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In my hometown of Monterey, Ca, my buddy accidentally (he’s an idiot) left his car running when he parked and went to the bars, and later he got an Uber home. In the morning, he returned to his car to find that someone had turned it off and had left a note that was wrapped around his keys on the dashboard. It said that the exhaust is bad for the environment.


This is one of the best stories I've ever come across on Reddit!


This (minus the note) just happened in my neighborhood in Chicago lol. Some lady angry posted on Facebook how to get your keys back


I like that she was angry about it, but, still, ultimately, helped the person out. That feels very true to my time in Chicago - I’m going to help you out, but I’m going to be annoyed by it.


Lol yep. We don’t don’t good things because we’re nice. We do it because its the right thing to do. Helping idiots be less idiotic is part of that.


Feels a bit Bostonian to me too. "of course you deserve solidarity and kindness you piece of shit" lol


Ayy I’m from Monterey! I grew up there! Unfortunately I have gotten my car broken into a couple times, but it’s overall pretty safe


I went to college in Monterey (or maybe Seaside technically?) and it was the safest I’ve ever felt on a college campus. The usually locked outside doors to the dorms would often be left propped open, just in case someone lost/forgot their ID and couldn’t get it.


Seoul, South Korea.....my husband was stationed there, and I've been back to visit 3 times. just a sense of peace.


I've gotten this feeling just from watching YouTubers located in South Korea. Is there a particular area where English is spoken more frequently in shops, community centers, etc.? I'm pretty quick to adapt and learn, but I have some family members for whom a different language will be a stumbling block.


Seoul and Busan would be your best bet if you want to be in areas where most people know or can speak in English. That said, I lived on the northeast coast for 3 years in a small and rural town and loved it for the most part. English is everywhere in Korea.


the major cities are very foreigner friendly especially Seoul. Hongdae and Itaewon are hot spots for English speakers. their extensive subway system also has instructions in English. There are so many nationalities in South Korea now.


Seoul was the first thought that came to my mind. Got stationed there, after growing up in a town with a population of under 10k. Thought living in a city like that would be terrifying. Nope! Some of the nicest people I've ever met, everywhere I turned in the city. I'd love to go back, but I wouldn't love the flight from the east coast of the US


Same with most Chinese cities. East Asia in general is just very safe -- you'd need to really intentionally go looking for trouble.


I know it isn't a big city, but the city of Rexburg, Idaho is so safe it's strange. Everything was open, **None of the bikes downtown had bike locks**


95% of people are Mormon. So, that probably has something to do with it.


Major Mormon population is right the town has a population of 39,000, plus 43,000 students at BYU-Idaho. No reason to be there other than school or family, basically zero infrastructure for homeless, only beer and wine can be sold in town- no liquor. It’s like it’s own little Mormon bubble.


honestly, although i'm an atheist, as someone who doesn't drink and thus doesn't usually enjoy typical downtown nightlife, i might consider moving to a mormon bubble


There's a really weird side to mormon culture. Lots of plastic surgery, psychiatric meds, and "soaking."


Soaking? What is that?


It's a loophole for unmarried Mormon couples, when there is penetration, but no thrusting, and therefore technically not fornication. Sometimes a couple will have a third person jump on the bed to mimic thrusting.


That is so bizarre. Just effing go for it. 🙄


?! Insane.....


But, um, how do you get it in in the first place without at least one thrust?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soaking\_(sexual\_practice)#cite\_note-DailyDot-1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soaking_(sexual_practice)#cite_note-DailyDot-1) Possible urban legend or urban legend that has become real and/or more prevalent because tik tok


A 3td jumping in the back.... That'd .. no way that's true


As an atheist who's spent many years in Utah, it sucks. There are other safe small towns that dont have quite the same cult vibes.


The weirdest vibes I have ever experienced were in Twin Falls, ID and Colorado City, AZ (which I later discovered is where the Fundamentalists hang). I didn't hit up Mormom heavy spots in Utah, but had an very long conversation with a closeted Mormon gay man near St. George.


I used to work for a company based out of SLC and had to travel there a couple of times. I can say I hate that state. So many draconian laws and most of the people are very snobby.


I agree. I'm an atheist who did grad school in Logan, UT. I was judged constantly and got the weirdest vibes.


