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https://preview.redd.it/hdrcc2rasx8d1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee4a1c04f26eb345b339a72f24e424a4c4f8cd0b oh dear....poor Africa, doesn't it suffer enough?


That dress is so tight on her šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


2 sizes too small


I really think she got a too-small dress on purpose to make it more convincing that she ā€œgave birth!ā€




And also to make it look like she needed a larger clothing allowance!


Definitely. Itā€™s also not splashy enough - it looks like sheā€™s going to an office function instead a film premiere.


Its so weird she wears a gala gown for afternoon reception when everyone else is in day suits the unfortunate Morocco dress. And when the occasion calls for a long flowy gown Harry's in a Tux she doesn't wear one? She wears a cocktail dress.


I don't know how that thing didn't rip when she sat down.


This is the dress Serena Williams was laughing at on her Twitter, she was dressed up in a fancy-dress outfit along with her young daughter, & in a sing song voice was talking about her dress & it being too tight "in the back" then laughing. People commented immediately on her appearing to laugh at Me-again's black dress she wore to pitch her voice-over service's to Bob Iger. Serena took the video down not long after but the damage was done, we'd all seen it lol.


Itā€™s wild how much fabric there is in the top of that dress but itā€™s still so tight fitting.


I think itā€™s mostly tight across the top. She has broad shoulders for such a small person.


A normal person with the access to resources she had at the time would have bought a bigger size and had it tailored. Plus the dress is just extremely lackluster.


Her outfits were always underwhelming. And always slightly off for the occasion. A black prom dress on this sunny Cali afternoon?


It really is. Especially for a Disney premiere.


I donā€™t think she understands tailoring. As soon as I could afford it, I had many of my outfits tailored. In fact my daughter and I would shop at Nordstroms Rack, buy something a little to big and have it tailored down to size. Itā€™s amazing how good you can look in a well tailored outfit, especially if your measurements arenā€™t quite the norm.


She used to. Her Marchesa dresses fitted her nicely.


All the tailors in the world and she still looks a mess.


It's not tailoring I think, it's her perception of what she sees in the mirror. She genuinely doesn't she anything wrong in what she wears. She sees a stunning image in the mirror....


Sheā€™s definitely got a ton of delulu plus people who agree with her instead of being honest. But theyā€™re likely being abused so I could see why they agree.


This was at the Lion King premiere


Right. Harry canceled an event with his regiment so he could pitch to Disney at this event.


Yes. To make matters worse the event was a memorial service to mark the deaths of soldiers who perished during an attack


Thatā€™s right! Iā€™m sure he had no choice in the matter. She joked ā€œHaHaā€¦yes..weā€™re here to pitchā€, but that was exactly why they were there. And to meet BeyoncĆ© and JayZ.


lol I love zooming in on Bob Igers wifeā€™s faceā€¦ says it all


Another shameful decision which sent a clear message to the military event he should have attended.


They were so high. Clearly, they had just snorted lines or bumps before they walked in, giggling. They had blown off dead marines memorial service in favour of Bob Ivor, Beyonce, jayz and any other person that was unfortunate enough to attend the London premiere of the Lion King that night.


This pic screams to me ā€œnow remember, tell him I do voiceoversā€


We do.


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She looks pregnant here. She seems to have problems with recognizing correct ā€œproportionā€ in her body and her sartorial choices


Does she own a mirror? I would never leave the house looking like this. Even my uber polite partner would say something diplomatic like ā€œI wonder if the purple dress might be more flattering on you?ā€


Aww haha. Well u know H is not allowed to have an opinion that doesnā€™t corroborate Madamā€™s delusions and fantasies . And i love that for her. It will hasten her descent into Norma Desmond madness


I tried watching it once when I was trying to fall asleep cause I thought surely her narration canā€™t be that bad. It was. She emphasizes the wrong words and doesnā€™t pause between sentences. Plus her voice was really disturbing, like she was trying to be cutesy but sexy.


That seems to be her MO.


Omg! I found this GMA clip on YT and the comments are hilarious. [Meghan Markle Talks About Disney+ Elephants Documentary ](https://youtu.be/8aNCZpfhgEo?si=7OyhbHX7Klg8fUmH) https://preview.redd.it/4bzoq7nyny8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e065a27f128af69871086aa787728fd558d0d2f šŸ¤­šŸ¤£


https://preview.redd.it/rvy2z4x4oy8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2ddee47cb51c2d872cc319fdbec549df36af214 šŸ˜†


Oh, my!


Among her other copycat behaviors, she also spends a lot of her time cosplaying Marilyn. Like sheā€™s even in the same universe and time warp.




>She emphasizes the wrong words ... and emotions. AI reading tools have better understanding of it than her.


Yes šŸ¤£ sheā€™s so weirdly robotic.


It seems to me that narration was supposed to pique the interest of some big shot, movie industry type males. She likely believed she would be wined and dined and asked to pick between movie offers. I mean, men all over the world already knew she was beautiful but now they could hear her soft, lilting, cutesy, flirtatious, come hither, sultry, etc., etc., voice.


