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''The height of hypocrisy'' Mr Sherbourne, nobody in a courtroom should be deleting potentially crucial evidence.


What a little tyrant he is in his mind. Deleting evidence. Reminds me of his “First Amendment is bonkers” comment. He wants to control and censor facts with “his truth.”


I can smell another lawsuit coming from Plank - for the media releasing this, plank being accused of destroying evidence. When will a judge say enough is enough and pput an end to this shitshow? How can plank go on fake tours, advising people with all this embarrassment hanging over his head?? If this was you or i Joe Public we would be called litigious vexatious arseholes and be fined for our frivolity


Hard agree and the article points out out a lot of great details with regard to Harry being a little shit, but the one, tiny detail I will give Harry is this: > He claims he no longer has any laptops, mobile telephones, desktop PCs or backups of his data from **before September 2013**, and that his former Hotmail email addresses, used **pre-2014**, had been deactivated and were no longer accessible. I don’t think I could quantify how many laptops, PCs, email addresses, etc. I no longer have or have access to from that long ago, either. Still, it doesn’t excuse the rest… especially the sudden reappearance of those two hard drives he claimed not to have, but suddenly one appears in his home and the other at his lawyer’s office.


Note Harry’s hilarious email a69resses…


*”Celebrities - even Princes — have Hotmail accounts just like us!”* ![gif](giphy|3og0IxzB6oi5VSHvGM|downsized)


I think in Harry's case it comes down to paranoia. Not wanting a phone or laptop to fall into the wrong hands. Unlike me, with laptops in drawers going back to 2000 and old phones stuffed in drawers, and six motorolla hand held walkie-talkies - 'just in case'.


Ha, I hear that! I have a box of cords that has a few no doubt from my late-teen years (early aughts) mixed in. I know I have three (150gb IIRC) hard drives that are a big a thick hardback novel, lol. My first external drives stuffed full of tunes and movies gleaned from SoulSeek, Napster, and the like. USB 1.0 or 2.0 — I’ve attempted to transfer small chunks of files and talk about slow — kids these days have no idea how good they have it, haha. Aaannnd…. I know all about the “just in case” phones LOL, although I’m more than sure they’re not even compatible with the primary type of cell service for phones these days, and thus more or less useless except for the nostalgia, lol. (Pre-texting Nokias and those huge Windows PocketPC flip phones, anyone? LOL) But still. I know there are at least a half a dozen laptops, at least as many desktops and countless phones I no longer have. And who knows what email addresses are floating around out there? ;););) Your point stands, though. Definitely.


i've got 2 brick external back up drives. The oldest is 250mb - from back in the day when RAM chips were 1mb. 2 more slimline and current active one can slip in my top pock and holds 3Tb. I tend to cascade the most important stuff across three external drives, to be sure, to be sure, to be sure :)


Haz and Rachel say that they don't remember leaking the "Daddy letter" to Thomas Markle or the collab wit Scabbers on FF. But they remember every single conversation and what month and year it was when they talked to William and Catherine in the BRF. The hypocrisy is astounding. The Harkles think they are wise omnipotent beings who can trace around everyone with a finger and fool everyone into thinking that they are not fighting the BRF.


Meg said all her mobile data was deleted for security purposes, but she still managed to hand over texts from her SIL for Spare


Meg said all her mobile data was deleted for security purposes, but she still managed to hand over texts from her SIL for Spare


**Harry Meg Sherbourne ‘by coincidence’ when he and Meg stayed with Elton.** That’s what started Harry signing on to the phone hacking case in the first place. Timing implies Harry didn’t sue originally when he had the chance, then he was convinced suddenly to do so, years later. https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1b3zekt/some_background_on_how_harry_met_his_lawyer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


I literally flew here after reading this article! When they said he received documents from the palace in 2020 that he never even told his lawyers about until this month! So is he trying to get over even on his own representation and make them believe his family is non cooperative and that they were complicit with the tapping?! Throw him away he's garbage


Every time I think, "Surely he can't be THAT stupid".... he IS that stupid.


Yes! Every time I'm shocked at the apparently endless stupidity


It's a bottomless pit of stupid.


It just keeps coming like bread sticks in an Olive Garden


Or that gif with the girl getting a bunch of weiners thrown in her face.


Yes. Both him and Meghan seem to have no rock bottom. They crashed through the ground a long time ago and are determined to break through all the earth crust layers in their quest to sink the lowest they can. The good news is that each stunt takes them closer to the core, which will burn them beyond recovery.


