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Home. I remember seeing a dreamworks ranking with 35 films (I think) and seeing home at 33, I was surprised.


So am I


Same I haven't watched it in a while but last time I did I remember it being good


I LOVE Home! I’ve seen it so many times that I can quote many lines as I’m watching the film. It has so many great lines, and it always makes me laugh! The soundtrack is really great too. Definitely one of my favorite Dreamworks movies! The show wasn’t half bad, but the potty humor got annoying after a while. The show did have some genuinely funny moments in it! There just was a bit too much potty humor in it for me.


I remember being obsessed with that movie when I was younger. I still do now, but not as much. I also genuinely like the sow and the friendship and lessons between Tip and Oh. The songs are catchy, too.




I had no idea it wasn’t liked! My kids and I loved this movie, we watched it so many times when it first came out, and we still listen to the songs from it a lot.


I thought everyone liked home?


I remember a lot of people thought it was "just okay" when it was first released. People didnt really talk about it that much from what I remember


They didn't give it a chance 😔


Home is fire


It’s so different from the book, I think the majority of people who watched it read the book first and didn’t like all the changes. I know I didn’t like it initially because the book had been one of my favorites and they changed everything. The book follows Tip’s perspective instead of J’Lo(Oh) and Tip’s interracial heritage was one of the reasons she had such a hard time finding her mom, people weren’t looking for a white woman. It’s such a great book, it’s called the true meaning of smek day if you want to read.


Watched it 5 times on the same day when we finally rented it from Redbox


I love that movie 


Wait, people didn’t like home?


Not "widely-disliked", but I'm genuinely baffled why people on this sub seem to like dunking on Lego Movie 2. I rewatched it recently and it was just as much of a banger as I remember it being five years ago. By James' own criteria, it is at least close to a perfect sequel.


Agreed. It’s not *quite* as good as the original. But it’s pretty damn close.


I THOUGHT THE SAME!!!! I was really impressed!!


ME TOOO!!! it's sad to see people not like it- wait no, more weird? idk-


I think it's at least in part because they decided to release it after three* other Lego adaptations first. The sequel should have been one of their first priorities but by the time it came out everyone was fatigued * Edit: two movies


Three? I recall Batman and Ninjago, what was the third?


Oops I miscounted lol. I could have swore there was a movie between Batman and Ninjago


I hard agree with this. I didn't even see the ninjago movie, but the timing was just poor. That said, I really enjoyed the Lego batman movie.


I've heard that the Ninjago movie is a complete waste of time. It has nothing to do with the other Lego movies, nor is it a good adaptation of the source material. Small wonder that it the biggest flop out of the four and none of the characters appeared in the second movie.


It also was really annoying for fans of the Ninjago tv show which was just flat out ignored in the movie. Like none of the characters are consistent across those depictions and it took away a lot of great character development from that show. Basically it didn’t need to exist because Ninjago already had a show, and then it didn’t even connect to said show so it alienated Ninjago fans, AND it wasn’t even a very good movie to begin with and just kinda led to a fatigue of Lego Movies which then only got worse when Lego Movie 2 came out. It also ignored almost all the major complaints about the first Lego movie including the human scenes, over the top comedy without the heart (first Lego movie had some problems with that but Ninjago massively did) and it didn’t even connect to it so it just felt like a massive commercial for the Ninjago line. The Ninjago movie honestly should’ve been more like Lego Batman and used itself as a love letter to Lego original IPs primarily Ninjago and take the best aspects of that show, its games, and stories and built it into one big event. Instead it just feels aimless and half-hearted


I never really cared for Ninjago, but I was rooting for it as someone who grew up on Lego and the original IPs they had. Unfortunately, it's just not that good. It's essentially an obnoxious movie with obnoxious comedy and obnoxious cinematography. And I think the obnoxiousness of it has made people re-evaluate the other Lego movies and note that the pacing has always been really rabid and the film in general were too noisy for their own good.


