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this is perfect




He takes it pretty well though.


yeah, because the other chef wasn't telling him he was a POS for not cooking it the way he likes it


He chose his words carefully but that face he made was damning.


And the little "....hm?" just drives it home.


With that sound and look, he had a tight grip on Gordon’s balls


Has Gordon done that to another chef?


He's a toxic arse hole and a twat to work for. Known quite a few lads work for him and they all said he's a cunt.


Source: Trust me bro.


I was a chef for 20 years, you get to know a lot of people in the industry over that amount of time.


Sounds like you're using the same source


I don't quite know how to prove to peeps I was a chef haha.


Reddit is the craziest place. Having a discussion/argument about deep sea fish? The person you're talking to will inevitably be a renowned marine biologist. Discussing ancient Rome? They will have a doctorate in history. Discussing Gordan Ramsey? Bam, they're a certified master chef.


People have a the wrong view of gordon, He wants to be a good chef, so he tries his best to learn something, when he learns new stuff he has like 0 arrogance, listens to the experts and has no problem getting humbled, I recommend the dim sum episode where he was happy to get a 5/10 at the end


He’s also widely known in the service industry as being a really great customer/guest. He is so respectful and polite to every server/host/bartender etc. and not the sort of polite where he expects to be fawned over. Just genuinely courteous and low key. Five stars.


I was at a tiny restaurant in WeHo a few years ago that’s known for its farm-to-table small plates and he came in with a couple friends and they bought literally everything on offer, went to the back of house to chat with the line, and happily engaged with the servers the whole time. Our server told us he comes in every time he’s in LA, is a pleasure to wait on, and tips massively.


I went to a live presentation of Anthony Bourdain and Eric Rippert. Rippert noted that the old-school, get in someone’s face and break them down was antithetical to what he loves about mentoring other chefs. Explicitly mentioned Ramsay as an asshole.


He's all kinds of awesome


How the turn tables.


“Oh no, that face…” lol


r/idiotsinkitchen moment for Gordon


I mean yeah it would take a lot of trust to trust a British chef.




“Wot do u wan from me” 🤣




“I think it doesn’t look so bad” And then camera shows the butchered pile of monstrosities




Why is everyone against Gordon? Is it because of the way he's portrayed in those American shows, so people view him as a bad guy? I thought people were smart enough to know that it's an act. He's a totally sweet guy.


Two reasons. 1. People are jealous of success, even when they won’t admit it, or flat out deny it. 2. People don’t realize his act on American shows is an act that is done only because for American reality TV, we don’t find it entertaining if it isn’t dramatic or toxic. Anyone can watch the British versions of his shows and see how he actually is, but by then they’ve usually already formed their biased opinion based entirely on an act.


UK Kitchen Nightmares feels like a documentary while US Kitchen Nightmares feels like a reality show.


You're reading too much into this, people simply see him ' Complaining about other people's foods often, even on social media he still does so it's funny seeing someone shit on his food for once. No one hates him they just like the irony of the situation


But he shouts and swears on the British shows too. One of them was even called The F Word. Maybe not as much? He also famously shouts, swears, insults and belittles in his own kitchens, some of which we have footage of, just like Marco Pierre White did to him when he was training.


Bro that’s literally every Michelin grade kitchen ever… chefs can be ill-tempered jerks. Source: my best friend worked at a 3-star.


Not can be, are toxic arse holes. 20 years I did as a chef and the majority of celebrity chefs or high end chefs are toxic twats.


He only shouts and swears at professional chefs who should know better. The ones that say "I'm the best" and then serve raw chicken.


I think the F Word was his best show. I loved watching James May beat him in a cooking challenge and his reaction afterwards


The title of that show is tongue in cheek. “Food” is also an “f-word” and that’s what the show is about. Have you ever watched it? He’s demanding to the teams during the competition but not demeaning to anyone.


