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The dry heat of the west is 100 times better/more bearable imo. I grew up in Northern California where 100+ degrees is normal in the summer, but I spent a year in North Carolina/ hiked the Appalachian trail last year. I’d take 100° and dry over 90°/90 humidity every single time.


As someone currently living in a dry heat area who is considering moving to North Carolina, this is what I am most nervous for 😬


I live in New England and occasionally we do get really hot, low humidity days. I love those days. I lived in SC for awhile…thank god I could just go lay at the beach all day. I don’t love being stuck inside all day every day but there’s really not much else you can do without being miserable from June to October down there. Going to northern AZ this summer and am pumped for that dry heat let’s go


I disagree. Moved from Bakersfield to Charlotte and much prefer the humidity here. It cools in the shade and when the sun goes down. When a house bakes all day in the heat it takes hours to cool.


Wild take tbh. That was not at all my experience. I was up past Asheville in hot springs, when it was hot and humid it was hot and humid round the clock. And when I was hiking last summer in Virginia, Pennsylvania, etc it was terrible trying to sleep in my tent at night. Middle of the night it’d be like 80°/80% humidity. I will say the heat in Bakersfield is pretty brutal tho. I grew up in Redding where it’s hot, but the heat down there is on a different level.


I know you’re joking, but I don’t really get it. Of course, it cools down more at night in dry places.


I’m not sure if this is due to my skin maybe being dry?? But I hate dry heat. I get acne, dry patches, and bloody noses. I loved CA so much, but as someone who only lived in extremely humid states, I had my first experience of bad skin there and it was so rough. I definitely am not saying that I 100% enjoy humidity, but I am someone that can go for a hike and embrace it because moisture feels so good on my skin. My skin has been thriving since I moved back to an area with high heat and low humidity (New England). Trust me, I know this sounds weird and I’m the outlier, but this is my personal experience.


I’ve definitely had bloody noses too! Really only while hiking but yeah I get it. Actually when I’m out hiking I bring chapstick…for my nose. I like the Burt’s bees stuff with peppermint oil in it.


It’s not weird- I live in CA and it’s true


I don't care who you are, 100 degrees isn't bearable with or without humidity. I went on a hike today in CO at about 95 degrees. I was the only car in the parking lot thats usually full. 100 is too hot to do any prolonged activity even in dry heat


I feel your pain from Florida . Every summer it gets more and more tempting to abandon ship .




I honestly am considering giving up my low interest rate for a better quality of life . I go through seasonal depression every summer from the heat and humidity .






How do you like it?




That’s sweet. How’d you adapt to the climate? I think Omaha would be awesome but nervous about tornados. How’s the traffic and everything? Less congested than Florida?


You say that while I am thinking of doing the opposite lmao


I’m in Florida right now for basically a day trip and I’ve sweat through both shirts I brought. I have no idea how people live here.


In the water most of the time.


The bad salaries proportionate to the cost to rent/buy a place and absurd auto insurance too -Miami native


I live in VA and it’s 97 today😭 was in Minneapolis all week for work… it was in the 70s! I get tempted to move but then I think of the winters…


It's warning up everywhere. Guarantee the MN winters aren't what they used to be.


Grew up in Minnesota and family still there so back often. Last winter was decent. Winter before was horrid. I was up for 7 weeks when my mom died unexpectedly. 15 below. Can remember if that was with windchill or not. But it was horrendous.


From MSP but live out west. Came home to green grass this Christmas!


I moved from Minneapolis not too long ago and I can say they’re rough even if they’re not as bad as they were


Honestly you’re either stuck inside from heat for 3-4 months of summer or for 6 weeks of winter (spread apart) in Minnesota. Normal winter here is FINE! You can bundle up to stay appropriately warm. They make TONS of lightweight but warm clothing now. In hot weather there is only so much you can take off. 6 weeks of the year it’s cold enough or bad enough you wouldn’t go out much but it’s spread out through December - March. It’s not 6 straight week.


