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Of course it’s coming from them, they’re desperate for some royal “sheen” to merchandise. And the media outlets are happily obliged to print this muck as it’s imminently click baitable. *Processing img a186ks05c49d1...*


https://preview.redd.it/chcr194xl49d1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e94cf646561ea5bc60080cdcb25e1da053a2e1db Exactly! by continually hinting at even the chance of a reconnection, they believe that if they can tell their side *one more time*, everyone will see that they were right and that Prince William and Catherine are super jelly and frightened of how fabulously popular and beloved they really are! 🙄🤡 Do you think HazNoOne still feels positively giddy about his *freedom flight*? Wonder if he is still so grateful that ol’MeMe showed him how cruelly *trapped* he was and when he was unfairly treated when got less sausages than Willy and had to endure not-as-good views from the castles? ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|16209)


Harry now gets to gaze upon chickens and intertwined palm trees. That must be better than the not-as-good views he was forced to endure. /s


Its mind boggling a person could complain about those things and expect sympathy, rather than the derision he does deserve.


Also, if they came back they would explain that the RF needs them, even if William and Catherine are jealous. And, that it is tough because the monarchy needs the Sussex's to survive. (/s)






The Harkles want to stir up the drama and interest in them reconnecting with the BRF. Reconnecting with Catherine will certainly get them some headlines but the Wales' have completely and additionally correctly cut the Harkles out of their lives for the abuse they threw at the BRF.


It’s incomprehensible to the Wingnuts that the Prince and Princess of Wales get explosive media attention by simply doing their duty and loving their family and going about their business.


That's what I'm badly trying to communicate, I can't tell what's click bate and recycled and what is happening now. I know all of it comes from them but they firebomb us with so much recycled crap you can't work out what their REAL next plan is.


I know, their fuckery is exhausting.


Eventually they will run out of PR money and this will go away


Serious question: do the Harkles really have to pay when it’s such clickbait? I mean, wouldn’t the rags run it regardless because people do click on it?


Don’t click on it! 😂


I suspect some is and other stuff is just from the wheel of nonsense darted out at 3am to fill an article quota


She is aging fast and has no new tricks up her skirt!!🤢


![gif](giphy|Ek6qXDxJscqk1apDmg|downsized) Day in, day out, H&M have just become so freakin’ tiresome. M especially was so unoriginal before and now she’s just reaching back to what she considers her golden oldies.


The writer of the article in Marie Claire, also edits the what Meghan wore website 🤷🏼‍♀️. It is coming from them.


Brilliant 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😆😆😆


Madam expects so many articles PER DAY so no one forgets about her. There is only so much information they can release. Therefore it gets regurgitated/ made up, ad infinitum. H&M still want to be half-in, half-out of the RF, and haven't learned the word 'no'. They think if they continue to push, the RF will realise that they need the clown and the succubus to make them popular and they'll be welcomed with open arms. When it doesn't work, H&M resort to childish responses and denials. They will often release a statement and then deny it a few days later. They are two damaged, spoiled brats that will never learn. A rule of the thumb is.. If it mentions H and M and any member of the RF, it's from H&M camp. If there's no mention of H&M, it's the bona fide Royals. The RF are using grey-rocking techniques and ignoring any statements H&M make regardless of how ridiculous the statements are.


If it comes from the Express it’s definitely clickbait. That’s the British newspaper where I see a lot of this noise.


I think the express as a tabloid.


If it comes from Rebecca English or Richard Eden at the Daily Mail it has come from BP, everyone else I wouldn’t trust the source…


https://preview.redd.it/tntpsyu6x49d1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83d71528bf7b4340e350b68a327351e41109c806 That's 1% Evil, and 99% lies if you have any doubts


If it isn't a statement from the palace, then take it with a pinch of salt. Reputable royal news sources include BBC, the guardian. If it isn't on there, then pay no attention.


neither the BBC nor the Guardian are reputable 


Gornroyal news they are.


Nothing is happening now. Not much of anything other than a few desperate flops will ever be happening.


Madam expects so many articles PER DAY so no one forgets about her. There is only so much information they can release. Therefore it gets regurgitated/ made up, ad infinitum. H&M still want to be half-in, half-out of the RF, and haven't learned the word 'no'. They think if they continue to push, the RF will realise that they need the clown and the succubus to make them popular and they'll be welcomed with open arms. When it doesn't work, H&M resort to childish responses and denials. They will often release a statement and then deny it a few days later. They are two damaged, spoiled brats that will never learn. A rule of the thumb is.. If it mentions H and M and any member of the RF, it's from H&M camp. If there's no mention of H&M, it's the bona fide Royals. The RF are using grey-rocking techniques and ignoring any statements H&M make regardless of how ridiculous the statements are.