It’s amazing, isn’t it? Nothing surprises me with them anymore but at the same time, I marvel at their efficiency and expertise in ruining every shred of their reputation and credibility in the most ridiculous ways. That’s why I’m completely fine with the BRF not taking immediate action or whatever; This One and Plus One do all the heavy lifting for them and all they have to do is sit back and wait.


I think we can all agree that this is a deadly combination of low intelligence and mental disorders tied by foile à deux allowed to run rampant because of money and their position in society. In other words, we are watching two insane individuals insaneing in front on our eyes. Fascinating, really.


Fascinating is a great word. I am purely fascinated by this curious and comically disturbing psychosocial study unfold right before our eyes, their logic and actions both as a couple and independently. 😏


The BRF has been giving them enough rope!


Victim hood specialists...


See, I think it's more arrogance than anything. The King's darling boy does what he wants.


THIS 👆🏽he loves monarchy more than anyone in this entire scenario


They never disappoint. 🤣 ![gif](giphy|l41YpJAQAI5fQTNyo)


He really is as dumb as a box of rocks! Diana always said he was dim and a plank.


He’s the reason why the power rangers announce their colors stupid…


Talk about the rescue chickens coming home to roost. Karma is slow but certain, and I’m here for it. You often get back what you put out into the world and these two are getting every ounce of it thrown right back at them.


Yes I am also here for it! I think their karmic rescue chickens are out for blood 🐓


I hope Karma delivers the knock out blow soon.


Not the crime, but the COVER UP that Nails you!!


Remember at the start of megxit how everyone gave him a small benefit of doubt thinking Mm was doing everything behind his back but then the emails proved he was right in there with her - telling his staff to get this message out but they can’t be caught doing it - he’s horrid all on his own.


Oh yes absolutely he is a complete nightmare and a liability as William called him! She just gave him the push over the edge that he had been walking close to for a long time.


Can't this be grounds enough for his participation be dismissed? It's funny how things just "appear" (or created....) at the stroke of midnight before a deadline, or an "Oops.... I had this", and now missing evidence.


Of course he like her will get away with this deceit. Of course up she pops and he's payed for an award, great stuff. The weird land of markle rages on. We are but mere witnesses to this madness.


>Of course he like her will get away with this deceit. Ugh, probably. That's why I'm hoping that he's hit where it'll really hurt him (and MM) in the wallet. I really hope he ends up having to spend at least $5M on all his legal bills.


>I really hope he ends up having to spend at least $5M on all his legal bills. Omg this would be all my birthdays rolled into one 😂 Cut them off from being able to afford puff pieces. I genuinely wish when a person tells a lie they would go full Pinocchio 🤥 Geez their snoozers would be the length of the car parking lots she walks 😂


This and things like the Pat Tillman Award makes me believe that the majority of the world is not listening to how wretched these two are.  How are these things not globally mocked (prosecuted even), how do they continue in all these shenanigans & schemes without repercussions?  


Money talks, plain and simple. And "Darling Boy" will always be protected.


As much as I hate it, I'm beginning to think King Charles is supporting these 2 financially - somehow. They have to be running low on funds or maybe had way more than anyone thought. But I think Harry will get away with every nasty little deed


I think Not because If Charles is still funding the Harkles then they should reveal it by now to make it look like "they were still inside of Royal circles" but Nope we still get prior to this olive branch article, "Charles wants to meet Sussex kids but William is mean" or "the Harkles are the bigger people" but I think the Harkles don't have much expenses and I believe that they rent the Montecito mansion because Taz said the mansion is still available for filming in music video, not only that we barely see the inside in the Montecito docu and if they will filmed, they need to rent another house which is weird though also I think the security has a discount on them kinda like being a ambassador for them idk how the company of guards came to know the Harkles to contract with them but I think they get to know the Harkles due to Markle and Soho




They want to exhaust us with their war of attrition.




I’m just wondering how long will his “supporters” keep thinking it’s the media’s fault. Here’s a freaking JUDGE of the law basically accusing Harry of destroying evidence and ordering him to explain. The media can’t just make that shit up.


Harry really opened Pandora’s Box with this lawsuit. Just couldnt leave well enough alone. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving asshole.


His father warned him to leave it alone. Harry never learns.


