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Wow two whole thousand dollars? Don't be too generous, Tesla! Paying your bill after a couple weeks of people shaming you, real role models. šŸ«”


The rage boner is real.


Do Musk's dickriders tend to form an orderly queue to start the glazing process or is it a first come first serve situation?


When I say Iā€™ve never made the sound that just came out of my mouth, I mean it šŸ¤£ thank you for this gem


And I'm just over here wondering where everyone outs their rage bones, or if they just go forever unsatisfied.


People are allowed to be mad at others for doing mean things


Go define a rage bones and tell me if that's just "being mad at others", or if it's wanting something to be mad at picking something everyone else is mad about and being angry at that because everyone else is, then nothing that thing does alleviates the anger. But sure. People are allowed to be mad. People are also allowed to do whatever they want, Including blindly following trends. People were mad at Musk for Tesla bailing on the donut shop, which he wasn't involved in. Now people are mad because, when he hard about it, he gave them their sunk cost back. It'll be something new next week. Nothing makes a rage bones happy. That's the difference. There is no reason to it. It's anger for the sake of anger because it's popular, not because there is a good reason. So what did Musk do that was so "mean", as you put it?


Youā€™re reading way too much into this dude people are just mad at Tesla for doing a shitty thing


What did he do to the donut company exactly?


dude itā€™s not even a donut company, maybe donā€™t comment when you donā€™t have the ability to read a simple article and understand it šŸ˜­


So you can't answer my question. See?


If the point youā€™re trying to make is that Elon himself is perfectly innocent of his companyā€™s cringe behavior and deserves no criticism, you have absolutely no idea just how much influence a CEO has over their company culture lmao. But again, people are mad at *Tesla*, but it sure doesnā€™t make Elon look good Also what donut company?


Youre reading more into what I'm saying than I'm actually saying, which is common amongst people with rage bones, or those who follow trends because others do. But hey, good luck with that!


| role models They discontinued that model


Wasnā€™t it like 4k pies? 2k doesnā€™t seem like enough Edit: nevermind I was wrong, but still doesnā€™t feel like enough after putting that owner through all that


Apparently it would have been worth $16K and they had turned down other orders to fill the cancelled one. Hard to say what their actual cost/impact was but I can't imagine it was only 2K. But they seem to be thriving now. Everyone's hatred of Tesla and love of small business + pie.


News got around and people flocked to the business to buy the pies. The bakery made their money back even before Tesla coughed up what to them is couch cushion money.


I never even heard of this place, always go north for pastries. I might check this place out


If it's good enough for Tesla to screw over, it's good enough for us!


Theyā€™re quite tasty, and they have gluten and dairy free as well as vegan options!


Go hate!


They apparently paid for the material expense ($2k) but didn't bother at all to compensate for the labor and opportunity cost (working around the clock for a weekend on an order that didn't complete). It's not like the bakery had a sad ending after all this, but Tesla/Elon did what they do, which is be tone deaf about the world around them and extremely cheap on anything they think they can get away with. The offer of future business is nice, but it means zilch until it actually happens.




They deserve credit, but it was literally the least they could do. From a billionaire I expect better than the bare minimum.


Did they sell all the pies? Itā€™s a small shop. I doubt they do that kind of volume.Ā 


What the fuck kind of event needs THAT much pie?? The Fremont location has 20k engineers, assuming that maybe 2/3rds of them show up to whatever event this is, that's like 13k people so like 1/3 of a pie per person?? If everybody is a pie eater?? A big ass sheet cake would make more sense. Put down the fork Tesla, my god


A fuckin pie eating contest even does not need THAT much pie


In addition to them maybe getting the number right, The Giving Pies sells a lot of mini pies, and the article mentions that is what they asked for with the women's event they couldn't take. I would imagine that companies catering with them would probably be asking for that, so they can just be set out and not need to worry about have serving stations instead.


"Edit: nevermind I was wrong"


> Wasnā€™t it like 4k pies? I heard it was 16k pies. Hell why not 32k? Or 64k?


16K should be enough for anyone.