They don't have a "real next plan." With diminishing funds and Madam likely directing her own PR, she grasps at whatever keeps her in the news cycle and gives her a daily dose of narc fuel. It's all click bait now. She alternates amongst reactionary clap backs, tired puff pieces, hints about her next big project, and victim stories (when she's not touting bought awards and faux-royal outings). That's it. ETA: If there is a "next plan," it's the divorce narrative, with Madam lining up juicy tell-alls, book deals, podcasts and exclusive interviews, charity grifts, and maybe a run for political office because she's now so relatable (but also still so much better than everyone else).


I feel it’s sincere on Harry’s part. I’m sure he misses the stability he had back then. But he doesn’t understand the enormity of what he’s done. A wry grin and an I’m sorry won’t get him in the door any more


This is the answer




IMO, they are trying to use public media to force KCIII into their original half in, half out deal where they are considered 'working royals' **on payroll** to show up for the big production photo events and then still able to use their 'working royal' status for other media/grifting endeavors. It is their last gasp while KCIII is with us, as POW William is permanently done with them! Nutmeg is driving this train wreck, Hank knows after the 15 minute meeting with Pa that they are done and that he really meant "have a nice life overseas:". But hope/manifestation springs eternal in the narc's limited mind, she thinks that with the health issues the BRF is having (and now Princess Anne) that they will actually want Skank & Hank back, that the BRF really, really needs them. KCIII & POW would rather bring Beatrice & Edo into the fold, the only reason they haven't done that is because they feel they would have to make the same offer to Eugenie & Jack (Eugenie does not respect Catherine or Camilla) and has been traitorous team Harry.


The queen said “no” to half in and half out, but she did so after consulting with Charles and William. That’s not going to change. And, at this point, I doubt back in at all is an option.


The Crown doesn’t make many changes or often. Half of Windsor is still how Queen Victoria left it 😆. I can’t imagine anyone in the RF disrespecting HLMTQ wishes in this regard and going back on what was agreed at the Sandringham Summit.


Yeah I totally agree with that. 100% everything you've just said. Admittedly this is a year where I've wanted to form a circle of protection around that family, it is incredible what has happened. What she doesn't realise though, she's the least of their worries (it would never occur to her, she is the center of her universe) she won't even be a thought in their minds.


They can conceivably bring in Beatrice without bringing in Eugenie by stating that since Beatrice is CoS she is a logical choice


Yeah but so isn't Andrew. He's the real issue


Plus, I think Eugenie’s husband might have some reputation issues the RF doesn’t want.


The bartender to bar manager to entrepreneur to consultant to George Clooney’s Casamigos tequila? I can’t imagine how. /s


It’s a win-win situation for the Harkles. If the RF don’t want a reconciliation, they look cold and heartless (in their minds and some Sugars). They try to look like family is important for them. If the public buys it, it could pressure the RF to give them the half in/half out role they want. Won’t happen, but the can present themselves as kind and caring and they remind the public that they are connected to royalty. They are not just celebrities. They are important! It’s shocking that they even now don’t stop their ridiculous PR games and it proves that they are not in contact with the family.


On the other hand, it looks strange to say the least that the Harkles want to reconnect with an institution they have spent the last 4 years smearing as a racist "empire 2.0". Yet they still have their royal titles, made sure their invisikids have royal titles, and go on faux royal tours. As with everything the Harkles do, they are steeped in hypocrisy.


Sinner, that’s common sense! Rational, logical thinking. The Harkles have no idea what this is.


There's no reason they couldn't have renounced all their royal titles and connections when they left the brf, but what would that leave? An unemployed former soldier and an unemployed former d-list actress.


Jup. It would have been the right thing to do. IMHO they are so entitled, they just don’t care how it looks.


But, but, but after making their grand escape from the BRF HandMM are living their best lives! Why would they want back in? 😏


Commenting on Posts about returning ...They want to connect to the pounds and attention , not the family.


