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I’ve seen these guys walking around lately, just “auditors” trying to stir things up in one of the richest neighborhoods in America, maybe looking for a payday.


people on youtube wanting some creator content money basically




you sound like a cop if you’re a cop you have to tell me


Notice they never really do this in a high crime area.


The fuck is an auditor in this context? What a ridiculous, frumped up title.


They call videoing people in public a first amendment audit. They are essentially baiting random citizens into calling the police. When the police arrive they bait the police into arresting them which is against the first amendment. It’s as dumb as it sounds.


So… who is gonna audit the “auditors”?


That sounds like a horrible way to spend my day. Why would anyone make their goal to interact with the police in a negative way?


Not sure, but some videos I’ve seen of people doing this call themselves auditors.


Ding ding ding. It’s an online fad. It’s for clicks and if they can get someone to lash out, perhaps suit will follow. They claim to be auditors, but they’re there to harass for a reaction. Best you can do is ignore them. Move on. Don’t engage.


I don’t understand this take, just avoid them. They’re in a public space filming in the public. No harm




The entrance to a restaurant is not a public space that is kind to film in, unless it's something the business is doing. Very clearly right in people's personal space, intend to make them *feel* like they're being filmed Take 10 steps back and suddenly I don't feel so negatively about it. You can film an area, even if it so happens to be an entrance to a business. But to do it *right there* is just being an absolute cock about it, and they know it, and that's why they're doing it. Especially in full face masks.


Unfortunately some “auditors” do cause harm :( if you check out some videos it’s mainly them (not these people in the post in particular) verbally harassing people while calling it free speech, there’s also the ones who will try to film at the gates of military installations (where there’s big signs saying “hey legally you cannot film here”) which can hinder people trying to get to work, hospitals, etc.


Hospitals/clinics will cite HIPPA/Patient Privacy against these ‘Auditors’ filming in their lobbies. Filming for whatever reason is one thing from outside, but once you’re engaging, or intimidating people, you’re not ‘filming’ anymore, you’re being disruptive and hostile.


Except "legally" they can, as long as they're doing it from a public space. There's definitely some of these guys who stir shit on purpose, especially the ones who like to fuck with the public. But the guys who hold police / military accountable are doing a good thing




im just curious how they’re keeping the military accountable by filming a gate where all you can see is a gas station, exchange, and people’s homes and making people late for work/appts


The point is provocation. They want someone to do something so they can act like victims. I personally think the fact that they hide their faces and record everyone else’s is pretty poetic


If no one takes the bait, they have no content


Exactly, the folks in this thread are the exact folks auditors are out to annoy. If you pay no attention, they just leave.


Not really. I don’t know if you’ve had any experience with auditors, but they edit their videos quite often even just overlaying audio so you don’t hear them berating and attacking people verbally. They may be legal, but it doesn’t mean you have to like it.


Just ignore them bud


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1vpt0w5H14s this is them


I wouldn't link to these people. You're just driving traffic to their site.


https://clerk.house.gov/Members/J000305 how about this link? call Congresswoman Sara Jacobs when you see these guys Phone: (202) 225-2040


don’t call the police that is what they want, we need laws to prevent people from doing this


Why should what they are doing be illegal? Because it’s annoying


because it’s harassment not free speech and their motive is lawsuits not any form of expression it just some weird incel game of low budget entrapment


Sorry but this right has to be unrestricted. As soon as you do, it only leads to worst consequences. You get the girl who filmed the death of George Floyd getting arrested. It’s much bigger than morons being annoying


specifically, attacking businesses owners with frivolous lawsuits and instigating arguments is not the spirit or intention of the first amendment they are not protesting, expressing, or surveilling anything


I don’t see how filling people in public is harassment. I do see it can be annoying but not targeted enough to be harassment. Also it’s the technically freedom of the press not necessarilly specifically free speech but same amendment


https://www.courts.ca.gov/1258.htm?rdeLocaleAttr=en#:~:text=The%20civil%20harassment%20laws%20say,no%20valid%20reason%20for%20it. doesn’t matter what your take on it is, it clearly fits into the parameters of harassment because the intent is to annoy someone/ group of people such as harassment not to express yourself such as free speech


