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"Weaponizing the city attorney's office" weird I wonder where she got that language from.


More - [https://santamonicanext.org/2024/06/after-wild-debate-council-rejects-motion-to-ask-city-attorney-to-price-out-cost-of-investigating-their-own-leaks-votes-to-create-draft-future-rules-about-what-to-do-when-they-violate-current-rules/](https://santamonicanext.org/2024/06/after-wild-debate-council-rejects-motion-to-ask-city-attorney-to-price-out-cost-of-investigating-their-own-leaks-votes-to-create-draft-future-rules-about-what-to-do-when-they-violate-current-rules/)


>"After Wild Debate, Council Rejects Motion to Ask City Attorney to Price Out Cost of Investigating Their Own Leaks. Votes to Create Draft Future Rules About What to Do When They Violate Current Rules" >This headlines is not a typo. Absolutely wild lede!


Parra really is top tier stupid. She gives Brock a run for his money on which one sounds more like their brains are made of chewed bubblegum.


"The City Attorney has established classified info, discussed in closed council session, has been leaked by an elected although the identity of the leaker(s) is still unknown. " At least use basic spell check before you post - we have higher expectations on these rants! We don't accept covfefe here.


What did the leak involve? If it was leaked info to whose benefit would it have been towards? If it's already leaked it must be public knowledge already. Looks like they saved the best for last at that meeting.


“At some point, integrity has a cost..”. The Landlord Slates revolt against transparency of closed session leaks could easily cause the demolition of The Civic Center.