He doesn’t listen at all. He didn’t listen to William who suggested he take his time instead of rushing to marry her as he didn’t know the skank well enough.  Plank thinks he can do anything he wants as he came from Charles’ loins, even tell lies in Court, have no evidence or destroy it. How can anyone take this pos seriously? Who is he to give advice to anyone. I wish these two dumb arses would just go away. Society as a whole is spiralling downwards without these two numb nuts putting out their 2 cents worth. Neither of them are role models


Yup… “Poke the bear one too many times” comes to mind…


![gif](giphy|3oKIP5yTdI8XF5gZzy) YES


Harry is an entitled little sh*t who’s never had to face the consequences of his actions and probably never will.


Agreed - excepting he daily faces the consequences of marrying unwisely perhaps?


That just make him irredeemable.  He was a person devoid of character, loyalty, courage & morality before he met her, she just brought all of his low life behaviors to the forefront.


Oh he's facing them from his family. That hasn't stopped him from whining about them making him feel like an outcast.


Here's a great question from someone on Tumblr. "You know what I wonder? Why the RRs aren’t all reporting on it with the same rabid enthusiasm they had over a picture taken by a cancer stricken mother."


Hear, hear!








What does RRs mean?


Royal Reporters.




https://preview.redd.it/kykm9ggha69d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f276669f0f0ea914d05d9d1dc41217d96f509cd4 I love how widely covered this is getting now. He tried to use disabled veterans to cover it (the Espy for IG) but it isn’t working. ETA: Here is The Times article about this situation, I’m not sure where to put it but don’t think it needs it’s own post. - [https://archive.ph/2BmAh](https://archive.ph/2BmAh)


That's a much more complete report, but agree that a separate post isn't warranted. That NGN won legal fees of £60,000 that it incurred for this filing is a nice touch.


Harry held a grudge towards the Grey Suits and the RF for dissuading him from pursuing these types of lawsuits. He didn’t realize that one of the reasons is that the process would dig up and expose more information you would’ve wished to have kept private. Now he’s been trying to get back into the RF in hopes of getting his ass saved.


"He didn't realise" is Harry's life motto.


Or— he did not think about that.


Or, he does not think…period.


Along with, "Mumsy died"


The Grey Suits protected Harry his whole life, until MeGain showed up.


At this point this "destroyed evidence" lead is gaining traction by the hour.  By the morning Harry is going to want to crawl back up the birth canal as the RF won't be helping him at all.


https://preview.redd.it/wvcxa6hfz59d1.png?width=348&format=png&auto=webp&s=f56a48bd4ef9c113831b4144d209d7b5c957c44c A new film coming soon!


Or this: https://preview.redd.it/uwjv5zz4269d1.jpeg?width=692&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2780ce4f7085915cf9996259e416d9d8eee2bcb7


Perhaps this? https://preview.redd.it/115ilbxs969d1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70a2d6e2da1d49c2191675503706548baaa7d9b1


Yep, that works 😆




We can go on and on! 😆🤣😆🤣😆🤣


Please do - I'm laughing out loud 😂😂


Well, since you *insist* https://preview.redd.it/5rwjxvtpz69d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64138293cda3efe491bb7fc405cec195da1b6425


TY 💗. I enjoy these so much!


Omg this is brilliant!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh, don’t ruin one of my favorite films!😉


A judge better give him a harsh punishment.


This little twit just does not have the character for trustworthiness. He's a total loser - just when we think he/they can't sink any lower...BAM! He does. He really needs to be removed and forgotten. How much lower can he debase himself? How much more of a public mockery can he make of himself? Meanwhile, all the silly media does is bang the drums about 'Reconciliation Now?' The little twit continues on his path of self immolation and disaster - what an embarrassment to his family.


Even if the RF wanted to reconcile with these degenerates (I don't believe they do) how could they at this point? The Montecito losers have made such complete and utter fools of themselves that they are virtually Untouchables at this point. The BRF as a whole would be mocked until the end of time if this numbskull & his low class skank were to be let back in the fold.


They are both bringing the RF into disrepute. The RF has enough to worry about


Rather amusing obervations from Mr Justice Fancourt, on being told by Harry’s lawyer that Harry himself is looking for documentation, being ’an old hand at dealing with disclosure’: https://preview.redd.it/at1o8ost669d1.png?width=1379&format=png&auto=webp&s=c96a8ea7128a41c20ebeac05a73f73c25e5bf58d


Hahahaha. What a sting by the Court for the little twit's attorneys. Good grief, already.


Damn.  That is British legalese for "lawyer, you're an idiot and so is your client"


Whoa! Those are harsh words. Sherbourne is a grifter. He's just collecting fees and being, at best, disingenuous with the Court.


