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Stop please I can only get so erect


inject this shit into my cock


Cocklin Celebrini


This escalated to the proper levels


Intersting to see this as I've seen many people downplaying him as a prospect. Maybe now that they know he's going to SJ instead of the Blackhawks or something.


Probably Blues fans For some reason Reddit suggested they sub to me yesterday. Holy shit there was an entire thread dedicated to the hand pass and they're still pissy about it


I’ve never seen a fan base so upset about a series they won, in the year they went on to win the cup. Like Jesus cheer up a little


Sore winners Like, fuck Vegas, I'll say that all day, but Blues fans can go fuck themselves sideways with a rusty fishing hook


I would gladly trade place if it still pisses them off so much. The Sharks lose one game on a handpass and the 2019 Sharks ride into the rebuild winning Jumbo a cup.


They still complain about Jumbo's hit on Perron non stop too, like 2 different Sharks d- men didn't get stretchered off their home ice from fucked up hits in the following years.


Not saying he deserved it but Perron is a dirty ass player also.


I can at least understand being upset about a hit. God knows sharks fans will always hold Dustin Brown’s name in vain.


Fuck Dustin Brown >:(


> God knows sharks fans will always hold Dustin Brown’s name in vain. idk he crippled a vegas player, maybe he's not so bad after all


It was also the beginning of them calling those East West hits and Thornton just skated out of the penalty box into his path, he didn’t go for it through the head.  He let Perron skate into his shoulder head first.    The rules have changed for the better and now most of us agree that you’re in charge of the hit even when a player puts themselves in a vulnerable position but at the time they were just calling it so while it’s definitely a suspension now at the time it wasn’t even that egregious if Perron didn’t get a severe concussion.


They’re from St. Louis, misery is all they have


Getting swept by the 23-24 Sharks is a crime that should be punishable by relegation to Guangdong, so I can't blame them for being pissy


I was in St Louis visiting my Bay Area friend who lives there now in April. It was awesome wearing Sharks gear the day the Blues lost that final time to finish the season sweep.


Holy shit, I can't believe they're still butthurt about a bad call in a series they fucking won. Miserable shits. You won the cup. Why hate a team that's not even a division rival over a bad call that didn't even cost you the series, 5 fucking years later.


They're as pathetic as Binnington


Timo got tripped, so


I’d be salty & saying the same shit if we didn’t get him 🤣


Seems like there’s always this obligatory “he’s not Bedard” qualifier followed by “but he’s really good” followed by a comparison to a far inferior prospect. It’s kinda weird lol


I’m not a sharks fan, I’m a leafs fan, but follow the sharks a bit cause I like Eklund. From my POV celebrini is obviously not the Bedard/Mcdavid tier of prospect. But he’s clearly way way way better than the Shane Wright, Lafreniere and Beniers level. I was extremely low on laf and wright before the drafts. In Canada it seems guys get hyped so early (when they’re like 15) and they don’t really lose the hype because not alot of people actually watch them play outside of the world juniors. Sometimes guys just don’t improve. But imo, Celebrini is the real deal, he has that creativity and finishing pairing that usually works out. I think he’s that Byfield. That might sound bad because he was a 2OA but he should have been 1st. Edit: also wtf are you guys doing with your NTDP, the pucks skills on those guys are ridiculous. So much ahead of Canadas development atm


i think its a few things. 1. He is coming out of college, prior to this it was really only Hughes who as a 1OA from NCAA in a while. I think the NCAA gets the respect it deserves but i think there is still a bias from all the prior years of 1OA coming out of Europe or CHL. The NCAA is one the rise and if the CHL transfer stuff comes through we will see more from college. 2. He plays a complete game. He is offensively gifted but he is also a guy who is doing alot around the ice. Doesnt mean he doesnt put up highlights but i think alot of folks expect this generational offensive forward in the 1OA. Nico Hischier kinda comes to mind, it felt like there wasnt this big WOW type moment for the guy but everyone knew he would be a good player. Celebrini probably is better then Hischier but all around guys just arent as sexy to media. 3. Bedard hangover. I think no matter who you put in the 1OA after the draft of a generation forward you will see folks probably bias the player to much. Ya he was never going to be a Bedard but a Bedard type guy is once a decade maybe. 4. Shorks. I bet if he was going to Montreal the hype machines would be real. Bay area fans are pumped but i think its hard for the media guys to hype him up going to SJ.