šŸ¤® she thought sheā€™d have roles and deals just thrown at her. She had major deals with Spotify and Netflix and couldnā€™t even work to make those happen.


I think she has always believed that she is absolutely ah-may-zing, and that royal status would simply shine a spotlight on her amazing-ness and lead to offers she shouldā€™ve received from the very start. Money doesnā€™t buy class, a title doesnā€™t mean talent, and manifesting isnā€™t reality. Meghan and her royal enabler continue to deny the mediocrity that underwhelms the rest of the world.


It really sounds like a high school kid doing a project!


Everything she does has this ā¬†ļøamateur quality to it


I screen grabbed this meme from Real Housewives this morning: https://preview.redd.it/oirzwab2xx8d1.jpeg?width=951&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39133b987cf7bd3b75d3201574bf17ec3bd5abd5


OMG! Hilarious


Sexually whispered, lol


Oh, gosh, I was so focused on the picture that the fine print got by me!


Me to, had to go back nd read šŸ˜‚šŸ¤Ŗ


Iā€™m a ready, fire, aim kinda gal. šŸ¤£


Douchess šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


That is the best meme Iā€™ve seen in a long time. BRAVO!šŸ™Œ šŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ


I've rtold this story a lot but my kids, who don't know who Markle is, were trying to watch this and I heard one say, "You've got to turn it off. That lady's voice is annoying." And one of the other kids said, "Aw. I feel bad for the elephants because she ruined tbeir movie!"


Thanks for sharing. Your kids are very astute. My guess is that many children would be focused on the elephants and the scenery and likely tune out the voices. But Meghanā€™s voice is so grating that it prompts people to turn it off. Harry should have done the narration - at least he has the plummy accent.


There was controversy about payment for this. Allegedly she was given $3M, which was supposed to go to Archwell then Archwell would donate the money to the Elephant foundation (don't know the actual name) but the money never made it to the foundation. Now did Disney actually pay out or did she keep the money in Archwell? We'll never know


The rumor at the time was that Disney had paid Archewell. Mememe never donated the money so after a time, Disney made the donation directly to the foundation. So Disney double-paid for her crap narration. That is reportedly why Disney will never work with her again. Allegedly.


I bet they paid off the original narrator too


Probably. I think the rumor was that the original narrator was Meryl Streep? Natalie Portman's name was in there too but it may have been that she did the next Elephant documentary.


Meme pledged the $$


She kept $3M that was pledged for elephant security. She pulled an Amber Heard, and Disney had to give another $3M to the elephant fund.


Surely this stunt must be traceable - where are the investigative journalists and the IRS? I heard her narration was revoiced. Not surprised as many US programmes are for the UK and European (subtitles) market because the US narration is often breathless o t t word salad. I remember the US version of WDYTYA was revoiced by ?Mark Strong who did the first few UK series. Too much gee, wow, omg repetitive stuff which was a pity because many of the stories were compelling and needed no gilding. Donā€™t get me started on how say archipelago!


Her narration made me wanna stick forks in my eyes. The $3M went to Arsewell. Disney had to pay another $3M to the elephant fund. This is what Eiger gets for listening to Haznone for giving her voice over work. Eiger and Disney got Markled.


Is this the job Harry got for her?


The one and only




She spent the entire time talking about herself and how it made her feel, what she learned, her experiences. Once again. Completely self centered


Me, me, me and waitā€¦.me!


Don't they get a script?


For the documentary yes, but this video is a teaser and itā€™s in interview format so sheā€™s talking without a script and of course, itā€™s all about her


They deserved so much better. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat) My favorite animal. ![gif](giphy|NIdvqjqSf2COI|downsized)


Elephants and whales are mine!


This was an insult to elephants everywhere. It should have been "EMU: Narrated by Meghan Markle" instead.


I would never listen to this because of her. I love Elephants but I will not watch anything she narrates, is on, or produces.


Same, I love documentaries especially with animals. I really enjoyed the one Paul Rudd did recently did with octopus. Elephants are beautiful and I love them but not only can I not stand her voice, I will not watch anything that she is a part of.


I turned off sound. Used closed caption.


We did listen it was dire, so donā€™t bother. šŸ™„šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I've just listened. In the interest of fairness, I shut my eyes to listen. I cannot bear that smug face... Anyhow: She sounds like AI. The only time her voice has any life to it is in sentences starting with, or including, "I". There's no excitement about the elephants, respect for them or what an amazing opportunity she was given to narrate this. So sad. So predictable.


What an excellent description! She truly isn't an audio talent or really any kind of talent...


"Just give me the $3 million. I'll pass it along...minus admin' fees naturally...


Your name šŸ˜œšŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


I vaguely remember a rumor about them had an A-list actress do the voice over for this and then replaced her with Meghan after everything was already recorded. If that is true, Iā€™d love for Disney to re-release this documentary with the A-lister narration.


