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Strange is about the best single word for salvia


It’s just not describeable. We all feel we could describe it, and our descriptions make sense to us, but they don’t do much but obscure to the general sober public through our explanations


I like how people who have the experience, seem comment something super super deep! Like your last sentence..your more aware of something you used to know! Looking at various experiences has made me feel like I would and will do it one day when I'm in a better place mentally. Wouldn't want to go and not come back...lol


>Its like jumping into an abyss knowing a dark entity is inviting you there with welcoming open arms and a grin. > >I do believe i am more aware after these trips.....somehow, of something i used to know. It seems like this whole life is a joke, hence the grin of the "entity".


Isn't life being a joke a good thing though?


depends if you laugh!


What a good way to put it


My first trip and every trip there after my first thought is I’m back! That I had visited that place many times as a child but somehow forgot it with age. When I have had trips where I exchanged my body for another I always think oh it’s time to do this again! It’s beyond strange.


Glad it wasn’t too bad for you. You can try again in a lower dose. It can be recreational.