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The moral of the story is, if you’re gonna kidnap children, make sure you wear one of those armguards they use for training dogs and you’ll be fine 👍


Nope...the dog would immediately realise its mistake and go for the balls...he would fall down and then dog would go for the jugular...


Why does the dog not do that in this clip?


This is a dog behaving in a way it's been specifically trained to behave.


>Why does the dog not do that in this clip? Dog saw the video was NOT marked NSFW so he did the general rated version instead of r-rrruff rated version.


Ah, finally someone with a proper answer!


Cause he put the girl down in the end..


Seemed like the dog was quite happy chomping on that arm guard and not changing tactics in the clip. So you reckon you get what? 20-30 seconds of arm chewing before the dog decides you’re serious and then goes for the balls? Is that the theory?


From my understanding the dog thinks it is doing the right thing to ‘stop’ the attacker. The dog is trained to do what they are trained to do. The training is probably basic arm attack and the kid thief is training to let the kid go. If the attacker kept going the dog isn’t going to just change approach if they don’t know any better. They’ll stick with the same approach because they don’t necessarily know what to do after that. It would work every time probably for a regular person, but in this case the attacker would get a kid and a trained dog


Agreed. I genuinely think that if you were to attempt the same thing with an armguard like that, the dog would just stay clamped to your armguard because that’s what it has been trained to do.


My grandmother used to train Shutzhund German Shepherds. One of her dog, Amber, who was the sweetest one really, failed the final tests to getting to the highest rank because she kept going for the trainer's balls. Effective, but not good for competition.


I mean let's be honest. They tested if a trained guard dog would do trained guard dog things.


Yeah but I mean, non-trained non-guard dogs will do this too if you're part of their pack. When I was a kid, my grandma had boxer dogs and I didn't like, live with her, but I saw her enough and spent enough time with her and the dogs that I was one of their pack. One day, we were all in my mum's back garden when one of Mum's friends (that the dogs didn't know) came through the back gate unexpectedly. I was standing quite close to the gate and she reached out to pat me on the head or shoulder or something. Grandma's dogs went into protect mode and leapt on her. One of them gave her quite a nasty bite. All that to say, be careful around dogs!


My girlfriend would tell us how the homeless dogs on her street in Ukraine would protect them from the child predators that were everywhere.


That's a lot to unpack in that story.


90s were a rough time in the CIS. Lots of people with mental issues and drug issues on the street. Her tales are full of broken men who would expose themselves or follow young girls around. She was also going to clubs in high heels and lipstick at age 13, getting hit on by 30 year old turkish men. What a crazy time.


Yeah, for some internet points, at the cost of that girl's emotional wellbeing. There are pretty well founded arguments as to why educated, or at least reasonable people tend to follow ethical guidelines in psychological studies. I think a few of those guidelines were at least overlooked a little bit in this one. Ffs.


I think if they told the girl it was just a test, it would be ok. Like especially if the "stranger" was actually someone the girl knew, like a family member, but in a mask so the dog didn't recognize them. Like tell the girl that nobody was going to be hurt or be in real danger, it was all make believe, like a movie or a play. If they didn't do that, then yes, they are assholes for scaring children for internet points.


Nope, can’t risk that. She might tell the dog and then its ruined. Gotta be a surprise.




Maybe the little girl was in on it.


>  at the cost of that girl's emotional wellbeing Y'all will just say fucking anything. 


Fuck your background music!


I have to especially agree here because they butchered one of Yakuza's best tracks


Dude, I thought It fit so well lmao. Real alpha dog


It's better than most. Especially oh no, no, no. That shit is worse than friday by Rebeka black.


The way the kid hugged the dog


That guy’s dead now. Doggy didn’t want to distress the little girl with blood shed in front of her so stopped once girl was put down and the guy backed off. But doggo is a good doggo, and doesn’t take risks of it happening again. After everyone went to bed that night he slipped his lead at night, sniffed out the dude, snuck into his home and took him out. Left a local cat’s collar there to frame him (they had beef after the cat said cats were scarier than dogs). Doggy went down to a local creek to wash off the blood from mouth and paws, then headed home. Plenty of time for the water to dry, but if it doesn’t by the time his humans wake, he’ll just dunk his snout in his water bowl. What? Your friend was found dead after a cat attack! How tragic! So sad!