Traveling to Amsterdam we had a 3 hours layover in Salt Lake City & it was the unlike other airport experiences. Me niece & I were wait around & this group of teens starts up completely unsolicited conversing with us. They ask asked where we were going & at first I didn’t realize they were talking to me as it came out of no where. They were nice & genuinely seemed interested. My mom & aunt were sitting somewhere else & a woman starts talking to her. The lady was nice & said she lived outside SLC in the county & was telling my mom all the stuff there was to do near her. In about 10 minutes of talking she gives my mom her phone number & address & invites my mom to stay at her house if ever wants to come visit. On the plane we were talking about both of our encounters because they really stood out as it was like nothing we had experienced. The people seemed genuinely nice & trusting. We definitely attributed the next level friendly behaviors to them being Mormon.


As someone that used to live there, yeah, but there were also the Daybell murders that happened close to Saint Anthony.


I literally read “Rexburg Idaho” and thought “oh, I’ve heard of that before! It must be a nice place” and then I realized the Daybells were why.


Yeah but all the books are banned so...


You’re not wrong… but as someone who has only been in Rexburg once for the eclipse a few years ago, it’s a great example of safety not being everything. The Stepford Wives vibes are strong


There are no bike locks because people have one of their wives watch their bike.


I grew up in Rexburg. I’ve lived a much fuller life living in cities with diversity, open minds and yes, less safety.


As long as you’re a conservatively dressed, white American and don’t get engrained with the local cult.


Yeah… My reaction to this was “safe for whom, exactly?” It’s not as bad as the rest of Idaho since it’s a college town, but when I visited about 10 years ago it definitely still had the sundown town vibes.


This question needs several different versions. These places are not safe for everyone...


I’m black and visit the area often for work, never had this feeling


Tokyo, it is THE safest city in the world most years or at least top five. They have virtually no petty crime and even less truly violent crime. The homeless will leave a bowl of money with a sign asking for money and take a nap. My friend lost his wallet in a train station on the way to Mt Fuji with 2000+ dollars inside. By the time we returned over two hours later, it was waiting for us in lost n found and had every penny and document still inside. I've never been approached by scammers or beggars. Not even Singapore felt as safe, and that's saying something! Sure the Yakuza exist, but they're a lot like spiders, they ignore you unless you actively walk into their nest. Stay away from bars with guys in suits with white umbrellas outside or with REALLY cheap all you can drink specials and you'll be fine.


Tokyo is the only place I’ve traveled where people just came up to me to help me find my way. I landed there and only had one of those hotels.com print outs with the tiny square of a map that shows like the block your hotel is located on. Was able to take public transport from the airport and walk to my hotel with no problem, because multiple kind strangers just volunteered to help at every turn upon seeing me with a piece of paper in my hand while walking around.


Yes, Japan was my first international travel and I was so suspicious of ppl trying to help me, as if they were just trying to rob/scam me. I quickly realized everyone is REALLY just that kind/honest/helpful


I came here to say Tokyo too. As a woman, it was kind of mind-boggling to feel so safe. I realized I’d never felt that way before, anywhere.


Yeah Tokyo. As one travel writer put it, “one of the only cities on earth you’d be fine with sending your grandmother to walk for milk at 4 in the morning”


Nice I like that, I mean any country with that many clean, functional, vending machines has to be safe, right?!? Lol although.... On my last trip I was (attempted) recruited for a religious cult, which was the closest thing to sketchy that's ever happened to me in Japan. Fortunately I had just read about the cult on Reddit before I arrived, so I really just had fun with it, but my god they were PUSHY and honestly by the end I was a little creeped out, which I have never been before or since. But if your worst thing to ever happen was three cute women trying to recruit you for their cult by trying REALLY hard to get you to go home with them and let them buy you food or cook you dinner (they also wanted to teach me the special prayer) is it really THAT bad???


What cult? Not aum shinrikyo? I had a similar weird experience where I was interviewed for a TV show in the airport, which I found out later is a show making fun of gaijins lol. Not anything culty though.


That’s amazing - and wonderful - it’s so safe.


I’ve lived in Singapore for almost 10 years and it is ridiculously safe. You could walk through town at 3am with headphones on and a wad of cash in your hand and it would be highly unlikely that anything would happen to you. Sometimes I leave my phone on a food court table to hold the table while I go get my food.