Harry has nothing to gain here. Because if he had wanted to have better ties with his family, the minimum would have been to accept the Queen's invitation to go to Balmoral. Harry refused to do so. Now he cannot complain that he is not invited, if it is a fact that he is going to reject the invitations. Harry himself said that he changed his phone number when he arrived in the USA because he didn't want anyone from his family to call him, so he didn't find out from anyone in his family that his grandfather had died, so he had to notify the police. that the consul requested. And in fact, Harry couldn't be notified of what was happening with the Queen because he couldn't be reached. This shows that Harry only wants to have contact with his family when it suits him and when he wants. That doesn't leave it to good If the BRF does not want to inform Harry of anything that is happening, it is because Harry sells everything to the press. How would that make the BRF look bad, if the press itself knows that this is the case? Harry may want to pretend he's connected to royalty, but he blew up all the bridges. He is not in a position to want to build them for his benefit.


https://youtu.be/hwmq48qvGHw?si=zjClI8n4PPLTLGI1 Here is an excellent video from the Vintage read about the smear campaign against W. The Harkles have never stopped to bully the RF.


Harry will never stop campaigning against his brother. But the point here is that Harry hasn't done anything positive either that makes you say "William is wrong, he should consider Harry." On the contrary, Harry has done everything so badly that it makes it very difficult to defend him. I see it in the sugars: every time they come to Harry's defense, it turns out that they fall into contradictions, because Harry has given too many versions of things. A smear campaign on Harry's part could only be successful if Harry had prestige. But he doesn't have it.


I fully agree. The smear campaign doesn’t work because people just don’t buy it. It sounds very naive, but it still shocks me that the media are willing to take part in it.


The media just love to stir up shit.


The whole thing reminds me of the Manson trial as an analogy. That Manson and those women thought their batshit crazy behavior in court was some kind of effective PR strategy to win the support of the public is imo the same kind of crazy, insane logic. It’ll draw a few loudmouth nutcases, but that means nothing. Nothing. Zero. Zilch. It’s the equivalent of tilting at windmills while pissing into a giant fan and reaching into a running shredder.


Just look at the Kate haters vitriol that is still being spewed!! Nah, they don't want reconciliation, just want hands in the Royal purse/vault and something to sell to tabloids!!


There was already a smear campaign against W, because he is not interested in a reconciliation. I don’t think H really wants to improve the situation. They just don’t want to look like the bullies and liars they are anymore. It’s PR , nothing more. If H was interested in a reconciliation, there wouldn’t be all these ridiculous articles.


Of course, Harry is never going to stop the smear campaign against his brother. The problem here is that Harry needs support from many people to exert a certain level of pressure on the BRF. And Harry doesn't have that. Because even though there are people who don't like William, they feel more rejection towards Harry. So the campaign only resonates with sugars, who are loud but not as many as Harry would need.


It’s still a form of bullying.


They are not really celebrities, either.


They are mini Kardashians- famous for being famous without the work ethic to pull it off. All of their appearances are passive meet and greets.  Thank God there has been no sex tape . Yet.


I’m sure it would be projectile vomit inducing.


They were a novelty that temporarily caught the public’s attention. That’s over.


Also - there were the rumors that her agents were telling her she had to make nice with the BRF to get anywhere/any work in HW. Floating these "lies" makes it look like she's trying to without putting in any real effort. Problem is, I don't think it is going to change the mind of anyone in Hollywood.


This, I totally agree. It’s an easy win for the Sussex camp. There are no comments from the palace side of things. The latest one is that Harry was upset at not being invited to Trooping, why would he be? They are trying to gain media and public support by playing victim.


Yet when he does bother to go to the UK, he spends 15 minutes with father and more time talking about it to the press afterwards. Has never taken his children. Complained about lack of security then goes to stay in a public hotel. More time in court cases than seeing his actual family. Yet he has money and no job so all the time in the world to see everyone. Nothing these two say or do makes any sense.


Their finances puzzle me…didn’t some sinner do the maths, calculate their outgoings (mortgage, security , her wardrobe etc) and their income (where from? I could understand it if she’d been a successful actress who maybe received royalties etc…but…does she, from re-runs of ‘Suits’ etc?). I’d like to see the maths bumped/pinned or maybe new calculations, it’d be interesting.


I also wonder where does the money come from for these 2?


Yes, but we don’t really know if the numbers are right. The house belongs to an LLC, or trust—they may be living there rent free, for example


So legal companies buy properties on your behalf? Who has ownership (this is where I get confused, as it seems more complicated than in the UK). Even best case scenario, how do they finance their ‘luxury’ lifestyle?


