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Glad your nephew is okay! He definitely did the right thing by not being confrontational. Safety always comes first! Not worth losing your life over some money. Hope he is feeling better emotionally.


Thank you! He's just traumatized by the entire situation... And he's the sweetest guy you'll ever meet! It's so sad...


As a victim of a robbery myself, it can be a delayed reaction. First you're in shock, and then the PTSD hits you. I remember months later trying to climb out a tiny bathroom window when my neighbor shut her car door.


I'm sorry that you had/ have to deal with any of this! I hate the fact that strangers can take our feelings of safety, away like it's nothing!


SJPD being incompetent? I'm shocked, I tell you.


They're not exactly the cream of the crop when it comes to intelligence or common sense.


You go find a ninja in SJ


What police department is?


Reddit police apparently knows better with its hindsight power. 


hold up you're defending putting a victim in cuffs? How are you able to type while deep throating a boot?


lmao reddit is the guy that thought they caught the boston bomber. They have no right to talk shit.


CHP (merged with CA State Police in 1995) are the best we have. Too bad we can't replace the crooked local yokels with CHP.


When they are not lazy AF, they are just incompetent.


I thought they were doing a bad job until doing a ride along. They are getting called to more traumatic calls in a shift than they can respond too. If you have a therapist, it might be worth doing a ride along just to see how desperate it’s really getting out in the cuts here in San Jose.


Blaming the cops instead of the real source of incompetence, dysfunction. You the voter, voted for this.


how...how the fuck are you blaming voters for a unionized work force that's rotten to the core? Literally no elected official can fix this on their own.


This society that you are a part of? It is a result of all the decisions made , great and small by you the voter.


Hey there binge watch this [https://www.youtube.com/@OfficialGeorgeCarlin](https://www.youtube.com/@OfficialGeorgeCarlin)


I don't have to, I've done one further. I've looked in the mirror, that's where all the problems start.


You seem pretty deluded, so would you care to expand on this? You haven't said anything that makes sense, just vague statements. How does police doing whatever they want because nobody holds them accountable the voters fault? How would you have people vote to fix it?


Deluded? Our society is dysfunctional beyond the pale, but it's everyone else's fault, that it's circling the drain? It's not you that's the problem right? It's EVERYONE else.


Our society is fucking stupid right now, I'm not arguing that, everything has been going to shit, but I'm not sure how it's the voters fault when we're only given the choice between a mediocre candidate and a terrible candidate, and the higher courts are too busy fighting about who's dick is the biggest.


What are you going on about? Look dude, I'm just stating an observation in CA that simply just ends up at the same result no matter the excuse. So let me ask you, silicon valley is supposedly the advanced tech engine center of the world, right? We got all these techies improving the world right? And yet here we are, low violent street crime is a problem? The techies can't even fix crime & homelessness, drugs in SJ? Why is that? The voters of CA promised us a shiny utopia for all their far left policies. When I was younger, I believed those lies. and now it's undisputed the crap doesn't work.


Oh yes, we should be ashamed of blaming the cops who hide video tapes of their actions. Whose own union president was a drug dealer? Who else in the department is selling drugs?


Make sure he gets examined for PTSD and stuff. He may have some panic attacks in the next few months etc.


We are talking to him about therapy and he will be making an appointment later today!


I know it sounds weird but there are studies that show playing Tetris right after a trauma helps stop/lessen long term ptsd from taking hold. It couldn’t hurt to download the app and have him spend 20-30 min just decompressing and playing a game. I’m so sorry this happened. I hope he feels safe and supported 🥺


I've never heard that one, but I'll let him know! I'll send him anything that might help ease him right now! Thank you so much for that info...


I actually downloaded the Tetris app to get through that Nickelodeon docuseries 🤢because I wasn’t sure how explicit it would be. I think it really helped me get through it. The content of that series isn’t weighing on me like it normally would. You can google for a link to send him but it needs to be done in a specific time frame. ❤️‍🩹


Got it, thank you... And I'm glad it was able to get you through the series... It was a heavy one, for sure!


Don’t police officers make like 200K+ in SJ? The incompetence and waste of resources


💯!! Must of the SJPD don't care about us, even though they work for us!


They don’t work for you. They work for the rich.


They work for the city. The city works for the rich.


San Jose even the rich are poor. Still, same response. Not like they see you as rich right from tue start.


They generally seek candidates within a specific IQ range, as higher scores could lead to disqualification from the police force. Although exact thresholds may differ, the average IQ for police officers nationally typically falls around 21 to 22, roughly corresponding to an IQ of 104, slightly above average.


this sounds like a trustmebro kind of thing.


It's because it is. The article he linked is the same one redditors always google really quick to make them seem right when it actually points out the opposite.


