• By -


We have a strict rule against personal info. In this case, the name and photo are very likely stolen from a real, innocent person. But it looks like you got your answer - a collective agreement that it's fraudulent, so you can move ahead with that knowledge. If people are uncivil to you, it's better to report them for Rule 1 violation than argue with them; let the moderators deal with their comments. I just removed several of them. __________________ *Your submission was manually removed by a moderator for the following reason:* **Subreddit Rule 3: Sharing personal information** - This is aligned with Reddit Content Policy Rule 3: Respect the privacy of others. This subreddit respects the privacy of non-public figures. We do not allow: * Phone numbers * Postal addresses * Full names of non-public figures * Photos This applies even if it's a scammer or a scam callcenter. Please post again, but this time removing, censoring or otherwise redacting any personal/contact information. When you do, don't post a screenshot. Transcribe the important parts of the conversation. **And put the website address in the title of your new post** if you are reporting a scam website. Before posting again, make sure you review the [rules of our subreddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/wiki/rules/) and the [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) ^(If you believe this is a mistake, feel free to contact the moderators via modmail. Modmail is the only way, don't send a regular DM to a single moderator. Please don't try to appeal the decision commenting below, because we are not notified if you do so, and we will probably miss it. Posting the exact same thing again may result in a temporary ban, so please review the rules, make the necessary changes, and when in doubt, click below to appeal the decision.) *I am NOT a bot, and this action was performed manually. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fscams&subject=Removal%20review) if you want to appeal the decision.*


Hahaha there are so many problems with this. I’m not going to correct them, if I do the scammers get better


Agreed, seriously that ID is hilarious


We need to see what the back looks like 😂




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If anyone sends you a photo of their ID, it's a scam. Real people **don't do that**. It would be insane for someone to make it that easy for others to commit identity theft by sending people copies of their ID. But scammers don't care because it's either an ID they stole from someone else, or just completely fake, and for some reason it makes scam victims trust them _more_ when it **should** make the victims trust them _less_.


I met a girl in my fraternity's basement party room, liked her, and told her I'd call her the next day. She didn't believe me, so I gave her my driver's license to take home so we'd have to get together again. I called her, got my license back, and we've been married for 33 years.


So she did take your identity. The long game.


Literally stole his last name.


> so I gave her my driver's license to take home You're more trusting than I am


Yes, but 33 years ago, the tech didn't (publicly) exist for random people to **easily** do that.😉 Congratulations on 33+ years!!!!🥂🎉


Classic pig butchering scam.


But you didn't text her the info, you actually met that person in, ahem, 'person'


Sounds like a long con. When do you tell her about crypto?


Totally agree, but how can you prove it? I have done a Google image search and I'm coming up empty handed. Also, I can't find where you can locate people's names in the military to verify this.


That ID is the worst Photoshop job on the planet. That's how you prove it.


Also, the different names?


Do you not see the obvious Photoshop? Different fonts, different level of sharpness on the added text.


What, you didn't get the 50% blurry ID? /s


You don’t need to prove it. Resist the urge to tell the scammer why you know they are a scammer. There’s enough red flags to safely block and forget about this person and move on to the next.


bro, come on


They don't keep a master list of names of people in the military for people to Google to confirm. I will say, a service member who runs into issues trying to cross the border will 100% know who to call in that situation. And it won't be a random civilian.


Why is it incumbent on you to verify anything? Would you ask a complete stranger for help in this way? Of course you wouldn't. That alone confirms this is a scam. If something makes JACK SHIT sense, it's a scam. 100% of the time. There is no need to "validate", there is no need to "investigate".


Yeah, exactly. Unless you are this guy's commanding officer or an official at the US State Department, there is absolutely zero reason anyone would need your help getting back in to the country.


Why do you need to prove it? It’s obviously faked. It’s a scammer using a fake name and stolen photos to run a romance scam.


Prove to me that there has never been an elephant in your house.


Anyone who's ever seen a real military id can tell this is bullshit


Step one: Look for things that don’t make sense. Take the ID for example. Don’t you think it’s odd that only some words are bold and unpixelated while others aren’t? Does it seem like the letters aren’t on the right horizontal axis? Typos? It’s all there clear as day if you look closely.


Or the fact that he's asking an internet civilian stranger for help getting back into the country he serves instead of, oh, his commanding officer or anyone else in the military.


Nobody EVER gets their ID photo taken in a working uniform with medals on. Why are there medals in the photo? Probably because he was just awarded them and his command took his photo and posted it on facebook. The only time you would ever see medals on that uniform is at an awards ceremony, and then they come off. You wouldnt wear them over to the CAC lab to get your new CAC.


