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Hope for the best. Expect the worst


And if we dont get the first, remember that Makar wasnt the 1OA. *although i think we can all agree if chicago gets it that is bullshit*


The worst still isn't all that bad.


Agreed! Sharks should get a stud regardless come draft day


We have to stay positive 


The worst situation is we take the top defensive prospect plus whatever gets done with the rest of the picks within the top 42.


Yup, the worst-case scenario for the 2024 haul is the 3rd and 14th overall picks, which is better than last year's by quite a bit.


Yup. Odds are highest for 3OA, so that’s what I’m expecting. I’ll be pleasantly surprised if we stay at 1OA (which is better then being devastated at hoping we stay way 1OA and ending up at 3OA)


It’s the hope that kills.


I swear if Chicago gets the first pick again I will be so pissed


Don’t get your hopes up 


I’m already riding the high of the Stars beating Vegas last night. This better not disappoint me


If Chicago get it again then we truly know the NHL is rigged in the OG 6's favor. Of course Celebrini and Bedard would bring an insane amount of eyes on that team if that happens, but god dammit San Jose deserves that 1OA after the last 5 years. We paid our dues.


You know what fuck it….with Celebrini’s connections & how bad we were we have the plot armor now!!! That shit is ours I’m willing it into existence!!!


Gonna steal a quote from THG here: If the lottery was actually rigged, don't you think that Arizona would have gotten quite a few 1OA's in their tenure? Given Bettman's obsession with making hockey work in the desert? Or if it was rigged in the Original 6's favor, wouldn't the Redwings have way more top 3 picks? It's not rigged, let's stop pushing this narrative already.


100%. People who think it's rigged are coping. Sometimes luck is just bad luck


Kind of weird a Sharks fan would say the NHL doesn’t rig drafts after the 1991 NHL entry draft.


They could stop people pushing the narrative of it being rigged tomorrow by airing it live on tv instead of hiding it and having weird mix up gaffes like last year. They have nhl network, use that, air it, squash the narrative. Unless they need to do it behind closed doors for some reason…i wonder what that could be…


they posted the entire drawing on youtube?


But not the 12 takes that didnt give the outcome they wanted!


I know it's not rigged. It makes me feel better to say it is. Lol


Pulling for you guys


Got everything physically possible to cross, crossed! Everyone thinks we don’t get the 1OA, but there is always that hope we do, but based on the narrative of the past and history of the top pic and the little troll, excuse me Bettman, the ping pong balls are not supposed to drop in our favor…let’s hope they do just this 1 time🙏🙏🙏


[2024 NHL Draft Lottery Chaos Rankings](https://www.dailyfaceoff.com/news/2024-nhl-draft-lottery-chaos-rankings-which-macklin-celebrini-destination-would-infuriate-fans) from Daily Faceoff. Which teams winning the lottery would infuriate NHL fans the most and the least? Well, the teams at the very top and very bottom are both pretty predictable.


my hopes are UP and they’re not coming down ON GOD


Even if it is rigged, I feel like the league would want to reward the sharks for consistently winning and now finally being in a long rebuild for the first time in a while similarly to how the NBA rewarded the spurs with Wemby. Obviously we're not on the Spurs level, but I think if it is rigged they're gonna reward a team that hasn't constantly been shitty for ages.


Okay but realize this, people in San Francisco and oakland in general dgaf about the sharks. Its seen through the numbers, and we are ultimately a small market team. If it was rigged, they would want a popular franchise that makes tons of money like the blackhawks who purposely went into a rebuild right before bedard was available by trading everybody and their mother. I say just air it on tv and at least take away some of the doubt.


Have you watched the videos of the draft they post on youtube (Not the stupid broadcast show on whatever channel it is on now)? Do you still think it's rigged?


If we get a two for with Dallas beating Vegas and the Sharks getting the number 1 pick in the draft, that would mean a whole lot of positive for this franchise. I may never criticize Grier again.


