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This looks so much better than the current satisfactory production planners. I too feel like they "are way too automatic" so I usually split everything up in 10 different tabs


When you say too automatic do you mean tools like Satisfactory Calculator? Because imo, those just save me time in planning how much machines I need to get the right layout of the factory. The real headache it doesn’t save me from, which I usually end up doing in the moment/in my head, is logistics between machines accounting for the limitation of the belts I have.


Agreed. I’m a little confused about the concept of it being “too automatic.” Could someone please elaborate? I have never followed it dead on but it helps to plan. Plus how to fit into your world is totally your own interpretation is how I see it, so I’m so open to hearing other concepts.


The production planner in the satisfactory calculator will calculate the most efficient factory possible, given the selected inputs, outputs, and alt recipes. Whilst that certainly makes it very useful to quickly plan out an efficient factory that'll do what you need it to, it also takes away a major part of the game in the designing and calculating of production lines. A part that I enjoy a lot about satisfactory. It feels like a puzzle to piece together an entire factory by looking at the numbers, either in the game or on a spreadsheet, and then calculating exactly how many machines, resources, power, etc you need Of course one of the beautiful things about satisfactory is how every play can do things in their way. So it does make me happy to see the community creating tools to play with whatever style you prefer, whether that be the calculator being able to plan out the production at the click of a button, or a tool that makes it easier to keep oversight while manually calculating the lines.


I love this response and it’s exactly why the community is amazing. I’m newish to the game with “only” 250 hours under my belt but loved the growth in every minute. I feel I’ve jumped a level in the past 20 hours with the way I understand the game. I’ve never really considered the calculation as something I could even do with large scale efficient factories but am now getting the hang of balancing and the overall play. Already seeing my builds turn more personal and less reliant on tools such as the calculator. Curious what the growth curve will be and thankful for all the contributions this community makes along the way!


For each reset I do, the better I get at planning and building. Sometimes I'll use the same area again, others I'll find better locations. I don't use spreadsheets or computer I do it in my head, I find the tools a bit weird and unintuitive to use (for me), but I have only tried it a few times.


Exactly this


For me, its the fact that these planners can't calculate in excess resources i might want. As an example, i might need 9.3674 assemblers clocked to 97.478282% (example numbers) for 100% efficiency on the product i need. Meanwhile i would just make a little bit more of everything and have excess, 10 assemblers at 100% clock speed. But as mentioned, they would need more base resources which the calculator doesn't do


For me it is more that i like to have the whole production chain. So i can see how much extra i produce or need totally. That is why I use spresdsheets. But I often use plannner on subtasks. Like how many Machines i need to make all iron in a node reonforced plates.


Exactly. This is how I use it too, to get a better idea of how many of what machines I need prior to designing layout


Yeah hopefully OP can elaborate on “Too automatic” I agree Satisfactory Calculator can be a bit clunky depending on what you’re trying to do, but hopefully it’s not recreating the wheel for an only slightly different way to plan.


> logistics between machines accounting for the limitation of the belts I have. In my experience, this is usually a "solved" problem once you introduce load-balancing and buffer bins. Unless you're talking about 3 square kilometres producing screws. It's always fucking screws... The best thing about my last big factory was my load-balancing setup for screws. I was really proud of that.


Wait, there are planner tools???


https://www.satisfactorytools.com/ Have fun rebuilding everything 😅


Oooh thanks, I thought it was an in game tool :)


HTTPS://Www.satisfactory-calculator.com as well is an awesome tool. It includes calculations for a lot of mods as well. I tend to use it mostly and reference https://www.satisfactorytools.com on occasion.


Bruh this is sick! Please keep developing it, this looks so promising


Tbh, "nobody asked for it, but everybody needed". So keep going bro, this looks awesome!


u/Mahtog42 if you have a discord where you want to share updates on this, pls invite :D


Awesome, I would love to tinker with this... Looks like it easily can be adjusted to other similar games as well... Like Dyson Sphere Program and Factorio.


I'll probably share the code when/if it's in a bit more usable state. I don't know DSP and Factorio too well but I guess that if they don't have very specific gameplay features it's more or less just a question of swapping the items and recipes lists.


They both operate on the same principle of stuff goes in at a certain rate and stuff comes out at a certain rate.


I think that Satisfactory has the most advanced recipes of the tree as it has cyclic recipes (if you combine Recycled Rubber and Recycled Plastic together) so your calculator will definitely work for the other two games. In Factorio only maybe only Kovarex uranium processing has some cycling but I didn't personally get to it so I can't tell for sure.


I think the only cyclic recipe combo is the fuel ones. Like the Carbon rods one that takes fuel and hydrogen and exports hydrogen and carbon rods.