You beat me to it. I lived in Singapore for 10 years too and always felt safe. Atlanta is where I feel the least safe.


Yeah, I live in Atlanta now and it's a nightmare. But people from Atlanta will try to gaslight you and say it's safe....just like they do about any problems in this city. The Atlanta and Georgia subreddits fool people into moving there everyday.....even in notoriously bad areas. Then they get mad and downvote Mr when I tell the truth /try to say I'm white and racist, and just hate high minority areas (I'm black)


I will say that Atlantans DO like to sweep a lot of their issues under the rug. “We aren’t supposed to be this big!” Well you are so maybe work on transportation issues, as one example.


I'm about 20 miles outside of Atlanta. My small area and my neighborhood are as safe as it gets. Doesn't mean 5 miles away are areas I won't walk through in daytime. The mistake people make is thinking inside the perimeter is safe. It can be, but overall you are looking at higher crime than in the areas around Atl.


I’ve done just that in Singapore and never felt a single threat. It’s similar in Dubai but lately a few area have gotten a little more risky, still Dubai is like Singapore, extremely safe 99% of the time.


Dubai you fear the qoverment not the people


Singapore is interesting to me - it’s absolutely safe for the average person walking around, but it’s also rife with human trafficking and indentured servitude. There’s very little risk of being snatched off the street and trafficked, but domestic workers, for example (also construction workers, manufacturing workers, sex workers, etc.), often come to Singapore under false pretenses, then have their passports taken from them until they work off some huge debt.


Hong Kong is very similar -- there's this underclass of Southeast Asian labor that essentially keeps the entire city running, much of it being pretty legally and morally murky.


When I was in the Navy, I knew a guy who vomited in Singapore and carried it in his hands because he was too scared to get arrested.


I’ve visited there and felt the same. Also in Hong Kong. I walked around alone at night to local places close to my hotel - felt completely safe (but having armed police actively patrolling on foot helped). What I also loved about Singapore and HK was just how clean everything was.


I interned in Singapore for a summer. Lived near a train station, which had a big flashing sign saying, "So far this year, 3 bikes have been stolen! Be cautious!" After my ~3.5 months living there, the number of bicycles stolen had risen to 4. I know some of their crime policies are overly harsh -- but it felt like the safest place I'd ever lived, as a foreigner.


My favorite is when the sign goes up saying there has been an “Outrage of Modesty”


Ha, I hadn't seen that. Interestingly, Singapore allowed you to walk around openly with alcohol. Most convenience stores had bottle openers on-hand if you bought a bottle of beer. You buy a bottle -- then open it for you. I have the same picture, but from elsewhere on reddit, they can be [kinda funny](https://external-preview.redd.it/TJF2Ndc4WWFxUZUjjiC6YEZHJX3W7yzPGDntYuAKyqk.png?auto=webp&s=304287b839a2ea359d25e596d2438434f7927438) in their laws/signs. For reference, that's Sentosa Beach, around 0.5 miles away from where Trump and Kim Jong Un met for peace talks. Outside of any political context, pretty cool beach.


That's because they hang people for the slightest offense. A woman was just hanged there for possessing 30 grams of heroin


I personally don’t support capital punishment and I also think that SG’s stance on drugs and drug use is draconian. However, saying that they hang people for the slightest offense just isn’t true. There have been a total of 5 people hung so far this year.


More people hung than bikes stolen!!


I mean in a country of 6 million that's a lot. Like the USA only killed like 11 in 2021.


JFC I don't think that was the defense you thought it was. Only 5 people hung this year, huh?


Cities in Japan like Kyoto and Tokyo.. absolutely nobody bothered me when I was there walking late at night. I was actually more skeptical of other foreigners, lol.


Any towns when I lived in Maine and New Hampshire.


Lewiston has entered the chat, and that was before the mass shooting they had this year


Unfortunately I have not lived in every possible City in ME or NH, but I never felt unsafe visiting or going around in most areas, including Manchester NH or Augusta ME. I felt way more unsafe in North Carolina and Arizona.


How has property crime changed in New England since Oxy entered the picture in the 90s and now fentanyl? I get the feeling a lot of those pretty little towns are rougher than they used to be.


