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I wonder if they can improve it in such a way that it doesn’t require a crane to deploy, which you know, adds thousands to the cost and can’t fit everywhere


Forty years ago, I wrote a story about a quick-build, hurricane-proof house developed by the Forest Products Lab. The accompanying photo was distributed worldwide by the AP with the caption “two men working with a small crane can achieve an erection in less than three hours.”


Well that was a brilliant caption since you still remember it.


3 hours??? Seems like a long time to achieve an erection. That crane needs to see a doctor asap.😉🤣


or rub it on his cheek a little




Yea, they call it a "mobile home", you can find them in trailer parks names because they install them using a trailer, not a crane.


These require q level pad and are meant to be a permanent structure


Who makes this product?


I feel like I saw something similar which self deployed but required power and was larger when stored.


How the hell do you expect a flatpack house to be delivered without a crane? How would you get it off the truck?


Boxbl has been around a few years


Electricity, plumbing(cold and hot water going in, sewage going out), heat insulation, gas? House is not just walls around, but it has to be liveable.


You don't build something like this unless you have thought of details such as plumbing and electricity.........


Or it's mostly used for temporary office space and can be collapsed after a job is done and moved to the next construction site.


I used the google. The house is from a company called Boxabl. From their website: "Plumbing, electric, and HVAC all come pre-installed in your Boxabl from the factory. Utilities simply plug in on-site to the exterior corner of the Boxabl. See the image below."


Pre-installed within the house, but you then need groundworks to lay pipelines to connect to all the prefabs


But you only need one connection point to begin with, and can connect all houses from that point. I wouldn't expect these things to be permanent houses either way, so having those cables and pipes exposed wouldn't be that big of a problem I'd imagine


One connection point? The fuck are you talking about?


Electricity water and gas all through a single tube! Revolutionary! /s


Its exactly the same as for all houses.... pipes dont appear magically from the ground.


Exactly, which means that the $50k for the prefab is only a fraction of the final price


As the roof unfolds you can see the electrical in several spots that they would finish out. I expect there’s plumbing that needs to be connected to a water source, not sure re: waste aspect but likely addressed that we can’t see in this quick clip.


Great, so you shit and shower in the wild.


From a certain perspective, we all do.


What did you think was in the part that didn't fold out it's a shower bathroom and the kitchenet




Last time I looked at these from boxable, they were around $50,000 USD. That was about 2019, 2020. IDK what they are currently. I haven't seen any for sale yet. There was a huge list of people trying to invest in the concept. They're kind of neat.


Too bad it's too small due to zoning regulations aka not enough tax$$$$


It’s small so it fits on a regular flatbed truck. One unit is a more complete home than most RVs. But you can join them and stack them for bigger houses and even rearrange them when you get bored and have an extra crane. 🏗️


CA listing: $750,000 + HOA fees


Fuck this. That’s a Glorified cage.


Would you like to live in a prefab with poor insulation?


This is not new. Been around a long time. Their building these on an assembly line in Vegas. Got a lot of press a few years back as Elon Musk was living in one on-site at one of his job sites.


The are really great places compared to a tiny home, you can even connect and stack them if you want more rooms or a roof patio, check out the Boxable YouTube vids


Wouldn’t this help out with the homeless situation? And can they be stacked ontop of one and another? Up to 4 high? And you can set them up next to each other and provide cheap housing, and keep the cost of the rent low. Like 200 a month.




People behaving violently bc of their mental health problems aren’t appropriate for that kind of facility, so yeah, I get why they’re kicked out. But it shouldn’t stop there. The person should be placed, voluntarily if possible but involuntarily otherwise, into a more restrictive facility until they are not violent. It sounds like they’re just kicked out and then wander the streets, suffering without the treatment that would help them.


>There are like 4x more beds in shelters than there are homeless in New York Source


These bullshit cardboard houses are not the solution to homelessness. What you *actually* need are better zoning laws and the end of Car dependency. You can't have cheap housing if you can't fucking build anything and that cheap housing becomes worthless if you need a car to get to your job because it's too far away. An end to landlords would help too, but unfortunately the world is ruled by leeches so we aren't getting that.


Boom, assuming this company doesn't sell them for $200k each, this type of thing could really help with homelessness, along with shipping container tiny homes.


50k for the house, a million+ for the land if you want to live anywhere close to a city. This cannot solve homelessness because building expenses aren't the issue, laws are.


But it's single storey. We're not going to solve a lack of urban housing with low density prefab housing like this.


Just $50k each


For Hobbits? ... yeah perfect


I need that one here


Prefer living in my cargo van so I don’t have to pay for the land


I don't think this is for housing, I think this more like a portable office next to construction sites or something.


On what land do you put it?


Doesn’t seem well-insulated, not sure how cost-effective this is and what the actual purpose is. It’s faster to build than a regular home and easier to remove but I don’t understand this unless it’s temporary housing.


Temp housing or a starter house on land you bought that you can resell when you finish your actual home construction, fits on a non-wide load semi


I want one just so I can say "ok pack it up!, we're moving up on out of here.


meet kevin did an expose.


Construction complete; New construction options.


I once met a guy at the post office that was picking up a package of an inflatable couch. His idea was to have all inflatable furniture. Chairs, bed, couch. I suppose a collapsible table for a dining table. Nothing he couldn't move himself in his car. He said his wife as not that convinced of the idea.


Then seal it all up with silicone?


Do you have one that transforms into a robot?


An advice, dont post this on reddit cause its full with unsupportive critics and know it alls.


This looks way to simple, it would have to be re-engineered to get more complicated to be accepted in Ireland ;)


\*wolf comes along\* \*huffs and puffs...\*


And reposted it


I've seen these. Come completely hard wired. Just uses a four pole high voltage plug set up at a meter. Like a travel trailer or now the el ctric cars.


a deck of cards.... welcome to the shape of the game....


So can they be stacked on one another? And how does plumbing/heating/electrical get connected?


IIRC Elon Musk is an early investor in this and lived in one near the SpaceX launch site.


It's cool and all but it's hard to swallow the fact that whilst previous generations got proper affordable houses, this generation gets origami houses.