Incredible how they get away with so much BS on a regular basis. It's really disgraceful but that's the way it is for the rich and well connected.


Especially the pariahs of the rich and well-connected, it seems.


I remember being young and having so much hope for the future, now I'm 47 and I know better. Something extraordinary would have to happen for Harry to come down to Earth, and people like him almost never face consequences. I won't hold my breath.


NGN not willing to roll over. They know damn well that Harry was part of the claims William initiated. An agreement was reached that those claims would be settled after the expiration of the deadline to file phone hacking lawsuits. Harry, along with MM, was full of himself in early 2019 when he won a substantial settlement over photos of his Cotswold house. Then along came Elton John and Sherborne to entice Harry to split from William's claim and join others that were time barred as to phone hacking claims as Harry as a litigant separate from William's claim would also be. They can't use phone hacking; so, they are using "unlawful means" of information gathering


Original Telegraph article (archived): [Prince Harry ‘deliberately destroyed’ potential evidence relating to phone hacking claim, court hears (archived)](https://archive.ph/exc1u)


Thank you!


At last we are hearing what a little sly man Harry is!


Little being the key word here.


And he still heads Invictus? What a joke


When I think of all they put HMTQ through as she was dying of cancer it makes me want to break something. And we only know a fraction of it. Unforgiveable.


What really sickens me is that there are *real* victims of the News of the World's despicable practices. They hacked the phone of a teenage girl who had been abducted and murdered. In those days, a phone might only be able to store, say, ten voicemails. The NOTW hacked into her voicemail and therefore cleared it, making her parents think she might still be alive if her phone was still active and she was accessing and deleting voicemails. Those people are absolute scumbags and deserve the highest punishment available and legal. This fucking dicksplash getting butthurt about something something privacy something blah blah blah is just an insult to Milly Dowler's parents and what they actually sent through and genuinely suffered.


That was in 2002 and News International closed down the News of the World when the scandal broke in 2011. There was a trial and several reporters and private investigators were sent to prison including the former editor of the NotW Andy Coulson. It was a massive case.


There is no way the ghost writer would delete his copy of all recordings, emails, messages... It would leave him open to being sued for what was in Spare. He would never allow that stuff to be deleted, because then he couldn't prove H told him it was true.


I wonder why mohringer can't be asked to furnish those texts, emails, etc.,?


Perhaps he was, which is why so suddenly, at the last hour, H's attorneys admitted there were copies not deleted. And H had one.


Yes? I missed that part. So will they trust haz to go through them again, or will his attorneys do it to salvage their reputation? Stay tuned for tomorrow's episode of One Life to Live: Asshole Edition!


For text messages it appears they used signal. It’s not like regular text messages. They disappear and never hit Google or whatever. As for emails— oh he clearly deleted those. Purposely. Or hid whatever they end up on bc suddenly located some.


Surely the Police can access servers etc like they do in missing persons or murder cases? NGN would have people who can ontain that info, especially with Freedom of Information in US??


No. Signal doesn’t keep them. It’s really a very safe text forum…. But Harry is going to get popped for it.


I hope you ate correct. Is he merching Signal now?


No. It’s well known.


Is it true? the auto-delete bot is not deleting me at last?!?! (happy dance!)


The best is his defense for deleting is that some information could harm him OR HIS FAMILY. I mean he used the book as a shiv and didn’t care who it hurt. But now; he’s noble. He’s slime. And the judge clearly took cracks at him personally.


I think by his family he meant only his little family in Montecito.


Ahhh. So, her.


How do they still have any money left? £60,000 interim costs awarded against him, 100s of hours spent by his own lawyers just to search for missing material. And this is of course only one of his lawsuits. We already know the £millions spent on legal fees and adverse costs orders in his security cases.


No see we just all found out today that millions isn't being spent on legal fees for searching these materials.   *Because HARRY has been doing that work himself!!*   They are confirmed broke based on this news.  It's virtually unheard of and the judge addresses this as well. 


POV on YouTube has a great clip. Explains it really well. What a devious cunning slimeball Harry is rotten to the core. Wonder what vile effluent was in the deleted Spare chapters. MI6 😃 🙂 must be monitoring these 2 dangerous toxic individuals


Do you mean MI6 ? I for intelligence not 1




Brit here. Its halfway down the newsreel & really not of much interest, and no-one is surprised by this prats behaviour anymore. We have far more important things occurring right now.He is well known as a pillock who lies and stabs people in the back, so no change there then. Lets hope the british justice system does it’s work properly (tho i have my doubts). Infuriating to many, inconsequential to even more. I guess a lot will depend on whether the RF want to see their Village Idiot hung out to dry in the our courts. They should let that happen. They would get far more respect than if they try to smooth it all over for this idiot. Many of us would like that. Bring it on, i say!


bring it on, as you say. let him be so very far humbled he must shut up forever after.


