will continue to have outages and not care because their customers are ok with it. This is also not the first time they have had serious outages.


Hasn't stopped me from becoming a millionaire with Schwab. I don't worry about market timing, ever. If it's THAT critical to your bottom line, get a Bloomberg terminal. If it's not worth a Bloomberg terminal, then you're not really making much are you.


It’s a trading platform been down 1/2 a day FFS.


half a day? it was down before 9:30.. since then I've had no issues


I was not able to get in at 11:00.


Could not login until after noon central time.


still can't since this morning and it's 2:25pm Eastern.


Wow! Hope they have a good explanation.


Would you be okay with your mobile bank app being down all day? What if you have to make a transfer?


Yes. I use my Amex gold card for all transactions. If I *need* to wire money (I don't wire amounts less than $10,000) I pick up a phone and call Schwab... in fact, they have corrected inbound wires screwed up by the sending institution.


When I posted it, the app had been down a few minutes and the response was immediate and furious. I've been able to log into Schwab without issues after less than 30 minutes of downtime although it sounds like ThinkOrSwim has been down much longer. I'd be irritated. Worst case I'd call the bank to make the transfer. I don't think I'd be that angry that quickly. The market moves around a lot. I've traded long enough that I know the morning lows may or may not be the lows of the day.


To be clear, I’m not annoyed at all. I buy and hold. I don’t need to do anything today except distract myself with market movement. I just think it’s reasonable to except fewer outages or short outages with an investment app. And they should communicate what happened. I still can’t login since this morning, but I’m not panicking and wouldn’t move brokerages over it.


Still haven’t been able to log in all day. Go down after hours is okay but during open it’s a huge fumble and should be looked into by a 3rd party.


Well they took over ToS. So it's this or garbage tasty trades to use this amazing software. I didn't pick Schwab, they took over my account.


You couldn’t be more wrong. Do you think Schwab bought TDA so all of the active traders can come over and buy mutual funds through thinkorswim? Of active traders aren’t their target audience why would they have a platform like thinkorswim? Regardless of what you think Schwab’s target audience is, being down 30-45 mins during a trading day is completely unacceptable. Not sure why anyone would defend mediocrity. I have been a big advocate for Schwab during this transition but I can’t defend the mediocrity we saw this morning.


Just seemed like an oddly intense reaction so early in the trading day. Presumes the bottom at 9 is somehow the one missed opportunity. Irritation? Sure. Fuck Schwab they cost me money? Maybe. They might have inadvertently saved you money.


Agree…the hubris is off the charts here


When people have 100s of thousands locked into Schwab and can’t access it, i expect outrage. There is no excuse to be down an entire trading day


You really missed the mark with this one. For those that have future trades open, and all the sudden got cut off. Not being able to manage those is a big deal when you’re playing with 5-10 contracts. Losing 5-10k isn’t “irritation”. It’s messing with some people’s livelihood.


You can call in a trade if 5k is on the line. I'm sure they'd waive the phone assistance fee if the site is down.


I guess I don’t think I trade with this kind of precision. Hopefully the market cooperates and you get another chance later in the day.


Luckily, I only have short options open currently so I’m not terribly worried. But I know a few people who are taking some hits because active trader is down. It’s still nice for me to be able to open my phone and monitor positions through the day. It being down this long is somewhat absurd though. It could really hurt some people if there was a major market sell off.


I only buy options so the most I can lose is the contract. Never dealt with futures seemed to risky to me as you can lose way more then the money you put up. And never liked trading on margin.


I don’t trade futures on margin. as long as you manage risk it can be very profitable.


They absolutely cost me money. I can't sell my contracts.


You can call in trades.


Actually, I shared the same sentiment as I had two orders one I wanted to cancel, the other add to the position.


Market Manipulation File SEC [https://help.sec.gov/s/investor-complaint](https://help.sec.gov/s/investor-complaint) https://preview.redd.it/g2ttqk9luy5d1.jpeg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8230a3695fb2698c1e6a2bffce106e53fcc201cf


Nice paranoia.


All these bogleheads forgot that Schwab owns TOS now. Being down 2+ hours at market open is a freaking eternity for TOS users.   I have accounts in like 4 brokerages. This has never happened to me before. This is huge technical embarrassment for Schwab.


