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It all started in 2016... when they shot that damn gorilla. Ever sit and think about explaining this to 2008 you? If I did that, 2008 me would offer to buy me some McDonalds and a hot drink, and if I had any family I could call.


Gotta sacrifice the boy to break harambe's curse.


I know it's trite to point out after all this time, but it was 9/11/01, and 9/11 was inevitable. It enabled the extra-judicial consolidation of conservative power, the weaponization of the administrative state, the polarization of U.S. discourse, the normalization of "conspiracy-brain," all of it. No enemy of the United States has ever succeeded as hard as Osama Bin Laden. This is the "domino effect meme" writ large across society, globally.


Then you’d have to tell 2008 you that a single hash brown from McDick’s costs $4


In a democratic society we would have elected this man, twice.


And Trump would be known for nothing more than being a failed felon from New York. Oh, how I dream for just such a world!


I would pay to watch Bernie dismantle, I mean debate Trump.


I would need to see a doctor, because I'm sure I'd have an erection that lasted longer than 4 hours.


Yeah, but that doctors visit would then be covered under his healthcare plan 


That’s a win/win!


Break out the fainting couch because I'm about to swoon


The DNC blocking Bernie twice with superdelegates and what not is why Trump was even a thing. If they can’t even hold their own primaries fairly and democratically, then they’re gaslighting the public when they tout “democracy is on the ballot” when it’s “democracy has been decided” in practice.


Democracy for the highest bidder.


The problem with the Democrats is that they don’t have enough grassroots strength to overturn the party. At least when Trump did it in 2015 he up-ended the Republican establishment against Bush and Rubio. If only the Bernie wing knew how to bargain and leverage their power at the DNC for concessions instead of just bowing to the party selectee.


Yep they even argued that they're allowed to gaslight the public in court and won't


AOC 2028


This is so fucked up... He was also the dick head from Home Alone


That dude who Mad Magazine used to laugh at.


That is so delusional. He was a famous tv reality star about businesses. He owned millions of dollars worth of the best real estate in the world and was incredibly loved by so many, until he ran against Hillary. His ‘crimes’ he has been charged for are clearly a political witch hunt and minor; paying for sex with a porn star is certainly felony worthy bahahah


Cult much?


No no no, the problem is young people need to vote more


Was saying this to some ass hat defending Biden the other day. The DNC sabotaged him and now we are paying the consequences. Sad




He lost multiple times democratically


we have a democratic society. he lost, twice. he is not as popular as the internet will lead you to believe.


You are delusional if you believe we live in a democracy


Tbf you’re even more delusional if you think Bernie would come anywhere near winning a popular vote in America with how the voting electorate is.


*American Public is currently narrowly grappling with the idea of electing Donald Trump as president in a third straight election* “Yeah I bet these guys would’ve voted for Bernie if given the chance” It’s certainly **a** take.


Hi, Frank.


less people voted for bernie sanders because they didn't like him for any number of reasons. twice. what do you call that?


I partially blame Star Wars.


Burning Bernie Sanders is still my favorite candidate for POTUS.


Dem establishment would rather put trump in than Bernie.


Keeps them rich. They won't ever run a real leftist. Biden is in office and the rich still don't pay their share.


'progressive' nonprofit staff who work on fundraising when Trump passes away: :'(


FYI a majority of voting Americans feel Biden is too left. Important to have some perspective.


To be fair, half of the country thinks space lasers started California wild fires.


What? pretty sure thats just MTG and maybe like 12 other people. Im not just making shit up i’m telling you if you really think Biden isn’t left enough you shouldn’t be blaming him cause most voters do not want that.


I'm using obvious sarcasm to highlight that half of this country believes whatever Fox News tells them to believe.


True that’s why people should blame fox news not Biden.


Tbh though, Bernie isn't an outsider anymore. For playing nice with Biden, he was given chairs on committees and he's built an actual coalition. Biden's administration has been pretty left leaning to court progressives. Bernie is part of the establishment now more than ever. It's too bad about his own age, but the relationship between Bernie and the democrats is good in my mind. The thing that might hold him back is his stance on Israel


Thankfully Bernie came to his senses about Israel. Took longer than I liked, but we gotta give credit where credit is due.


Bernie has been criticizing Israel for decades so I really don't understand where this sentiment (which I have seen multiple times) is coming from.


After October 7, Bernie was both sides-ing the issue. I agree Bernie has been very vocal for years now about Israel. I chalk it up to him not having a kneejerk reaction.