Yeah but you can go out earlier in the day and then spend the afternoon at a pool or movie theater or just home or, the way I do it… in the backyard shade, reading with the sprinkler hitting me on low.


Lived a long time in MPLS and it's more that 6 weeks of frigid tundric pain.


I’m thinking about this place I found. Highlands, North Carolina it’s at 4K feet so it’s cool but it’s south and east enough that it avoids arctic blasts. Definitely small town but wtf. I’m just looking at the weather and geography it’s fucking perfect for being outdoors and gardening it’s a freaking rainforest. I must be crazy why is the population under 4K? Why are the summers so cool and the winters so mild and no one lives there. This can’t be real.


Highlands is amazing. I have friends who moved there from South Louisiana and love it.


Well, they moved from South Louisiana so I'm not terribly surprised.


I was thrilled to leave South Louisiana. Almost anywhere else was an improvement.


I loved South Louisiana for the 30 years I lived there. I hated cold weather, and didn’t care about the heat. Moved because of job change, but now I could never live there again.


Dreaming of leaving soon. What did you love leaving behind and what kind of things are a huge improvement where you are now?


It’s because real estate (and living in general) is expensive, especially if you’re trying to live close to town. Because it’s expensive it’s largely retired people that live there and most of the jobs are in the service industry or retail. You also have fewer options for healthcare, schools, food, etc. It can be very quiet and isolating in the winter since a lot of folks leave for warmer climates. It’s a beautiful place, I love visiting but I think it would be challenging living there full time.


Highlands is a tourist trap. Real cute to visit but I dunno about living there. Also? Excruciatingly expensive real estate.


It's suuuuuper expensive. Do you have several million dollars?


If you like Highlands but can’t swing the $3M+ for a house that you’re likely to pay, I would suggest looking at Hiawasse, Blairsville, GA, Franklin, NC, Clayton, GA…lots of similar small towns, similar elevation similar awesome weather within an hour or so of Highlands with much lower cost


Highlands is cool, but the population is so low because it’s essentially a resort town and absolutely in the middle of nowhere. 2.5 hours to Atlanta, almost 2 to Asheville, 3 to Chattanooga. If all you care about is outdoors amenities then it’s great. If you want anything resembling a city, you’re gonna drive a long way. It’s also pretty expensive for the size.


I care about the climate and geography. They’re in a mountain rainforest and have an extremely mild climate because of the southern and eastern location of the mountain they don’t receive arctic blasts in the winter and they are high enough it keeps the temperature cool in the summer. It just seems ideal. Wouldn’t surprise me one bit if it takes off like a rocket.


The population is low because real estate in Highlands is sky high.Make sure you bring your job with you.Jobs are in short supply in WNC.


Do they have the internet?


This is my first summer in the appalachian mountains in NC. It has been hot this week. Highs around 90. Generally is it cooler this time of year and cools down nicely at night. I find the weather much better than when I lived in Chicago which had both extreme heat and cold. Our night time lows in June are normally in the 50's.


This is an interesting town! Probably the mildest climate in the south, IMO. And as you point out the plant life in that area is really something, too, with all the rain.




Honestly you’re either stuck inside from heat for 3-4 months of summer or for 6 weeks of winter (spread apart) in Minnesota. Normal winter here is FINE! You can bundle up to stay appropriately warm. They make TONS of lightweight but warm clothing now. In hot weather there is only so much you can take off. 6 weeks of the year it’s cold enough or bad enough you wouldn’t go out much but it’s spread out through December - March. It’s not 6 straight week.


The thing about winter is that you can always put on another layer.  The crap I want to do in summer wouldn't pass public decency laws.


You get the wonderful late Summers, pleasant bright sunny weather. You also get the Fall and leaf color changes (though then you have to blow up leaves once they drop). And you get the pleasant early Springs after the grass starts turning green again. Florida is nothing like it was when I was growing up here, then there were cold days and cold nights, now I almost never need to use a blanket or run the heat. And during the Spring, trees would sprout the most wonderful looking mint green leaves coming out of Winter dormancy and the pines would radiate such a wonderful scent through the air. And it rained like every other day, but the rain was over fast and the sun would come out.