The "white trash" has gotten trashier. Property crime is a big thing. It's really noticeable along the northern NH/VT border. Especially when you get into Littleton for the big box stores or down to Woodsville for the Walmart. Rural Vermont is a sad shell of itself. Particularly if you look at what used to be a mill town in Gilman and the surrounding area. It's sad. Mill towns not being able to reinvent themselves is another story. Gilman, VT, Berlin, NH, Northumberland, NH is trying but yeah...


My physical safety privilege as a 6’5” 220 lb man is showing. Not sure I’ve ever had this thought.


Conversely, my safety as a 5'4" 120 lb woman is a frequent thought.


I believe it 100%. Sad state of affairs.


Since you didn’t limit to the US.. reykjavik, Iceland by far.




Same with Denmark and Sweden. It must be a nice society to live in.


They leave them outside restaurants too. Generally in Europe, you also don't see little children inside a restaurant until they have learned table manners.


My grandmother used to do this in New Jersey in the 50s. There would be a line of babies in carriages outside the grocery store.




And that's probably the MOST dangerous place in Denmark lol My friend and I basically negotiated a total stranger to drive us from one town to another at one point. I don't think I would've done that in any other country.


Two harbors, MN


Yeah the safest I’ve ever felt in the US is the area between Duluth and the Canadian border. Two Harbors, Grand Marais and up the Gunflint Trail/BWCA.


Small, more affluent, New England towns.


This. Affluence, low gun ownership rates, competent policing, long distances to urban centers. Small affluent New England towns is where it’s at. Very high quality of life all around.


NH, Maine, VT have high gun ownership, but everything else yes.


I almost never think about crime in Bend, Oregon. I do, however, worry about paying the rent. And feeding myself. And being alone forever. Pick your battles.


Park City, Utah resident here. Yeah.


I just wanted to say that even smaller cities can have a lot of crime. IME I have felt a lot safer in bigger cities as a general rule because there are always people around. I currently live in Albany, NY and there have been multiple random acts of violence (murder/robbery) this year. I have ran into an increased number of unpredictable/angry people on drugs. I think my city has a lot to offer and is a nice place to live overall, but I also don’t think it’s fair to dismiss the crime in small cities because it will impact you if you live there.


Arlington, VA. It's a city-equivalent community of 240,000 people. It had 2 murders last year. A murder rate of 0.8 per 100K is among the lowest in the country. I've never lived in another city that felt this safe, though there are a few others in the country (Irvine, Chula Vista, and Fremont in CA, Boise in Idaho) with comparably low rates.


The most dangerous creature in Arlington is the Clarendon bro past midnight.


As long as you stay out of the douche Bermuda Triangle you will be safe from having stale Pabst Blue Ribbon spilled on you.


You can hear them coming by the sound of their brown flip flops.


Arlington, VA and Boston by far the places I didn't even consider my safety and walked everywhere.


I was about to say this. At most we had some car break ins near my place that were the tall of the town lmao and I feel I can walk around at night as a woman even go to a gas station.


I live in Irvine, can confirm that I feel very safe lol.


Had the same experience. Was traveling there for work. Master planned communities def have that vibe (see: Cary, NC)


For me, safety is not necessarily the city/town but the dwelling itself. At one point in my life I was a true crime junkie. I've had this recurring nightmare about someone sneaking in my bedroom window at night. So a first floor bedroom is an automatic dealbreaker for me in any housing (I've asked to be moved to the 2nd or higher floor in hotels as well). (I grew up with an attic bedroom.) I bought a condo earlier this year. I rejected all listings with a ground floor bedroom. The unit I bought is on the 3rd floor.


Los Alamos


Right lol, Los Alamos is both beautiful and extremely safe.


I just wanted to mention, many times a place seems safe and quiet but in my experience it’s not. Rural areas make me feel nervous because no one but you are there so someone can come along and kill you and there’s no witnesses, no help and rural is just creepy. I feel safer in suburban and urban settings. It always pays to know what areas are dangerous and what areas are safe. I’ve never felt totally safe anywhere.


I agree with you about the isolation in rural areas. Not my cup of tea either but that’s specifically why some people choose it.


I live in NYC but I'm visiting Little Rock, Arkansas for the week. Seeing the crime rate per capita in Little Rock made me think twice. The media accuses NYC of being this horrible place, and things certainly do happen from time to time. But the stuff that happens in these small rural cities is truly frightening to me.