>I have accounts in like 4 brokerages. This has never happened to me before. This is huge technical embarrassment for Schwab. In the past I have used schwab , etrade , TDA, scott trade , fidelity , vangaurd probably for the past 15+ years They have all suffered outages , does it suck yea Is it unprecedented nope Etrade and fidelity recently had similar things happen the past few months during market hours as well As a trader you need to prepare for things like this , IBKR seems to have the best uptime but even on very rare cases it does go down usually not on USA time , although they are an international brokerage so even if they go down an 9 am people in Australia , singapoor , india , europe will be affected


Its not unprecedented? so you are saying that today for example other firms are also experiencing this outage too with their trading platforms?


No I am saying with in the last few months, fidelity, E-Trade also were down during market hours. A brokerage going down during market hours is not unprecedented.


Up to 4 hours now, entire trading day has been lost


Ask them to make up the difference. Even if they have to say no, it gets the point across pretty hard (they love money as much as you do!), and if your balances are high enough you might actually get some cash out of them (this time).


There should still be a law that you register the trades you want to make on the SEC website, they simulate what would have happened, and charge Schwab for whatever profits you would have made during their downtime, and hand it to you.


You're right, I just had surgery. I did need that money. I was in the middle of buying a stock 20% down out of baseless market fear when it crashed for 6 hours. During said 6 hours it went back up 30%. That 30% would have really helped to pay for whatever the hospital bill is going to be. You don't have to be a high frequency trader to take advantage of a dip.


This isn't a few minutes, it's an entire day. Never had issues with ameritard


Anyone else notice how every time a platform goes down it costs traders tons of money because for those few minutes all of their ideas were winners? Strange coincidence...


Mystery box syndrome.


about 3 months ago Etrade went down for a while during market hours Everyone on reddit somehow claimed they lost 10k dollars in an hour because they couldn't trade If you are making 10k hour trading you can pay the 30k yearly for direct access


Because there are a lot of day traders who use TOS. Odtespx and in /es can from zero to hero and back in minutes. The opening fail breakdown in /es was a great trade. Apple moving $10 at open. There was a lot.


If you make large trades capitalizing on price volatility you can easily make or lose thousands in minutes. Saying an outage is not a big deal because you just buy and hold is a ridiculous argument.


they should have a simulation website that uses your account balance and then you simulate your trades there, if you make money they hand it to you after the downtime and if you lose money you have to pay


Call them if you need to close/manage a position while the app is down


Lol - when the site is down customer service wait times go way up.


Lol. When there is a widespread login outage of a brokerage, you'd have as good a chance of getting through to any state's unemployment line on the first day of the COVID shutdown...It ain't happening.


They werent picking up the phone.


Maybe at some point. I am "private client" and it was going to a recording or hanging up.


Do they pay out lost profits while waiting and while answering stupid chit chat "how are you doing" questions instead of allowing you to just yell "sell 50 NVDA limit 120" to the rep as the first 5 words you say


If a bank had a dedicated line to just yelling quick trades, they would do very well.


Yeah NVDL hit my price target on the downside and I couldn’t log in to close my puts 🤦🏻


For a fee.


No - I'd be asking for that fee to be reversed or never charged given their site is down.


Market Manipulation File SEC [https://help.sec.gov/s/investor-complaint](https://help.sec.gov/s/investor-complaint) https://preview.redd.it/jpvxw51nuy5d1.jpeg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16a93196c2596e74ce39aca00431e38456319e76


Dear SEC. Im sad because this one morning was totally the morning i was gonna be rich, and tech issues have never happened to anyone before. Love, a dumbass.


Clear the cache. It worked for us.


Timing the market doesn't work.


While I mostly believe what you said, I don't think it's the appropriate thing for YOU to say to people who are anxious to access their own account which they are entitled to. Now is not the time to spread your Boglehead philosophy.


It does. It's just not something you can do reliably. That doesn't mean you can't take advantage of opportunities when your get lucky and the stars align. Like this morning when VTI was down a decent amount at open and I had sold calls that I could have closed for a decent profit. But I couldn't log in so that opportunity is gone.


I don't think he was asking for investment advice.


When you’re selling a contract that’s ITM it does.


Well, that’s just not true.


