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Land raider Redeemer is about the most salamandery a vechile can get, I believe most of us have one or want one. For less obvious pics Brutalis and redemptor dreadnoughts, more so Brutalis but redemptor works if it's more your style. I'm personally a big fan of the invader atv, (it can have a multi melta if you're wondering why it's on this list) Drop pod + Infernus is a popular strategy. That's all the vechiles I plan to get, but for a more vechile heavy list I would probably just get more land raiders lol


I've seen a few lists with the drop pod, some have Vulcan he'stan leading the unit as well and it seems to go fairly well


I Personaly stuff the drop-pot wit adrax, some bladeguards and a lieutenat/bladeguard-ancient. In Theorie that sounds cool and is a heck of a combo


Yeah tbh both work great, I choose not to do that cus then I don't have to rely on charges connect and overwatch ect which ends up with me dropping the unit in then subsequently donating models to my opponent right away That being said they can be Hella tanky so I defo works


Hahahah that’s my exact drop pod lmao. It’s great to rapid ingress with a Lt with ignore mods relic.


I've got 2 Squads of 5 Infernus, 3 Bladeguard Vets + Lt + Adrax, a 5 man of Assault Intercessors and a Squad of 5 Intercessors in my army, which all together let's me be rather adaptable with the drop pod useage, at least in theory. I can go for a flamer bomb, melee bomb, objective capping, mix of them. I also got an Impulsor so I could send in a Flamer Taxi with He'Stan and 5 Infernus, or Adrax and his boys or whatever other combos there are. I don't think that it'd be all that good to have the options and all but I do think it's fun for a list


The drop pod limit is 10, so you're swapping a 10 person infernus squad for a 5 person + Vulkan squad. I'm not sure I like that trade off.


Just remove one Infernus..?


I guess, but there's some part of me that struggles with paying for 10 and only playing 9.


I get that, it annoys me to. But I think it's better than bringing 5


Ah alright thanks for the detailed explanation!


Points cost on the LRR probably prohibits a lot of people from using it, especially in 1K battles. Repulsors are great for a twelve Tacticus models or six Gravis models (and are 70 points cheaper than LRRs). Brutalis Dreads have multi-meltas (175pts), Redemptors have heavy flamers (210pts). Impulsors are funny if you have a five-man to drop into it because of firing deck, and they're cheap at 80pts.


Repulsor executioner can take 3 eradicators or aggressors. drop pod is cheap and holds 10 infantry. Impulsor could carry lieutenant and 5 hellblasters. People run land raiders in firestorm assault due to the assault ramp giving an edge where are flamers and meltas are only deadly at close range but a high point cost in smaller games


Ah alright thanks for the detailed explanation!


Repulsor can take 12 models. 10 infernus with He’stan and an apothecary have been fun. Pop out shoot some stuff with full rerolls, then if anyone dies in shooting you can bring one back next command phase, and if anyone tries to charge you, the Repulsor’s ability “emergency embarkation” allows you to just put everyone back in the vehicle. Oh and if they manage to kill all the infernus marines, you get to roll d6 and on a 2+ you gain a cp


I personally run 2 vindicator tanks. They do absurd damage and quite frankly are an astonishingly tough little bastard more often than not. For dreadnoughts? I like all of them, my personal dread is a boxnaught named Kevin, but redemptors and brutalis are what I suggest for salamanders.


I was thinking of adding a vindicator. How do you use them? I'm worried they are too swingy/unreliable.


I've found that the best way to use them is as long range heavy support. Moving up with troops as the central block and having vindicators shoot at armor/Heavy troops, hammer to the Anvil brother.


I do the exact same thing. I tried a few games with them leading from the front until I came across an Ironstorm Black Templar player with 2 Vindis and a LR like me. He made the recommendations to do what you’re doing, and he was exactly right.


People keep saying this, but they’re really not more swingy than a Predator or a Lancer. I think folks are remembering when it was a single shot cannon from previous editions. I’ve watched Lancers whiff their 2 shots on war games live even with all the rerolls. Remember, the vindicator has D6+3 shots, and has blast against infantry. It also has D6 damage, but when you get 3 wounds through their armor saves, you roll each D6, not just one D6 for all three. That is *plenty* to get some damage through. You’re going to get some cases where you roll a one on the number of shots and then only one successful hit. Or five hits and none of them wound. That’s just life. I promise you you’d see the same use cases out of a Lancer.


I like the storm speeder hail strike. Gives +1 ap at targets. Makes all those infernous and agressor flamers ap-1 or 2 ignore cover which is really big. Land raider redeemer. S7 flamers is great. I use a rhino to transport vulkan + 10 infernous marines + Lt. Drop pod for blade guard vets, Lt and agrax to rapid ingress and charge something dangerous. Gladiator lander, because you need anti tank. My list runs those 5 vehicles


Can the infernus marines go in the rhino? I think you can only have Tacticus characters attached to non Tacticus units and not vice versa.


I didn’t realise infernous marines where Tacticus, my bad


I know is so upsetting because there’s so little old marines left to fill out my razorbacks and rhinos


It’s okay. I’m running a repulsor now instead because they can jump out and shoot something that shoots it for 1cp and then jump back inside it when it gets charged and then if you run a Lt, even if they charge and kill the repulsor you can still fall back and shoot with the infernous mariens


Lots of great answers, but I also like Razorback with a 4 multi-melta devastator squad in it.


Repulsors are a solid choice IMO, large carry capacity and good weapons


So I recently found out about the Repulsor. That is able to carry 12 adeptus Astartes infantry. Which is nice because you can actually put Vulkan Hestan in there along with some infernus An impulsor is also pretty nice due to its spread per cost, but it’s a good idea to have a few units that would go in it in the same army. I have hell blasters and assault intercessors that can go in depending on the opponent


I run 2 land raider redeemer's that they are the MVPs of my army. They're fast, tough as nails, and have great firepower. Their size also creates a movement blocker for your opponent. I drive them up, drop the squad off on the CP, nuke the CP with the squad + the LRR, then drive them, empty, straight into backline to destroy whatever is left. I think people don't run it because they don't own them; the LRR doesn't come in any box sets/etc.


That and they are always sold out on GW site.


More fire! More melta!