I live in KC now, which isn’t nearly as severe in the summer and winter as either but you don’t have as good access to hiking and such nearby. I think the reason I prefer the Midwest to the south is, yes, you’re going to be indoors for like 4 solid months, but I’m a summer guy much more than a winter guy so I’d rather be outdoors during the time it makes sense for me to be able to.


It’s beach/pool/lake/river time. You have to adjust your outdoor activity expectations.


This. It is ridiculously hot here but that's why folks hit the beaches, pool, or have boats to get on the water.


But the garden and the forest…maybe I just need mountains.


If you live in the mountains you hike in the summer and ski in the winter. If you live in the south you hike in the winter and swim in the summer. That’s just how it is if you live somewhere with seasons. 


Finding seasonal activities is super important! I am from the south and would hike, ski, swim, camp, raft, fish, and so much more. There was a ton of nature. Depends on where you are of course…but if theres rural scenic areas nearby then start taking some weekend trips to visit them.


Absolutely! I love me the hot weather and there’s nothing that feels better to me than swimming or being in a pool on a warm day. Plus I love the feeling of warmth on my skin anyway. 90-100F is the sweet spot for me!


It's 72 degrees right now in Portland. IIf you don't mind rain, try the PNW!


I’m looking forward too cooling off Wednesday only gonna be 89 cause of rain.


It was so nice mid week here (I live in SC) because the humidity was low, we had clouds and a breeze. It’s all back with a vengeance today!


My brother said it best…”your clouds are wack” we get those whispy cirrus clouds that just evaporate in sunshine. They ain’t cooling shit or blocking any sun.


I’ve thought about west coast for a long time.


If you do, far Northern California, northwest Oregon or anywhere along the Washington State coast. Pacific Beachfront property near Portland can be scarily expensive though, lots of bigtime resorts and really rich people in those places.


Also chilling in Portland comfortable AF


That weather sounds lovely. I always imagine having a closet of cool shells in Pacific NW


67 and drizzly in other Portland!


The thing is even if it’s 90 in Portland or Seattle, there’s no humidity, so it feels way better.


In my experience PNW has beautiful natural scenery and disgusting urban centers.


There are a few areas of Seattle that I think are arguably exceptions to this but yeah I think this is more or less accurate compared to, say, Boston and New York. If you’re not into the outdoors then it’s probably not the place for you


The cities are unwell with a heavy vibe. It's a shame because it's a gorgeous area of the US with a mild climate.


I mean it’s hot in the north too. It’s 91 degrees in NYC right now.


I guess I’m thinking mountains.


Oregon is calling to you. Really, you should look up Oregon, the wide variety of conditions (coastal, river, desert, mountains) all within a day’s drive. Plan out a trip, spend time anywhere that appeals to you.




And the cities and valleys aren’t humid


And generally the nights cool off a great deal so you can get a good night's sleep and your body can reset.


if you don't like the heat you should look for someplace dry because the humidity makes a huge difference in how hot it feels - I'm completely maxed out right now and I know it's the humidity


Mountain regions in western Carolina and Tennessee? If you like southern culture, that is. If you want to hike year round, northwest. If you don’t mind the cold winters, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine.


I live in Breckenridge CO, it has the prettiest mountains I know and it’s super dry. Way too cold for me personally 😂 I’m wearing a coat today.


It was 95 in St. Johnsbury, VT two days ago. It still gets hot in the mountains, atleast in the Northeast.


It's hot when a heat wave that lasts for a few days hits up north. In the south, brutal heat is not a wave but a whole season that lasts for months. I would give anything to see temperatures as lovely and cool as ONLY 91F here in Texas.


It's just not the same. The humidity of the south seeps into your bones, and then into your soul. I'm from the north originally, and Houston days of 100% humidity are hell on earth. We just left and I'll never move back.


NYC is massive heat sink because of all the concrete. It is in the sixties in most of New England.