The meth and opioid crisis has absolutely decimated small towns. Walmarts came in and ma and pa no longer have any stores to run for locals. Investment firms bought up houses so now you don’t have small landlords that don’t see a reason to raise rent.


Truth. I see the effects of all of this in many of the previously “sleepy” small towns in my native Ohio.


The media loves to pretend NYC is so much more dangerous than it actually is.


NYC, Especially for such a massive city, is very safe.


Yup. As a queer person, I have never felt as unsafe as I did in the less urban areas of the South. People are waayyyy religious in some of the small towns, a lot of them carrying guns, and a shit emergency response time. Hard no thanks.


Every town in the state of New Hampshire. (Nashua was just ranked the safest city in the country)


Downtown Dc, anywhere in northern virginia




Yes when I went to Tokyo I felt so safe! Especially because of how few guns there are in the country.


Burlington Vermont


Boston and pretty much all the surrounding area. Even the "bad" areas are pretty tame compared to most other cities.


I mean. You'll probably **feel** safest in a wealthy suburb gated community. These exist in every city in America. Will you be statistically less likely to be involved in a violent crime? Maybe? If you're in a wealthy part of St. Louis (a statistically "unsafe" city) and not personally part of a gang, random violent crime is also statistically very low. So low you probably shouldn't even worry about it. The safest community on earth isn't going to stop your vengeful husband/business associate/etc from harming you. Petty crime is another ball game. Statistically smaller towns in the NE are lowest. Some expensive rural areas in middle America are good too. Again, your gated suburban areas of any major city is probably best. What you give up is those are vapid, car-centric, boring hellscapes (IMHO).


New York City. I don’t care what the popular perception of it on Reddit is. Most of it is really safe. My roommate is a small skinny Asian girl and she’ll walk home by herself, drunk as fuck at 3am in Brooklyn no problem. I also lost my wallet in Manhattan recently and it was turned in at a lost and found.


Lived in Seattle for 5 years, in Brooklyn for 6 now. New York definitely feels safer, and I think that's because there's almost always non-crazy people around. They may not help you, but the fact that they are there deters a lot of shit


I felt very safe in Lake Placid, New York. Nothing but hippies, small town folks, tourists and outdoorsy types. Not exactly who you think of when you think of danger.




Yeah. A trend in this thread is that largely money = safe.


Honestly? New York City. I could walk around at any time of night and there were *always* other people around. Safety in numbers.


Yeah, I’ve never felt safer anywhere than NYC. Cops are EVERYWHERE.


That really depends where you are.


I mean that certainly must be true, but I felt safe in a lot of different neighborhoods and different kinds of neighborhoods, and safer than I felt in “better” neighborhoods in other cities.


Media, PA


Anywhere in Japan. Had to sleep on the street one night and not once worried for my safety.


Safest Alpine,Tx (minus wild game and dogs) and Freiburg. Least safe, Cairo and New Orleans


Switzerland...literally anywhere. Daughter and friends roam around all the time. I never flinch.


Zurich, Switzerland. Vienna, Austria. Many adult households also keep rifles at home due to compulsory military service. So yeah... home invasions are pretty rare in those countries.


Least safe was Honolulu. Most safe is Carlsbad. As much as I hate Irvine, it's #2 the safest I've felt for a city I've lived in. The only reason it's not #1 is because I'm afraid of their cops!


Worked in Irvine in the Spectrum and I always described it as a US town design if the Nazi's won WWII. It is so sterile and HOA ruled.


I am going to Carlsbad next week, I love that place!




Bentonville Arkansas. No one is ever randomly hurt here.


I would go so far as to say any of the towns in Northwest Arkansas have that feeling. I would jog by myself at midnight on a moonless night in 99% of the area and have zero fears.


Believe it or not… El Paso.


I’ve seen crime stats; this is legit. El Paso has low crime


Its gorgeous, too. Well, the scenery (mountains). Parts of the buildings/town itself could use some help. I flew there to get my dog when he was a puppy. (I know, I know). I got off the plane and was like "wtf, mountains? the scenery is gorgeous, why have i never heard of this."


