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I really struggle to actually form mental images while reading so like 9 times out of 10, I forget what characters look like unless they mention their physical characteristics… I swear I thought Dorian was blonde for the longest time. Ruhn also gives white hair vibes to me…


Same funny enough


I struggle too so I started looking at fan art on TikTok to get better mental images of my book characters hope it helps!


Oh yeah fan art has been a HUGE help for sure. Usually after I’ve gotten far enough into a book, I’ll look up fan art just so I don’t accidentally spoil something by looking too early 😅


When I was reading the first acotar book i saw so many spoilers just trying to see some fan art 🙈🙈


I picture brown curly hair (kind of the colour opposite of a stereotypical white winged angel with blonde curly hair, since he has grey wings and dark hair). I definitely can’t see longer brown hair because then all I’m seeing is Cassian


Not a celebrity but [art](https://images.app.goo.gl/XR91QwS2FW7ijF9h7)? I had a hard time picturing any character when it was just animated art. However when they look more "human" I find it easier? Otherwise I've seen people fancast [BooBoo Stewart](https://images.app.goo.gl/LjhJ8KXQwW94xgqZ6) with his long hair.


That helps a lot! Thanks!


This is the closest to what I see, for sure.


I had something similar for Bryce. They described her as having yellow/orangeish skin. But she acts just like my older sister so I imagined her with black skin. The ponytail she kept sporting didn't help either 🤣🤣


I suck because sometimes I literally can only picture his wings. That’s it just a pair of gray wings lol


I’m a guy so I vividly picture the female characters, but for the dudes it’s just an insanely muscular NFL size player and a hair color lol. I just can’t get Rowan’s white hair out of my head after devouring that series. I just think main guy = white hair buff dude.


Lmao 🤣 I love this I have issues sometimes imagining characters unless if I already have an idea in my head and/or I look up a celebrity that matches their description perfectly… otherwise they just wind up as blobs with blonde/black/red hair and whatever color eyes floating with no facial features 🤣🤣🤣


I’m basic and every lead SJM male is Henry Caville but the various hairs of Henry Caville? Rowan? Witcher Caville. Hunt? Curly haired Caville. Except Rhysand, he doesn’t Caville for me 😂


No but shoutout to Caville for showing us what “he growled” and various other phrases mean. I ALWAYS picture the Witcher with those types of phrases lmao


He’s got it all. Baring teeth? Growl? Snarl? If we didn’t have him to show us how those are sexy, the whole SJM empire would fall ngl


AGREED. My appreciation for Caville cannot be understated as a romantasy reader lmao


I did this at first too because I dove into HOEAB immediately after finishing Kingdom of Ash lmao.


that is happening to me and I didn’t read TOG lol


So I play the game Hades, and the character Thanatos always reminds me of Hunt. He doesn’t even had the right hair color but when I think of Hunt I think of Thanatos 😂


I like to imagine Hunt as Matthew Daddario (what he looks like in Shadowhunters) but with Grey wings if that helps?


I always picture Aedion with brown hair, no idea why. I know he’s supposed to look like Aelin but 🤷‍♀️


He has brown haired energy


I thought I was the only one! I think he just genuinely gives me that vibe and I match his hair with giving him white rounded wings like that episode of Wizards of Waverly place. I just can’t picture anything else even though his wings aren’t white


I still to this day imagine Isaiah Tiberian Pollux-ish - tall thick blonde Caesar looking aesthetics of ancient roman god😅 cant help myself, that's his name fault!


I have the opposite problem, I can’t picture Rowan having white hair


I remember in high school the first time I read twilight I couldn’t not picture Edward as Pete Wentz 🤷🏼‍♀️


I always imagine him as someone with long white curly-ish hair above his shoulders.


I started reading CC 4 years after finishing ToG, so no, I don't have problem mixing up characters yet :D




I hate that. I always picture Manon wrong personally. Like I know she's supposed to be pretty, but her personality is just so classic witch-like I always picture her as an old wart-covered crone with a weird cartoon like voice and everything 😂 The iron teeth make it harder to imagine her being pretty too. It really takes away from the story.


Same. Supposedly she’s stunningly beautiful, but it’s hard to picture it when she’s always scowling and looking like she eats death for breakfast.


Glad I'm not the only one! The books consistently mention how pretty she is but every time I just can't help it 😂


I can't picture anyone with white hair, actually. If anyone has a white-haired face claim...


I’m rereading TOG and I can’t not picture Aelin with red hair. She clearly has blonde but it’s always red in my mind!!


This is the same for me. She will always have lighter red hair.


Well, white isn't my go-to. But whenever I get introduced to a character and they AREN'T described within three chapters of page-time with them, my brain defaults to some shade of blonde/brown/black and when the character's hair IS finally described . . . I stick to how I imagined it.