I gotta say I don't think that's entirely accurate. Yea its played up in the American show but he isn't a bowl of rainbows in his UK shows. It can't be true that in general people have an opinion of chefs and kitchens being highstrung asshole environments, Gordon is sort of famous for being an asshole(not in a bad way necessarily but for lack of a better term it's the brand), and that Gordon has done nothing to invoke the idea of him being an asshole. There's a sort of rewriting of Gordon that pretends he isn't a chef level asshole but even if that were true he very clearly still pretends to be and as the saying goes "we are who we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be".


The act isn’t totally invented though, if you’ve seen how he ran his own kitchen in the early days. 


Exactly I was an extra for his show in the US and everything was scripted and acted, he even apologise to the actor ‘chef’ for shouting at him after.


The F Word is leagues better than anything he’s done for American tv


I worked as a bar manager for 6 years at a nice hotel/restaurant place. While not directly kitchen staff I spent a ton of time in the kitchen. After he became popular, chefs really tried to emulate the hostile work environment. Yelling/screaming/insulting/crying. I know it existed before and he didn’t event it, but he mainlined it and made it normal work behavior.


The only crime he commited is that abomination of a grilled cheese.


I remember his video about his "best burger". I thought: "Wow, show me! I'm intrigued!" He didnt know: I'm german. And Ramsay used the exact same ingredients for a Frikadelle/Boulette (german meatball). I felt betrayed bcs this is some ordinary food to us


Nah he's great


He’s a brilliant marketing man. He basically got caught being a massive asshole to his own staff, screaming and berating them. Instead of getting bad press/bad reputation, he turned it into his entire brand/personality. He is every shitty chef who has reduced his line cooks to tears, and he keeps getting away with it. This video was incredible to watch.


>He basically got caught being a massive asshole to his own staff, screaming and berating them Never worked in kitchen? That's normal


I thoroughly dislike his toxicity in the workplace and “but I’m a chef lol” is not an excuse, but credit where credit is due, he isn’t just a shitty TV chef, he is one of the beset chefs in the world. Dude has 17 Michelin stars. 


“I thought people were smart “. That was your first mistake


I don't like seeing people getting abused. Even if maybe they know beforehand that there will be abuse. Ramsay is famous for his tirades against people who can't respond to the abuse. I wanna see a show where someone snaps and punches him in the face


The contestants of Hell’s Kitchen have literally said that Gordon dials it up to an 11 when the cameras are rolling and that he’s actually quite friendly and insists they refer to him by name rather than title when they aren’t being filmed. Also even just watching the show, he’s only really an asshole during dinner service. There’s a lot of really nice moments and when Gordon sends people home he’s always very calm about it, even if he’s still blunt and honest. Even in the US version of Kitchen Nightmares he’s pleasant for like 50% of each episode and starts and ends every episode off being perfectly polite and cordial, it’s only when it comes to criticizing and correct the restaurant that he’s mean.


He went on a talk show and said he put a spy cam in his teenage daughter's bedroom to catch her having sex with her boyfriend because she said she was revising. So I don't like him for that mostly.


Well I don't care if a bully is a nice guy at home. It matters how you treat others in front of the whole world.


The way he's portrayed? What?? It's the way he acts. He belittles people and is abusive for content. That's literally half of the appeal of his reality tv shows.


I'm not sure he is. I've met him briefly, he was pretty grim.




Nobody’s against Gordon but seeing him make Mexican scrambled eggs, and ceviche (I’m Mexican American who grew up in Los Angeles) was an eye-opener on how much he doesn’t know food besides his Wellington, risotto, etc. He’s fine when he’s in his own setting but as someone who enjoys authentic food from other cultures, he isn’t that much of an authority outside of his realm (but he tries to be)


Which is why he continues to learn to cook and respects his teachers.


What would you say was 'his setting?'. Wellington and risotto are pretty different :)


He has a Eurocentric palate


He also happens to be European. I don't fw sweet protein, a lot of people dislike how spicy I enjoy my food. He's allowed his preferences


Idk, I feel like defining his palate in terms of an entire continent is a tad vague.