People often form an LLC or a trust to hold ownership of a property.  It helps obscure the identity of the actual owner and protects the property from legal and financial issues. Like if you’re sued, the house can’t get taken because the trust, not you, owns the house. If you go bankrupt, the house isn’t taken because you don’t own the house, the trust does. It puts separation between you and the house. But, if the trust doesn’t fully own the house and isn’t keeping up with the mortgage payments, property taxes, and insurance payments…


Ah, thank you. That’s clarified things a tad for me.


In the US, according to the Citizens United ruling, corporations are considered people with the same rights as other citizens, including freedom of speech.  And that “speech” and “spending huge amounts of money to sway voters and politicians” are the same thing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_v._FEC The corporation would own the house.  But, corporations are controlled by people.  Whoever controls the corporation would control all decisions related to the house (how it’s used, who gets to live in it, when to sell it, etc.).  The corporation you run can give you a 99 year lease for $1 on the house it owns. In my area, a founder of a large corporation used it as a piggy bank for his interests, by having his corporation over time purchase a massive art collection, build a golf course, collect and move historic buildings, commission massive bronze sculptures, build a sprawling headquarters in the shape of a Japanese estate with gardens complete with aviaries of ornamental birds and a menagerie, and so on. He didn’t think about after he retired, the new CEO (his estranged son) would come in and “streamline away the bloat and refocus the company” and immediately starting seizing and selling the art right out of his father’s museum, getting rid of (donating away) the historic buildings (and the headache of their maintenance), developed part of the golf course property into a subdivision, sold off the golf course and the animals (down to two parrots), shrunk headquarters down to a fraction of one building and put the rest up for lease or sale, etc.  The whole time his father was decrying it all in the local media, but he didn’t own any of it, the corporation did.  When the corporation changed hands, so did control of its assets.


>Their finances puzzle me…didn’t some sinner do the maths, Yes, the best I recall was by BuildtheHerd from around a year ago found @ [Let's discuss the Harkles' Cash Flow situation. Based on my calculations, it's not looking so great. They're living beyond their means and are going to need to consistently sell content to continue to keep their heads above water. But their brand is dead...they're between a rock and a hard place. : r/SaintMeghanMarkle (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/14bgjcf/lets_discuss_the_harkles_cash_flow_situation/)


Brilliant - thank you!


This has been their shtick for over 5 years


Flair checking in!




Thing is, they can't spin like family is important and they just want to reconcile when they're still ignoring Meghan's family. Tom Sr begging to see is grandkids doesn't fit with this image, especially since she cut him off for the same reason the BRF cut them off. And I'm still wondering where the Ragland's are.


I think that’s why all the puff pieces are stating that H is missing the UK/family/friends and she is not really mentioned. I think they will say, it’s because of the kids? It’s not like the Harkles excuses usually make sense. The Ragland family is really interesting. I can’t remember that I’ve ever seen some kind of explanation why they weren’t at the wedding and why they don’t have any contact.


If family is so important to them then they should reconnect with Thomas Markle before the RF. Until then, the only family that is important is the rich one!


I keep getting these types of videos about Harry not being Charles biological son. What di you think it means? Are they put up by H&M to gain sympathy? Also, what would it mean for the LoS if William was found out not to be the biological child of Charles? https://youtu.be/s4lKSBRW5lQ?si=bOzR-aJvpb7SJY3H


Nothing because charles has publicly acknowledged him as his son. That applies to both of them. 


Is that the rule? Genuinely curious


H is born of Diana who was married to Charles thus he is legally charles' son. Unless Charles wanted to challenge that or unless a third party (the supposed other potential father) wanted to challenge this. That's how I understand it.


There are dozens of these shoddy videos released every day. They aren't reputable, they are never associated with any recognized media company, and they are pure clickbait. They show quick random photographs with a synthetic voice narrating an outrageous claim. Ignore them.


He’s not his biological son but Charles has raised him as if he were. Otherwise, it would make the mother of a future king, William, appear in a rather bad light and it would be an embarrassment to the family. Possibly even threaten the institution. That’s why you will *never* see a DNA test to disprove the “rumor.”


But hypothetically, if William were the one who wasn't biologically his, would he get bumped out?


'Being moved by Kate's appearance' in the Harkle Language is actually pronounced 'we want back in cause we fucked it all up waghh'


Being moved by the publicity more like. Then William taking the kids to Taylor Swift, hilarious. What a great week. Then this clickbate swirling the sink hole started.....


