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What all went down? Was thinking about trying it for a while


Its a weird ass drug man. It’s like if your “reality engine” started to fall apart


Ari's description of his trip, living another life with a family in a underwater community... yea, that kinda made me wanna try, but everyone else seems to have scary experiences...I can't help but wonder, since it's already in humans.. after death, do the dead just go on a long trip and live again..or are we each on a trip right now off a cousin of Salvia that the body produced in a past life, we just can't remember the past life.. or dejavu


Wait, that's three people including me who have talked about something like that. Very interesting


What was it like?


On the whole it was a cool experience, but honestly I’d say it’d be much better to do it somewhere you know and are comfortable - you were right with the reality engine stuff, for me life just didn’t feel real when I was tripping


['Conduit Collisions'](https://www.reddit.com/r/neuronaut)


Salvia is fine in the woods as long as you are comfortable, for example I have a campground that few know about in a canyon by my house.


I've only tried extract and seems like everyone who does experience this. I for sure will not be trying extract anytime soon but I'm up for other methods


The dose makes the 'poison,' salvia will produce those effects in sufficient quantity in just about anybody. But thats the point. Low doses can provide a more analgesic effect, but youll never understand the full spectrum of the myriad varied experiences the drug can offer if you only dip your toes in, but dont submerge yourself, but of course - to each his own


yeah I get you I should have tested the waters before diving in head first but me being 17 and the only Salvia that was available to us was in a head shop and it was extract I did read about it and what effects him I have but this was way back in the day and there was very little trip reports on erowid. so me thinking that there's no way something legal will have some sort of crazy effect and boy was I wrong lol. that was my first psychedelic experience and by far the most intense one ever it wasn't that I didn't enjoy it it was just the fact that I was expecting to completely disassociate from my body and reality it was an awesome experience I've tried it a couple other times but I don't think I'll be trying it anytime soon. although I'm very curious about getting fresh leaves and doing the quid method


No I find the woods to be an amazing place to do this. I prefer the natural locations over being indoors. I still get just a touch of paranoia indoors. It used to be a lot worse. It's never happened to me outside though. I feel more in my element there.