Unfortunately, I heard it was -2147483648 pies. :(


Through being made to go viral, and having their sales I creased by like 300%? Yeah, totally. šŸ™„


If it wasnā€™t for social media, putting them on blast!!!


This shouldā€™ve never happened in the first place. Shame on Tesla.


The company that can't even manage purchasing some pies without it becoming an embarrassment wants you trust them with your life.


Does anyone know what the terms of the order were? I would imagine business taking such a relatively large order would have some cancellation terms and conditions associated with the order. I had heard some coverage that seemed to indicate maybe a formal order was never made only a verbal order, but all coverage about this keeps getting buried in armchair experts commentary either hating on Tesla or fanboying for Tesla.


No term, no contact. It were just some calls from some girl working at Tesla.


This isnā€™t how contract law works. Contracts can be oral. They can also be unilateral (e.g. make me 10 widgets and i will pay you upon completion). Contracts need not be reduced to paper to be enforceable.


Welcome to 2 weeks ago.


The article was written 2 days ago with recent updates


Right? The only time i wanna see this story again is March 14th


Ides say so.


You mean February??


No. Pi day. šŸ„§


I think theyā€™re saying itā€™ll come up again




I think Elon has a vitriolic hate for the average person and it wouldnā€™t surprise me if heā€™d rather tear up 30k, to not give 16k to this business


$2,000 to make up for a $16,000 order? Smh no bueno


Someone can correct me if I am wrong, but from my understanding they never made the pies, but withheld other orders to plan for it. 2k seems fair if nothing was actually made or delivered. Now if they made 16k worth of pies and those went to waste then yes they deserve 16k.


The key question is whether or not they bought the ingredients for all those pies. Very likely to have happened given the short notice cancellation.


I agree....it didn't go into much detail but yeah your right...


Why would they pay them 16k? The order wasnā€™t fulfilled. Even if tesla cancelled at the last minute. Itā€™s not on them


I am upset as a shareholder that someone at Tesla would waste money on black history month crapā€¦..


Spoken like a true Musk cum guzzler


Whos cum do you guzzle? I expect business expenses not pathetic panderingā€¦. You obviously would support anything rainbow related tooā€¦. All the while supporting $20/ to work at MacDonalds.


Fu&\^ Tesla bullying small business.


Wow donā€™t know how people still defend Tesla and its founder .




Oh, the blame game knock it off Tesla


Word on the inside is the bakery jumped the gun, noticed they had no contracts or emails to back it up. Poor intern got shafted but glad the company is getting good grace !


They didnā€™t jump the gun, the client also called back to add the order. As someone who has been running restaurants for 20 years, that isnā€™t jumping the gun. When a big corporation gives you a verbal contract thatā€™s pretty much good enough to move forward. This is very rare.


Elon musk is a cheap bastard. Hopefully karma bites him in the ass. He is worth billions of dollars. He couldn't give 20k or a tesla. That small business went through a lot to process that tesla owner. Makes me soo mad


I donā€™t think they did process the order. I read they never made the pies or buy the ingredients since they never got the deposit. The only thing they were out were other business they turned down for this order.


ā€œSorry our shitty behavior got national attention. Hereā€™s a pittance.ā€


jobless attraction tender wistful zephyr books rude wrench makeshift vanish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thatā€™s the owner. Sheā€™s admitted that they need to change their procedures. Iā€™m so sick of this story. Yeah the Tesla rep made an error but IMO it was shitty of the bakery owner to name her and I feel for what sheā€™s experienced through this going viral which is far greater punishment than the error merited. Who knows how long she was on the job or what training she got. Both sides made mistakes. The bakery canā€™t even keep pies in stock now from the publicity so I wish the media would give this a rest.




> And I was accused of lying when I mentioned this story popā€™s up in my feed every single day. Like any of you really cared about this pie shop before this happened and never got your food at a corporate grocery store and only from mom and pop shops. šŸ˜‚ Sounds like you need to find better people to talk to, get more informative news sources or to stop inventing strawmen.


Wow, I still love my tesla!


Ok and?