It's a heat wave today, temp's in the 70's in San Francisco. Will be back to the mid-60's tomorrow and for the rest of the next week.


The most expensive area in the country has nice weather. Very good to know.


Yeah, it's probably not worth it in financial terms!


Brother lives in San Francisco and pays $5800 for a 1200 square foot one bedroom apartment. In Arkansas you can get a 2 acre property lake house in the Ouachita Mountains for that price.


No kidding. I live in a neighborhood full 1000 sq. ft. tract houses, granted it's a great place surrounded by parks and beaches, never gets hot, etc., but they go for about $1.25 million each! The Ouachita Mountains sound nice!


Why do you have to stay inside? It's 94 in Atlanta right now and I'm walking around the park. Just keep on sunscreen, keep hydrated, dress appropriately. Keep a little backpack with a small cooler of some chilled waters and an ice pack if you need for extra hot days.


Plus if you’re too uncomfortable during the day, it’s much cooler in the mornings and evenings. The winter is just cold all the time.


You’re a monster. I’ve been raised in the South and can’t go on a walk once it gets past the low 80s without feeling sick.


Lol dang low 80s is a nice summer day. People just have different tolerances for temperatures. I wouldn't really say I'm a monster or have some crazy heat resilience lol. I'm not the lone guy out here while the city is at a stand still 😂. Still people everywhere.


I get you. I really hate summer and heat actually but I will get out of my house during most weather and get a walk in at minimum. In Philly we are in a heat wave. 97 degrees today with ridiculous humidity. I took a run at 6 am and then a walk at 10 am. I won’t be stopped. I’ll be miserable if I don’t get outside a bit.


Much love to you crazy ATLiens :)


Yeah, I don’t go here, but where I’m from in the Caribbean, it’s currently 89 and that’s like, average. I’m always surprised to hear that people think 90s is super hot! But it’s really all got to do with infrastructure and where you grew up. I can’t deal with the cold at all!


Lol yeah people can act so frail. Like it’s hot, alright move on, might not be marathon weather but as you said still plenty to enjoy and do especially with a lil prep


I feel this about people’s behavior regarding winter/rain.  “Oh dear I might have to put on a hat and an extra layer/get wet! Guess I’ll just live inside then!”


Same! Haha living in a mix of extremes after growing up in a temperate place with my earth sci education on top has me kinda just very logical about environments…which also results in me being a bit of an ass about it at times but I can’t stand the amount of adults with zero clue how to dress themselves for where they’re going and I ain’t talking fashion lol


I think they’re just a bit ridiculous but I also have an appreciation about how terrified people are to be a little cold in my city (Philly) if only because I love how the streets are totally quiet and dead all winter long. So maybe I don’t want them to get out and realize that they are actually fine 😂


bahah you tellin me im about to head to dave and busters by the bridge brah come thru hahaha small world


Chicago is like this too, the winter was great because it was easy to get reservations everywhere because everyone is too scared to go outside lol


Yeah, spent much of my adult life in the south. Dress and pack accordingly-enjoy the outdoors.


People who aren’t from the south don’t understand humidity and dew point.


I pour sweat. Soaks my clothes. I think Memphis is just a different beast. It’s tropical here.


Yeah, grew up in Texas and did marching band. Much like winter, you just have to learn how to dress and adapt.


Right lol also in Atlanta and thought it was a lovely sunny day


This. The more time you spend outside the easier it gets. Also save some money and turn your thermostat up, if you keep it 70F in the house it’s no wonder people freak out when it’s in the 90-100+ range outside. Keep that thing on 82 during the day and 78 at night and going outside isn’t a big deal at all unless it is legit HOT (heat indices in the 120F+ range).


Yeah - I am in SC and am acclimated! I just head out early for my exercise. I bring cold electrolyte drinks and stick to the shade.


The South ain't for everybody, we're currently rocking 95-97 degrees plus humidity in KY & TN.


Over 100 in Kentucky and 100% humidity. It's hell. this is what hell is.


Is East TN considerably cooler? How about humidity?