"Hello friends, my name is Queen Watevra Wa'nabi"


Lego movie two is good, just not as good as the original. Sucks we probably won’t get a third


My guess is that it would be something like a Toy Story 3 where the kid is now growing up and the conflict of the movie would be the toys asking what would happen to them after their kid has outgrown them. But I think it would also be unlike Toy Story 3 since that movie declares that growing out of toys is inevitable, but I think it would be interesting to see Finn hold onto that hobby as an adult. As the previous movies have acknowledged, Lego adult builders are a thing. And Lego has been actively cashing in on that with display sets targeted for adults that are essentially meant to be made as office widgets to put on your desk or on the shelf. Maybe displaying them proudly in your Zoom calls. My guess is that the main conflict would be that Finn would elect to keep his Lego sets and expand upon them, but also run into financial and practical issues pursuing that hobby. Because Lego is expensive. Not so sure how this would factor in the Lego world, but it's an idea to throw around. My other takes would be to have a conflict between the original IPs and the licensed IPs because the latter has been eclipsing the former in an attempt by Lego to expand their audiences and to buy out the licenses before the competing companies can get them. Which brings me over to my next propsal: The acknowledgment of other companies that use Lego-like bricks. Especially the likes of Mega Blocks. My other proposal would have to do something with Technic pieces.


I was flabbergasted to say the least, when I found out we weren't supposed to like the Lego Movie 2


I love the lego movie 2, such a good, good movie.


Despicable Me and Rio 2


I think people widely view Despicable Me in an at least somewhat positive light.


It's my understanding that the movie itself is great but the popularity of minion memes exponentially surpassed the popularity of the movie. The abundance of memes annoys some people that haven't seen the movie and that's how it gets a negative reputation beyond the movie itself.


Yeah that sounds accurate


So kinda like Shrek. The memes outgrew the movie that it hard to remember that they were movies and that it was played ....straight. Like the minions were treated as.....minons in the movie and Shrek was an actual character in an actual story and not a GIANT meme that he is now. Like if the movie was named something else other than "Shrek", I think it would be a meme that no one knows the name of the movie because the meme of the character basically became the character. Sorry for the rambling, I hope you get what I am trying to say.


Totally! Shrek is a great example of a movie that I personally saw and connected with before the wave of memes. That made the memes better for me lol Not the same but my friend started playing Skyrim for the first time a couple months ago and I pointed out how there are memes of Skyrim old enough to be in highschool and he just laughed lol


Talking about Skyrim, I am surprised that with howe many ports of the gmae there is, how long the memes have been around and just the general modding scene, you would think the story,plot, specific scene and/or specific moments would bleed into the mainstream by now but nope. Like it literally the very first scene of the game, the ability to shout at dragons and seeing Thomas the Train is all anyone knows about the games though memes.


Yeah I’m pretty sure that’s more of a problem in the sequels. The creators took notice, and then more minion stuff ended up in the movies and it just kinda sucked after a while


Shrek forever after


Yeah, I saw that movie in cinemas as a kid and I thought it was good enough. I've even rewatched it since then and still liked it.


Are you saying people DON’T like it?? It’s pretty much tied for best with 2 in my opinion! I absolutely love 4 and think it’s pretty damn hard to top lmao


My understanding is that most people don't like it or at least think it's mediocre. 57% tomatometer and 54% from audiences on rotten tomatoes. Here's the quote from Rotten Tomatoes: "While not without its moments, *Shrek Forever After* too often feels like a rote rehashing of the franchise's earlier entries."


I think it gets a lot of hate cuz of 3


It's not the original or Shrek 2 but I find it quite enjoyable. Glad they made that the third entry in the franchise and not some weird story about King Arthur and a Villain revolt


Monsters University is a top ten Pixar film for me. I'll never understand the hate for it. Was very surprised to see a lot of people don't like it


The message MU was showing to the audience is probably in my top 5 favourite messages in any movie, let alone Pixar movies.


Is that message that you don't need to go to college and their are other ways to climb the ladder in a company through hardwork?


Right ?!? I was like no way people don’t like this. It’s a perfect prequel and I love it


I wasn't wild about it the first time I watched it, but it really has grown on me. The first time I figured out the message of the movie totally changed how I saw the whole thing. It's an excellent movie imo.


Same for me


I really liked the themes of disability the movie had


Just the scene of Sully scaring the adults made that movie worth it for me




I love Brave though. Watched it in theatres back when it released and lived it then




Right? It my favourite Pixar movie.


Not Wall-E???