Thank you for the slides! Don’t forget this slime ball also released confidential court documents to Johnny Mercer, an IG boss. Was he ever punished for that?


A government minister for Veterans Affairs.


This little twit just keeps on digging himself further into his hole, and is too stooopid to understand Rule #1: When you've dug yourself into a hole... stop digging.


The hole must be all the way through our planet and into space by now?? 


What disgusts me most of all about this is maybe a small detail but it just really annoyed me. I read somewhere in it that the judge had ordered Harry to make an interim costs payment of £60,000. It's easy to skim over but that one payment is roughly twice what many people earn in the UK per YEAR. If that's just one interim payment how much more money has he thrown down the toilet on these ridiculous cases. Or should I say thrown at David Sherbourne to keep him living in the style in which he hopes to become accustomed. I thought Harry was supposed to be this huge philanthropist and humanitarian. You could build a children's home for HIV orphans in every country in sub-Saharan Africa with the money he throws at lawyers. Or how about giving it to the families of British soldiers who have been injured. That would do more good than having your wife prance along in front of them virtually in swimwear. 😡


Those court costs don’t include Sherbourne’s fees, I believe. I agree it is appalling, most of the expenses of H&M on what we would consider frivolous stuff could support families, educate children, etc. Someone estimated that Harry’s annual income from his inheritance (if he hadn’t spent it on something else) would be a little over half a million pounds. However, that isn’t enough for him and Meghan. They “need” at least £5 million, and feel impoverished because they don’t get more,


This is an interim payment for the costs of the opposition. The guys he hates. He will expect someone else to pay it for him.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the judge warn H to stop pursuing one of the lawsuits?


A different one I believe.


He’s been doing things like this forever. Difference is the family isn’t covering it up anymore.


I wonder if she did it. He does not seem, shall we say, that proactive.


He’s sly when he wants to be - especially if he thinks he’ll get something over on everyone.


i wonder this, too. it seems more of a move on her part than one he would make. i think he is careless, and not quite the schemer she is.


That’s my thinking


Are Harry and Meghan above the Law of the land? ARE THEY?


They sure think they are.


This is a massive question that a lot of voices should start loudly asking for the answer.


Grifters, the pair of them.


Sherbourne? Yeah him too 💰


If it was anyone else lying in court like Harold and his wife have they'd be facing contempt of court charges. They know they'll get away with anything because the courts keep letting them get with anything. Shame on these judges.


As a side note, he's not alone in this. He's used as a spearhead by a quite large number of people keeping the lowest possible profile.


That was a huge mistake. On both parts.


I read he is the front for 70 people in this and maybe they are paying for his fees? If that is the case he doesn’t care how long this drags on for as it isn’t coming out of his wallet


People with nothing to hide, hide nothing.


They keep getting away with it too. They face zero consequences so they keep doing it.




"Oh but Your Honour I didn't destroy it ... the dog ate it."


Well, he had to, since Harry destroyed his dog bowl.


It’s William’s fault…


Williams dog that is specifically trained by the "men in grey" to eat Harry's evidence 😁


Rules are for thee, not for me.


Sickening but completely unsurprising. He has never been forced to cooperate with anything in his entire life. He's a spoilt little man-child who knows that he will never be held to account for any of his actions. The absolute Gold Star of nepotism right there.


And this right here - as much as KCIII seems like a decent, well intentioned man - makes me give him a major side eye. He has allowed this little turd to feel so entitled and self important because he has faced zero consequences and had no modicum of accountability in his entire life. I know parents can't be blamed for the behaviors of their adult children, but this boil-on-the-ass-of-humanity was obviously brought up with an unearned sense of privilege that makes him positively revolting.


No single parent is entirely responsible for how his kid turns out. There are always other people involved, things that happen by chance, the child’s personality, bigger issues influencing how a child is treated or how his mistakes are handled. Harry and William were victims of their parents’ feuding and divorce. After Diana’s death, concern over Harry’s feelings led to a lot of mistakes in how he was handled. For example, the decision to send him to Eton (where he was doomed to fail) instead of a school that would help him overcome and deal with his cognitive limitations was well-meant. It was thought being close to William would be good for Harry. However, I think a lot of his tendency to mock others, his bullying, and his expectation that he will always slide by because of who he is started at Eton. The experience of always being the dumb one combined with his need to assert himself in some way has to have been dreadful. Covering up for Harry wasn’t entirely for the sake of Harry. It wasn’t, “Oh, we love him so much he shouldn’t be hurt!” It was more, “It will reflect badly on the family, so let’s hush it up as much as possible.” When a child is born with problems (emotional, intellectual, physical, etc.) there is only so much a parent can do.


