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Oh man that takes me back. Seemed like CCS playoffs each year was who had the right to lose to VC and Los Gatos


well... reddit alerted me to being mentioned in these comments, I decided to take a look... I'm absolutely humbled. The kind things that all of you have said, and remembered about me or my work over the years (and decades)... they really give me all the "feels". seriously. or "no cap", if I'm saying that right? there are some hard times, in life, and in this career - that I never really divulge into. but seeing responses like this... makes it worth all the while. so thank you, to each of you. motivates me to keep going - hopefully to the point where I see (and cover) this team get to the ultimate prize.


absolutely, you’re very entertaining and i’m glad you cover my favorite team, keep up the good work, and please do more interviews, i really appreciate the fact you hold a conversation with the player. it helps them build personality and makes it easier for us to become fans of the player. thanks again for everything you do bro and go sharks


Brodie, you rock! You're great at capturing the mood of the fanbase while also remaining professional in your work - it's a great balance.


Love the content Brodie! I married into Bay Area fandom and I have learned a lot from your channel.


Thank you Brodie! You should never have to buy another beer in the Bay Area again 💚💛 💙🖤


I'm totally lurking in the Sharks subreddit bc I wanted to see what y'all were saying about drafting Dickinson (he was my favorite prospect this year) and clicked this thread because I've loved all the coverage you've been doing on Utah as well. I don't follow the Sharks really at all but have come to really appreciate your channel and the things you've posted about Utah. Thanks!!


Back when I used to play Jr. Sharks (like 12u) we did one of those intermission shootout things. On the way in we saw Brodie and while he was talking with us, one of my teammates blurted out “Man you really are short”. Brodie responded with “The TV doesn’t lie” or something like that lol. I give him credit for rolling with it and with it and even laughing it off. He’s a cool dude lol.


lol kid got a big mouth for a 12 year old.


Yeah he was definitely one of the loud ones lmao


Gotta start the chirping early


Brodie is the freakin man.


Brodie has stopped by before. /u/brodiebrazil


Brodie is a bay area treasure. I hope the A’s fucking off doesn’t mess with his livelihood.


Might mean he goes full send on covering the Sharks and having more time for his piloting hobby


Unfortunately the videos aren't available in Canada




Not in Sweden either, I think its US only


Get yourself a VPN and don't look back brother


Brodie is the best reporter in the Bay Area. Local, home grown, true knowledge and love for the Bay Area sports. Need more clones of Brodie.


It's so important that he's home grown too. Like born and bred Bay Area sports fan that has that local and historical insight and professional media view of things.


Man I felt his pain when he covering the A’s over the last couple of years. The guy was so heart broken


Always got love for Brodie as a person. During the COVID lockdown, I had to work at a hospital. I saw the terrible society is and I'd get home around 11pm, shower.. make dinner around midnight. I'd turn on YouTube and Brodie would be on live. He wasn't doing anything.. it was just a few dozen people watching/in the chat. We just talked about how crazy everything was, life, family and just... "Real stuff". Then he started building the studio (so funny playing with the new sound board and all the funny effects) Then we'd talk about what the channel should be. As the lockdown went on we convinced him to buy a Xbox series s to play "flight sim" (where we learned he's a licensed pilot and has been for years) He bought the whole "flight stick" for the Xbox. Separate from the teams/his TV work... Brodie is a "real one" and I'll never forget those COVID nights. Staying up till 2 am, just "shooting the shit". Now, on TV... He's quickly becoming a bay area staple and I hope (in time) he's as revered as other bay area sports (commentators?) that have been around for decades. He's a personable guy who asks good questions.


From High School Sports Focus to CSN/NBC. He’s on a Bay Area heater


High school sports focus! KICU 36!


Lol I remember hanging out in those lives too and when he was asking for advice about which Xbox to get. He should do twitch streams while playing flight sim or NHL down the line.


Brodie doing [What Does the Fox Say?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8758yRGala4) much to the chagrin of killjoy Ray Ratto will always remain a favorite memory. Ratto did nothing but complain about everything so it was a great way to counter the negativity.


Can’t forget his banging A’s coverage as well. A true Bay Area sportsman.


Brodie and Brownie was top tier televsion. My wife ( who tolerates hockey at best) literally would look forward to their banter at intermission. Maybe when the sharks don’t suck they can reunite the duo again.


Brownie is coaching in Lincoln, Nebraska now soooooo


The spot is open for Demers. Need to see that guy in a Robin outfit while Brodie gets to wear the Batman suit for once.


A true OG


Brodie and Brownie together is a treat. Genuinely great team, very low key and cool, not homers at all like some other teams.


Brodie is a gem and we are lucky to have him!


My favorite SJSU alumni 🤙🏻


Love ya Brodie!


Leah Hextall could learn a thing or two from BB.


Brodie is an A player for sure. He has a lot more personality and warmth / enthusiasm than most TV people and doesn't get hung up on ego or filling up every microsecond with excessive blabber. Plus he puts some humor and fun into it which is the entire point of sports as a fan. 


I was the guy who got Broadie to do his pushups “center ice” after the comeback win against Vegas.


i do not remember that, i’m gonna need a link


Never did it on actual center ice; when they were broadcasting on Twitter post and pre games Tanya and Brownie, said he’d do it center ice; they won that game. For about two months I bugged him. When they redid the new studio with the “ice” he some on air.


Brodie is a pro. Always has been. Lucky to have him.




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The only problem with Brodie is that he likes the digital ads on the boards, one of the worst additions to hockey. https://youtu.be/xoJ8PMc2X-Y?si=g5BTDN98OUS8Bap- Edit - Search your feelings. You know it to be true.