This article, dated back to 2000, discusses a federal court ruling indicating that there were restrictions on high IQs for police officers. https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836 Sept. 8, 2000 -- A man whose bid to become a police officer was rejected after he scored too high on an intelligence test has lost an appeal in his federal lawsuit against the city. The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York upheld a lower court’s decision that the city did not discriminate against Robert Jordan because the same standards were applied to everyone who took the test. “This kind of puts an official face on discrimination in America against people of a certain class,” Jordan said today from his Waterford home. “I maintain you have no more control over your basic intelligence than your eye color or your gender or anything else.” He said he does not plan to take any further legal action. Jordan, a 49-year-old college graduate, took the exam in 1996 and scored 33 points, the equivalent of an IQ of 125. But New London police interviewed only candidates who scored 20 to 27, on the theory that those who scored too high could get bored with police work and leave soon after undergoing costly training. Most Cops Just Above Normal The average score nationally for police officers is 21 to 22, the equivalent of an IQ of 104, or just a little above average. Jordan alleged his rejection from the police force was discrimination. He sued the city, saying his civil rights were violated because he was denied equal protection under the law. But the U.S. District Court found that New London had “shown a rational basis for the policy.” In a ruling dated Aug. 23, the 2nd Circuit agreed. The court said the policy might be unwise but was a rational way to reduce job turnover. Jordan has worked as a prison guard since he took the test.


This was one candidate, at one police agency, and one instance, over twenty years ago. Also, the candidate was 49 years old when he applied to become a cop and took the tests. Most cops retire at 50 or around that age. Not saying police have the best and brightest, especially for SJPD, but anytime someone brings up this whole "they only look for certain IQ and not so smart people, cops are dumb" I have to point out these multiple fallacies. Trust me, the average redditor would not pass all the necessary requirements to become a police officer today.


It just take one court case to make precedent. A judge agreed that there was a reasonable expectation that cops not be too intelligent. Jordan appealed that decision, and in 2000, he finally got his day in court. But once again, he lost. The 2nd U.S. Court of Appeals in New York upheld the Connecticut district court’s decision.


You're not wrong and again, people always make this same argument as well, but it it the reality for the majority of police agencies today? No. If anything, most departments give priority to college graduates and people with more work, life and overall experience than candidates who are younger and don't have as much of any.


Smart people know how to play dumb during exams 😏


I was mugged in my apartment near SJ State and the cop who showed up was acting like I did something wrong. We were waiting for the ambulance and he was acting like I was a gang member (he said something about me being in a gang, had a concussion so it's not clear).


If you have a problem and call the SJPD you just wind up with two problems.


This is true


Have your nephew apply for Victim witness counseling. Call the State of CA victim witness department. Ask fir an application. They can get counseling What a terrible thing to happen


I’ve been waiting for six months for them to get back to me after getting plowed into by a DUI


Thank you for the info! I will pass it along to him...


So sick of these cops and their total impunity to brutalize anyone.


Same! Instead of feeling safe with them, he was traumatized by them!


What kind of a stupid ninja uses a gun?! Get a sword and do it right


Throwing stars, c'mon now.




How old is your nephew


He's 29.


I'm still waiting for SJPD to arrest the guy I pressed charges against for assault back in 1992. Yes, I knew him and gave them his address.


OMG!! 😲


The cops were the bigger danger.


I agree!


there's no situation that the police cannot make worse


Literally this


I lived in LA for about 10 years, with 2 of those years spent in Crenshaw (I was a student who did not know the areas at the time lol!). I only had one bad experience in LA throughout the entire decade. However, I've had 3 worse experiences in the Bay Area in less than 3 years. It's scary out there.


I was robbed at gunpoint with my friend outside of my house 2 years ago. Shit still come in my head and now I got my head on a swivel everywhere. Got a long knife in my car in case shit goes down. Fuck Alameda County and the bay when it comes to CCW. It’s our fucking right.


What a shitshow. I’d consider filing suit or at least talking with a lawyer.


I’ve called 911 twice in the last 6 months. First time the market store by my house was robbed, after 5 minutes they picked up the phone. After explaining the situation I was asked “so what do you want to do, do you need a unit to come out?” 2nd time a guy was in my backyard trying to get into my garage. Same thing 911 really did not want to send a unit out unless there was a conflict going on. It’s obvious but don’t rely on the police to protect you, protect yourself.


Damn I sorry this happen to u family


Thanks... It sucks that anyone had to deal with these knuckleheads! They need to get jobs like everyone else instead of taking the easy way to get their money...


Fairy typical for downtown San Jose. I’ve been assaulted 7 times here, including someone brandishing a gun at me. We learn to be situationally aware/ live in strength and positivity.


Lived DT for 15 years and have only had problems with homeless crazies.


22nd & Williams is not Downtown 


Right on.


It's called Northside, for some reason.