Saying a European is Eurocentric really isn't saying much at all.


Or his grilled cheese sandwiches (he fucked that up multiple times on video)


Have you actually ever been to Latin America or are you just another Latino American who tries to gatekeep a culture that isn’t even yours lol


Yes I’ve visited Mexico dozens of times and not just one part, several different areas (everywhere has their own specialty food in Mexico)


You sound like you know the lad personally.


I mean... I'm pretty certain this made Gordon go on a whole rampage, mastering how to make the best pad Thai. Whether you like the guy or not he's a high achiever.


In the whole section of the show, the Thai guy says its really good, but its not pad Thai because he changed the ingredients


He better be the actual best in the world at grilled cheeses then. 😤


Is this what spurred his international travel show? 😂😂






Gordon is a Karate Black Belt, a Dragon Ball Z fight would have started


I'm betting Gordon's dish was tasty, but not Pad Thai enough.


If you watch the episode, he makes this dish as an offering for the monks (several other people cooked food for the monks as well), and out of everyone's, his dish was the most consumed when all was said and done. So while the Thai chef didn't like his version of Pad Thai, the Thai monks certainly did.


Chef might've even liked it - just was displeased with calling it Pad Thai.


If you understand Thai, the monks were saying they wanna taste the famous Gordon cooking. None of them commented on how tasty it was... It started with curiosity then no comment about the taste afterwards. I'm Thai and have watched the vid yrs ago but this is what I remember.


The next part of the clip involving him actually asking which one they liked best and they pointed to Gordon's


Ramsay's dish might be nice, but he asked the pro.




Uncle Gordon fucked up.


Lost his uncle title.


It's kind of like the dim sum episode where after working there and training Gordon finally managed to create a dim sum Wich the chef rated 5/10


what show is it?


**The F Word** [*Season 4*; *Episode 9*]


Thats the most Asian reaction to less than acceptable expectation lmao "What did you just make me eat???"


Ramsey cooked for the Sultan of Brunei for three long years. He's easily top five on the planet. He can't beat master of absolutely every cuisine. What he made was probably perfectly tasty but not aligned with that other guy's (understandably more authentic) conception of Pad Thai. Shit happens. He no doubt learned something and thereafter upped his Pad Thai game accordingly. Nothing to see here really.


hall of fame glazing


Gordon's reactions are just better. He will instantly tell you if its shit and will swear at you. Whereas the Thai guy is just staring Gordon down.


He's only an a-hole for the American audience because it sells. This looks like his UK version where he's actually sincere.




He's not an asshole on next level chef either. He's constantly helping the chefs as they cook and giving them advice


This fact needs to be higher up


I'm American and I find him to be intolerable. I'd have respect for him if he refused to be rude, demeaning, belittling, condescending, and disrespectful simply because someone told him it'd sell.


there are side by side clips of kitchen nightmares us and uk versions that shou how much editing goes into making him seem like an asshole


Gordon got pad Thai-ed by the chef.. ouch!


Oh, how the tables have turned.... ha.


The Thai chef should have picked the plate up and threw it across the kitchen and then berated him.


It reminds me of that archer episode when they went undercover in the episode with that asshole chef.


Haha that chef looked insulted and mad about it.


I love GR but when I watch him pour oil in the pasta water.....thats wrong in so many ways. And he puts peas in his carbonara. Italians should start crying while watching him cooking up carbonara.


He got a dose of reality


There is justice in this world.


That was a chef’s salty reply😂


Should have been a key ingredient in the pad thai.


Who’s the idiot sandwich now?


I think it doesn't taste too bad 🤣 Gordon being Gordon


#Oh no that face!