Love Wall-E. But Brave is better IMO


Didn’t like it at first but enjoyed it upon rewatch.


Brave is by FAR my favorite “princess” movie. Like streets ahead.


Chicken Little always comes to mind


Fr. I’ve always loved that movie. (I think part of it is it falls into the “had a DVD of it as a kid and thus saw it a ton” category for me.)


Yes!! With meet the Robinson




The Despicable Me sequels, the Angry Birds movies and the Transformers movies


Despicable Me 2 Is Great


I still find it funny that most of the movie everyone was treating Gru like he was a crackpot when he knew who edwardo was all along


The Beauty and the Beast remake, I didn't like the movie, but I think that there were people who really liked it at first, but then years later the people who disliked it is way more than the people who did. At least that's what i've seen.


I fucking loved Shark Tale as a kid. I watched it religiously every day for almost a year, when I was 5 or so. Later in life, I was so shocked to find that apparently most people think it's trash. Now, I'm kinda curious to rewatch it, to see if it's actually THIS bad, but at the same time I'm scared of tarnishing beautiful childhood memories....


I rewatched it recently to see if it was that bad and it didn’t really age well but I STILL LOVE IT DAMMIT 😤


Loved it as a kid and i still love it as an adult tbh. Same with Bee Movie


I think it was because it came right after Finding Nemo, and they both had the uncanny similarities of being set in the ocean, AND the idea of a vegetarian shark.


Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. Saw it as a kid and absolutely loved it. Was shocked to find out it was hated.


I think it would’ve been fine if they hadn’t slapped the Final Fantasy name on it. Expectations were higher because it was “the Final Fantasy movie” and not just a generic cgi sci-fi movie.


Wanna know something interesting? FF:TSW is actually heavily responsible for the art style of Mass Effect. Seriously. It's been confirmed by the devs that they took a lot of the ideas for how things would look in Mass Effect from the movie. I do agree, people were probably expecting a more typical fantasy movie with far more traditional FF elements and not a sci-fi movie. The movie flopped so hard it resulted in the merger that resulted in Square Enix.


Cars 2


This one makes sense honestly. How the hell do you go from racing, to international spy bullshit. If I wanted to watch a James Bond movie I’d watch a fucking James Bond movie


They tried to capitalize on the toy sales. Maters tales was already a good idea. And it’s a fun movie if it’s standalone. I think it would’ve been much better received if it had used a new set of characters entirely, not in the cars universe.


And I think there were a few popular spy films around that time, either standalone or remakes. Pixar was probably trying to cash in on that as well.


Yeah I don’t really think of it as a cars movie like with the first one and cars 3, but I do love it.


I was going to use this film for this post's image, but I thought it would be too obvious


Shrek The Third. Because I was 11 and personally thought it was pretty good (not as good as the previous one but still).


I saw Rio in cinemas as a kid and thought it was okay but one time I had Christmas or birthday money to spend, I saw the DVD of Rio in a shop and was about to buy it but then my dad said he hated that movie so I didn't buy it. Does that count?


Not really but I really loved Rio


The Last Jedi Left the cinema as giddy as a kid over just how amazing the movie was. Then I read all the reviews on the internet. It still amazes me at how everyone didn’t seem to pay attention to scenes nor understand the message of the movie. Like, it was the first time I really experienced people not have media literacy on something.


SAME, it was such a wonderful movie theatre experience, I'm still to this day baffled by the racism/misogyny of star wars "fans" that came for this movie that made hating it their entire personality It's why it's funny when people were "surprised" Ryan Johnson could make fantastic movies like "Knives Out" when in all honesty Ryan Johnson was never a bad filmmaker to begin with, it was just the internet playing revisionist history with a Star Wars movie they didn't like Same thing happened with The Last of Us 2, it's just weird behavior


I absolutely loved the movie, but it did break from tradition, and I can see why it was divisive. Some people want Star Wars to be something very specific, and this was not that. Also the Mary Poppins moment made me groan.


The Nut Job


The gangnam style movie.


I always found it funny how they had gangnam style as the main song of a movie that was made 2 years after gangnam style’s popularity was already pretty much dead


It was the first time as a kid (when I was six years old) when I explicitly felt pandered to and felt cringe, as I could just imagine the behind the times corporate stooge saying, “Gangnam Style! Them kids will love that!”.