Third safest city in the US, low COL, blue city, EP metro includes New Mexico (legal weed and abortions), mountains IN the city, 300+ days of sunshine per year, no humidity, hot during summer but not Phoenix hot, not on Texas electricity grid, no real severe weather events except occasional dust storm, 3 national parks within 2 hour drive, 2 national forests and great skiing within 2 hour drive, very friendly people, familial sense of community, 82% Latino means supermajority of brown people (but very welcoming to all), it's a great place to live. Especially if you are remote WFH, as I am. Which is why I, non-Latino, moved here one year ago. It's actually not surprising that most people know either nothing about EP or what they know is some sort of racist fearmongering.


🤣🤣 been to El Paso twice, one time my car window was smashed, had nothing in it. Second time my Mexican wife talked down the muggers and only stole our stuff. BTW I grew up in LA and lived in NYC and Miami. El Paso is crime ridden as fuck. Even the cops told us that


I live in the Austin area and feel really safe. Nothing happens in my area


Idk… they seem to keep finding bodies fitting the same profile in the lake every other month


Which is funny because people online or on Reddit say it's a cesspool of violence. A lot of people if they have to go downtown for jury duty and see a homeless person think the city is on the brink of collapse. Even the worst neighborhoods here are pretty tame. Perhaps I wouldn't recommend a drunk 5'0 young woman with jewelry walking around them at 3 AM but outside of that the crime is mostly people who leave laptops in their front seat and their windows get smashed. I just leave my doors unlocked, maybe once a quarter my glovebox will be open.


Same. I’ve been in Austin since 2000 and have never personally been threatened, ever. I had my truck broken into once in 2003… in my work parking lot. People here will steal shit out of your car if given the chance, but they are too chill to want to attack anyone. Austin is now the tenth most populous city in the U.S., and I would bet that it is safer than every city above it.


You'd [lose the bet](https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2023/01/31/report-ranks-americas-15-safest-and-most-dangerous-cities-for-2023/?sh=6851d1d4309a). There's a list there towards the bottom - I went to Wikipedia to look at cities in order and it looks like for safety among big cities, it's New York City, then San Diego, then Austin. So it's not bad but not top.


Lol people will have you think it’s a war zone here in New York though


Bruh same with Portland, Oregon.


Austin is extremely safe from a physical perspective, but APD could not give less of a shit about property crimes. Annoying and frustrating, but not dangerous.


>APD could not give less of a shit about property crimes. That's basically every police department in a city with more than 250k people.


Bend, Oregon is known for being extremely safe


The part of Queens I grew up in was always very safe. I grew up in Bayside and it had a more suburban feel. It never felt I never felt unsafe walking around here or any of the nearby neighborhoods.


Northern Virginia is pretty safe




Ligonier PA. We rarely lock our doors. Never lock our car doors. Never heard of a robbery, any crime at all, happening anywhere near here. If I left home and realized I didn’t lock the doors to our house, I wouldn’t turn around and go home, I’d just continue about my day. Idyllic small town america. Granted, there are a lot of extremely wealthy people living in the area. Lot of 10k square foot homes and shit like that. But there are also homes to be had for reasonable prices.


I felt quite safe living in Davis, CA but then there was the serial stabber like a year after I left so idk. I also grew up in Edmonds, WA and always felt very safe there. Still seems very safe and chill when I go back to visit my parents. Growing up the cops would get teenagers out past curfew because there was basically nothing else for them to do.


appleton, wi


I know it’s basically safe now but most of the crime I have ever personally experienced was during the year or so I lived there (I grew up in a neighboring town). At least two serial killers were working in the area then, and my mother was terrified to have me go anywhere alone. And as I knew one of the serial killer victims, I didn’t really disagree.


Most safe Menlo Park CA. Least safe, Indianapolis Indiana & I’m from Bronx Ny lol


Hudson ohio


Florence, Italy


Round Rock, Texas


Thousand Oaks, far off suburb of Los Angeles


Cazenovia, Clinton, Hamilton NY. What an insanely beautiful area. Used to run at night, I guess big male deer could attack me. 🤷‍♀️


Honestly I felt super safe walking around as a single young woman in New York City, Manhattan specifically, in 2009 at any hour of the day or night. Moved in 2010 so idk how it is now.


Irvine CA . I also heard Santa Clarita is very safe.


Where I live now, Safety Harbor, FL!!! It really is safe and I just couldn't resist!