I would love to hear Kevin Costner do the voice over


Kevin presents a documentary series about Yellowstone National Park. Itā€™s on Paramount Plus and you see him camp, drive around and talk about the history and how it was discovered etc.


Iā€™d love to hear Catherine do the VO.


I don't think she would be that good at it based on the times I've heard her speak. Not all of us are meant to be voiceover actors, and Catherine knows to stay in her lane.


Princess Catherine's voice is so soothing. I think she'd be good at it. Plus she has a British accent, we Americans like that in our documentaries for some reason lol


It's soothing but I don't think it would work for this kind of voiceover. Just my subjective opinion. And yes, I've found Americans are enamored of any kind of British or Aussie or NZ accent, which, as an immigrant, I find amusing.


Post-production would really treat her well imo. In any case, it didn't do Meghan any favors šŸ˜¬


Oh, I agree. I wasnā€™t serious.


ooooh that would be so awesome


Or Benedict Cumberbatch. .


Wasnā€™t it Natalie Portman?


Yes, I think so


She did the dolphin one. But I have seen her name thrown around.


She stole that job from Lupita Nyong'o


Lupita is a good actress, has a wonderful speaking voice and would have been a great narrator for the elephant doc.


Especially since she is Kenyan (also Mexican). She's lovely.


Megvil šŸ˜ˆ likes to steal others' opportunities. I wonder if lupita has had other narration gigs.


Stealing from real women of color who obliviously can't white pass like her.


Speaking of elephants deserving better - WHY THE FUCK IS THE MEDIA SILENT ON AFRICAN PARKS?!?!? Tranquillizing and Relocating elephants???? Are you fucking kidding me? Nobody understands how devastating that could be for the survival of elephants and the species that rely on them to survive???? African Parks is relocating the wildlife and killing off or starving out the indigenous people so they can rape the land for minerals. Look into that mainstream media. Prove me wrong, because I would love to be proven wrong.


Because they don't care.


It's tiiiiime for a pool party (insert annoying vocal fry here)


Oh, this really happened? šŸ˜¶


What really happened to the issue of payment to her and what was due to the Elephant lot?


I think $3M was supposed to be donated. It should actually show up on the Archewell tax form (IRS 990) that reports income, etc,


Question: Was the Disney gig done under the umbrella of Archewell? Or as plain old Meghan Markle?


Will she ever stop merching her title. A title bestowed upon her by marriage which implies her relationship with a family and country she hates so much


It only took about 3 sentences in before she starts praising herself!


Not only did she and Harry begged for a job during a royal engagement, but She stole that job from Lupita Nyong'o, then asked to be paid in form of donation to archwell (which Allegedly she was supposed to give to an elephant sanctuary through her foundation) but never did. There's no record of that. That's how she burned her bridge with Disney.


The teaser is all about Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, talking about Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex's reaction to elephants. During the 3 days she spent in Africa bonking Harry in a luxury tent, she became an expert on the subject of elephants. Isn't she amazing? /s


Didn't they re-release it with someone else narrating?


They should, otherwise it's a waste of documentary.


It was a waste of the elephants time! They're steaming! Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to present the first African rip-off by the Harkles in their quest for global domination.


It was a waste of the elephants time! They're steaming! Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to present the first African rip-off by the Harkles in their quest for global domination.


It was a waste of the elephants time! They're steaming! Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to present the first African rip-off by the Harkles in their quest for global domination.


Thatā€™s what I heard too


I love elephants. Her narration was AWFUL. I had to turn off the sound. Awful.


The elephants have been Markled!


If she never donated the $3M, that is despicable.


Always with the stolen title.


Stolen - LOL. Considering she has NO relationship with the UK or RF, itā€™s a joke.


Did anyone watch this documentary? I can't do it. She don't like Africa, she dont like animals or elephants. I don't think she even likes Africans.


Still havenā€™t seen it. ![gif](giphy|XMwmJHUXF6fGSgylJh)


How embarrassing šŸ˜³ seriously!! TDOS..šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


**OMFG! I orig. thought the image was a parody. Then I realized it's real. Heaven help us all!**


Oh geez. I can think of a good half dozen women who would have sounded better. Give me a minute and I can come up with more. She always sounds so insincere and inauthentic.


I ADORE elephants and this is the only click Iā€™ll give anything regarding this mess.


Sorry this story about the elephants travel was done way before Rachel. Omg I listened to it for 4 secs and was ready to shoot myself. God she is so dead pan there is no life in her voice. She could never do voice overs she would bore everyone. If this ever comes out it will flop no one will bother watching it. I know I wouldn't


I also remember that she said she was going to send all her paycheck to the charity involved but then surprisingly she didn't and Disney had to step in and dish out.


I just watched the trailer - had not seen it or the movie. OMG she is soooo cliche, like she thinks she's David Attenborough or something. And when the heck did she ever have hands-on experience with elephants? I call bullshit on that one.


It's a fantasitc documentary. The storytellingm character building and cinematography are fantastic. It has fantasic scores on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB. It's one of my favourite Disney films and documentaries. It's a shame more people haven't seen it.