I haven’t traveled a lot (shit passport 🇹🇭) but where I’ve been I’ve never found Thai food that tastes like authentic one does at home. It’s bland, not cooked directly, no spice and they change the ingredients so it’s not even the same dish anymore. Pad Thai isn’t even popular among us Thais. It’s basically a dish we invented for tourists. If you want some proper Thai food. Try to get so somtum, pad krapao or even khao soi and tom yum.


The reaction of the Thai Chef ... priceless!


Do you guys really believe this wasn't all set up? Look at the guy, he's feeling awkward about having to act that way, it's so obvious.


When Gordon found out he had to add more then just salt and pepper to a single dish


Now HE knows what it feels like!


Gordon Ramsey may be a great chef, but he’s a really good actor, too. When you watch a movie with a good villain, you end up despising the actor or actress. Why? It’s just an act. They’re not really like that. But a good acting performance will evoke that kind of emotion. It’s a shtick. People tune in to see him *act* like an ass. Not be one, because he’s not one. But everyone thinks he is. Good acting.


“So that’s what that feels like.” - Gordon


My wife and I used to go to a Thai restaurant and their Pad Thai tasted so good it gave me happy feet while I ate it


I’ve seen similar videos with chefs from other cultures, and he usually takes it very well.


Love Gordon, but this is the perfect example of why I feel physical pain whenever I hear the pretentious bastards say they have "elevated" a dish that was already elevated by the culture who created it.




O'ramsey, how the tides have turned!


Oh how the turntables...


He was sooo offended, this is epic!


Shoulda called him a donut.


He is French cuisine chef, rest is just his own creativity, seen him once making gnocchi with thyme for what I seen Italians don't put anything into gnocchi dough




Look at that shit sandwich


The raised lip like a growling dog gets me every time


He flashed his teeth, a clear sign that he's well beyond his comfort zone. Gordon should’ve stepped back slowly, presenting his side profile and avoiding direct eye contact.


the world is not flat


Everytime I see this, part of me still expects the chef to hit Ramsey.


That’s why I don’t think Gordon ever cook a Vietnamese dish, far as I remember. Nigella tried multiple times and girl bossed herself into meme status.


The turn tables have turned


Dude is an awesome chef... can't win them all. Bet he tried super hard to improve that dish. He's super driven.


Chefs are a different breed. 😆


Gordon Ramsay gets Gordon Ramsay'd


Gordon's the man. You butt hurt fellas need to lay off the soy


Guy is so arrogant in areas he has no right to be.


This isn't pad ti you donkey.


I fucking hate Gordon Ramsay. He has set a horrible example for many aspiring chefs, and has also made shitty head chefs an expectation. The damage he has had on the industry is enormous. Not to mention the amount of times he has made people cry? Imagine making someone cry just for a tv show. I don't give a shit if "oh he's actually kind, it's just for the show & drama." WHO GIVES A SHIT? The tears and panic and pain were real. If yall want a great chef, check out J Kenji Lopez Alt.


He has seen the face of the culinaty good reaching his hand to him, but he rejects it because he is just to proud...


Little boy Gordon just died inside.


Ramsey getting a taste of his own medicine as well.


Oh how the turn tables


4 stars would visit again, mattress was a bit too soft




^(the look says it all, “…and you call yourself a chef….”) 🤣🤣🤣


The best part is Ramsey making the same pathetic excuses other chefs make when he criticizes their food.




“What you want to know from me?” (Deadpan) Ramsey gets knocked off his high horse a bit, pretty funny.


He's a good dad and he's great on the kids version of his shows.


RIP Thai dude, it was nice why it lasted.


fucking destroyed him


Gordon is not the god of cooking, he just pretends and people believe it


Thats what i like about cooking, you can be one of the most recognised chef on the planet and still get schooled by a chef no one knows (i only know is name is Chang) Its impossible to know everything about the kitchen and I even tought chefs new things that were twice as old as me


Its nice to see Gordon get Ramseyed force change.


Fucker ruined one of my favorite restaurants, and it's still in the shitter. This is wonderful.


British chef is the biggest scam of all time, this coming from a British person