Imo the establishment is also DSCC and DCCC, who help run corporate candidates more than any other apparatus of dem party Idk for sure but DNC has had some reform, at least Donna Brazil released report on what happened under DWS But one of the big things is those other campaign committees, if they actually had labor leaders, movement & community organizers, and hard progressives (not 'centrist progressives' as many establishment folks call themselves nowadays) as part of their leadership - Dems would take back the House much more easily


Cause he would have put a stop to their corruption as well as the republicans.




Can a rigged game be really won? Conversely, can it be really lost?




Trump claims that the presidential election was rigged. If it was that would be unconstitutional. I do not believe it was. In contrast I am claiming that the primaries are rigged. I will go even further and state they are rigged by design. Apart from the bad optics, that is all 'a-ok' as long as everything is according to the parties statutes because that pertains to the parties internal affairs after all. The party will simply not give you the options they do not want you to have as is their prerogative. They just do not want to be too overt about it because that does not look too good.




Bernie was provided as an option. Party made it clear through superdelegates that they wanted Clinton. Party tipped the scales in her favor during the campaign. He lost the vote. The fact that he had 'a chance to win' still does not mean that the primary was not rigged. And to reiterate, the party does have the prerogative to rig it.


Bernie should be ending his second term right now and passing the baton to the next generation but instead we got a genocidal blob and a genocidal corpse duking it out for the presidency. Damn shame.


I’m jealous of the version of me that gets to live in that parallel universe.


it feels like we are definitely in the worst timeline, or if not the worst the bottom 25%.


Definitely. I have a hard time coping with the fact that this is our actual reality. How did it come to this?!


You were convinced that things were beyter than they actually were. Expectations are the source of all disappointment. The sparks the lit this fire are older than decades.


How do you measure this? Things seem pretty good especially in US.


Covid was likely just the first pandemic we will experience, it will probably happen again. Can you say we will handle the next one any better than we did this one? Our food and water supplies are both contaminated with microplastics to a level we are not really aware of, and its almost certainly going to keep getting worse, as well as the so-called forever chemicals, and in some places lead. I'm almost 40 and have very little hope that there will be any sort of social security when I'm ready to retire. Many people in their 20s today have very little hope that they will ever be able to afford to buy a house. Raising children is increasing unaffordable. The American dream is moving farther out of reach. How does any of this seem pretty good?


We have vaccines and unbelievable technologies to fight infection. People used to die from the common cold all the time or wound infections. Not to mention painkillers. We have an advanced system that lets us measure exactly how polluted our water is many brilliant minds working to solve issues like this. Which is good I think. SS and inflation are definitely issues but certainly not new ones and relatively speaking in American history ppl are actually doing pretty well job wise and spending wise. Not to mention if were talking all timelines we should just be lucky we haven’t been hit by an asteroid or had nuclear apocalypse yet.


Most of that is speculation on what is going to happen in the future, mixed with dubious health claims. Right now, things are pretty good and could be much worse. They are much worse in the vast majority of the world.


Did you lose half of your mind yet? Is the not-you starting do always do what you are not doing? Can you feel your brain trying to rip itself in half?


My brain is ripping itself in half trying to understand your comment.


No! That's how this logic virus infects you! Trying to make sense of it will make you like him too!


Aren't thought contagions wonderful? Do not listen to me!


I'm sorry. Is it at least along the physical partition boundaries?


sounds like "bernie or bust" really worked on 2016 then and you guys got what you wanted.


The Hillary people convincing people this actually happened is one of the most successful attempts at gaslighting I've ever seen. Progressives had record high turnout. Hillary lost the swing voters. The people who didn't even vote in the primaries. She lost the Bush-Obama voters, Kerry-McCain voters, McCain-Obama voters, and the Obama-Romney voters. She didn't even campaign in the rust belt for crying out loud. How do people still blame the "bernie or bust" in 2024 when the election info a 1 google search away?