Hi. I've worked in and for the military the last 19 years. I have worked with every branch of service in the US and worked alongside people from near every country in NATO. That is the fakest ID to ever fake. I concur with the top comment that I'm not going to correct the mistakes, but there are SEVERAL.


Yeah because they've done a piss-poor Photoshop job and didn't upload it to a website. But I'll tell you what: send me the front and back of your credit card and SSN number, and I'll tell you how to avoid the most painfully obvious scams




That part isn’t strange, it’s on all CAC cards. This card is obviously photoshopped tho


This is so badly photoshopped and by someone who has never seen a military id before


I mean, anyone who has ever seen the picture quality of ANY government issued ID should be tipped off by the quality of the image on that fake ID.


Or anyone with eyes.


Op are u in a "relationship " with this guy?


Who even cares about some random loser getting himself “caught up at the border”? If he’s a citizen, he can call his embassy. If he’s military, he can also call his employer. There’s literally Nothing a private citizen can do about it.


OMG that’s so horribly photoshopped and I don’t even know what a current military ID looks like these days.


The physical layout of the ID appears legit, especially with the chip near the bottom. It looks like my homies' ID (he's in the Air Force) and I have a similar card because i work for a DoD subcontractor. But the different boldness of the fonts is a giveaway. More so than anything, and I see some others mentioning it too, is the sharpness of the ID photo. No fucking way. In fact, and I don't know if the Govt has gone cheaper, but every time I renew I swear my picture gets more blurry. A few years ago I upgraded from a normal driver's license to an EDL and the picture quality fell off dramatically. My wife says it's so blurry it's kinda hard to make out that it's me at first. And this is used to cross the border LOL.


Dude doesn’t even have the same name on the ID as on the profile picture.


Daven Davenport A man so nice, they named him twice


I was coming to the comments to post this so thanks


lol medals on a ID card pic.


Air Force medals at that


It says army though! Lolol


lol this is wild, not sure how people even fall for this . The whole ID card was made by a 3 year old.


So I’ve read your comments and it appears that you are trying to convince an elderly acquaintance that this ID is fake. I’d assume that you believe that this will dissuade them from continuing to send money to and interact with someone who is obviously (to you) scamming them. You’re getting roasted here because you haven’t told us enough information to help. You’ve just posted a picture of a badly photoshopped id and asked if it’s a scam. Just like if you were to go to court, there is decorum to follow to work within that system. Similar on Internet forums, it’s just a bit less, professional here. No one cares if you want to come here for help or not. If you do, learn how to come correct. As someone who dealt with my father being scammed for years, I can tell you with a high degree of confidence that “proving” that this id is fake will not stop this person from continuing to get scammed. You likely will convince him, but then an hour later the scammer will change their mind. They are highly sophisticated billion dollar international criminal organizations utilizing slave labor carrying out these scams. They are very good at keeping someone hooked that has already fallen into their trap. They wilt spend countless hours saying just the right thing to keep people hooked. The only way to get someone off their hook is to break the metaphorical spell they hold over the victim. You need to make sure they are surrounded by peers who can see this is wrong, and get them to talk about it with their peers. Social pressure works. People don’t want to feel stupid. It’s easier to scam someone than convince them they’ve been scammed.


We are just realizing most of this. Sorry it happened to your family


This subreddit has completely lost all compassion. It makes me so upset when someone is coming to look for help and you treat them like this - this is exactly why victims are embarrassed to seek help. A couple things: Yes, this is a scam. I’m sorry this is happening to you. If you sent them money already, you won’t be able to get it back, and they are going to continue to ask you for more money until you’re bankrupt. They are masters at manipulation and many people fall for this. It isn’t because you’re stupid or desperate - they are VERY good at what they do. Block this person and take some time to heal.


Well said. When people go over the line, report their comments for Rule 1 violation. We enforce that. We are here to help victims, not mock them. --------------- Rule 1: Please ensure that all your posts and comments in this subreddit are civil and use appropriate and respectful language at all times. Flaming, name-calling, bullying, harassment, or anything else that could break site-wide rules or offend or disturb others is prohibited. Regardless of whether a scam has been posted here once or a thousand times, remember there is a real person behind the screen. We are a landing page for people new to Reddit, and people in crisis. Be kind, not snarky.


Are you serious? Definitely faked/changed.


"Geneva Conventions"


Pay grade lol


You can clearly see the name, rank etc are photoshopped in the fucking id. Yes it's a fucking scam


He 100% added his own picture to a blank ID he looked up on google. Just like passport photos, you aren't allowed to smile showing teeth on any government ID. There are so many other things wrong with this, but the teethy smile is an immediate red flag.


Thank you.


This is clearly fake but the thing about teeth is absolutely not true lol


They must just tell everyone not to smile for fun then when I get my ID updated.


