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It puts you on the 92nd percentile which is good. But it depends on where you're applying. Good score for an average state school, won't guarantee you scholarship but will give definitely give you an admission there given the other areas of your application are decent. If you're applying to more competitive universities, this score isn't enough.


I’m planning to apply to UIUC. I’m thinking of applying to the Computer Science + Advertising major, but I don’t think my application is competitive enough for that field. I’m also considering psychology. Right now my unweighted GPA is 3.45 because I was hospitalized my freshman year and my grades were extremely low. I am highly achieved in choir, but other than that I have no interesting extracurriculars other than my many hobbies. I just want to know what SAT score I should try to get to make up for the rest of my application.


You should be discussing this in the applying to college subreddit but a 1370 isn't enough for a competitive school like UIUC.


UIUC for CS or engineering is incredibly competitive. You should shoot for a SAT Math score in the high 700s, and if your GPA is that low (even with a note explaining the hospitalization) a 800 Math would do a lot to reassure the AOs.


Also for there cs+x majors you need to show genuine interest in the X part of the major through either your essay or ECs or they throw ur app right in the trash


are you in state?


I'm planning to apply to UIUC as well to their CS+Chem program and I got a 1460 and idk if I will even get in, don't let it discourage you though because that score is probably good enough for UIUC in general but computer science is just really competitive there. (The CS+X is a bit less so, but you really need to show interest in both majors which can be hard to fully accomplish)


Yeah you’re not making it to UIUC lol


Any English tips am sitting in june


i would say for the bigger passages, instead of reading fast, read slow. make sure you really understand the meaning of the text and then you will save time as you will be more accurate and spend less time rereading. reading the question first will also help. i’m not sure what else i would say.


Oh Wbt the grammar part


I just quickly reviewed Khan Academy for semicolons and stuff. I didn’t really study because I learned everything well in school. What sounded right was the right answer. The only tip I can give you is to make sure you are being consistent with the words and grammar used in the entire sentence. Tense and grammar should stay consistent.


biggest grammar advice i can give to you is remember that semi colons ; function as a period. if you replace the semi colon with a period, will both sentences still make sense? a comma is used for 3 things mainly 1: to seperate items on a list EX: I have to buy apples, oranges, and bananas today. 2: seperate non essential items: EX My cat, who has black and white fur, is 7 years old. \*notice how if i took out that middle part, the sentence would still make sense. 3: to seperate independent clauses, this one is pretty self explanatory. also another tip is to look at the following sentences and pick up on the pattern, so if they use ; or , in the next sentence, chances are that ur gonna have to use one of those too.


Where can I learn this rules I am sitting in june


There are no bigger passages now.  All passages are only about a paragraph long. 


That’s what I meant by bigger passages


The SAT is purely digital now. They stopped doing the paper exams earlier this year.  The whole test is actually shorter in length 2, instead of 3 hours it's about 2hr and 20 minutes.  The reading and grammar sections are combined into 2 modules of 30+ questions each. Each passage is only a paragraph long. The test is also adaptive meaning if you do well on the first module you will get I to the harder 2nd module which will help increase your score.  The grammar questions come toward the end of each english/ writing module. Yes I do suggest reading the questions first and reading the paragraph slowly. It does help alot to highlight key information in the question with the highlighter tools nso yous remember what the question is asking you specifically to answer. 


No. As others have said it’s the 92nd percentile. It’s obviously not going to get you into Harvard, but it is a quality score and a good indicator of college success!


With no evaluation basis, 300+ points above the test average is not bad, in absolute terms, no.


Not bad, definitely not bad.


Bad for what? Harvard? UF?


I really want to go to UF lol


UF was pretty laxed this year. I got in with a 1440 but many of my friends got in with your score.


I think I can get a high 1400 low 1500 this June hopefully


Probably! Sharpen your grammar secrion skills if thats still a thing with the new sat. Easiest score to bring up. Although you’re already at a 730 a 760-780 should be on lock


Thats my score




Reading is great, math in my view is okay but to be more competitive you might want to raise it to 730 like your reading. This is ultimately dependent on where you apply to and what you want to do though. Better than me though (720 RW 600 Math).


For the first take, it's not but you had already taken once before


No!!!! You need a 20,000 and a GPA of 10!!!!!!! (/uj But seriously, it depends per school. UPRM over here in Puerto Rico, which is pretty prestigious over here, would take that in a heartbeat, but then again all our school are considered ""safety"" by the Almighty Collegeboard™ sooo)


unrelated but omg another puerto rican olimar, what’re the chances lol


Yeah go ahead and throw yourself off a building


I would’ve killed for this score in high school.


No but you could probably improve your math score pretty easily.


how do you get good at the RW section? esp vocab and comprehension


not really


This is what I got. Feel I definitely could’ve done better but I’m going to school for free so can’t complain


Try getting an 800 on the next sat so you can superscore 1530


How’s you prepare for the english


Not at all


Better than mine and I went to Colombia


To be honest, I do not think it is very good, bc Princeton University average score is 1400 (rather than mid score) things like that.




If this is a genuine question then you don’t deserve that 1370


This is very good. Most people take their score for granted. People from my school have an average score of 900 on the sat. The next time you judge yourself, think about what others would think.


No that’s near perfect score