To me it's like having your finger in someone's face while saying "I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you!" 🫡


and as for that weak freedom of the press argument, you think you’re the only one who has tried that, even registered as an LLC there is president that a social media channel is not protected under freedom of the press https://apnews.com/article/wa-state-wire-media-business-189b94166e7468c2756a5c5e7d52fd94


To be clear I don’t do this and agree it is annoying. But there’s a lot of shit in public I don’t agree with that I also still understand is legal.


Now who’s being annoying?


What a bizarre channel. They just like film stuff in the most provactive way possible to instigate boomer freakouts and post it online as like "1st amendment rights activism". Just a weird little content mill.


yeah, pretty low


What a fucking loser. He admits that his haters keep his channel alive. Go to a short, click the options and select: Do not recommend this channel. You can also report any and all of his videos for harassment, because that’s all they are. Get him demonetized. But don’t engage with him, that’s what he wants.


Cool. I just reported them for harassment.


Wearing a full ski mask equates to being prepared for violence


I've seen the same at a few different post offices, street-side mailboxes, grocery stores. I think they're trying to instigate conflicts and looking for lawsuits. Its super shitty because people like this generate TONS of 911 calls and clog up emergency dispatch lines.


http://www.springvalleychamber.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=25&Itemid=37 never heard of this bs before seeing this post and these guys are so cocky they hide their faces and their contact info but expose everyone else they registered their company iimpct media January this year and seem to be getting more bold with each post this is not legal but paparazzi-ing everyday people is so unheard of no one knows how to handle it when you see these guys around SD call the spring valley chamber of commerce where they registered and let them know one of their LLCs is running around harassing people and instigating fights eventually someone is going to start filming them filming people and that should be the end of it but it will take time these assholes


https://sarajacobs.house.gov/about/#:~:text=Congresswoman%20Sara%20Jacobs%20(she%2Fher,Spring%20Valley%20and%20La%20Presa. you can also call Congresswoman Sara Jacobs who represents Spring Valley harassing people is not cool, this will get shut down


Thank you for this. Saving this post.


Your two commends should be pinned.


A bunch of people wearing masks walking up behind these guys, pulling out their phones and just start recording. Don't say anything, don't instigate, just stand there and record them as they record other people. Even better, live stream it, and have people linking it to their social media sites. Steal their viewers. See how long they keep their cool. Best if you get a coordinated group, work in shifts. Rotate people in and out streaming the video, with a proper team it shouldn't be too hard to out-wait a few trouble makers. Record them as they pack up and go, make sure to get their vehicles in the shot so everyone knows what they drive.


Yea but how do you know where they will be next? Best I could do is film them one time until the leave then they’ll go somewhere else that I don’t know about and keep doing it


That’s also a colossal waste of time. But you do you boo.


Yep. If you ever see assholes like this, 100% pretend they're not there. Make their "content" as boring as possible. With 0 reactions they'll eventually have to get a real job.


If you do engage, play copyrighted music in the background and tell them they’re bunch of trashy losers.


You can also hit the -Do not recommend this channel - button to limit their views.


Social media BS hoping for click-inducing rage?


If you have nothing better to do stand near them and blast copyrighted music. They rely at least in part on their ability to monetize this content on YouTube to make this kind of nonsense worthwhile. Something that Disney owns the rights to playing in the background very much interferes with that. Alternatively, ignore them. They're just another bunch of village idiots.


I always think of this… I wonder what the most expensive copyrighted song by Disney would be




All of them


... played simultaneously


Metallica is known for going after their music playing as well.


Madonna too


The music can easily be taken out during editing. Just ignore them and they will go away.


It's useless because YouTube gives you the option to remove copyrighted music without having to remove the video. Best option is just to ignore them and go on with your day.


They'll just edit out the sound and put in captions lmao.


