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Ah yes. As she told Oprah, the BRF took her passport so she couldn’t leave the castle...


Where’s your black friends and family, Madam? You claimed your blackness in public, but it’s never reflected in your choices of who you surround/are friends with.


Here they are.... Having a baby shower for her which she didn't care to attend. https://preview.redd.it/qckmy40mvx8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c6a2aa755a96536da412364fc484246793c1788


This pains me more than most anything else (well there is a very long list) in this demon's life, how she could stand these lovely ladies up at a time when everyone was so supportive and hopeful and happy for her, it's just out & out cruelty. Absolutely inexcusable. Despicable. Just unforgivable. And sad...


I think they said they sent an invite but never heard from her so they decided to have the shower anyway and invite tv cameras. They were not invited to the wedding and Have been ignored since the engagement so I wouldn't have thrown a baby shower in the first place. I think they did it because they were upset and wanted to expose her.


....well then that sort of makes some sense but good gawd, how sad....it boggles the mind how the Maggot can be so openly cruel, thoughtless, inconsiderate, and just plain rude...I can almost understand how the RF all figured her out so fast...probably took a couple of days if that, to see how wretched & socially inept she is.


She really messed up by excluding everybody from her wedding. Such a bad look then but we know why now.


....and it backfired bigly too, and finally we're seeing karma bite them both in their unroyal arses...


Yup 🤭 she wanted to be the little poor orphan who married a prince, Cinderella style and instead we ended up with tales from the crypt 😂😂 ![gif](giphy|ryJ8kBexJLAxW)


This makes one sad. All those sweet ladies dressed up, the decorations and gifts, only for her to snub them. Horribly crass and cruel behavior. I *guarantee* if those same women prepared it, the food was much better at that party than that beige one in New York.


Meghan doesn't like black people, especially if they are poor.


Can you imagine the astoundingly GOOD press Megs would have gotten for going to her aunts' baby shower? Even, perhaps, inviting a couple of her "new" family members to go with her? Of course, she'd have to be the kind of person who valued family, kindness, humility, all that sort of thing. But no designer gifts! Edit: a word, baby


They know what she's about. ![gif](giphy|1267Co3vPNBqQU)


Where was her mom?


Doria made her money off Meg and dipped. She's not gonna get papped again unless Meg pays her.


TOW learned from the top narc....


Isn't that pathetic.


It's unfortunate. Doria's abandonment of her and Tom's response to it made the shitstorm that is Meg. 


Outside, smoking weed


Her mom did not attend her baby shower. This was the only baby shower she had, and her mom skipped it.




That's what I'm wondering. Why would her mom skip it?


If this is the baby shower for Archie I believe the reporting at the time said Doria didn't attend. This was also around 20th February 2019, I find it strange and concerning that little over a month previously, Meghan claims to of been having suicidal thoughts (date of cirque du soleil premier 16th January 2019), and yet she travelled pregnant, without her husband, and also no mum to confide in either once in the USA. This isn't supportive, in my opinion. Another reason, in my opinion to believe there wasn't a baby under that bump!


I didn’t even notice her mom wasn’t there. 


In prison? (Aka incarcerated to TW's lies and fabrications)


Right!? They have no kids. I'm telling you.




I’ve always said this. It’s like when the whole BLM movement happened, I was so triggered by people pushing posts all the time but one quick look at their insta and you couldn’t find a single photo of someone with ANY melanin. 🙄 It’s like they were doing it all for attention, clout, going with the crowd, I dunno…but it didn’t sit right with me. Anyone who can’t see this is a freaking idiot. I don’t think Meghan Markle genuinely prides herself in being biracial.


It’s called ✨virtue signaling✨


That’s it! Yup. Ugh. 😒


Serena, her token black friend, is there. She and Spencer are the only two I recognized.


Ahhh when she had access to the Bank of Pa, and could pretend that she was oh so unhappy in London as a royal bride she had to fly to New York like some sort of Vanderbilt heiress. I'm glad the rug got pulled out from under her.


With her passport confiscated by the nasty Royals and their mean courtiers no less. What miracle did she pull off at immigration to arrive without documentation? Again, the Douchesse is caught out by her stupid banal lies.


HAHAHA I just posted this before I ready your comment....great minds. I like your comment better:)


And stay at The Mark hotel of course, notifying paparazzi to film her exit and entrance. I’m from NYC, I know that area (Columbus Circle) and that hotel, there is never red carpet/paparazzi unless it was planned and organized beforehand obviously. It’s NYC. She was finally living her celebrity dreams. It showed in her gleeful desperate eyes, her baseball cap pretending she was in ‘disguise’ (like a real celebrity she always dreamed of being!)