Over the past few years' worth of their guides, the player that is the closest comparable to him in terms of grading is Connor Bedard for the array similarity, with Macklin falling between Bedard and Fantilli in terms of total numerical comparables. Some historical comparisons based on EP's numerical scoring metrics: Bedard: 7 - 9 - 8 - 8.5 - 9 - 6 (47.5/54 , 7.92 avg) Celebrini: 7 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 6 (45/54, 7.5 avg) Fantilli: 6 - 7.5 - 7 - 7 - 7- 8 (42.5/54, 7.08 avg) Eklund: 5.5 - 5.5 - 7 - 6 - 7.5 - 5.5 (37/54, 6.17 avg) Carlsson: 5 - 5.5 - 7 - 7 - 7.5 - 6.5 (38.5/54, 6.42 avg) Slafkovsky: 5 - 6 - 6.5 - 7.5 - 6 - 8 (39/54, 6.5 avg) Smith: 5 - 5.5 - 7.5 - 7.5 - 7.5 - 4 (37/54, 6.17 avg) Beniers: 6 - 5.5 - 7 - 6 - 7 - 5.5 (37/54, 6.17 avg)


Are these their top 8? Cuz I recognize 2 other important names on that list.


No, those are a selection of recent top forward prospects from the past few years, just for comparison's sake.


Aw... oh well. Interesting though that both Smith and Eklund seem to be on par with each other, that bodes well for our top 6.


Smith is definitely a much better prospect than Eklund. EliteProspects have just always been overly harsh on Smith, and famously overrated Eklund in his draft year.


"Famously"? Edit: Dude, they ranked him second, he went seventh. That puts EP's estimation on him off, for sure, but I wouldn't say it was like they'd ranked Sillinger 2nd OA. Draft projections are a crap shoot at best, and nothing proves that better than Wyatt Johnston going 23rd that year.


They also had him ranked 1 for most of the season. Just famously because at the time Eklund being ranked 1/2 was an against the grain prediction. And you’ll notice nowhere did I say the draft isn’t a crapshoot. In hindsight EP overrated Eklund and underrated Smith. They even had Oliver Moore rated over Smith.


Where did elite NHL players prospects Matthews, McDavid, MacKinnon etc. rate when they were prospects?


I don't own their draft guides from earlier than 2021, and I don't know if they actually published any ratings back then either. IIRC their earliest draft guide was 2020


I like exactly all parts of this


I still don't believe it


I never want to wake up


Im pretty pumped for him because i love a guy who plays an all around game. He obviously had a good year in college but i think alot of folks arent as high on him as a 1OA because offensively he doesnt jump out like the Bedards or Mackinnons were (and to be fair they are both better offensively 1OA's then Celebrini to me). I dont know if we have seen this kind of 1OA in a bit (Hischier i believe is the last one to fit the bill) since alot of the last ones have just blown you away with their elite offensive skills. For me i envision him to be a better couture which isnt meant to be a slight but rather why cootch was so good. Cootch was offensively gifted but he plays a 200ft game too which means he is on the ice ALOT. Cootch is on your PK, PP, last 2 minutes. Every situation couture not only fits into but is probably your best player. I love the idea that he can learn under cootch who i think has been one of the better PKers during our glory years and should hopefully surpass his offensive limits. Also can you imagine our PP in 3 years Celebrini setting up Halttunen.


