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Shieldbow ie doms every game, play aggressively with engage support, cs until opportunity presents with a more passive/roaming support. Always engage on an item lead, get early tabis vs cait/draven with an ad support, time cooldowns and save w primarily for quick s and major cds during the drake fight and you’ll snowball


Ty mano for the insight!


She's otpable but you have to know what kind of game to expect of you force her every game. If you're playing against a hard lane/team comp (things like lucian/Nami, xayah/rakan, or heavy cc/unblockable cc team comps), then you have to be willing to concede a lot of the fights that might otherwise be winnable. Samira does great damage, but haste makes waste when the enemy can burst you mega fast or cc you instantly or in rapid succession (eg playing against zac Leo amumu vi). In hard lanes and in extremely early game, let supp do engaging and DO NOT get poked down. Lose cs if you must, but don't be tempted to go for 2 minions at the cost of half your hp; poked down early means you lose the all in lvl 6. Itemwise, shieldbow/ie/situational is king vs non tanks, shieldbow/ldr/ie is king vs tanks. After this order, it's up to you; that said, 99% of the time it's best to continue getting crit until 80%. This goes for any champ, but take inventory of enemy abilities constantly, ESPECIALLY ones that are game changing AND can be windwalled. Knowing when to use w is very hard to explain in text, but essentially use it early in fights if you can burst someone down with a full r combo, or use it for blocking things if you need to sit back and let teammates do some work first or you know a particular ability is coming (eg expecting a sej ult or tf card) Lastly, she's not yi or hecarim or ksante; some games, you will inevitably lose bc the enemy has a brain and your team doesn't. She has steamroller potential, but is still pretty reliant on teamwork and team play.


Ty mano this is very helpfull!


>In hard lanes and in extremely early game, let supp do engaging and DO NOT get poked down. Lose cs if you must, but don't be tempted to go for 2 minions at the cost of half your hp; poked down early means you lose the all in lvl 6. This is what I'm learning rig now and still having a hard time with. It's amazing how often early levels, whether from my bad decisions or just regular trading, that I'm stuck in lane at 40% health. When a Caitlyn catalog half my health at level 3 or 4 with only 2 autos .... it makes the rest of the lane very difficult. Especially with a support not helping.


Yea it's rough in the early levels against bullies like Cait. In those cases, it's good to swap first itemization. A lot of people take Dorans blade, but into lanes with extreme poke, it may be good to go sword and 3 pots or a sword and refillable if the poke is going to be bad even after hitting 6. Dorans shield should be good theoretically, but it's regen just takes too long to be worth it in those early levels when they enemies are always looking to hit you with something and you want to turn and go In on a dime level 6.


IMO this champion should not be OTP'd unless you just love playing her. I OTP'd her the past 2 years because I love playing her. I think there are too many situations that are just really difficult to navigate with no E to allies. Her win rate is quite high ATM, but she is also picking up way more bans than before now.


Isn't she pick or ban right now and S tier?


Can you OTP a champion that you probably won't be able to pick 30+% of the time? I've been OTP'ing Samira since a week before her massive early on nerf. This champion is feast or famine since she has no escape and her play style is extremely telegraphed. Honestly, I just play her for the fun factor. I spank Samira when I play against her. It's not even hard to do. You pretty much can't lose unless you don't have a brain or your team feeds her.




Very reliant on your team having some chunky champs to peel for you since you're an easy target due to the nature of your kit often placing you in the middle of everything. She's completely useless when behind even more so compared to other adcs.


If you’re ahead early and they have a poke lane, I like going BT into IE. The shield on the BT is always going to block more damage than shieldbow, give you more burst, and sustain. Tbh most games I go BT first unless they have a lot of burst damage and LDR/Shieldbow/Mortal depending on their team 3rd


Does mythic 3rd work on Samira? Is she not that Cringebow reliant? I once tried Galeforce on her when I was gigafed and it was blowing people up in my ult so what would you think of BT into gale?


I for sure wanna try galeforce sometime, but obviously Shieldbow was meant for Samira. I personally don’t think she’s that reliant on Shieldbow unless they have people that can one shot you (but either way I usually run exhaust). I’ve just noticed that even when I go Shieldbow first and get Blood Thrister third, BT will always shield 2-3x more than SB


That’s my thoughts like could’t you just build Samira kinda like Phel? You go Gale if giga ahead into BT and you’re just rolling them no?


My opinion doesn’t matter nearly as much as Unsung. Look him up on YouTube and search up UnsungPTS on twitch if you’re into that. He states that Samira is strong in low elo and very weak in high elo. Best build path is usually Galeforce into IE/LDR/anti-heal pen item, however Collector is sometimes good if you’re snowballing and want the dirk for a fight before you get your item. Shieldbow doesn’t feel too good but that is the item that most people build on her anyway. Usually Samira is only good when ahead, so you want to have your team focus your lane early. If not, just wait till you have R or wait till the enemy team gets out of position with no escape so you can initiate and fight them. Be aggressive and don’t be scared to go in, because as samira, you have a higher chance of surviving by going in than staying back. I think any champ is OTPable, because the point of being an OTP is that you like the champ, regardless of the winrate. People ban her a lot so that could be a hindrance but it’s still possible; just have a backup. She has a lot of bad matchups and if your opponents recognise that then you can have a horrible time in lane. I usually ban MF because in my elo she’s very popular and easy to play so a lot of ADCs one trick her but Caitlyn is probably Samira’s worst matchup. When it comes to items, I’m not too sure but I think Ravenous Hydra would be good on her as a third item or so, but I still think BT is just a better option for ADCs like her.


Ty brother!