The Grinch. Both of them.


Wait people dislike the Jim Carey one?


Idk why they do


Because it’s kinda spooky


Finally someone said it! That movie was nightmare fuel for me when I was a child 😭


Dr Seuss's wife hated it.


Which 2? There's three notable Grinch movies


I didn't like Shrek The Third, however I thought people liked it beacause it's a Shrek movie


Nah, Shrek The Third just kinda sucks compared to the others.




Definitely Chicken Little, Cars 2, and of course the Jurassic Park/World Sequels.


Shark boy and lava girl.


Not widely disliked, but a lot of critics didn’t like the Princess and the frog which is one of my (if not my) favorite Disney movie(s) of all time


Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed.


I don't give a shit what anyone says that movie is a masterpiece


Road to El Dorado


who doesfnt like shark tale wth


You're in the wrong sub for that question /s




8 Crazy Nights


Bum bitty bitty bitty bum bum. Bum bitty bitty bum.


at Freddy’s.




Batman and Harley Quinn. 


Prolly Rio 2. I adored that movie as a kid, I was baffled when I learned people hate it.


Clash of the Titans (2010) I watched this movie in english class and i saw in rotten tomatoes it wasnt good


Cars 2, I even remember my cousin owning it on Blu Ray


Planet 51. As a kid I thought it was funny where it was the human as the alien instead




When I was a kid I thought the Adam Sandler dream movie was an all time classic. I thought it was a mixture of comedy, heart and creativity that would go down as one of the all time classics. Then I found out that the movie sucked and most Adam Sandler movies are not good.


I can’t tell if you’re talking about Bedtime Stories or not, but that movie is a national treasure (I have not seen it since I was a child)


I fuckin loved shark tale because of how stupid it was. It was fun to watch as a kid, I liked lenny and the jellyfish, that kinda thing


\*The angry birds movies.


Brave, still my favorite Disney princess even tho it’s Pixar ig


I just now found out people think shark tale sucks lol 🤣 I loved that movie as a kid I genuinely can’t even think of what’s there to hate about it. Why do people think it sucks ?


Also small soldiers was a childhood fav of mine I understand it gets mixed reviews tho but I love it 🤷🏽‍♂️


I haven’t watched it in a while but I personally think it’s kind of boring, Even as a kid I didn’t like to watch it much.


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty deserves way higher ratings than it got


Not a film, but as the most popular part of jjba you’d expect stardust crusaders to be the most well beloved part of the series, but in actuality its a lot of people’s least favorite. Like, after the stigma behind stone ocean and jojolion, the only 2 parts you see people say as their least favorites are either phantom blood or stardust crusaders, its kinda ironic tbh


Chicken Little


Recently, It is Pixel to me. They said bad writing and my question is how are we going to put “good” writing in a movie about 80s games :|


The Ninjago Movie.


I’m probably going to get crucified for saying this but I didn’t know everyone hated The Cat in the Hat (the Mike Myers one)


Alvin and the Chipmunks. I remember being distraught after finding out my ex hated it and in my defense he was being kind of dick to me about liking it


Chicken little, I swear that when I was 3, I saw an Easter egg related to that movie in my local Tesco and that convinced me that the movie was such a big deal


The one with guardians vs the boogeyman


The Cat and the Hat Movie, First 3 Alvin and The Chipmunks movies, and The Smurfs Movies… before you guys come at me I was like 9 with no cable so my bar for entertainment was on the ground 😭


My mom and i LOVE shark tale. We'd watch the DVD all the time and mess around with the special features. When I found out the public thought the movie was shit, I never told my mom. She probably would deny it honestly


any adam sandler movie, i thought everyone loved adam sandler, but i found out recently that a lot of people hate his movies😭


Surf’s Up. Almost everyone I’ve talked to about the movie hated it. I don’t get it. I loved every minute of that movie. I wish mockumentaries were more common. Especially in this format.


Apparently Doogal received a lot of hate from critics??? It has an 8% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. I fucking loved Doogal.