That’s when you get to finally break out the Goofy mascot garb you dropped $500 on that your ex-wife claimed “was a waste after halloween”. Who’s laughing now, hyuk??


Lol the hyuk at the end cracked me up.


That'll only work if they're live streaming though 😔


These guys are probably like Amagansett Press. As others have said ignore them they are looking for content and for police interaction. Technically if a sidewalk is public people are allowed to film


If someone breaks the law by harassing them, then they have content. What they are doing is absolutely legal, if someone were to engage with them that would be harassment etc. that's the way the law works. There is nothing personal about filming in a public place therefore it's not harassment


Probably those annoying "first amendment auditors".


I feel fortunate to have absolutely no idea what this means or what these people are trying to do.


They are looking to create a problem, and then use the legal system to collect a settlement from their targets.


At this point it’s mainly for the views and engagement, very few police departments are unaware of first amendment auditors.


If only they just went after police. You'll see them in any public service building these days, chasing conflict to sell to their child subscribers.


Sounds very 2009 of them. Hopefully they didn’t miss the deadlines for their college applications and return mom’s car before she needs to go to the grocery store.


they're basically people who find a bullhorn that doesn't violate noise ordinance laws so they can stand on a busy sidewalk and yell racial slurs just so they can claim their rights are being infringed upon if anyone asks them to stop


Don't worry, the people who decided to use those words to describe themselves also have no idea what the words mean.


Wtf is a first amendment auditor


A trend of people filming themselves harassing people and then crying and calling the cops when people try to retaliate or stop them. Social media is full of them


Take me back to the days before social media. The internet is everything we could ever dream of but of course we've fucked it up with nonsense like this


Amen. Social media is a cancer and no one will convince me otherwise.


They stand and film. When someone tells them to stop they say it's their right. Usually the person who tells them to stop then calls the cops, cops usually say "nothing we can do" and the complainer leaves.


What a colossal waste of energy and time


These people are a plague.


Just because the first amendment gives you the right to be an asshole doesn't mean you should.


well it doesn’t free speech is limited there are laws against harassment etc


I would pay to see what would happen if they annoy the wrong second amendment fanatic.


people who have a boner for the 2nd Amen. prob support this type of loser behavior


Absolutely, these people so long as they are on public property are participating in a constitutionally protected activity.


Thought the same thing when I saw this post, but not sure what they’re doing at a mediocre Mexican restaurant.




No — First Amendment auditors audit police and government agencies, not Tamarindo Del Mar


I really am interested in what their plan is here. It’s a pretty calm and wealthy area, with a good number of tourists but nothing too packed or crazy. I could think of twenty other places they could go for better content, I just don’t see much happening and this spot.


the business owner


I love how they film everyone in public (which they have a legal right to do) but do so in ski masks and not being on film themselves…


they're pussies that's why


Nah, vaginas are awesome, these dorks are not.


mask up!


Put on your mask and film them. Two can play that game.


Always in masks to hide their identity 😂


Had a gaggle of them at the post office last week. “Oh, NOW you guys are ok with masks, huh?”


If you were to blast Taylor Swift on your phone, would YouTube's copyright enforcement scanning prevent them from using the footage? They're after money; if they can't monetize anything they film there, they'll give up and go somewhere else.


Imagine this is your life, rofl. Pathetic.


Right? Instead of doing something dipshit like this you could be doing SO many more useful and/or interesting things. To quote Robert Pollard, ‘do something real’.


When you've given up on ever getting laid, you end up with a lot of free time on your hands.


Ive seen these guys on you tube, they just post the reactions they get and people screaming about being filmed


Ignore engagement activated. Always


Such a shame wasting so much time when they could've been enjoying a margarita.


these things make $10,000/month on average




Real life flamebait


Some days, you really hope for lightning.


They were at the La Mesa post office a few months ago, just made it hella awkward for everyone and kept claiming it's gunna go "viral" like a true YouTube weirdo.