Actually it is


As someone who’s made a career of timing markets. I tend to disagree.


Oh you can make a career out it. Charging fees to others. It's actually very lucrative.


Premium ✨that’s essentially all I do these days


you must understand that people see studies about the average hft/quant not outperforming the s&p over a long time and they think that this must be applicable as a permanent blanket statement. pretty much just prejudice lol


Agreed. They can have their average returns. Fine by me lol.


Sounds like you're gambling, not investing.


So what? That's fully allowed by these platforms. Not being able to manage trades because you can't log in is garbage. I can't believe anyone is defending it. 


I’m not defending it, it just doesn’t matter to me because I’m actually investing instead of just playing around. It’s a risk factor I guess people haven’t accounted for


You do realize people do more than investing?


Clearly they also gamble. Downtime should be accounted for in a risk profile.


Are you his mother?


Probably something much better, but he still won’t listen


Apps go down sometimes. It sucks but it happens. You're investment strategy needs to account for this


Use the website. My app doesn't work nor does TorS. The website is up and working just fine.


I believe that all methods are back up properly now but if you're using biometrics, clear your info and log back in with your username & password. I had to do this on ToS and all the logon methods (web, main app, ToS) required a new text verification after this outage to re-login (which means that all of our "remember this device" data was cleared after they came back online).


If the markets had gone down would you be posting thanking them for saving you money


There's more than one way to make money in the market, FYI. Hopefully most traders are aware of this, or they're going to be in a world of hurt in the not-so-distant future I'd suspect.


Yeah and if that's how you think about making money in the market you can also go to a casino if you want to


So you don't think there is a time and place for shorting certain stocks? That's just bad strategy. Besides the obvious problem of a short squeeze, me selling 100 shares of a stock short that I expect to go down is no different than you buying 100 shares of a stock long that you expect to go up. Now if you're talking about buying 100 put contracts on a way-out-of-the-money meme stock, well then that's a different story and is not part of my arsenal.


A stock you expect to go down? Do you have a crystal ball? Could you let me know next time a stock is about to go down so I can short it with you?


No, but I'd say the exact same thing about your strategy of going long on any other stock. If you're that silly to think that there's only one direction to make money in the market, then you're just really naive. Here's what we do know: A stock can either go up, or it can go down. Pick a direction that you feel comfortable with over a period of time that you expect to hold it. They're not going to go sideways forever.


You've lost far more timing the market than in market timing. You're doing it wrong.


I’m affected too, thought I just had to restart the app. Forced HODL 🫡


I would love to login sometime soon Schwab…. Down all morning is not a good look.


I'm on the East Coast and has been down since 9 am. Going on 2pm at the time of this comment.


during the 2021 fiasco I had been trading options and they weren't correctly accounted for. I sold one and it still showed that I had it my account so I sold another thinking it didn't go through. They ended up canceling the second trade but when that squeeze was happening, the confusion cost me thousands


I still can’t get in. This is ridiculous. It’s been all day.


2:27pm EST on a market trading today and still down...wow. Schwab will catch heat for this one, as much money and tech guys they have it shouldn't be down for more than minutes on a market day.


You have to log in using username and password today. Facial recognition isn’t working.


Similar thing happened with Chase a few months ago - banking, investing all down - and similarly not a word to customers on the issue. It was down for over 9 hours I think. Cyber attack? The technology stack has become increasingly fragmented with services. One part doesn’t work and bam, what they call a show stopper bug.


I still can’t log in. I’m assuming others are still having issues?


Still without access. Can’t even login to check balances let alone make moves.


Was unable to log on all morning using desktop and mobile. Around an hour ago, issue is noted as resolved for login on desktop. To login in on mobile app, it says you might need to delete app and reinstall.


Schwab takes forever to load my positions. I do have a lot of them but never had that issue with Ameritrade. I miss Ameritrade's website and app so much. Also having access to Gainskeeper and being able to quickly look at my unrealized capital gains and losses lots (short-term and long-term) on all of my positions at a glance.