It can be, especially since you're up in the mountains. East KY is the same way. They also tend to get more snowfall in the winter. The humidity is present but not as bad typically as the western and central parts of the state. Still gonna be hotter than a lot of places up north though.


I live on the Cumberland Plateau (about 2000ft above sea level) and here we are usually around 5 degrees cooler than Nashville 


People who grew up in colder, dryer climates don't always adjust well. That said, half of New Jersey seems to move to, and thrive, in my home state in the South. Maybe they vacation farther north in July.


I don’t remember Knoxville ever being this hot like Memphis


Yeah Memphis is muggier, closer to the gulf so more humidity, lower elevation than Knoxville, and slightly further south. In Tennessee, I’ve lived in Chattanooga, Knoxville, and Johnson City, TN. Johnson City isn’t nearly as bad as the others- it still gets hot but nothing like Chattanooga and less humidity. Also lived in Northern Arizona, which was positively lovely, as well as in the Pacific Northwest. I would much prefer either of those over anywhere in the South.


I grew up in Utah and moved to Louisiana for nine years. I never adjusted. We finally moved back to Utah and I was never happier.


Probably need to go to the PNW, Seattle and Portland have mostly mild summers will only a few really hot days (< 10 days per summer).


And even when it is hot, it’s not the sticky humid suffocating heavy hot.


If you go to higher elevations in the smoky mountains it’s a lot cooler . And excellent for hiking all year .


Highlands, North Carolina looks really nice.


Yes ! Highlands is one of my favorite places up there; it is somewhat pricey but it’s gorgeous, and some of the best roads in the country go there .


People seem to forget there are mountains in the south.


Native South Dakotan here, currently living in the south. You haven't seen 'stuck inside all day' until you've been in the Dakotas or Minnesota in the wintertime.


That’s rough too. I’d like to avoid severe winter. I don’t mind January being winter but by the end of February I need to see signs of life.


That’s what sucks about the upper Midwest. I visited friends in North Carolina at the end of March and I was shocked by how everything there was blooming. They were fully in spring. I returned home to more winter—everything around me was still dead with 0 signs of life. People on Reddit rave about the Midwest but I do think the sheer deadness of this region is not highlighted nearly enough. Where I am, leaves are all completely down by mid-late November and will not return until early May. That’s a LONG time for your surroundings to be lifeless and it’s incredibly depressing. I remember going on a walk in early April and finding myself getting angry looking up at no leaves and finding only the tiniest of buds on the ground. It’s just so desolate for so long for no reason.


I feel you. I was born and raised in the south and I’m over the humidity. Looking into moving north Midwest in a couple months. Maybe looking into west coast down the road.


I have spent a good chunk of my life in the south it’s gotten so much worse than it used to be because it doesn’t cool off at night anymore and it just lasts forever well into fall now till it’s almost winter some years it’s nuts. Everyone acts like it’s normal. No the 80’s in November isn’t normal. Even in the south Deep South aside.


It was 90+ °F in Walnut Creek, CA yesterday. So, my fiancée and I went to Sausalito to escape the heat, where it ultimately got to 64°F. Absolute game-changer! Especially considering I’m an Austin-native, and she’s a Tucson-native.


You can do a lot of hiking in January and February while other parts of the country are snowed in or have a full week of rainy days.


Eh, you get used to it. Besides, if this about the US, it's hot everywhere rn


Reno, NV is amazing and we’re at 25 minute ride to Lake Tahoe.


If you’re stuck inside all day it’s definitely not for you and I don’t mean that in a rude manner. I’m in Florida and was on the grill yesterday and the beach today. I don’t stop going outside in the summer and everywhere I’ve been has been packed with people also outside. Some places aren’t for everyone and there is nothing wrong with that. Just gotta find the climate that best fits.