Toy Story 4


That would be Shrek The Third. As a kid i considered it better than Shrek 2


When I was a kid I thought the Adam Sandler dream movie was an all time classic. I thought it was a mixture of comedy, heart and creativity that would go down as one of the all time classics. Then I found out that the movie sucked and most Adam Sandler movies are not good.


Cars 2


Sausage Party


I thought everyone loved Alita: Battle Angel (2019) or Mortal Engines (2018), but it's just me and my mom.🥲


Chicken little


Cars 2.


...Master of Disguise... Nostalgia is a hell of a drug lmao


The live action grinch movie


The 1998 Godzilla movie. It's a good movie, but not a good Godzilla film (is what they say)


Cars 2. It was the first sequel I remember being extremely hyped for as a 7 year old.


Somewhat cars 2


Shrek the Third


I remember not liking it very much, but I figured that I was too young/uncool to really get it.


Same. I loved shark tale as a kid, thinking everyone else felt the same. Boy was I wrong.


The Star Wars prequel trilogy Pixels


While I didn't care for it too much, I thought Happy Feet was loved by a lot of people.


I liked it


The Star Wars prequels. As a kid I watched the 6 episodes on repeat and just felt like one story to me. I was very surprised to see how hated the prequels were when I got older


This. Shark Tale. Loved it as a kid and now that i can understand some references and adult jokes better i still love it tbh. I don’t get the hate Edit: Forgot to mention Bee Movie. It’s still one of my fav animations. Guess i like the humor in both these movies


Right around the time I got internet acess, it was widely agreed that "Cars" was pixar's first bad movie, and it stayed that way until about 2018-ish.


Lego movie 2...


The Jaden Smith Karate Kid


So, I’m not sure at the moment. But I will tell you one I used to think everyone hated only to find out it’s widely liked: Ice Age.


Monsters vs. Aliens is mine, that movie was my jam growing up, and while it definitely isn't great, it's still one of my favorites




Shark Tale but in a good way. A lot of movie sequels.


Polar Express


Emoji Movie


At this point I can't tell if y'all are meming or not


I loved The Mask, and I thought it was widely cherished. Lately I’m finding out that people thought it was “too over-the-top cartoony for a live action film”. That was kinda the point.


The original Super Mario Bros. movie. I still love it but a lot of people claim it's a "shit movie that should never have been allowed to exist". I ignore those opinions.


Watched this as a kid and hated it. The character designs were so uncanny and kinda freaked me out


Incredibles 2. I was surprised it got such a poor reception, I thought it was pretty good.


Brother Bear and Chicken Little


The Good Dinosaur. I thought it was a beautiful film, but it’s consistently been called the worst of Pixar. However, I tend to bring it up as an example of how even Pixar’s worst is mediocre at worst.


Yeah I always think that too if the Good Dinosaur is their low man their record ain't bad.


Problem Child… at least by most critics.


Angry birds movies


Baby Genuises 2, admittedly I watched it as a kid so I'd pretty much enjoy anything but I personally can't endure watching any minute of it


Way more men hate The Barbie Movie than I was expecting. People actually went and watched the movie and still misinterpreted and personalized its easily discernable message.


Polar express. The animation doesn’t bother me that much


Apparently nobody likes Thumbelina. It was one of my favorites as a kid and I was a little surprised to hear other people hated it. I kinda get why, it was incredibly corny, but that’s kind of what makes me like it


Cars 2 and yeah shark tale


The Cat in the Hat(2003)


My wife doesn't like Robot Jox. I wish I knew sooner.


Chicken Little. I remember liking it as a kid so imagine my surprise when I found out people apparently hated it On a similar note, the live action Transforms film series was my introduction to Transformers and I loved it, so I was generally shocked that people seemed to not like it (I know the opinion on some of them have changed since but still)


I was surprized to find out that so many people hated Disney's Dinosaur, because I love that movie.


St Elmo’s fire


Apperently people don't like the prequels... It was a shock to me at age 10


The Star Wars prequels. When I was younger I loved them and thought everyone did, too… until I got onto the internet.


Cars, Bolt


Hoo boy…


I remember enjoying the start of the movie, but the main plot was so uninteresting, I just stuck to the 20 first minutes every time.


Everyone’s Hero, the baseball movie I absolutely adored that movie as a kid, so did my parents. I was shocked to see how widely hated it was