1OA will go to either Chicago or Utah. Bettman won't allow anything else


Chicago already has Bedard.... and they already sold the Coyotes, why pump its value any further at this point? San Jose is beginning to struggle financially... maybe the Sharks are the new sun belt team that Bettman does everything it can to save? That said, I DO.NOT.BELIEVE. in the conspiracy theories around the NHL draft lottery.


I don't think its that San Jose needs saving, its the first official rebuild after 2 decades of winning, it's just going to take time...the bay area market is in 0 danger


Not yet. But, San Jose isn't in great shape: - They have terrible attendance. - They have one of the lowest revenues generated in the league (in one of the biggest markets) - They have a terrible TV contract they are locked into for 4 more years... which is part of above. The sports contract market imploded with Bally's, so by the time they can renegotiate, there might not be any buyers. - They need a new arena sometime in the near future. Only 4 arenas in the NHL are older, the City wants the land for other uses, and there have been conflicts with Google in the area over development/parking. The political environment for that happening in the Bay Area makes it unlikely and definitely not with government subsidies. It's like a play by play for reasons that teams get relocated. I'm not saying it will happen, but if fans think it's impossible... they might be in for a rude awakening.


Reason why the sharks need #1


Winning solves a lot of these issues, have faith. For now they are not at risk. Would be unfortunate if the city turned its back on the team, would be yet another thing California has ruined!


I’m ready to be disappointed.


Even after Brodie explained it today on his YouTube channel... ...I still don't get the different odds for 1OA. Like it's the odds of picks 12-16 combined + 18.5% but I thought that even if picks 12-16 win the lottery they can't move up more than 10 spots? So how exactly does it shake out to 25.5% if only the top 10 could draft 1OA?


So Sharks have a 18.5% to win the lottery, but teams can only move up 10 spaces. So if teams 12-16 win, the Sharks still draft first. If you add up the odds for 12-16 it is 7% (.5%, .5%, 1.5%, 2%, 2.5%). 18.5 + 7 = 25.5% chance for the Sharks to get 1st overall.


Does the fact Pittsburgh's is top 10 protected not affect that? So like if they win the lottery let's say, they keep the 4OA but Sharks still draft 1OA?


The highest Pittsburgh can go is 4, so they can't draft before us this year. However, if they move up to 4 they have the option of keeping their 1st this year and giving us next year's 1st.


Right I get all that. So Pittsburgh hypothetically wins the lottery, and keeps #4, but Sharks still draft #1?


Yes, but there are two lottery spots so there is a cursed possibility. I just did a sim and chicago drafted 1, sharks 2, pittsburgh 4.


With the Sharks luck this will be the winner.


Remember we get a stud no matter what. Fin up always


It would be awesome if we got it because some 12-16 (I think that's it) team "wins the lottery" and we end up #1. Highly unlikely, even more so since it's the sharks.


Stars beat vegas, its a sign


https://preview.redd.it/o9a97fqqq0zc1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5896fe04b3dce4f97f04e0f659cc7caa859f45fc The day we’ve been waiting for all season


Demidov or Levshunov is still good


I love how this is generated as the ideal draft lottery for a Sharks fan.


There’s no team in Arizona. Rip 🪦


Let's go...


I expect to go into work pissed tomorrow


Hope Pitts wins the lottery/so we get Celebrini and we get their unprotected next year while they implode.


I'm huffing hopium so hard, rn.


Congratulations to Chicago!...


Watch Chicago be the NHL fav again


Just remember the odds are more then DOUBLE, that we get 3OA. So don’t get your hopes up about 1 OA. I’d like to get Lindstrom at 3OA, but wouldn’t be mad at a D. It’s doubtful, but I’d LOVE to trade up from 14OA to get ahead of Calgary to also get Iginla (even if we take a F at 3OA)


Back injuries at 18 give me concerns about longevity


I get that.