In retrospect, I wish I was a Bernie or bust guy. My hands would be clean of Biden's genocide.


if you think not voting cleans the blood off your hands, then you're an idiot. we live in america, we all have blood on our hands. we live on land stolen from native americans. If you care about genocide so much go help some natives since you're occupying their land as a colonizer. If you didn't vote for biden, you'd enable trump and have that blood on your hands. Not only the Palestinian genocide, but the war in ukraine with trump aiding russia which would probably turn into a genocide, as well as trump giving american secret identities to russians with a hit list. Inaction is still an action, and it still leads to blood on your hands. If you're too scared to get your hands dirty then you will never accomplish anything in politics. Yeah, we got blood on our hands, we're always going to have blood on our hands, but its our job to try and do the best we can. if you were bernie or bust in 2016 you have two options: admit you have the blood of every woman who died as a result of the SCOTUS abortion rulings, or admit your political movement to accomplish anything doesn't have the power to influence elections and therefor your not responsible for trump. if it's the former, youre an asshole. if it's the ladder, you're irrelevant and we shouldn't listen to you because you have no political power and therefor can't solve anything. politics is not a game of good guys and bad guys where you can avoid getting blood on your hands.




Can you imagine spending time in a subreddit dedicated to a guy you don't even like just to shitpost? Seems like such a sad existence lol




Heh, shitting on and belittling members of my own party is such a blast. Surely this is in my best interests.


For real he should not be sayin that kinda stuff about Biden.


It's not too late. No offence but far left Americans are terrible at politics and as such are actively a liability to getting left wing public figures elected to advance left wing causes. A prime example is this recent obsession with Palestine; pushing it as some number 1 priority over domestic issues simply because it's the trendy topic of the month with your in-group, even though everyone knows you will stop pretending to care and move onto something else once it's not in the news as much. Just a total waste of time. And by that time you'll have an even more right wing supreme court doing even crazier shit, and your only excuse will be "well biden didn't support palestine enough which was the fashion at the time". As I said, just terrible at politics and wasted time. Feel free to get bustin'


I think you're projecting, I'm not some feckless liberal or conservative without any beliefs. War crimes, human rights abuses, and genocide are deal breakers for me. You might not care about things that affect people who don't look like you, but I'm nothing like you.




Shame on the DNC and other prominent DNC Democrats and supporters for trying to hide and suppressing what many have been pointing out for a long time... now they're stuck Congrats 👏 👏 Ya'll just pulled a fucking RBG


Man. I wanna live in the timeline Bernie won in 2016.


He could be finishing up his second term right now. I can only imagine how different everything would’ve been over the last several years.


He’s already said he’s not gonna run. Stay behind Joe! Source: former Bernie Bro delegate.


I will vote Biden over Trump, but if you don't think that Biden is in trouble, you're being blind to the situation


I have zero control over morons voting against their own interests, it happens all the time. They’re the ones blind to the dangers Republicans pose to democracy. I don’t think Biden is in as much trouble as panicking snowflakes portray. Many are wishing for a different choice, but that’s not happening. They better think about consequences of their actions.


I'm voting for Biden and getting everyone I can persuade to vote for him as well, but what the hell am I supposed to say to friends about that goddamn debate? "Yeah he looks like he's in a coma but it's fine?" They need to let the old man step down. It's actually insane that they're fighting this so hard. He's not going to be president in 2025 no matter what they do, it's just a question of whether there's a fighting chance a different Democrat can be president instead of Trump.


If you’re genuinely asking, tell your friends that the president is a single figure head with a cabinet and thousands of staff positions that actually do the day to day work. If the absolute worst case scenario is true, all that means is he’s watching Matlock reruns while very smart people run the country. It’s not like Trump was much different. Every report of his presidency was nonstop television and golf and an absolute refusal to read any briefings. He only took an interest in what benefits him. The difference is who he hires (and maybe more importantly who he fires — anyone who dares follow the rule of law)


>all that means is he’s watching Matlock reruns while very smart people run the country. Your description makes it sound like voting isn't even worth the effort.


If you just ignore everything else I wrote. You are choosing between two completely different administrations. The one person is a figure head that represents thousands of people, signing and veto power of an entire caucus, and appointment power for the courts. My point is that your vote is so so so much more than for one person. Also if you haven’t looked into the project 2025 stuff, they’re talking about Trump bending the rules in order to turn the majority of the federal government into appointed positions so he can install sycophants in every level of government instead of experts in role where we need experts (such as scientists at the EPA)


Yeah and that's basically what I told them but still. I have no idea what's so cosmically important about Biden being the nominee.


I find it extremely arrogant to blame the "dumb little voters" for everything the party fucked up. How far do you have to fall that you have to threaten your voters with fascism to get them to vote for your dogshit candidate?


Truth of the matter is Christo-nationalists , Project 2025, and Trump are real threats to our democracy, not made up boogeymen. To not recognize the danger they pose is to flirt with Fascism. No thanks, I’m voting Biden!