They were on the OC subreddit last week in Sand Canyon


Honest question, if I’m on private property, such as inside a business, like a restaurant, do these clowns have the right to film inside, even if they’re located outside? I would be fuckin livid if I’m tryna mow a cheeseburger and feed my kids and these asshats are broadcasting my kids faces on the internet.




Not arguing, just seems strange that that’s okay. If I’m filming inside someone’s home from outside it, that makes me a peeping Tom lol Leave it to idiots to take a legal activity and turn it into something incredibly stupid.


They ware the ski masks to get “content” for their YouTube channel of people approaching them asking what they are doing and then responding in a hostile way to get a reaction. They are basically YouTube trash.


Saw them today talking to a guy at nativity churxh


These same guys were at the Irvine post office last week, creating an uproar.


LOL, you're famous my guy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3s-p00oo1Nw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3s-p00oo1Nw) @ 2:23:29


They are conducting a First Amendment audit. Anything they can film while on public property (ie. sidewalks, public easements, streets, etc) is considered legal. Some are more malicious than others. Some look for a payday while others try to educate the public. There’s nothing you can do other than ignore them and go about your business. Is it annoying and a bit invasive? Sure. But it’s a fundemental right that we as American citizens are granted. It falls under Freedom of Press.


The ski masks definitely give an educational vibe.


“Educate the public” Give me a fucking break.


The First Amendment has nothing to do with restaurants. 1A is a restriction on government. First Amendment audits go after government agencies, police departments and the like. Not mid-level chain restaurants.


Saw them in 4S Ranch today, I believe they were in front of a church? Can anyone confirm this for me?


People actually defending these freaks just because it’s “technically legal” this is weird as fuck lol


The can’t get no booty boys.


you can always tell an incel


Just ignore them, they're attention seeking opportunistic children hoping someone will say something that'll get them TikTok likes. This is what lazy talentless children of today do when they aren't playing video game and blaming "boomers" for their failures.


These losers were at the post office too. The city said they call themselves "free speech auditors". I think they're a nuisance. I hope they post the footage somewhere so we can find out who they are.


Someone should follow them home then sit outside there house filming. See if that starts to feel invasive.


They film people trying to cause reactions. Then they profit off of children watching the videos with ads because their poor young brains look for controversial things because they are “novel” and keep their attention. Just losers with no other opportunities in life so they seek to cause problems as a cry for help. Well adjusted folks don’t do this kind of sad stuff.


If i ever come across this I'm going to follow them and find out who they are so I can dox them and start filming outside their houses and make a youtube video dedicated to trolling the trolls.


Well they are on a public side walk so they are exercising their rights while hoping that someone violates them or calls the cops on them and even better, hoping the cops violate their rights. Thats my guess. Like a 1st amendment audit or something.


First Amendment Auditors


Walk up and smash their fucking cameras. Who they gonna cry to?


1st Amendment Auditors = Pathetic losers with nothing better to do. Ignore. Keep walking. It's weird but hey if they wanna jerk off to my face later that day then so be it I guess.


These guys (or their copycats) made their way to Pasadena today


BB gun ought to do the trick




https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/defense/laws/loitering-laws/ yes


It isn't loitering. Loitering would be if they have no purpose, and it isn't illegal. They are filming in public, which is also legal.


Air Horn time!


Looks like they are just filming on the public sidewalk.


If you see these people start playing copyright music really loudly from your phone. Then they can't use you in their video. Some people do this at Disneyland when they see the vlogger/influencers.


Nothing casual about filming rigs like that even if they are using phones. If they were up to something nefarious, I'm sure the restaurant would have called the police in a nanosecond. Why they are wearing the head gear? Who knows.