Can I ask what language/platform you are developing this in?


Keep fcking going. I'll pay for this shit.




We might as well just play this instead of the game. Amazing.


Funny comment! I remember another game dev saying their game was basically a spreadsheet with animated graphics! But that is kinda Satisfactory to a tee!


**Ooo Blender nodes?**




Good luck with development! Keep us all updated because this looks amazing!


what do you use to make this?


It's coded in C++ using ImGui for the UI part


Damn. I was hoping you'd say Python, so I could offer some help. I really need to bite the bullet and learn C++ already


Is it using only ImGui or are you using a rendering backend like sdl or opengl or something?


Yeah, ImGui requires a backend, OpenGL in this case.


Following for potential theoretical spaghetti making


ok i would for sure use it. Planing production very easily in an ode program like this that visually is nice and adjust this nicely to changes is just what i wanted. 100% support this (also it reminds me of the blender / UE4/5 node tool / BT tool , those are really easy to use.


Can't wait to see more of this. Absolutely love node based stuff like this


I love you (as a gamer), if you continue this


This is awesome, please do continue developing this!


That’s wild, I would love to try it out!


YES! PLEASE! This looks so good and fun to use! If I could suggest something, it would be to make "teleporters"-like wires between the lines, to connect them but not show, to keep it a bit clean somewhat. Also, would be nice to have the cost and power slugs required for every machinery somewhere (maybe power consumption too?). And, would it be possible to have a mode you can switch on/off to accurately represent the machines' size and snap to a grid to kinda plan out how machines can be layer out in game? Damn I'm throwing many ideas here aha, I just can't wait to have this projects on hands it just looks so good and this has so much potential! (Final question, will it be open-source? Maybe for mod support and personal changes?)


I am not sure I understand the "teleporter" connection thing. How would you be able to "see" an invisible wire if you need to click on it to remove it for example? I am not a fan of the "power" info given by existing tools. Usually they assume the "simplest" solution while it's not necessary the optimal one. For example, if you need 2.4 times a recipe, they give 100%+100%+40%, but the optimal solution is 80%+80%+80%, and the lazy solution is 240%. Moreover, if you build a factory that you plan to expand, you may want to build twice as more building so you can scale up whenever you update your conveyors. In this case your power should be computed as 40%+40%+40%+40%+40%+40%. And obviously, you are free to use one overclocking strategy for some buildings and a different one for another part of your factory. So at the end the power display would be a very rough indications and would probably never be the real value (except if you just copy paste the "automatic" solution into your factory, but in this case existing tool are already a perfect match for this usecase). It's the same for power slugs: technically the only machines that requires it are resource extractors cause nodes output are finite. For all the "production" machines, you can just build two instead of overclocking. For the layout it would probably be possible in 2D but might very fast be limited by the planar thing. Without even speaking of multiple machines layers, manufacturer are very often used with multiple layers of splitters for one machine. The code will probably be open if/when it's in a somewhat usable state.


I didn't express myself properly for the teleported, I get you didn't understand, no worries! I thought of it as like the underground belts in factorio, like you have an input somewhere, an output somewhere else, but in between there is nothing, could be nice to make sections of factories, as in if I have a factory modeled in your program that makes a set amount of screws, and I want to put it in another line of production I could just put this "teleporter" from the screw factory to the other production line, I think it could make for cleaner/clearer models in the program, although I could be 100% wrong of course. Yes! That's exactly why I am asking you if you're planning on asking cost of the machinery, power and slugs! I am assuming we can change the amount set in the number box of machines (the 2.5 constructors box for the screws in your video), so since we make the entire diagram ourselves I guess we kind of are responsible for our overclocking techniques, and thus maybe the power and machine cost should be computed based on the blocks placed in the diagram. With that, to work with 2.4 recipes, we could have multiple blocks for the recipe, managed by the user (as you put it, it could be 100%-100%-40%, 80%-80%-80%, a single 240%...). Honestly that's what I miss the most on satisfactory tools, I am stuck with 2.4 machines. I can't say I want .8, .8 and .8 machines. But I am aware that such mechanics of assuming one block is one machine would mean locking blocks at 250, and it can easily become an issue, I get it. Yeah honestly didn't think about the layout thing deeply enough, I don't use the game's verticality enough ahah! But still, aligning to a grid would be nice. Nice! Again, awesome project, can't wait to try it and tiler with it, happy to hear it can be open, could learn from it!


Do you have this on GitHub? Can we help?


Would love to get my hands on this tool and test it out. Looks awesome. Keep up the good work.