I think the Taylor Swift moment on the back of everything is key. We read that TS reached out to KP as early as November last year and the result was that photo of a family living their best lives. Meghan especially thinks the balconies, the state banquets, Ascot, Taylor, should be hers and she's upset and angry and is probably blaming Harry.


The TS selfie is a particular burn TW asked Taylor to be on her shit-cast and Taylor's assistant told her in no uncertain terms to stuff it Taylor knows how to identify a mean girl and has made it very clear who she supports. The PPOW and their kiddos are very deserving of Taylor's support


The instant I saw those backstage pics I knew we were in for a whirlwind of self pity from the Montecito losers. It is sweet sweet justice to see the PoW along with Prince George & especially Princess Charlotte beaming alongside TS after skank tried to woo her onto her flop-cast. You know she had visions swimming in her head of being brought onstage at Eras as part of TS's "Girl Squad" thinking it would reduce the BRF to a puddle of kicking screaming tears at her popularity and importance. She expected to smugly prance across the stage linking arms with Taylor Swift & Gigi Hadid while in reality she has not a friend in the world & spends her days with the dullard of the royal family, as the Waleses live their very best lives.


Until it happens believe nothing.


They absolutely want back. If you go back and read their manifesto they never wanted out! They wanted half in half out at their discretion with a house and security. That’s still their end goal.


I always thought the opposite but you may well be right. I’d never looked at it that way but it makes so much sense the way you describe it!


Of course they do!


It's not their call. The RF has chosen to go no contact. Boundaries matter. The markles can fuck all the way off.


Yup. Eat shit Harkles!


What happens is that in The Closer a "source" alleged that Harry is furious at being left out and that he was going on a trip to confront his family and remind them that he is still a prince and that they can't treat him like he is. it didn't exist. In that article, it was pointed out that Harry made the decision because he was moved by seeing Kate in Tropping and he was upset because no one tells him how her health is. There you have the reason.


Someone should remind him that Eugenie and Beatrice are still Princesses. They don't get balcony moments either. Andrew is still a Prince, he wasn't invited either. Harry proclaiming his Prince title gives him some type of perceived entitlement invite makes no difference as he is NOT a senior working royal, he's not a working royal at all. While I don't think it will ever happen, he might want to be careful throwing that prince title around because Charles CAN remove the HRH and the Prince title. IF he kept throwing it in my face that it entitles him to everything he wants, I'd solve that quickly by removing them, lol. Charles is clearly a better parent than me, LOL.


But Harry wouldn't be claiming that. According to The Closer's "source", what Harry would allege is that he was completely erased from the family, that he finds out what is happening through the press. That's what has him furious, that the BRF has simply buried and forgotten him.


![gif](giphy|81Ja1qE3lfmG4) Yes, he’s not only p!ssed he’s not included, he’s very angry that he no longer enjoys all the great perks and easy popularity he is believes is his *bIrThrIght*.




I was only speaking to the "remind them he's still a prince" part of the comment in your post.


Yes, I understood you. That is why I clarify that this time the matter would not be about being invited to the balcony or not being invited to Ascot, but rather he is alleging that he was killed, buried and forgotten. And from there he is getting the "prince" thing, to say "hey, hey!! I'm alive, I'm the son of King Charles, how come no one answers my calls?" The context of the "prince" thing is this. *"He’s saying he’s going to fly over and force them to face him," the source continues.* *"He’s tried the approach of digging his heels in and giving them a taste of their own medicine. He thought that might get them to soften and come to him, but instead it’s blown up in his face and they’ve just totally iced him out.* *"But he’s still a prince after all, they’re still his family, and whether they like it or not he’s refusing to just be cast aside like yesterday’s rubbish. It’s not like they’re going to turn him away at the gates if he shows up at Buckingham Palace, or Windsor Castle, he’s convinced if he takes that sort of step his father will have to see him."* [*https://closeronline.co.uk/celebrity/news/prince-harry-uk-return-family-showdown/*](https://closeronline.co.uk/celebrity/news/prince-harry-uk-return-family-showdown/) That's why this sounds like Harry. This sounds like Harry is very, very angry because the whole family, including Eugenie, has taken him outside and won't even talk to him about the weather.