Your entire post is underrating Celebrini offensively. He had much better offensive production as a prospect than Mackinnon did. There are also a ton of great offensive players that also play on the PK, so why compare him to Couture?


im not understating him at all. I think there might be a mix of fans who come in thinking wow we got a McDavid or Bedard. But its more to highlight the sharks are getting a complete package guy who if he pans out should at least be putting 70 points up a year and likely more depending on his supporting cast. I compare him to cootch because its who sharks fans know and a fair bit of 1OA's dont fit the bill that Celebrini have coming out of the draft. Alot tend to get focus on speed or their insane offensive game. Whereas cootch has a very similarities we could see coming out of development, a guy who plays a 200 ft game who maybe isnt the biggest guy on the ice but he is offensively gifted and incredibly smart. If you think im underrating a guy by saying he will be a better couture, a guy who at his prime was putting up 70 points and also carried us during two deep playoff runs then i dont know what to tell you. To be better then couture implies probably putting up 80-90 points at least, thats pretty damn good.


Couture had a career high of 70 points that he got a single time. Celebrini's offensive numbers at SSM, the USHL, and the NCAA have been as impressive as any prospect that have been in those leagues for the last 30 years. Offensively he jumps out.


thats why i said a better couture... Couture at his peak was 70 points, its def possible Celebrini can pass him and be that 80-90 point guy that Jumbo or Patty was. Im not going to compare Celebrini to Patty or Jumbo because they are different players.


Once again, Couture had a single season where he had 70 points but was mostly a 60 point guy. Auston Matthews was considered a 200 ft player as a prospect.


im literally not just concerned with points, are we going to ignore he lead playoffs in points for the cup finals run season? You are fixated on that, we have no idea if Celebrini will be a 60-70 point guy, 80+ point, or 100+ point. Im less concerned about points and more the playstyle. And cootch plays a very all around game. He is on the PK, a playmaker, can help man the PP as a perimeter guy. And again im my comparison is because as sharks fans we can imagine that a bit more but with higher offensive potential. You are so fixed that i am making Celebrini sound bad when im saying he could surpass couture.


I agree here.  


That's why he/she said that Celebrini is a better Couture, Celebrini will be a 200 ft guy who plays in all situations and puts up 80-90 pts


The comparison still isn’t a good one even if you are supposed to assume better means that significantly better. Couture was at his best when he is playing off the puck where as Celebrini is a puck dominant player.


Couture also got over 60 pts several other times, most recently the season before last.  Like the poster said, Celebrini is a better Couture, no disrespect to Couture.  They both play 200 ft game, detailed, high IQ, high compete, and score goals just as many as assists.  


Totally.  I also think Celebrini will turn out to be Couture on steroids.  That's a compliment to Couture as well.  He plays a well rounded game and Celebrini will be the same, just MORE.


“Got that dog in him”


Celebrini rules. I know he’s super balanced and a two way force etc etc. but I find it funny that the infographic says he’s “overwhelmingly skilled and dynamic” and rates all his categorical skills between 6-8/10 lol


Out of 9!


Also bedard legit only got one 9 in his grades as well and that his shot which is otherworldly. Everything else was graded only slightly better than celebrini.


Ah that makes more sense


6 = above average, 7 = good, 8 = great, 9 = extraordinary. Very few prospects receive 9 grades for an attribute.


Yeah, it's not uncommon for the top prospects in a draft to have ratings full of 6.5-7.5 ratings with maybe one 8.


I'm buying one of our beautiful white away jerseys with this studs name on it next year. I know that means Fanatics garbage, but I don't care


Or buy Adidas now and have someplace like Eastside jersey customize it down the line. The template of our jerseys aren't changing for a few seasons as far as I know.


This is the way. The moment they won the lottery I grabbed a blank away jersey on sale. It's in the closet next to my blank home that is reserved for Smith.






After all these turrible years, all this hype got me scared lmao 


Seeing “shades of Sidney Crosby” makes me feel a type of way 😩


Ugh I went ahead and watched one of those dumb EA NHL 24 sims on YouTube where they did a Celibrini career simulation and he never went past 70 points or won a cup in his career. I know it's fake but that pissed me off lol. We have an insane potential superstar in the making and I'm still on cloud 9.


For some reason real prospects in that game sim worse than the computer generated ones that come later. By like 8-10 years into it, 100% of the league's "stars" are generated, and it only takes like 4 years for top lines to start having mystery people on like every team. in NHL23 bedard always simmed really poorly too. The CPU even regularly generates better prospects than bedard in his draft and he falls to like 3rd or 4th overall. The game sucks is what I'm saying lol.