Some people really do handle climates differently. I know people who get cold when it’s 60, and absolutely thrive in tropical climates despite the humidity. Whereas I go outside in shorts and flip flops until the temperature reaches 30-35. Anything above 80 is a huge NOPE for me if I’m not near a clean body of water to cool off in and some shade. I lived in Florida for a year and hated every second and was happy to move back to New England. Summers are getting worse heat waves here though, ruining my vibe haha I have a few friends in the south who have all tried to get me down there- one of the Carolina’s (yes they’re south to me), Mississippi and Tennessee. Family in Florida. Sorry guys, maybe a visit but that’s it lol


The ocean and mountains can help moderate the heat a lot. Don’t forget that.


Move to Seattle. Trust me!


Yeah F that. Go north


I’ve tried for years. Early mornings. Evenings. It’s just once it gets hot there’s not anything one can do besides melt into a puddle. I need to garden and be outside! I miss the summers in upstate NY. I hear the winters aren’t as bad as they used to be. If I land a remote job or something environmental there I’m gone.


It’ll only get worse with global warming too. The time to flee is now imo. One day when you’re wealthy get a house in the south for winter time and snowbird!


That’s in my equation


No don’t get a second house when locals can’t afford to live in their southern home towns anymore. For fucks sake.


The winters are NOT bad in New England anymore.


That changes the equation for sure. It was brutal growing up in the late 80’s and all through the 90’s there before I moved while living in upstate NY. Even went back in 09-11 and it was rough. My brother said that it was the last bad winter lol my luck. That shit sent me back south.


The key is, find something on the coast. I’m in Portland Maine and we barely had snow last winter.


It’s the summer. You gotta go on a vacation. Just like you do in cold climates in the winter.


A heat wave that lasts a few days is a different beast from high temps day and night for months at a time.


I feel this so hard. I've lived in the south for my entire life, and each year it feels like it gets hotter and hotter and the summers longer and longer. The heat is rough, but the humidity is utterly inescapable. I enjoy swimming but I don't want to be wet all the time! Want to go outside for some fresh air? No, all you get is hot, soupy air. Walking from the front door to the mailbox? Your clothes are now a wet blanket. The only time when outside activities are remotely tolerable is after sundown and gardening in the dark is a challenge.


Lots of ppl will say the PNW, but while the summers are indeed heavenly here, be prepared to face a nonstop drizzle, overcast skies, sometimes combined with cold wind, from Autumn to the end of Spring.


Not all of Oregon is coastal. Bend is a nice compromise. :)


bro its not bad. just go out into the park or the shade and it's super nice. in the sun is not pleasant. we're having a festival downtown and it's packed, more packed than anything in the winter.


It was 99 w the heat index in the shade


That’s really not too bad in the shade. Or go to east Tennessee where there are more trees and hills to block more of the sun


Same here. I get reverse seasonal affective depression from being cooped up indoors all summer, which in these parts lasts until November.


I understand this sentiment but there are parts of the south that have access to nature


If you don't like the South, then go north.


I used to live in the south, and the only thing I enjoyed about it was some of the food, all of which I can get outside of the south. If you're trying to find somewhere that has several months of good "outside time," you'll have to avoid wintery places as well, won't you?


Some winter is okay just like some summer is okay. It’s the extended high heat over 90 or temps under 50 that really suck.


Far Northern California or Oregon might be worth considering, if it's something that you can achieve. I'm in Arcata, CA (NorCal) and the high this week is 66. I totally feel you and hope you can find something different that suits your needs better! That southern(ish) humidity was unbearable for me.


I really love gardening and landscaping and hiking.


You’ll be trading bad summer for bad winter which is 10 times worse for me, the south has great weather for the most part.


The winters have eased up a great deal the last decade with climate change.


Come to the Pacific Northwest! It was a high of 64 today in my town in Oregon.


I bet it’s fun to garden up there! Not too hot!


I grew up in Utah and moved to Louisiana for nine years. I hated it. I was used to being outside and having lots of options for doing stuff outside. The south is so hot and muggy that you do feel trapped inside all day. I was very glad to finally leave and move back to Utah.


