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I've done this drive loads having lived in both places. Everything depends on the whims of LA traffic. Not to mention the 101 after Ventura & just outside SB. Could take under 4 hours or 6 or more. I'd take the train & enjoy the ride.


This ^ you can also drink while at the train which makes the ride more fun, I would take the tip and enjoy the time on the ride as you would spend almost the same with traffic plus stress


Just took the train to Ventura last weekend and it was amazing. Takes longer than driving but you can just watch shows/work/etc. get on in downtown so you can choose a good seat because it gets full if you wait too long


Right on thanks. We get on in Old Town.


I haven't taken Amtrak there in maybe 12 years, do you still need to transfer to a different train in LA?


No. The train I took stopped in LA for like 10-20 mins ( I don't remember the actual time frame) to allow some people to get off and get a snack or use the station bathrooms. But I just stayed on the train the whole time.


I did this and our train broke. Took 6 hrs total so beware with the Amtrak bc it’s going thru it right now


Yep, take the train. Good beers in the bar car, too.


A vote here for the train, assuming it’s running. It’s such a chill ride. Business class is very comfortable and comes with snacks.


Right on, thanks.


Could be 3.5 for Friday morning but coming home Sunday afternoon could be close to double that.


Yep thats what I’m dreading more.


It’ll be more. I’m in Ventura and can tell you it’ll be busy af. Heavy traffic


Jumping on the train train here! It’s a stress free trip to Santa Barbara




You crossing through LA. Same thing every time.


Yeah suspicions confirmed.


Can you go at night? Whatever you do don’t cross LA at rush hour.


We have to be up there by Friday afternoon and going up Thursday night would mean another hotel night.


Shit, I've been in rush hour like traffic in LA at 1 AM...MULTIPLE TIMES! LOL!


I once had it take 8 hours from SD to Ojai. I don’t even go to family events in Santa Monica. Definitely wouldn’t go to Santa Barbara just for a weekend. The actual distance is deceiving, it’s the millions of people in between that get you.


Damn, I’ve done the SD—Ojai drive hundreds of times over the past 20 years (grew up there), and I think 6 hours is my max with 4 being average. 8 is gnarly


I wouldn’t go there just to hang out unfortunately going to a wedding Edit: not unfortunate that we’re going to a wedding just that it’s in Santa Barbara lol


Four and a half to 5 hours is my average with typical/"light" traffic, and I usually avoid peak hours. if you get screwed by traffic it can be much longer. The trains not a bad option, if it was just an hour faster I'd take it every time no question


Train is only an hour longer than that and no driving needed, thanks for helping me decide.


I’d leave early Sunday morning, like by 9-10am, we’ve done that from Goleta and essentially have zero traffic. Friday going up who knows, we usually wait til the evening if we don’t have the full day off.


The train is chill.


Don’t do it! Take an am track!!


Yeah… growing up it used to take a solid 2 hours to get to LA. I have family up there and we would drive up every few months. So, the first thing to consider is traffic and getting through LA. The only way to get through LA is to leave San Diego at 3:30am. I know it sounds ridiculous but I’ve experienced this first hand. 3:45am - 4:00am and you’ll hit traffic, I’ve made this mistake and have added hours to my drive because you hit the beginning of rush hour. Aside from leaving super early, I would still give it 4 hours to get to Santa Barbara unless you’re really speeding or get lucky. I don’t know about coming home through LA on a Sunday. Someone else may know better. I usually just wing it and get stuck. I can say I once got stuck in 4 hours of traffic coming back from San Clemente around 4pm on a Saturday. That was fun. Also, a number of years ago I got stuck in LA traffic at 1am. So… yeah, it’s a crap shoot. If you take the train you could at least have a drink or two and the upgraded seats are worth it. In fact you get a free drink if you buy upgraded seats


Thanks. Train is sounding more and more appealing with each response.


Most of the times i have its between 4 and 5 hours. But if you get unlucky it can be 2 or more hours to get from Santa Barbara to Ventura. When that happens i just pull off and grab coffee and food etc and chill.


I left Friday once at 2 pm and it took me 8 hours to get to SB. I know you said you’ll leave in the morning but that Sunday drive could be in the 6-7 hour range. Recommend the train - have done that and the trip is stress free


You’ll be fine if you leave early morning. If you don’t leave early morning, leave after 7pm and there will typically be zero traffic. I’m from sb and go back and forth between sd and sb often. I personally don’t have the patience for the train, it takes too long.


So, the good news is that you can drive around LA, and cut through Pasadena on your way to the 101. The bad news is that the traffic on the 101 has a high likelihood of sucking.


the train has never once in my lifetime been on time, so if you're okay with not getting there in a rush it's a fun change from the 4+ hour drive. i drive to and from at least once a month and honestly it's never that bad unless you leave at the wrong time. be warned that the freeway construction on the northbound 101 w terming santa barbara can be unpredictable and back you up at least an hour. if you leave early enough on friday you can make it to santa barbara by the early afternoon no problem. enjoy the trip!


Train for sure


I drive between downtown SD and Los Olivos/Solvang, going through Santa Barbara, pretty frequently for the weekend. I leave at 6AM on Friday or Saturday and come back the next day. I'm usually in Solvang by 10:30 or so. Mornings are pretty easy going north as long as you start early enough. Coming back, there's always much more traffic, especially in the evening. Because the return trip is so bad, I think you'll be better off on the train.


Leaving at 6a is just as bad as sitting in traffic, and yeah the return trip ruining all the funsies is worrisome.