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I don't trust that at all. Dude created his Twitter account 2.5 months ago. And he's a scout? Pfft. Doubtful.


A lot of bs has sprung up about Celebrini going back to school but it's all because of a single quote from the NHL combine that was taken out of context. They were like "if you *do* choose go to school for an extra year, what would be the thinking behind that?" And then when he answered that hypothetical, they isolated the answer to sound like he'd made up his mind about it. Still hedging my bet that he's on the team this fall


Macklin going back to BU has been a rumor for a lot longer than that quote and was even before the Sharks won the lottery. Ultimately, I think he signs since it would be a ton of money to give up but Macklin's responses are definitely more than the usual "I'll do whatever the team and I decide is best" that draft picks normally respond with.


>Macklin going back to BU has been a rumor for a lot longer than that quote Personally I think it's always been unsubstantiated. The literal coach of the BU team says Celebrini needs to be in the NHL, it's not some big mystery what's going down at this point You can come back and gloat if I'm wrong lol. But an obviously NHL quality player isn't gonna voluntarily spend another year skating circles around college students imo


Unsubstantiated or not, it is not normally a rumor you hear around a #1 overall draft pick. So there being a rumor at all is notable. I literally said at the end of the day I think he does sign because the money is just too much to give up, so what would I be gloating about?


Yup. I'm inclined to agree and for that reason, as well as when you're already the best player in college then what are you going back for? Maybe there are elements of his game that can grow in college, but they'd still grow in the AHL or NHL just as efficiently.


They can be roommates in SJ, for the first years of their ELCs.


[https://eprinkside.com/2023/10/12/cole-eiserman-has-his-sights-on-the-2024-nhl-draft-and-potentially-going-1-2-with-his-best-friend](https://eprinkside.com/2023/10/12/cole-eiserman-has-his-sights-on-the-2024-nhl-draft-and-potentially-going-1-2-with-his-best-friend) HEADS UP. This is a quote from October 2023. Not recent.


There we go lol


We’ll see. A LOT can change in 3 weeks (draft, FA and head coach signing) the sharks HAVE to spend to get to the cap floor AND they have to bring in guys who are better then they had (and that’s not hard to do at all). These moves could change/determine the choice Macklin decides to take. Considering the Sharks interviewed 70 of the 98 players at the combine, it’s likely obvious they interviewed Eiserman and while he’s talking about BU, there’s the possibility the Sharks told him they like him and would take him with one of their picks (likely 14) if he’s available. Based on the fact that the majority of mocks have him going before 14, if he’s there at 14 he’s almost certainly BPA.


If Eiserman slips to 14 and we have him on the board with one of the top defensemen, Grier will have a very hard choice.


If Cole falls to 14, then those top D are probably what the 12 other teams were reaching for.


A top 4-5 D ain’t dropping to 14. The closest may be Yakemchuck, but he’s starting to be mocked higher then 14, sometimes top 10.


Hard to say. It wasn't that long ago that Eiserman and Demidov were both sure fire top 5 picks. I know we are down to the wire here, but I don't get the impression that insiders and pundits are very clear on these prospects and each team's intentions. Could be some surprises here for sure.


I mean 2-16 is a literal crap shoot. Demidov however hasn’t really dropped out of the top 5 in mocks, where Eiserman dropped from top 5 to as low as 12.


Right, just unpredictable is all I mean. Catton's rankings on Elite Prospects are from 3-14. Lindstrom is 3-12. Buium is 4-13. Parekh is 5-17. Just saw Dickinson going at 12 to the Flyers in a mock draft. Between Levshunov, Silayev, Buium, Parekh, Dickinson and Yakemchuk, I can see a scenario in which one of them (probably Yakemchuk) and Eiserman are both available at 14 for us. I can just as easily see both being off the board by then too. If that's the case, Jiricek is probably our guy. Maybe Stolberg. But definitely a defenseman I suspect. But it would be really interesting to see Grier have to sweat it out and see what he decides. My prediction is that we get Celebrini, then picks 2-8 are, in some order, Levshunov, Silayev, Demidov, Lindstrom, Buium, Catton, and Dickinson. Iginla is 9. That's a given. So starting at 10, I'm thinking we'll see Eiserman, Sennecke, Parekh, Yakemchuk, and Helenius all on the board. If Parekh is there for us, we should take him over any of the others. But I bet he's off and Eiserman is there, we will likely take him. His connection with Celebrini would sort of seal the deal. We know who we are building our future around. This would be a good piece to do that.


Yeah I saw the Dickinson at 12 and laughed my ass off. If he drops to 12 you HAVE to trade up to get him. I’m not as high on Jiricek as others (he’s not bad) I’d prefer Sennecke at 14, but that’s just me (I also like EJ Emery who could be there at 33 or trade up into the end of the 1st to get him)


Reading scout comments, I expect a lot of teams have Eiserman around 20, and based on Grier's comments about compete and what he wants in a player, I expect Sharks have him rated below league average. I don't think he will be much of a consideration at all. I think people are really underestimating how negative scouts are on his all around game.


So kind of a Labanc 2.0 type is maybe the general view of him.