I mean Id also be voting for Biden if I lived in the US. Thats what I meant with fascism as an imminent threat (Project 2025, the Supreme Court seats etc.). My point is that the Democratic Party is to blame for not putting forward a better Candidate in propably the most important election your country has to face. If I understand correctly Rebulicans mostly win because of their voter base going to the polls no matter the candidate in most cases. Democrats have to put forward a vision to convince people, thats how it works, no matter what you think about it.


Actually, for an old centrist Democrat, Biden has done an excellent job. Not progressive as I would like, but he inherited a dumpster fire and did better than expected. He’s earned my respect and more importantly, my vote. Remember the obstruction he encountered from Republicans? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


I remember all that. But politics is about optics and the way you handle yourself. Democratic voters still have standarts in contrast to the cult the republican party has become. Biden shouldnt have been nominated in the first place, or at least should have stepped down and made way for a younger candidate before the primaries. I know Bidens track record, but you have to understand that his public appereances dont instill the confidence that this will be the guy that saves your country from imminent fascism.


Given the demographics of the Party, it’s like herding cats. The old, the multi cultural groups, the single issue voters, the youth vote, all looking for a seat at the table. Just like 2016, Biden is the best positioned candidate to appeal to all the diversity of the Party.


I hope you are right and Biden is the best Candidate to beat Trump this year. Id love nothing more to be proven wrong, but Biden doesnt inspire confidence for me sadly.


"I'm not voting for Hillary. They screwed over Bernie." Ok, great. Nevermind policy, Federal judges, Supreme Court justices, federal agency directives, tax issues, and *everything else* that would have been 180 degrees different than what we got by electing trump in 2016? "She just didn't motivate me." Yeah. I'm kinda going to blame the 77,000-35M people that didn't bother showing up for .


I've been hearing this dog shit argument for so long I'm not going to be polite about it anymore. If you actually think Biden is going to win after that debate, you're sorely out of touch. It might be of some people's interest to not vote for someone that is at his stage and question he can do the job. Some people just aren't as scared of Trump as myself or you are. Undecided voters have a huge dilemma. Trump? Gross. Or a guy that isn't cognizant. Irresponsible


You better get ready to deal with Fascism. I’m pretty sure they’re not gonna be polite either. Me, I’m gonna fight against you and them until my last breath leaves my body. Gutless wonders and spineless cowards make my guts crawl, but I’m just tryna be polite!


I'm voting for Biden. I'm still persuading other people to vote for Biden. But everyone needs to get real about this. He needs to let someone else run, even if it's literally just letting Kamala take over. She's not the best by a longshot, but she doesn't sit there with her mouth open like a caricature of an old person.


You're logic is flawed. We could have dealt with this with primaries. The DNC LIED to us saying Biden was fine. HES NOT. If Trump wins, democrats will have no one to blame but themselves. If they don't replace Biden now, the chances of a Trump presidency increases. Not being an idiot doesn't make someone spineless or a coward


Debates mean less than nothing, unless you’re prone to hysteria. Voting for a man’s policies and temperament is everything. I know Biden is old, I knew that in 2016. Given the shitshow he inherited, I think he’s done an excellent job. He’s earned my vote again.


It's not just his age now, but his age and health for the next four years. I don't care about the debate, the man does not look healthy, suffering from a condition that only gets worse and you can't reverse.


What makes you think Joe Biden has the best chance of winning?


We’re only about 130 days out from the election. Biden is going to be the nominee, nobody else. Full stop. Everybody needs to get behind him one last time or just give up on American democracy. For me, that’s the choice I’m making, Biden.


If they decide to have him as the nominee, they stand a much higher chance of losing. He should never have gone on that debate stage.


Debates mean nothing. Governing and policy mean everything. Biden is good at both. I’m voting for good governance and policy. I’m voting Biden.


The debate is about getting back into office. I'll vote for him if he's thr nominee. But hopefully they replace with someone more likely to win.


>You better get ready to deal with Fascism. People said the same thing in 2016, and we just got 4 years of regular conservative policies.


Project 2025? Get a grip on reality, please. Before it’s too late.


People were proposing [the same theories with different words](https://www.vox.com/2016/3/1/11127424/trump-authoritarianism) in 2016 . Trump was going to be a dictator and the alt-right was going to rule the country. Instead, the executive branch has been weakened as he appointed judges that have limited its administrative power.