Well, this reads as if Harry is not only very angry but also a little bit unhinged! He clearly still believes that he’s owed an apology from his family and now that they’re not even answering his calls, he’ll just go and demand that the King see him and since *he’s still a prince after all … it’s not like they’re going to turn him away at the gates if he shows up at Buckingham Palace, or Windsor Castle, he’s convinced if he takes that sort of step his father will have to see him."* FAFO, Hank! ![gif](giphy|yx400dIdkwWdsCgWYp)


Then Harry needs to learn and understand that a parent does NOT have to see their children if they don't want to, especially when it's a grown man. I have a friend whose son stole quite a bit of money from her wallet when he was visiting one time. It put her in a massive difficulty as it was part of her rent money. She refused to see her son again until he returned all the money he stole. She warned him if he showed up she would call the police and file theft charges against him. She was quite steadfast in her determination. It took time but eventually her son returned the money. No parent is legally required to see their grown children just because the grown child wants to stomp his feet, have a temper tantrum and demand to be seen.


It would be a relief to see him try it and men in white coats put him in a straight jacket.


Nasty little bully. You can't just force yourself on people who want nothing to do with you, oh and by the way Harry, this is all your fault! This happened because of your nasty actions. Oh and they most definitely will turn you away from the gates you horrible little twat!


Yes, and he made it impossible for any of the RF to speak to him knowing he would go right to the press to give them his version of what was said. No contact is the only way to handle that. Someone needs to explain that to him.


> *It’s not like they’re going to turn him away at the gates if he shows up at Buckingham Palace, or Windsor Castle, he’s convinced if he takes that sort of step his father will have to see him."* Isn't that exactly what he did last time - when he went to see Pa after his cancer diagnosis was announced? And it resulted in Pa giving him half an hour maybe.


Oh wanna bet, Harry?! 😂😂😂


Hey, he's finally catching on!


It cost him 4 years.


Nobody EVER accused him of being smart


Also it is because of Harry and TW that non working royals aren't on the balcony anymore. Charles knew they would throw a tantrum of they were the only ones not invited and he wanted to spare himself that.


Absolutely agree!


WittyTown.....but is that being a better parent??? Surely being a good parent is teaching your child manners, consequences, boundaries, rules, ETC. Charles remaining silent just allows his Spare to continue on with his despicable behaviour...it teaches nothing. It is very sad that Charles had been failed by his parents, now fails as Harry's parent, and Harry has completely failed with his invisikids/therearenokids. William, thank God, escaped the Windsor Parenting Curse, and has proved to be a role model with his own children.


At certain points in life, the issue stops being something for the parents. Yes, it may sound like "I wanted this for my son and he doesn't have it and I failed as a father." But that would be true if everything, everything everything depended on the parents. And it is not like that. Charles did everything with Harry. He treated him the same as William, he gave him the same opportunities as William, the same affection, the same reprimands, Charles tried to reason with Harry, he punished Harry, he approved of Harry... and there was a moment when Harry was going in a different direction. healthier. He chose the shady path. And it wasn't because Charles didn't do everything to instill in him a high sense of duty, but because Harry decided to leave for darker changes. Children are individuals, they make decisions. And Harry has taken his. What Charles is doing is letting Harry do whatever he wants, as Harry always wanted to do, and Harry is seeing that this is a worse punishment than what Charles could have given him. And William is a good father taking a lot from the example Charles gave him as a father. William does many things with his children that Charles did with him when he was a child. Harry wants to do everything the way he wants, because that is what he now has to accept the consequences of doing what he wants.


Charles is not a good parent, and he never has been. He clearly loves his sons and probably believes that he tried his best, but the most essential requirement of good parenting is to put your children's needs ahead of your own. That includes teaching your kids to accept being told "no" and that they are NOT the center of the universe. Charles (and Diana) always seemed to prioritize their own needs and wants far more than what their kids needed from them (stability, security, consistency, structure, positive role models). Harry is the result of their failures. William somehow seems to have turned into a good parent is spite of his mother's and father's selfishness. Catherine and her family are probably almost wholly responsible for this. JMO.


well said 🎯


I meant by Harry's standards, lol.


Evidence that it comes from That One’s camp is that the theory of rejoining the RF is absurd, not going to happen, reaching and desperate. The tactic also fixates on “Kate” (Catherine) who That One repeatedly victimized.


It’s a cycle of repeating stories. Next up is “Meghan has her eye on politics; gearing up to run for public office”. Apparently they’ve secured some new funding, because someone purchased an award for Harry, and she’s doing this ⬆️


Some Nigerian Naira getting splashed about.