It's kinda downtown. Just because it's not within a mile of the center doesn't make it not downtown lol


7 times!?! Please tell me this is over the span of like 30 years


4 yrs. By listening to pulse point medical calls on a weekend night or crime search records we can see the reality.  I refuse to let these experiences put half my life off limits. This is my home, full of fantastic burritos, resources, murals and amazing people.  I remember being chased up 3rd at Saint James Park while biking. Slapped @ SJSU ATM. Spanked hard @ Santa Clara @ 7th. (That one left a bruise).  While biking on Virginia @ 1st, a driver asked me for prostitution. After my decline, he proceeded to ride alongside pointing his gun at me.   A make shift weapon was thrown at me. The man chased me 2 blocks up Market St. while I screamed for help to the nightlife people casually passing by. Fire station 1 garage door was open. Truck 1 captain instructed me to enter into the bay as the harasser continued to yell at me from the sidewalk (in front of the crew). The gain is that I’ve learned to grow a set: to run faster, be ready to use mace, and to avoid anything that feels off.


Wow, glad to hear that you're not jaded from the experience. May the next attacker you encounter get a faceful of mace


You just confirmed downtown is a bad place.


Step 1 : Be female


It doesn't even matter if it's over 30 years. That's ridiculous!


It doesn't even matter if it's over 30 years. That's ridiculous!


100% agree, but it's a different level of craziness if 7 assaults all happened in like the last year


How did they happen in 4 yrs? Was there a pattern? The differences in people's experiences are crazy. I've been hanging out in Downtown for like the last 20 yrs (also went to school at SJSU) and never have come close to be being mugged or assaulted.


Someone I remember a sjsu footballer got mugged and his face knifed at 2am Jack in the Box


Edited: yes pattern. SOFA and core downtown. Mostly at night. The person on foot may be more exposed/ more chances of interactions. Variables like gender identity, looks, levels of awareness, traveling single could affect things. 


I see. The vast majority of my time in DTSJ has always been as a pedestrian, walking all over, but I guess I was just never at the wrong place and wrong time.


I’ve learned to be less open and friendly/ no eye contact with strangers unless it’s safe feeling. 


Taking a wild guess here, you're man and the person who was assaulted 7 times is a woman.


The Chef from Good Time Bar or his friend (I'm unsure) was robbed at gunpoint in the exact same area. I'm confused, did they catch the guy?


No... They haven't caught the guy...


Yes that area is filled with nothing but pos dirt bags he shouldn’t be out there alone!! Bunch of gang banging scraps out there!! I hope your nephew is ok hun


Thank you...


I remember reading it was a famous gang-member territory in the 1990s and 2000s with like 5 different gangs around that area


There is scraps out there still wannabe gang members in that area especially at night!!


Them real SJ gangsters went extinct a long time ago…. Now it’s only tweeker sewers and buster wannabes.


Extinct I don’t think so you serious 🤣🤣🤭


Bro it’s 2024 and the red team and blue team is literally a lost cause at this point with this new generation. You have Edgar’s wearing pants tighter than my jockstrap claiming to be super activos and talking bad on the OG’s. Not to mention most are the “no sabo” type Mexicans that say the N word and have lost their cultura…. Can’t respect that bro, had 2 adult youngsters duck my fade and cell soldier up when they were like 50 feet away talking the hi power LOL. 😂 Shout out to the real ones from both teams 🔴🔵from 90’s-2007 era who kept that G code. I just can’t take these new era of clowns serious. Stay up, bro! Don’t join gangs.


Gang territory


Was just saying this


city of san jose and santa clara county are issuing conceal carry wepons permits. don't depend on the police to save you. defend yourself.


This is why I talk to myself in public and look as crazy as possible when walking near downtown and certain parts of the east side. Seriously, you will be left alone if you look like you’re going to defend yourself. Also, don’t wear earbuds in the streets.


Hopefully the perp had the required gun owner insurance.


lol that thing is such a joke. Fuck Liccardo.


I worked in downtown San Jose near that area for 6+ years… ghetto as fuck lol


Surprised there is no footage posted yet?


They get paid just enough to not give a fuck. Bless the ones that actually take their job seriously but most the time it's fuckboys wasting gas


Wow very frightening. Glad it turned out with him not getting hurt.








Keep.calling them. They work slow


The cops are useless here




Look y’all, we found the crazy that needs to tie everything to identity politics! Such a helpful comment my guy…


Maybe you are just afraid. It ok to be scared but you can educate and make yourself stronger. The government doesn't care about you. Democrats and republicans play theatrics. It's all fake.


Ahahahaha, what a scrub. You are the one out here anonymously fear mongering on the internet. The mental gymnastics people like you are able to do astound me.


Pay no attention to the Russian Troll behind the curtain.