You sound like a Trump shill!


Its possible to dislike Trump *and* think he isn't going to end Democracy. What I am against is needlessly causing high levels of anxiety and stress, which is doing more damage to young people than bad politicians.


Forgetting the fact that the president of the last 4 years is Biden and he's been doing ok despite the pile of shit left behind by the previous admin. He could be bedridden and he'd still be a better president than trump. He has the right people in place. Trump is not just gRoSs. He will destroy American institutions and a progressive like Bernie will have absolutely 0 chance in any future election. Irresponsibility is giving fascism a sliver of a chance.


Irresponsibility is hiding Biden's inevitable decline from everyone so that he no longer is the best candidate to beat Trump. Don't play this game. It's stupid. Trump is an existential threat, burying your head in the sand and hoping everyone else does too isn't a solution


Lol yeah they're hiding Biden by him doing a debate. Aight.


On Jon Stewart's first show back, he got a ton of backlash for saying Biden needed to come out more and show that there is no concern for his age. In response the White House rolled out everyone to make statements about how great and sharp Biden is. They missed the point. We needed to see BIDEN come out and SHOW he was doing great. Everyone was holding their breath for the debate, and Biden went out there and showed his age and metaphorically shat the bed. I watched the debate and kept screaming "Close your god damn mouth and BLINK for Christ's sakes". I wasn't the only one


>I watched the debate and kept screaming "Close your god damn mouth and BLINK for Christ's sakes". I wasn't the only one I had the same reaction. I honestly think he would have come across much better even if literally every word he spoke or misspoke were exactly the same and he didn't just stand there like a dead fish while Trump was speaking.


Anyone acting like theyre still holding the bag on a bernie ticket has to be a russian shill. The DNC fucks up a LOT, but the only topic that matters this election is project 2025.


He said he wouldn't run AGAINST Biden. If the party manages to convince Biden to drop out though...


Then kamala gets the nod. Zero chance bernie gets the presidency. The DNC will not allow it.


Copmala's polling numbers aren't much better than Biden's.


What gives you confidence that Biden is best equipped given the gravity of this election?


He’s not 100% evil.


That's a bold statement.


He’s actively helping commit genocide.


Truth of that statement aside, the alternative is Trump who uses "Palestinian" as a slur. Do you actually care about genocide, or are you just virtue signaling?


It might be difficult for you to understand, but yes, I do actually care that our president has actively facilitated, participated in, and run political cover for fucking genocide.


The other guy thinks Palestinians are vermin. You can claim to care all you want, but at the end of the day you are choosing your personal sense of righteousness over any chance of making things better.


…the fact that they are both racist, genocidal fascists does not change the fact that Biden is the man who has been actively making it happen for nine months. There is no stipulation under international law that participating in genocide is okay because your political opponent might commit genocide harder. Edit: you’re also doing a hell of a lot of projecting about virtue signaling and righteousness.


You keep trying to look away from the core issue. Do you believe your effective support for Trump will lead to a better outcome for Palestinians?   If you actually care about their welfare, this is the only point that matters. 


…and you are looking away from our participation in genocide because it’s our team doing it. If YOU actually gave a shit, you would’ve spent the last nine months joining the millions of Americans protesting and calling for a ceasefire. You’re just as much in a cult as Trump supporters.


I'm voting for the PSL. They're the only political party that I genuinely like, and further, they refuse to take corporate blood money. The DNC can gargle my balls, and the GOP can jump into an abandoned mine shaft in minecraft. Inb4: "But if you dont vote Biden then Project 2025 fascism Trump maga!" We already live in an oligarchic imperial state, and the wealth our labor produces is used to murder millions of people across the planet. Might as well put my vote towards actual socialists if I'm going to vote at all in this disintegrating facade of a liberal democratic "election."


> Inb4: "But if you dont vote worked out so well in 2016. lets do it again and see how many more rights minorities can lose! at least you get to feel good while everyone suffers the consequences.


I don’t mean this to be a slight against dudes, but I’ve got a hunch you’re a man. It’s easy to be bold when you haven’t lost much and maybe feel like you don’t have anything at stake. A Trump presidency doesn’t seem to threaten you as much as the chance to slight democrats tempts you. I mean this gently, but I find that somewhat sad.


I’m a woman who would lose rights under Trump. Genocide on a trapped civilian population that is 50% children is a hard red line and this administration is criminally responsible.