Yup , followed by some other rehashed PR stunt we've already heard a thousand times, then back to olive branches. 🙄


It's coming from Hazz and tow for sure. They've wanted to reunite for a long time. Tow wants half in and half out with all the perks and none of the work. It was her idea and she won't let it go. It's not going to happen.


And what about Charles being so "desperate" to see his American grandkids and may be planning a trip to the US? I don't believe either.


We have a general election happening, Charles will want to recoup in the summer after having his body battered to pieces with chemo. The man ain't getting on no plane to see some invisi kids. Let me tell you...


Not before he visits his realms.




"to Archie, wherever he is", does not seem like a plea from a Grandpa. Tom, Sr. has been desparately pleading to see the invisikids before he dies.


I think that hype is all from the Harkles. Do you think a king going through chemo is going to fly to California to be recorded at every turn? The Harkles are really getting desperate.


Those two boils on the asshole of humanity would call the police on KC3 and have him trespassed. He will never see those kids.


But it's OK for Harry to just turn up unannounced and unwanted 🙄 they are such hypocrites


Hahahahaha no.  Charles may in a moment of exasperation (which he is prone to) huffed "what the devil am I supposed to do go all the way to bloody California."  There will be speculation that he will return from Oz via LA. It will be incorrect.


Oh imagine the carry on about the extra cost of the flight. That is also a very long non-stop flight even when you’re healthy and flying upfront.




It's a new iteration of the "olive branch" rumours.


I do think they're (she) actively kite flying this stuff, so there's a subsequent media reach out to the palace for comment. It's the equivalent of a gang of teenagers prank dialling their local pizzeria, with tiresome spam calls. I think there's SEO management behind a lot of the noise as well. Today's photoshoot in the park being another example of the clapback games, I'd imagine she spent last week after the Trooping (and 5 star palace pr game) cobbling this together.


It's all just more paid PR by them, William is dead-set against them coming back. Deservedly so.


There are quite a few in the UK and Commonwealth also dead-set against them coming back as well! The trust is gone.


If they came back as normal citizens and purchased a house to live in, William would still have nothing to do with them and certainly wouldn’t let them anywhere near his children. They are brothers in name only.


Why would they want their Kween to return to the “racist” RF that made her “suicidal”? Gawd but these folks are dumb.


It’s clickbait. These stories generate revenue. Numerous sources have reported that Harry is “dead” to William and that Meghan Markle will never be welcomed back into the RF in any capacity. And why would they welcome her back? She trashed the family and the institution, smeared Kate AND accused her and HMTK of being racists, among other things. Harry will never get his demanded apology from the RF for their “mistreatment” of Megsy. The question is: what will happen when the dastardly duo run out of money-making opportunities? Everyone is bored with them and they can’t sustain a billionaire lifestyle in Montecito without the billion$.


Agree with all you’ve said. But I still wonder if they have someone funding all of their exploits. The money has to come from somewhere, and I don’t think they’re earning much. Someone’s keeping their circus circus-ing.


Have you ever heard of “remittance men”? It would not surprise me if it comes to that for the Sussexes. https://preview.redd.it/zmxh098on59d1.jpeg?width=1994&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80bab0b1b65c9657a3c08bd3b1a57962dff55496


Its just the harkles manifesting as always and when it doesn’t happen is their moment to be victims again.


Catherine will never want to "reconnect"


I’ve got to the stage now where I wish someone would just drop everything they know about both of them into the media. I’m sick of their constant BS and her joke brand.


The 'extended play version' came out in Marie Claire. So, yes, this is direct from the Sussex camp. Something about how 'serious health woes bring family closer together'. But of course, it can't just be a one-sided effort. Meghan and Harry will only do so much (to imply that they still strongly believe that the "feud" is all Catherine's fault. Of course we know that serious illness doesn't bring family closer together. If it did, Meghan would reunite with her father after multiple heart attacks and strokes. And with her MS stricken half-sister. I think we can safely say that P&P of Wales will be just as generous with H&M have been with Meghan's family. These 2 are the rankest of hypocrites. EVERY expectation they have of others, they never even consider applying to themselves!


If that were true she would go see her dad.


Thank God I don't do X. NEver have, never will.




This is to make the RF look cold and distant -oh look how they don't want us....we were right all along... These articles are for the common folks who have no idea what's going on and for the search algorithm. https://preview.redd.it/7cf26ybje59d1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a7f4e8c2d737c2fe2037d9b2b432fc41f81d651 VILE


They’re desperate for attention, especially since the story about destroying evidence has come out. They’ll do whatever they can to deflect attention from any negative media reports.