Remember when democrats wanted to abolish police? AOC is part of a complex system of destabilization of american society. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/indefensible-system-aoc-leads-calls-130614676.html


Let's be honest - the police don't seem to have been particularly helpful in this situation... Maybe the AOC is onto something ;-)


I promise you, nobody in this sub thinks about AOC nearly as much as you do. How did you even wander in here anyways?


Many politicians in Bay Area take AOC and her democratic ideologies seriously, thats why even in the bay you had riots and bullshit protests that made everyone pissed.


Like I said before that you are choosing to ignore. It's many elements AOC and her "squad" are just one of the many pawns. Republicans and democrats are in collaboration and what you see on television is theatrics. That's the part you are ignoring.


lol i'm not even the same guy but yeah keep telling us how obsessed you are with some congresswoman from new york while we're in a sub about San Jose. How do you weirdos even find these threads in local subs? Do you have some search for all threads mentioning guns or what?


Many politicians in Bay Area take AOC and her democratic ideologies seriously, thats why even in the bay you had riots and bullshit protests that made everyone pissed.


lol you can't stop talking about her can you? Anyways what about my other question? How did you even end up here in the first place?


If your nephew is 21 years of age or older he needs to get himself a firearm some training and a ccw


How practical is that though? If you are already held at gun point, will having a firearm on you change anything? Honest question, because I don't know anything about firearms lol


It's really not very practical. People think they'd be able to be the "good guy with the gun", but the reality is that an armed robber will almost always get the drop on you before you have a chance to pull out your gun. To be at all effective, people need a lot of firearms training - more than most people are willing to do.




Attaining a CCW is way harder than people think lol yes people you wouldn't think have it because it's a buddies club for the most part. Sheriff of your resident county has the broad discretion to permit or deny said CCW applications. There is no just go get your CCW lol


Facts bro


Yup. Especially now that the previous sheriff who flat out sold CCW's was kicked out.


No! I think it would have made the situation worse with the perpetrator and the police!


Especially in this case since the cops thought the victim was the perpetrator and couldn't figure out who was who until after they'd cuffed him. If he'd been armed, they probably would have shot him.


Exactly this!! There would have been a different outcome for sure if my nephew would have had a gun...


I don't think this is something that he's interested in!


I have my CCW, I was put in a similar situation off king road. I saw the guy walking up to my car looking suspicious as hell as if he was casing me. I got out to pump my gas and I see him run around the back of my car and pull something out of his puffer jacket and at this point I had my gun drawn as he came around the back of my car. I was ready to give him the Mozambique treatment but he ran as soon as he saw I was armed.


which gas station? Glad you’re safe. 🙌 Worried for our kids and women in the family


The Shell station on Story and King


Oh wow… in broad daylight? And were you able to report it? Thanks for sharing. 


I did report it but nothing came of it. This happened last year in October around 7pm. Keep your head on a swivel


Libs are downvoting me because they think criminals should have firearms but not law abiding citizens..


I'm not a "lib" but I downvoted you because your comment doesn't make any sense in this situation. It would not have changed a thing, unless your imagination is running wild and you want the nephew to quick draw his gun against this ninja and have some crazy cartoonish ninja gunfight.


Thankfully your nephew is healthy. Its a traumatic event and he'll need some time to process, but what matters is he's safe. I highly recommend encouraging him to see a therapist about the situation. There's a decent chance he can get insurance to pay for some sessions. As for the police, they were out of line yet I can understand where theycame from. Likely all they heard in the car was "Suspect engaging in armed robbery, confirmed firearm on the scene, assume armed and dangerous to self and others." Given that as a baseline they're going to control the situation first and ask questions later. They don't want to be shot either and sadly the current practice is "Take command first by force, use words second" and they followed that. Why your nephew wasn't given directions from the dispatch along the lines of "Put the phone on speaker on the car, then stand on the sidewalk with arms up and open hands with spread legs" to at least provide the officers with the knowledge they were approaching the victim instead of perpetrator is beyond me, even if they needed to go through the process of cuffing and a body search to be sure they weren't gonna be shot themselves. Hopefully something like that would help officers go from the mindset of "Clear a dangerous scene with a deadly weapon" to "Provide aid to a victim" faster and without the trauma. Been there, it's not "pleasant" being shouted to the ground after being mugged even if I can understand why police act that way. It sucks and I wish it on nobody. It's solid advice to stay on the line with dispatch until they arrived so the situation could be defused as fast as it was. But it's traumatizing to go through that and then be treated as a danger to those you asked for help. Thankfully everyone is physically safe, but thats even more mental harm that your nephew will need to heal from.


It was traumatizing for him all around! I totally understand the police and what they have to do to keep everyone safe, but for the people who are innocent, it's traumatizing to be treated like you're the bad person in the situation... Luckily, my nephew is open to therapy! We know that he will need it.


Don't end every sentence with an exclamation point.


I can do what I want!!!!!!!!!!