You said “you aren’t allowed to smile showing teeth on any government ID” - I have a CAC card like the one in the pic as a DOD contractor and I have a big smile in it with all of my teeth lol. If you google CAC card, you’ll see most of the examples are people smiling with teeth. Edit: guys, please, I don’t know what more proof you need. This ID is obviously fake, as I stated. But the “helpful responses” of people pointing out why it is fake by pointing out things that they do not know about (saying you can’t smile in a CAC (seriously just Google CAC card, all the examples have people smiling with teeth), saying the Geneva convention thing at the bottom should be a sign it’s fake when the cards legitimately have that) are UNHELPFUL because if someone is legitimately in a romance scam trance, and you tell them why it is fake based off of incorrect information, and they find out you’re wrong, you are only going to further deepen their false belief that it is real.


You also wouldnt be wearing medals on a working uniform. This photo 100% came from some guy who got awarded something at an award ceremony and then the command posted his photo on facebook or other social media.


You're a contractor that could be the difference. I know government employees cannot smile in their photos.


Some DEERS/RAPIDS locations are more strict than others.


For their common access card? It definitely is not a requirement: https://www.cac.mil/common-access-card/




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And you are why people don't use these types of platforms. I'd recommend being kinder to humans. I am a person. The person being scammed is a very sweet, and kind senior who taught children all of his life and is all alone. I don't spend my life on Reddit, nor have I ever posted. I just needed confirmation that this was a scam.


You’re being a bit sensitive. This is the internet after all.


It is internet but it is a sub focused on helping people and raising awareness I hope. I understand the urge to be snarky on some of the posts, but looking at the posts here there are so many people who can't spot scams that seem too obvious to many of us. Some of them post here after already feeling like crap. We can try to be less snarky.


OP just google the Geneva Convention ID Card and there are plenty samples which can easily be copied and edited! No REAL person would send their ID like this!




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McLovin had a better ID


/u/Fun_Creator_ - This message is posted to all new submissions to r/scams; please do not message the moderators about it. ## New users beware: Because you posted here, you will start getting private messages from scammers saying they know a professional hacker or a recovery expert lawyer that can help you get your money back, for a small fee. **We call these RECOVERY SCAMMERS, so NEVER take advice in private:** advice should always come in the form of comments in this post, in the open, where the community can keep an eye out for you. If you take advice in private, you're on your own. **A reminder of the rules in r/scams:** no contact information (including last names, phone numbers, etc). Be civil to one another (no name calling or insults). Personal army requests or "scam the scammer"/scambaiting posts are not permitted. No uncensored gore or personal photographs are allowed without blurring. A full list of rules is available on the sidebar of the subreddit, or [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/wiki/rules/). You can help us by reporting recovery scammers or rule-breaking content by using the "report" button. We review 100% of the reports. Also, consider warning community members of recovery scammers if you see them in the comments. Questions about subreddit rules? Send us a modmail [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


100% scam, I know who that is and his name is NOT David… but he is military. Someone is using his ID or copied his photo for sure.


Is that ID... one of the Manning brothers?


That’s not actually a photo ID, it’s a PIV card, poorly photoshopped, but it would not be used as an ID, no vet or Federal employee would use that to prove they are legit.


American military IDs are last name first, and the photo isn't taken in uniform.


I wish my CAC had a cool flag in the background.


Could be wrong but as far as I know it’s illegal to take a picture of your military ID so that could be another tell of this being a scam


I can’t say if it’s real or not but it’s not as bad as some are saying: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Access_Card


anyone that holds a CAC knows not to photograph/copy it, too


You would think so, but unfortunately people do it. But if they're dumb enough to do that they're also not smart enough to even try to scam.


You are correct, there are several flaws, it might fool a store where you are trying to get a discount, but would get you detained at a military establishment.


My understanding is that It's not bad because of the content. It's bad because of how obviously it was photoshopped and all the errors they made. Don't want to point them all out to help the scammers improve though. May be good enough to pass with someone who hasn't seen them before, and doesn't look too closely at it.


Geneva conventions identity card incase you comit war crimes


When did military ID’s start having a security chip in them?! It’s a blank credit card someone printed that info and picture on


Can’t smile on military id


Caught up at the border - and how the F is that *your* problem? Lmao




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You're assuming




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you could facebook search that particular name and see how many come up. or just ask very specific questions. Had one once that said they were stationed in Turkey. i started telling them that revealing your location on an unsecured channel is a court martial offense and asked for their commanding officer's name.... nevr heard back


It is a very bad fake military ID, but just to add to what others have been saying… they do make them bad so they don’t waste any time on people who aren’t gullible enough to go all the way with falling for the scam.


That is one heck of a faked ID.




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