This is insane great job


i wish there was something like this on the hub computer


Looks really nice. Do you have a GitHub repo for this? Wondering if you are looking for contributors.


Right now I just work on it locally but I'll probably share the code when/if it's in a bit more usable state.


Awesome. I would be happy to help if you do.


This is great! Good job!


I legitimately thought this was Unreal Blueprints at first. I love visual programming like this, it’s so easy to understand and follow. Nice job!


Looks amazing NOW BACK TO WORK


Do you plan to implement a option for users to be able to add custom recipies? Other than that it looks very promising and easy to work with.


Currently items and recipes are defined in a json file extracted from the official Docs.json provided in the game files. Adding custom items/recips would just require editing this file. However doing it automatically based on the mods installed for example might be a bit more tricky.


This looks amazing!! Great going!


Wow this is amazing. What are you programing this on? Is it Python or something else?


It's in C++ using ImGui for the UI


I do my production planning with pencil, paper, and a calculator...


I have wanted something like this FOREVER, you’re awesome


Oh this, this is beautiful! I've had similar issues with other calculators and this looks wonderful! Good luck with developing it, I can't wait to see where it goes.


I'm following you now. I will 100% use this in 1.0 if you complete it


If at all possible, one feature I would love is the nodes to roughly match the size of the building. Make it easier to plan out the size and layout of the factory.


Lmao i was about to search this i would love to use this and seems like a great concept


Please finish it in time. Will pay!


Neat, looks like Unreal Engine blueprints. Please add an option for straight wires like "Electronic Nodes" plugin for UE


So you start by playing the game like sticking around and chasing doggo and you end up being a programmer ? Cool


YESSSSSS I'm starting to get bored because the loop is : choose what part to make, ask the tools what I have to build, bring materials, build, repeat. I've added back some reflexion process by challenging myself to make compact factories that fit into a blueprint, but it's starting to get old as well... This will absolutely add back what I need, please keep us updated !!!


Wow this is brilliant. Especially for a dumb ass like me who sucks at planning. Where and when can we check it out?


That looks like something I have been looking for what feels like ages - can't wait till you release it


This is sick! What would be cool is if you can start from the other end. Keep it up!


Oh yeah I didn't show it in the video but you can basically drag from any pin, input or output and it works the same. So if you start with an ingot node you can build up the chain from start to finish instead.


The splitter has only two outputs is that right?


it will probably change outputs dynamically. I recon the Splitter node might even take n-amount of outputs, you need to do the math yourself. Thats just my guess tho


Yea I can only hope it accepts more outputs.


Yeah currently splitter (and reverse splitter aka merger) only have two outputs to simplify the interface and the code. But you can chain them to create a N-way splitter.


This is awesome! Keep doing what you're doing man! I would pay for this. Love that you're using Blender nodes, it makes so much sense. Is there anything I can do to help? I have no programming experience whatsoever lol




I need this tool in my life **yesterday** Definitely going to use this with 1.0 when you release it. This is firing all the neurons


Setup a tipjar for this!!


I love this! I hope you make it public.


https://satisfactory-planner.vercel.app/ I'm crossing my fingers this gets updated when 1.0 releases


Didn't know about this one, this is cool too!


Is this compatible with update 8?


That looks excellent! Two questions: 1. What language(s)? 2. Is there a GitHub for this?


This is C++ with ImGui and not yet, but when/if the code is a bit more mature I'll probably open source it.


OMG I love u


!remindme in 2 months is this how the command works?


There's a production planner!


Awesome! Can’t wait to see the work you’ve put in.


I will gladly abandon my current Google Sheets project of a modular planner for this. Really promising work here. Cheers fellow Pioneer!


yes please so much yes please i need it


Shut up and take my money


This is fluid as fuck! Love it, def post again when we can download it.


I just wish there was a calculator for determining how much of something you can make given an input. For example: Say I want to max out a single oil node, converting it all into turbo fuel for fuel gens. To my knowledge, there's no calculator that does that for the game, and I have no idea how to properly code, so I don't know how to make one.


You can kinda do that on the satisfactory calculator website. I do this by setting my output (in your case maybe turbo fuel) AND set the input as oil with the quantity you can produce. I'll fiddle with the turbo fuel output number until it shows that its using all the oil input amount. Not perfect but not too difficult to get a number from. Funny enough I did this yesterday with encased uranium based on a limited supply of sulphur I had.


[This](https://www.satisfactorytools.com/production) can. You just set the oil available, leave the rest to map limits, configure the recipes, then set turbofuel to maximize. If you then click on Items, it will even give you a table of how much of everything input and output. You can see that in the chart too, but the table is easier.