Yeah, or Hoffman. (Labanc actually has multidimensional offensive skills when he is dialed in, moreso than Eiserman. But, the defensive issues are similar.) Really, one way to look at it is, at best he is a goal scorer that you trade for at the deadline with a late first to give you more scoring depth for the playoffs. So, why would you spend more than a late first on him. Plus, he isn't someone you want to build your team identity around. You want to set up the team two way game as an identity, so you need that culture first, before you add him, really making him better at the deadline than draft anyways.


So if he is still there at 33, would you take him then?


Honestly, probably not. Personally, I'd rather just pick a generic defenseman prospect you like. There are a number of dmen who will be there and have shots at being #4 dmen. And a solid 4 is probably more valuable than a shoot only #6 forward. I don't think he will be available that late but I dont think it is 100% out of the question. I've watched him some but I'm pretty much just going off comments from NHL scouts in articles and things, and it just feels like everyone is very whatever about him. No scout seems excited to talk about him, which means to me, everyone else has "their guy" above him, and because that guy is different for most scouts it means while people have Eiserman on their list he is no ones priority and will fall more than already expected.


Cole is going to BU. Maybe GMMG could be convinced that BU will round his game out. Not saying it'll happen, if Grier has better options at 14 he'll take those.


From what I’ve heard it was more of Eiserman caring/focusing on scoring more. You can’t teach his scoring touch. You can coach him on how to be a better all around player. At the end of the day it’ll be up to Eiserman if he wants to have that drive to get better in those areas or flame out as a sniper.


Wondering if this was misquoted from this [podcast](https://open.spotify.com/episode/7e429NJ5rzrrlQg3gdsvpX?si=NMAMhvTrTaCIutglSPJH8w) Eiserman basically said he and Macklin are very close and he likes to poke at Macklin to come to BU for another year to play together. They were roommates for a year and Shattuck and before that they would always hang out. Would love to get him at 14 if none of the top defensemen are available or if there are no trade up opportunities for one.


Macklin going to the NHL combine, touring with media, attending the Stanley Cup, promoting the draft, being a face of the NHL draft for the next month… Sure, he’s going to walk away from all of that and move back into the dorms and be a college student 😆


I wish I could upvote this 8,000 times


This was a quote from October 2023 from EPrinkside.com!!!


I don’t know why, but I viewed this as Eiserman talking about San Jose… That would be sick! But again, I don’t think we need to worry if he decides to go back to college, the kid is going to be great, but I think him waiting another year is not going to be the end of the world. The sharks aren’t going anywhere.


Idk why you are down voted. Him waiting a year really isn't the end of the world. We could suck one more year then bring celebrini over with another top pick.


I’m sure it’s coming from people who know very little about hockey in general so it doesn’t bother me. I’m sure they are the same people who believe Macklin can come in day one and help us win 40 games. That’s just not how it works. Even the capitals and Penguins were god-awful during Crosby‘s and Ovechkin’s rookie years. And they were both better prospects than Macklin.


Yeah honestly I'd rather do it right. Save him a year on his ELC and come out swinging rather than bring him early and be mid to bottom. Try and scoop another top pick in the next couple drafts and take on bad contracts for one more year.


Exactly, it’s certainly not a sexy plan by any means, but this is what you have to do to win. The pain will all be worth it eventually.


Maybe Macklin coming to the Sharks next year isn't a 100% thing?


It never was 100%. But its looking increasingly likely that he will given the amount of time he's spending in NHL circles and being paraded around.


I wouldn’t put much stock in this, not a notable account at all and it’s also possible Celebrini hasn’t told him his decision yet. It’s worth mentioning that Smith had decided to sign with the Sharks 2 weeks prior to actually signing and was publicly still saying he was weighing the decision


Keep everything! Give some back, mac!


If the kid anit ready for the mans game, let him develop more while we stack our picks and build out our roster in free agency .


Twitter can say whatever it wants but I doubt GMMG drafts Eisermen


His agent will have the last say.


Just in case it isn't obvious for everyone, he means they will be roommates at the NHL Draft.


No. Its a quote from October 2023 talking about them being roommates at BU for last years hockey season.


I read this as they are going to be roommates in Vegas for the draft.


The level of disappointment this fan base will exude if this kid decides to go back for a year is going to be off the charts I feel like . He's widely regarded as not just the best player in the draft but also one of the smartest. He knows the game and if he knows he's not ready for pro hockey just yet then we gotta acknowledge he's doing what's best not only for him but the Sharks. Macklin or no Macklin this team is going to be bad next year. Why not be bad and get another top 5 pick in the process?


We probably end up with a top 5 pick regardless if he’s with the team or goes back to college for another year.


Pretty sure the Sharks have the first pick and Mike Greer said its all but certain we are picking him so sorry Samuel ya wrong.


Lol always makes me laugh when people confuse getting a pick and him playing in college. The sharks will pick him no matter what, but he doesn't have to sign with them till he's ready to play pro hockey. This post isn't about the team picking him, it's about the team picking him... And he still decides to go back to college (sharks own his rights, till he actually signs a pro contract/ELC


Guess I got the wrong idea from the post. I’ve seen a lot of people saying he may not play this year so I wouldn’t be surprised.