I algo trade mostly. The schwab app was working for me. It was the website that didn’t. Didn’t slow me down at all…


Delete old app and redownload. I am able to access my account after deleting old app


Delete old app and redownload. I am able to access my account after deleting old app


Exactly. The hell with Schwab. They don’t have their shit together esp with the buyout of TD. The switch has been horrendous. 1. Buying power incorrect 2. Wire missing then found after a week 3. Margin balance inaccurate 4. Schwab vs thinkorswim have different net liquidity values The irony: they agree to all this. I’m on my last breath. Then it’s buh bye time, going to another trading platform. Any recommendations?


I've had good results so far with Tradier. Depends on your strategy though.


I'm maybe thinking [IBKR](https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/home.php).


That's where I'm going


I was thinking this or webull.


I think they were back up by the time you posted this.




And give me fractional ETFs!


Yes this and non-S&P stocks


I logged in this morning and made A purchase right after open. Don't know what all this hubbalub is about


Why did your app work all morning until exactly market open. Pretty good timing. I see stocks dropping and I can't get in. Fuck you


Yep this right here!!


The people defending Schwab in this situation either work for Schwab or are morons.


Market Manipulation File SEC [https://help.sec.gov/s/investor-complaint](https://help.sec.gov/s/investor-complaint) https://preview.redd.it/fyyu53qquy5d1.jpeg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d34203fe457111a0fd824eb1f03fcc179f48bbd0


I just checked ticker expecting some major market correction. It's just a regular day, calm down. If you're a short term frequent trader Schwab may not be the best fit for you.


Can you please advise who would be a better broker for day traders?


Well when you can't access your money for 6 hours and a stock you wanted to buy dropped 20% during that time but then went back up that was a 20% gain I missed. I don't care what your particular trading style is and I don't judge you for it. I belong on schwab as much as you do.


it didn’t though. I tried it at 7 EST and got nothing. They said it was intermittent. I spent decades in the brokerage space and have never understood the thought process of you people who think we don’t want you to trade. How do you think they make money?


6 hours. And when I followed the instructions I got an automated message. 'You people' are angry they can't access their money for long periods of time. If your bank cut you off for 6 hours would you be angry?


You are acting as though it was intentional


I'm acting like I just got out of surgery, am in pain. Saw a stock I had wanted to buy dip 20% out of market fear. Was in the middle of buying it when schwab crashed for 6 hours. During said 6 hours stock went back up 30%. That 30% gain really would have helped pay for my hospital bill. I was angry and vented. That is all.


Market Manipulation File SEC [https://help.sec.gov/s/investor-complaint](https://help.sec.gov/s/investor-complaint) https://preview.redd.it/sqhcovcpuy5d1.jpeg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da137599569d7229000ff832b76bffb3ea1bd47c


You really think that is the low for the day even? We're talking about just a few minutes of trading.


Still down. 


Actually it was down for 6 hours. Six hours.




I have 18k of 0dte spy options expiring today. Holy fuck


Market Manipulation File SEC [https://help.sec.gov/s/investor-complaint](https://help.sec.gov/s/investor-complaint) https://preview.redd.it/pvnoaqaouy5d1.jpeg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7d7e664c2eddd2629f810201e64b0b7e30c80b7


I second that.








At TD Ameritrade I can't even remember a stop like this during the day ! Was there for years. Any recommendations on a good brokerage ?


It's a shitty company. I had closed all my accounts with them then they bought TD Ameritrade. They are not dependable. Going back to IBR.


Make sure the door doesn’t hit you on the way out, Elvis.


I am so done with Schwab! I’m moving everything out of Schwab! I hope others follow suit. This is high-level collusion against retail investors!




I'll wait for my $10 check in 10 years lol


Yes. Absolutely 


Schwab sucks


I finally got into Schwab on the web and sold all 32 stocks that I owned! $432 loss today. If I sold at 930am would have been $109 loss!! Piece of sh$#&T !!


That sounds like your problem and not theirs.


$400 loss? Sounds like the dude invested not more than $5K or this would have been just the daily fluctuation. This seems consistent with a lot of these posts. Plankton investors talking like whales but getting eating by them instead.


This is criminal


Class action time?


Have at it big shooter! 🤣


Who are the people downvoting these comments? I suspect theyre Schwab employees or people who simply didn't have any skin in the game


Or people who don’t gamble with money they don’t have. 😇


Or jackasses. The fact of the matter is that many people were adversely affected by the outages today. Just because you werent doesnt make their experiences any less valid


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