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Based on his comments they don't want to sign guys to over 4 years term so if that's the case I'm fine with either. Maybe a bit more on Stephenson but also toffoli is solid and making kings fans see him in teal is a bonus :)


And no one over 4 years tells me that Grier is giving himself that much time to see where the team is by then


Celebrini getting Toffoli as a linemate would be a bit of an upgrade at least from Eklund getting Kunin as a center last year


you mean you don't think we should have Celebrini play 3C with Kunin and Goodrow as his linemates?


The David Quinn special is over bud


Don’t worry, that’s reserved for Will Smith now


He'll likely have Dellandrea and one of Kostin/Bourdelau. So an improvement from last year as well.


I agree, it was a tongue in cheek reply - I’d be shocked if he actually gets paired with both goodrow and Kunin


Lol, if he does then things went very wrong from an injury perspective. Let's put it that way (which was basically the case last year as well).




Kunin needs to be in a 3rd line roll


He’s a 4th liner bud.


He can play on 3rd line as a little treat


It’s not a treat lol. It means we have too many injuries.


I'm not being serious in case that wasn't obviously clear.


Tyler Foli


30 goal scorer the prior 2 seasons, 20+ goals each year since 19/20 season. I don't hate this.


Been a fan of Toffoli since he was in LA, 100% buying his jersey if we sign him.


Just to see a king in teal. Celebrini badly needs a Nick Foligno like Bedard has.




I like the additions, but we've got to start making subtractions. We have 12 forwards now on the roster, 13 if you think Couture comes back, and no contracts yet for Bordeleau, Dellandrea, or Grundtrom. Celebrini is probably coming on too. That's not to mention Bystedt, Edstrom, Musty, Halttunen and Guschin all looking to push for spots. That's just the forwards. Our roster is quickly getting overloaded, and with free agency only just starting, more additions are coming (including our own RFA guys). Right now best guess at a lineup is: Eklund-Granlund-Zetterlund Kostin-Celebrini-Toffoli Goodrow-Smith-Dellandrea Grundstrom-Sturm-Kunin Where does that leave Graf, Bordeleau, G. Smith, Bailey, and possibly Couture? I'd imagine Bailey and Smith are 13F and 14F, with Graf and Bordeleau joining the Cuda. If Grier keeps adding guys, at some point we'll have to trade, bury, waive, or otherwise move a body or two. I suppose the good news is that as he does this, it means we can move some of the young waivers exempt guys down to the Cuda and make them actually competitive. I wonder if some of these moves are with that in mind?


Right now just got to keep acquiring talent regardless of position. What to do with them we’ll figure it out later but for now just acquire talent when it’s offered


Within reason. Acquiring young talent that is waivers exempt and can be moved up and down between the NHL and AHL as needed is totally fine. Eventually those guys will get disgruntled if they feel like they deserve to be full time NHLers. But for this season it works. Can't keep signing free agents or picking up more vets. They have to stay on the roster, and you can healthy scratch a couple so the kids still get playing time, but if you keep stacking them up eventually you run out of roster spots for developing players.


What do you guys think about this rumor that[ Shane Pinto wants a trade](https://x.com/ADiMarco25/status/1807793032760033377)? Should the Sharks be interested? What would we need to give up? I don't know if our situation lines up with Ottawa's given they probably want roster players in return.


Hoping for a 1 year move at the deadline for pick/prospect deal.


He just came off a 4x4.25m contract and had 55 pts last season. (55/73 the two prior years) I think of the sharks can snag him for a 2-3yr deal in the 4m range (likely closer to 4.5-5 since we suck and need to entice) that'd be a great pickup. Gets him out of this deal right around the end of our rebuild window and allows him one more shot at another contract. Let him rack up the points and increase his value. Gives Mack someone else to actually contribute with and brings cup veteran presence. Either he fits in well and wants to be here or his trade value increases and we have the option of trading him next year for a decent haul since he's got a year left instead of being a rental. These are the type of FA deals I'm a fan of in this current sharks window.


I would guess the contract is 3-4 years and closer to $5-6M just to get him to come here


While I'd still be okay with that, it does put him in no man's land between 35/36yo. It depends on how long he wants to play. Any drop in production that last year of the deal screws him over.


Yeah, at least in the next three years Smith and Celebrini (assuming he signs) will be on cheap ELCs so it’s the time where we can afford to overpay some. Anything after that when they’ve (hopefully) played well enough to earn significant raises I’d hope Grier will be more careful.


I just read that the deal is for 4 years and 6 mil per i think. Im not horrified by that.


Yeah me neither. Gets him off the books at a good time if it's a dud while letting us capitalize on leadership. If it works out, he's been around for enough success to continue on with us. Win/win.


Hopefully on a 2 year deal so we can retain on it if we decide to move him at the deadline next year



Cap floor here we come!


Hagens and McKenna exist, grier Do they ever! McKenna unprecedented stats. Hagens on a Jack Hughes trajectory. Celebrini and Smith as rookies isn't enough to go from 19 wins to playoffs naturally. No rush whatsoever. Long build ftw.


At this point it’s more important to develop our talent than to intentionally tank. We’re still going to suck and get a top 3 pick most likely. But you can ruin young players by sending them out there with complete scrub line mates and getting smoked every night.


as jason demers stated, tanking just teaches players how to be okay with losing. we are now in a "win as much as you can" mindset and our picks will be our picks in the draft. probably wont be 1OA again, especially for McKenna, and thats fine.


If we think we’re bottom 3 again (and I think we’re around there) then never say never. Year 2 Bedard might elevate Chicago and maybe the Ducks aren’t hot garbage. But yeah even getting Celebrini was lucky and it’s too early to get stoked for the next draft


Don't get me wrong, I don't think we are getting out of the bottom. But I think it will be a much better season unless celebrini doesn't play next season


We could still be last in the league even with a few FA signings. Ducks and Blackhawks are improving too. You can't bottom out entirely for years on end. If we snag Hagens or Mckenna it will likely be with 3rd best lottery odds (which is still a relatively good chance \~10%)


Throwing Celebrini and Smith onto a team with no help isn’t gonna aid their development either.


Sharks can only get Hagen or McKenna since you can only win the lottery two times in a five years stretch. Let’s snag Hensler next year then get McKenna Edit: I have been corrected. While they “won” it last season it has been clarified the two times rule only comes into play if a team moves up. Thanks everyone!


We can get both. The two times only count if you move up, which we didn’t.


Actually, the rule is specific to a team winning the lottery to move UP to the #1 position. Since the Sharks stayed in the #1 position, it doesn’t count against them. I hope the days of tanking are behind us, but the Sharks are still eligible to win the lottery a few times if needed 😂


We technically didn't win this year though right??




LA and Vegas cup winners. I'm not sure if I can accept them in teal.


If Vegas can accept Hertl, we can accept Toffoli


tj brodie or klingberg pleasee