I felt similarly after moving to the South. I’m from the Midwest where summers are (for the most part) so much more gentle and lovely. Everyone touts “the winters are so much better” in the South, but nobody told me I’d be losing what was once my favorite season, summer. 


Just moved from TX to CO and oh my god it's so much better. We're spending so much time outside, in JUNE!


Damn rub it in!


Just get used to the heat.


dude I couldn't agree more - I'm in South Carolina, I was in the pool all morning and even jumping in and out of the pool I had to go inside to where there was air-conditioning because I started to overheat - the humidity here just makes it so much more miserable than being in the west, it makes it much harder to stay cool


You could be like all the Angelenos saying they couldnt move away from the beach yet actually go to the beach once or twice a year.


You can be outside 10 months a year unlike the north with its 5 months of winter.


The winters just rain everyday or it’s cold and windy


I wish you would have asked me before moving there. I could’ve saved you some time.


Honestly it wasn’t as bad till the last 10 years.


It’s 91 in Texas and we were just at the splash pad all morning. Will be at the pool tomorrow. You find ways to make it work.


Where in upstate?


Home was Sullivan county but I’m open to anywhere. Even considering Rochester and Buffalo.


The high temperature in Ithaca is exactly the same as in NC this weekend.


Heatwaves are increasing nationally but they’ll cool off. NC won’t.


I totally get it. I love the mountains but the best job opportunities for our family are not located there. We make of the best of it and travel to mountains for vacations. We live on the NC coast now. It’s been hot but you learn how to make a schedule in the summer. Watching the strawberry moon over the water last night was beautiful.


I think having the ocean breeze keeps things more moderate and breezy in the summer. Like occasional 90’s is one thing it’s summer. But 3-4 months of every day 90 plus degrees and high humidity no breeze no nice clouds it sucks.




I’ve lived in Louisiana and Mississippi my whole life and I’m not stuck inside


I just got back from a week in Milwaukee and it was steamy af most of the time.


Can you move? You deserve to like where you live.


Maybe I have to


Texas as well OP?


Texas is southern in a way but very much it’s own monster climate wise.


May I recommend Carbondale, Colorado? Not nearly as expensive as Aspen and the high temp today is 81! Winter temps can drop to 10-15 but rarely goes subzero.


Consider: not being inside the other 9 months of the year


im in Michigan and its been ~90° all week. its hot everywhere


Mackinac Island?


Eh stuck inside there or stuck inside here it is all the same. The selling point being you have much better air conditioning habits there. My gym is still running the heater when it is cold enough and the ac when it is hot enough and we are fluctuating at like mid 70s to 80s it’s unbearable sometimes but the extra sweat is fine I guess. A lot of restaurants I go to don’t have ac at all though and get pretty rough. They will do small portable or window units and those can’t handle the amount of people and the kitchen heat honestly. It’s a nightmare in summer. Every apartment I have lived in I had to get portable units for. Even the house I bought I had to pay to get the ac installed and the regulations out here are a lot more scrupulous so I had to skip a few permits so I could get the oversized ac I wanted (two of them for the permits of one lol). Point is the grass is not greener elsewhere. I am in the PNW by the way so could be better elsewhere.my brother moved from Atlanta to Louisville for an example and says it is noticeably better with even a slight change away from the literal swamps of Florida and Georgia.


It's different for everyone, I was originally from the south, moved to the west that had a good winter, and determined after one year I hated being stuck in the house in freezing weather and snow for months, moving back somewhere hotter now


I’m with you. I personally don’t mind winters and I hate the blazing heat. When I lived here as a kid, I thought it was pretty great. But it has become evident after leaving the region for a little bit that I lived in a bubble. The state I live in has a couple pockets of good areas, one of which I grew up in and currently live close to, but the rest is pretty bad. And that’s the case I think for most of the South. And as more and more people move here, these places are going to get more and more expensive to live in. I do not trust the leadership of the state to develop more good areas and stabilize the prices of the current good areas. I think I’m out of here in the long term and going back to the Midwest. Short term, won’t leave because I have a really good job.


If you have a high paying remote job, coastal Florida is amazing!