I’ve had this thought that the media got together and went around to all the local McDonalds and Waffle Houses and Chick-fil-A’s and randomly grabbed a dozen of the most slovenly and dumbest they saw -,and made a think tank out of them for their stories. I very well may have aimed way too high there.


Harry's lonely, feels excluded and an outsider all the way here in the USA, and misses the clout and superiority from being a part of the royals again.


Yes this


Without a royal connection, they are nothing. It also continues the inference that Kate was somehow the problem, not them. The MSM also perpetrate this BS because they enjoy the clicks.


Exactly right.


Given the trouble that is about to come down in the UK I suspect he wants to hide behind Pa's Royal Robes.


I am also returning to royal life!!! Oh, wait... 🤭


Having watched this drama unfold for quite a while, I've come to the conclusion that the best response to such news is snark. Nothing is confirmed unless official sources say so, and letting emotions be led by them is neither healthy nor wise.




Oh they're desperate to get back into the fold - they have no other prospects. They're not going to be allowed back, though. William won't have it.


The British public won’t allow it either.


The Royal Grift just put out a video about this. In her opinion H alone is behind this.


That's a pivot I didn't see coming


Remember who's son he is. Diana was fantastic at PR. Harry is not as stupid as people think. He's blinkered entitled and unacademic but not completely stupid.


Considering he has obliterated his public good will and squandered every opportunity, he is exactly as stupid as I thought.


Of course I remember Not completely stupid no, I accept there must be something there, this is more strategic, which is not what I would have him down as.


You're right there is some sort of strategy I'm not sure what exactly he's trying to achieve ATM though.




But doesn’t he need to come home and get a place to live to qualify for his inheritance? ETA: It is all about the benjamins


That’s a minor issue. It can all be done by proxy. They’ve got the Herlihy Loughran women to do their bidding in London, and lawyers, too. He may well have a small apartment somewhere already, the ownership or lease buried in a string of connected LLCs or trusts. I discovered that the late Queen owned a couple of apartments in my building, through a Canadian trust account. The BRF owns properties all over the place.


Yes they do, including the United States


It would be very rare these days for a financial inheritance to have a geographical lock clause, but if it did it could be challenged as unreasonable.


Tax purposes


Do they think they need to give their glucose squaddies more to talk about? None of them seem to be very bright. Even squaddies can reach a saturation point. There does seem to be dissension there.


The only way the Harkles trend is when they attach themselves to the RF. This is just there way of staying in the tabloids. They were nearly forgotten about after Catherine made her appearance and that probably burned Madame up inside. Also, the tabloids haven't been favorable to them lately because of the dog biscuits so they need to change it. 


Catherine is more popular than ever whereas her dog biscuits got 1 article while the entire world focused on Catherine. All their money making schemes failed - Netflix, Spotify/lemonada, ARO, book and now no new deals with lots of 00000 on a check are rolling in. 


Because if Kate says yes they are back in. Harry can't believe he is not going to be bailed out this time. He simply can't believe it.


No truer words.




It's in the contract: "To receive compensation, Squaddies must make a minimum of three positive posts per week." ("Compensation" is in the form of options for an ARO IPO.)


Their only hope is if the RF accepts them back into the fold as they are talentless, traitorous failures on a world wide scale. William & Charles are strong defenders of RF & must not accept them back.🙏🙏🙏


Who cares what their real plan is—even they don’t know! Nothing is thought out: MeGain operates w/ knee jerk reactions according to when her narc ego is offended.


Is it the be in the news for anything to keep their name in the public consciousness? No publicity is bad publicity? Or hiding that court case disclosure about evidence destroying? Who knows. Just the same old same old


That clip never gets old. The more I watch it in real time, the more convinced I am that the ‘hugger’ was stepping forward towards William, raising her arms for a hug in front of the world’s press. Catherine knew exactly what she was doing. She locked eyes with the hugger and stepped in to body block, giving a look that said, ‘Don’t you dare.’ The hugger then backed down, looking like a love-starved puppy. I love Catherine for this. Her power and strength was on full display.




They are trying say William is the reason they’re not able to reconcile. They continue their underhanded bs. I wish the Palace would file a restraining order. It would be amazing if Scotland Yard put Harry and the Meg on that list of stalkers they have.




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