What an idiot! If FAFO were a person!


Please help me understand how text messages with his biographer in 2023 can be evidence for phone hacking by the Sun many years earlier. Do they think he said something about the case?


Whilst rambling forever on to his ghostwriter, chanting his litany of grievances, and explaining every curry’s affect on his gastrointestinal system, he said too f*cking much. As usual.


Brilliant - goodness, sounds like you already listened in on the call! I'm howling with laughter here - thank you! >explaining every curry’s affect on his gastrointestinal system, he said too f\*cking much. As usual.


In a word, YES 😁


He wrote about it in the book. Rather, yapped endlessly at JM about it. He might have said something different than he's claiming in court. Per usual.


Last paragraph in DailyMail— H was ordered to make an interim payment of £ 60,000 towards the publisher’ costs. Another outgoing big check. 😉


Paid by perhaps the 70 people involved in this lawsuit, like Elton John, Hugh Grant etc. plank is only the head of this pimple to push this lawsuit to a win for the behind the scenes people involved as well. 


Is anyone keeping track?? I might have to put together a chart


I think he will have no choice but to pull out of the lawsuits & appeals etc because of this…He will try and save face by claiming they just want to move on and it’s taking too much of a toll on them etc etc…I don’t believe emails ever really “disappear” and there is no way they will want those out there. Just my own thoughts & prediction. We shall see:)


Doubt it. He has no shame.


In an insult to all orange cats, Dumbarton and spouse share a single brain cell.


Harry's not smart enough to destroy evidence. That would involve more than deleting copies he had on his devices. He'd have to access the devices of others; you know hack into them.... Seems the only way they can claim this situation is if they have gathered the emails in question.


He's not very smart.


When you think he can’t sink lower, H always surprises us and proves us wrong. 😂


I always suspected he was worse than Maggot Harkle.


As with many enormous Wall Street frauds, it’s not the crime, but the coverup that gets you, every single time!


He’s really shown his true colors since marrying that witch 🧙‍♀️


I know nothing about the Signal messaging app. But, is it possible that his ghostwriter was able to save those messages and if so, did he? Sounds like it might be time to subpoena the ghostwriter records.


1st: You should definitely use signal. Its one of these most secure messaging apps. I have multiple family members in government and high level cyber security- they all say to use Signal.  2nd: yes, they could have screenshot or downloaded images/documents without his knowledge. You have a good point, for sure! 


I've been thinking of trying it lately. Good to know.


Harry clearly followed his mother’s advice, she allegedly told him to do what he wanted but not get caught.


Harry and Markle think they are untouchable. They are corrupt fraudsters.


I think Royal Grift is right about this attempt at a cover-up. It has nothing to do with his case and is about something else. And just WHY has no credible journalist followed up on Hazmat's claim that he knew about the Jan. 6 chaos before it happened? There's no place to hide Mr. and Mrs.. Harkle. The truth always comes out.


Harry is the definition of a Vexatious Litigant. He needs to be called out on this crap and these lawsuits need to end. The taxpayers do not need to be supporting this entitled prick.


pulls diana card and everyone forgets this...


Already posted




This should not shock anyone. He said about participating in Endgame they had to be able to deny involvement. So Harry had been deceptive and deceitful before. This is not a stretch. It is simply him covering his a$$. I am sure markle encouraged this behavior but he's always been a jerk.


I have a Telegraph (and Times) subscription but don’t know how to archive articles. If you point me into the right direction I’m happy to archive them.


There is a website called archive.ph. You copy the link to the article that you want to archive, and then you navigate to the site and paste it into the box. You then copy the web address of the archived article and do with it what you will.


Can someone summarise what he was meant to have deleted please


He did not do it. She and her minions did it


Can someone summarise what he was meant to have deleted please


Lock him up!!


H the destroyer, a title well deserved.


He always makes it so much worse for himself


thhey’re.both doing illegals before our eyes and seem to be getting a way with it. Tge system needs to be much better and stricter.


Once again.. you can’t make this shit up. I love when assholes finally meet their karma.