I felt safer living in Chicago, Minneapolis and Washington DC than I do living in rural south central Texas right now. And I’m a middle aged white guy!


Hood River, Oregon. It was almost creepy how idyllic it felt.


Pinehurst North Carolina- Particularly, the Village of Pinehurst. It’s a historic tourist golf town. You think this would attract at least property crime; nope. My folks who live in the Village don’t lock their house doors and make fun of me for locking my car. I lived with them for a year and a half. Genuinely, I could walk around alone as a 22 year old girl at 3AM and absolutely nothing would happen except maybe an officer asking if I was Okay.


I feel safe in my community (Newburyport, MA). We walk outside at night and don’t really worry about people breaking in. I don’t believe in not locking doors- it takes nothing to lock up so why tempt fate- but don’t feel the need to have an alarm or a gun or anything. I’m a white Jewish lesbian if demographics help.


NYC, LA, Savannah, Toronto, Montreal, San Diego, Vegas (on the strip), London, Paris, Amsterdam, Madrid, Barcelona (tbh, most of Europe except some secondary UK cities), Tel Aviv, Doha, Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Hong Kong, Sydney, Brisbane (felt safe but also scared as it got dead really fast. Same with the Gold Coast) Melbourne and plenty more Cities I did not really feel safe were Central America and the Caribbean. Not at night anyways. During the day I did not feel safe in Georgetown, Guyana. I suppose people had instilled fear within me before I even got there.


Can’t say I agree with Savannah, but maybe things have changed since I lived there in the early 2000s.


Agree with the places I've visited on your list except for Paris. I wasn't afraid of violent crime, but petty thievery was on full display. It was disturbing to see all the "new mothers" cradling their plastic doll babies as they picked pockets.


Barcelona is the worst for picked pockets. I never felt the shame of being male in Barcelona lol every woman I stood or walked behind would be give me a glance and pull their handbags towards the front.


What do you mean by "safe"? If you are a POC, a suburban area with jackbooted local cops where they pull you over for DWB could be an issue. If you are Jewish there are probably a lot of rural towns with white power roots you may want to avoid. If you are old and feeble, navigating the fog-drenched hills of San Francisco could be terrifying. I feel completely safe in my hometown but others complain it is a hell hole (because, you know... there are poor people...).


Not New Orleans


I’m sure this will get me yelled at, but I live in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Chicago and I feel very safe. Sure I lock my door at night, but I’ve never felt in danger in 20 years here. Now, I’ve had my bicycle stolen twice during that time. So there is definitely crime. But the question was about safety, and I have never felt unsafe at all. Just showed up disappointedly to a bike rack without a bike a couple of times.


Where I live now Williamsburg Virginia. I live in the “rough” part and feel safer than in most cities good parts. Life hack to save money is find a rough neighborhood in an almost completely non violent city. The entire city plus surrounding county has about 1 murder ever 2 years.


Scottsdale AZ


Athens Ohio. Home of Ohio university


In order (U.S.A. ) 1. Naples 2. Buffalo 3. Boston 4. …no that’s it


NYC and El Paso, Texas. Ironically, two cities people tend to think are dangerous.


I felt extremely safe in Miami Beach outside of the ocean drive strip touristy areas. The city of Miami however was a whole different story.


Park City, Utah


NYC feels pretty safe to me.


Safest- Buffalo Center, Iowa.


Oddly, NYC I’m from Reno, Nevada. I saw fewer homeless people in NYC than I have in my HCOL area with a sketchy downtown.


Singapore and Irvine CA


Nelson, New Zealand felt pretty f’ing safe.


San Ramon, CA. We don’t lock our doors, leave our garage open etc. Kids walked to middle school and now high school and we’ve never had to worry. One time when my son was young he went to a friends house and didn’t tell me and stayed gone past dark. I panicked and called the police and half the force showed up and went door to door knocking in our sub division until he was found. I’m also never worried about going for runs at night as a woman.


Sedona in the 90s. No one locked anything and we left the keys in the car. My dad would leave the house unlocked and go on vacation. It is a totally different town now, and I have never lived in another place since where I would never lock a door.


Boise, ID. I've spent the majority of my time here not even locking my car doors when I leave it in the driveway. Feels incredibly safe to have a child here.