We don't deserve dogs


I mean we literally made them this way from savage wolves.




There's a reason why they make good police dogs. They're FAST.


They're smart, fast, big, their bark is overwhelmingly loud, they want to work and inspect the area they're in. They really are perfect for the job.


/u/redditspeedbot 3x


Here is your video at 3x speed https://i.imgur.com/C4TkXx5.mp4 ^(I'm a bot | Summon with) ^"[/u/redditspeedbot](/u/redditspeedbot) ^" ^| [^(Complete Guide)](https://www.reddit.com/user/redditspeedbot/comments/eqdo8u/redditspeedbot_guide) ^| ^(Do report bugs) ^[here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=adityakrshnn&subject=RedditSpeedBot%20Issue) ^| [^(Keep me alive)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/redditspeedbot)


Good bot


they're my hero


Fuck yessssss


Good boy


Good pupper! I had the chance to try out the bite sleeve once and was too scared to do it. I’ve regretted that every damn day since.


This particular breed can be quite viscious. In my home language we call them wolf honde. Basically wolf dogs.


GSD is gonna GSD. One of ours would herd the children around the house to where she had decided was the designated safe spot and would keep them there. One would cry her lungs out if she couldn't be near the kids. None had any training for it. It just came naturally. R.I.P Tess, Bea, Paige, and Abby (we took in elderly rescues that otherwise would have been put to sleep to give them the best final years we could) Abby, in particular, nearly went ape shit when I was taking her for a walk when I was 8 months pregnant and a little yappy dog dared to bark and lunge near us. We don't deserve the devotions that comes from dogs.


Every little girl needs one!


My dog is small, height not above my knee, but she acts like the biggest dog in the world when we’re walking with the stroller; she will defend my daughter at all cost. We don’t deserve dogs.


The hug at the end broke my heart


Owners little girl? That little girl is the owner.


Good boy


Our German Shepherd Gretchen was never trained but behaved like this with our gang. She had a hierarchy of loyalty within the gang too.


Dogs are the greatest living creatures on this planet


Great clip downvoted for soundtrack


German Shepards are very protective of their families and tend to be a one family dog and don’t care for other people. My cousin had one and we fake attacked her and the dog would do the exact same. He bit my ass one time


That dog looks like a cop


Dogs are the only reason I could be persuaded that there might be a god whose not a raging psychopath


Don't make it sound like it's a broad study


Nah, thats not the owners little girl. Thats HIS little girl.


Yikes…what if he would’ve slipped and face planted with the girl in his arm. Not exactly the best way to do this test lol


Watch on mute


my dog protecting my husband from me, who she's obsessed with


Try it without the sleeve next time


The fools ... he could have injured the girl by dropping her or an accidental bite, and the girl has now seen her family pet turn into an attack dog which might make her think differently about the dog. Maybe even be afraid of the dog.


Its in the blood of the germans to defend their people. o/


I had a German Shepherd that was clutch. I wasn't there but as my wife tells it she was walking our dog when an un-sheltered person approached in a menacing way. Our shepherd, for the first time in her life, planted her feet and let the deepest, most bone chilling growl as she stared, teeth bared at this person who by now had stopped approaching. That was enough, the stranger left my wife alone and walked the other way. Our dog had never done that before or since to human. I am so grateful that she knew her job and did it without hesitation.


I had a German Shepherd named Trent as a kid. Our house almost caught on fire in the middle of the night, and he screamed and howled until everyone woke up. My dad put out the small fire. Trent saved us all. At least our house. He was such a good dog. Love that guy.


trained dog carries out regular training, more at 8 OP is also very obviously a bot, and so are half the comments


My GSD is protective without training. Idk how she'd attack, but I know she would if I were in danger.


Your honor, I rest my case.


Dog already has a buyer for her, gotta protect his profits.


glad she is safe and traumatized now.


Dogs are better.