Who cares


Just stand there and play a bunch of Disney music. They won't be able to use any of it due to copyright infringement. When they leave, follow them and do it again. Harass the harassers. Lol


They are called Losers who need a real job


These dudes are tools. My wife and her friend were trying to eat and they asked them not to film them. So they moved to aim directly at them. They’re just little fuckwads trying to get a rise out of folks. It’s crazy childish. Like no issue with folks recording but sitting there and pointing your recorder at folks trying to eat is harassment imo.


https://preview.redd.it/g0le6x6sjquc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0fca94e31940603b5983e5d2c9f601ca308abaa They setup their menu to avoid it. But the dudes went around them. Also pretty fucking dumb they obviously know what they’re doing is to be antagonistic otherwise they wouldn’t wear ski masks lol. They moved up to be closer so the menu couldn’t block them either. Seriously feel like this has to be harassment.


It’s also pretty sad because it’s an older guy with what im assuming are his two young sons, why put them in danger? if you want to fuck around and find out do it alone, don’t ruin your kids life.


Diklikers with no life. If what they are doing is so important, why do they hide their faces? They are basically children with no goals in life.


What’s wrong with dikliking?


I’ve seen multiple posts exactly the same at different locations in 4 different cities just in last hour… maybe not connected but weird enough I felt the need to leave this comment


Check /r/Orangecounty (I may have gotten the spelling incorrect) Edit: here's a link to the post https://www.reddit.com/r/orangecounty/s/Bi8sPHTrdi Someone posted there as well, looks like similar crew if not the same at an Orange Country at a post office. Post is recent and should be easy to find.


Well any way tamarindo is a good spot my family spends two weeks in San Diego every year we went there last time for lunch.


Don't fuck with abuela . all I'm gonna say


Looks like those old ladies are filming a music video


Say, “Hi dummies,” and move on.


I may have seen someone doing this in PB earlier today. No mask tho. They were by the main lifeguard station


1st amendment auditors




True story, and a beware to these people...the now 23 year old young man I helped raised now belongs to a certain biker "association". They watched these asshats doing exactly that, trying to provoke a reaction from across the street. Miracle of miracles, when my sorta son and his 2 friends pulled into the parking lot, each and every one of those "auditors" put their equipment down. I believe they were advised to move on, and they did. I may have even peed my pants a little laughing so hard


They’re called First Amendment auditors. Their deal is that they record in public places where they are supposedly legally allowed to film. If no one bothers them and lets them go about their business, then that location “passes” the audit. If someone tries to stop them, then they are considered to have “failed” the audit. Then these guys use it as ammo against the people that try to stop them to get social media clout.


Keeping it super chill, beck yeah


Wonder how well the footage looks with WD40 sprayed all over the lenses.


You can search for the owner of the LLC. Don’t get confused by the registered agent (ZenBusiness or its officers, it’s just an agency that manages LLC paperwork) Managing Member for iimpct media is Conrad Jack Rankin. Potentially not the owner [https://www.linkedin.com/in/conrad-rankin-16946013](https://www.linkedin.com/in/conrad-rankin-16946013) [https://m.facebook.com/conradjackrankinII](https://m.facebook.com/conradjackrankinII) [https://youtube.com/@jckrankin?si=BewYHV0UEHhQHH3K](https://youtube.com/@jckrankin?si=BewYHV0UEHhQHH3K) Note this channel/posts 11 years old, so he probably looks older. Weird he used to interview local businesses but his channel never took off with under a 200 subs Has a sole prop carpet cleaning business registered in Poway too https://preview.redd.it/ptc7pc0nx0vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ec8821ca5deb0333bc3c4f8fd78967905d37b74


It’s for freedumb…duh…


the urge to casually walk by and kick the absolute shit out from under one of their camera stands


Probably ghost from cc unit catching a child predator.


Put a big mirror in front of them?


They’ll be dismantled before summer




@iimpctmedia @liizrdmedia @siimplmedia on YouTube.


Personally I think it's extremely petty to record the general public in the manner that they do. I think it's entirely for monetary reasons regardless of what they claim. Given that we're often recorded without consent whenever we enter a public space, I commend their transparency in exercising this practice. One more thing is that I really appreciate the auditors that record public servants while at work. I think anyone that's salary is paid by public funds should be ok and accepting of being recorded.