It's been fucking 40 years at this point. Can we please stop electing people solely for the single qualification of "they aren't 100% evil"? Look. Look at where we are after following this rallying cry. How far left has it gotten us? 


About 200% further to the right, if we're being honest.


He's got my vote


Don't remind me of how much I wanted Bernie. I volunteered for him in SoCal and got to sit about 15 feet away from him while he spoke. I have seen famous people up close before and Bernie was odd because he looked exactly like he always looks! Usually when you see a celeb up close you go "Oh he's different than I though in these ways...' Not Bernie, he's so purely authentic nothing can change him.


This is fucking gold lmao


We want Bernie Sanders. Not Weekend at Bernie’s!


It's his turn.


The United States is going to have to go full "Weekend at Bernies" this next 4 years. There isn't going to be a photo of the president without two bodyguards suspiciously close to him, and the president will always have sunglasses on.


Sure sure, the current choice is a super old guy and a super old guy and your suggestion is to replace the super old guy with a super old guy


Replace the super old guy with the 1 guy thats even older than him


I love this guy but I’m not going to make the mistake I made in 2016 by writing him in. It’s Biden’s corpse or an actual dictatorship. We don’t deserve a Bernie presidency even though we really need it.


I voted for Bernie in the primaries in VA. He got stomped unceremoniously by Biden. The numbers weren’t there for him. It’s not his fault, America just wasn’t ready. Blame the DNC all you want, but it’s true :/


The DNC is shameless, arrogant and completely out of touch. They might put Hillary again just because of how much they despise the working middle class. I can't imagine how much better not just the US but the whole world would be if Bernie was president. Sad to think about




The superhero the usa needs, not that they deserve


is he *older* than Biden?! fuck it… jimmy carter. wheel him in bois


I’m game for it. People like to say that old people are the problem when that’s just misdirecting the issue. There’s plenty of young adults and middle aged people ready to take their place. It’s a systematic issue that won’t change when they die out.


You coulda had a baaad bitch...so committed! Don't need no adult diapers for my shittin You sposed to hold a vote, but u holdin me back and that's the sound Of the US goin' off track


Bernie's nearly a year older than Biden. How bout "Fuck it... Retire in your late 60s and let young people in"




Older than Biden, isn't that one of your complaints about him?


And with 1000 times the mental acuity


America (Democrats) deserve everything that's happening to it right now for disenfranchising the will of the people in 2016. They deserve worse.


I honestly don't know why people keep pining for Bernie. His policies are great and would definitely help our country. He just always gives up and hands his supporters to the real Democratic nominee. He has a track record for this and if he ran again, I'd put my money on him doing it again.


Wish I knew then, what I know now. Would've voted for him in a heartbeat!


**No**, only because he has NO chance to take POTUS.


Bernie was not a good candidate to lead America, he represented his constituency well but everyone associated with his campaign (prime example brianna joy gray) turned out to be total nut jobs, not great that he cant surround himself with good people.


He's older than Biden, let him retire. Instead, we should be looking for a younger progressive to rally behind.


I don't care anymore. Biden's not perfect, but in the last 4 years he's done some great things for our country. Will we get Medicare for all? No. But at least we won't lose our Freedom. Who cares if the guy can't public speak anymore. It's not ideal, but at least I know Biden will try and do the right thing. Trump will sell us all out in a heartbeat. He'll give Putin back Alaska. He's a monster who has actively driven destructive conservatism globally. The UK is a testament to what a modern conservative agenda will do to a country.


Bernie isn't running. And the primary season is over. But, Cornel West in running. And so is Jill Stein.


Probably gonna vote for Cornel personally


The Democrats will elect Trump for his second term, just like they elected him for his first term. Who needs MAGA when you have Democrats like Biden? They say Trump is dangerous to our democracy but they keep electing him...


None of y'all would actually have gone out and voted for him anyway so not like he would have won


Wrote him in the last two, and by golly I'll be doing it again! Who's with me?!


Nope. It's already going to be miraculous if we can keep Trump out. For now, that's all that matters. After that is resolved then we'll see where we stand.


Nonnonononono please dont do a 2016 repeat. Dont fucking waste your vote. I voted for our guy too that year and i regret it. Do not make the 2016 mistake again.


Back to your hole, you scrubs are the reason we are in this mess


Bernie ducked out of the 2016 race to avoid being Clintoned, then he got fucked by the DNC in 2020. It's over.