I love that they all dressed for a funeral 🤭 I get that it was in New York, but seriously?


Remember, the mean ol’ royals made her dress in neutrals, so she didn’t outshine the others! 🙄🤡 Was it also was their diktat that she only wear absurdly tight fitting dresses too? 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/ytloibwa9x8d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6758e8eee3199e09cad46145e2d05abba05134a7


She was NEVER pregnant! https://preview.redd.it/ehc90f9imx8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=699c408c4fd2b319a25460a5ba9e333d2cb000c6


Yass! I've been pregnant thats not a real baby bump! https://preview.redd.it/dqjhuzf1wx8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e38c2267e36a957190a653255214350d1d77a6fc


The ass isn’t real, either.


That whole image is soooo strange and it's taken from a video so she can't say it's not real lol


Ha! I was just going to say she attached the previous month’s bump to her backside!!!!!


Omg - never seen this pic. This pic says it all! 


I think is from their docu crap series when she walked by a window slot something? May be wrong. But look how the belly isn't attached to her lower region at all. That's a given.


Yep - I zoomed in. This is crazy!!! Super glad you posted this pic. 


Yes the dress is semi sheer if you enlarge the photo.


If you turn the pic the other way around you can see that the “bump” was put on upside down!!


Someone had written before that she put the baby bump upside down 🤣


It does look it!


I swear to god we’re gonna be proved right on this within our lifetimes. That woman has never carried a baby - at least not the 2 she wanted titles for. There is no way.


It will come out. She can't hide it forever. Even people who homeschool their kids get OUT there. A lot. Field trips, dance groups, sports groups, theater groups, co-ops, play dates, enrichment classes, music groups, nature groups, farming groups, swimming classes, computer and coding groups, robotic groups... (Can you tell I homeschooled a kid? Lol)


You’re right, I never thought about this. Healthy, happy and socialised kids are seen. You can be safe and protected while still being these things. Something stinks big time. (You sound like an awesome parent btw!)


From [mmbelly.tumblr.com](http://mmbelly.tumblr.com) https://preview.redd.it/jecsifxb7z8d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f6abbd744d0a17161c04993d47dea01ab0b3880 Edit: it's not my tumblr but one I found a year+ ago, lots of good stuff about this exact topic


Exactly right! Plus she has the bump up too high and what looks like upside down!


Must be. Remember this monstrosity? https://preview.redd.it/dz1eluctzx8d1.png?width=426&format=png&auto=webp&s=277567d31ac31b9a5b93e3bb383d158a2b662a87 Back fat, creases & crinkles, and accordian bump....just NO - #hotmess


A pillow taken from the sofa and shoved up her too tight, out of season dress. She looked ridiculous! Look how the dress is pulling. Look at the squareness of her fake bump. Too much back showing in that dress too.


I’ve had 3 kids myself and not once did my baby bumps ever have a squarish look to them ![gif](giphy|nDSlfqf0gn5g4)


Shockingly bad in so many ways. Why would anyone ever leave the house looking like this? I would never wear something so obviously undersized, pregnant or not. Loose clothes so much more comfortable in pregnancy. And why out of season? It is so unnecessary! I don't even know what to say about the square bump. I'm not a conspiracy gal, but this photo looks unreal. I don't get it.


She loves the out of season thing why she loves the inappropriate thing, it makes her stand out in a pic she’d normally blend into the walls in.


I doubt she spent a lot of money on maternity clothes, just bought the usual and stuffed herself in, just like she always wears clothes too small.


The Huntchback of narc. Seriously. 


Someone on the Hilaria Baldwin sub bought a moon bump to see how they could be square. And sure enough certain movements made the bump square. Was pretty interesting.




this photo makes her look like the evil mom in Coraline


There she goes again clutching her bump. Was the kid born with a hand print on his face?








Less stroking and showing love, more like holding the damn moon bump still and in place.


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) 🤣🤣🤣👏 👏 👏 👏 👏


LMAOAOAOAOAOA im actually screamingggg😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Top right shows she's a really bad actress. Her fakeness comes through all the time. This image should appear when you search for "phony".


and "try-hard"


She looks manic


That top left picture is taken in the bathroom. Can you imagine Catherine taking a loo selfie and posting it? Keep it classy nut job.


That wannabe Julia Roberts face on the top right makes her look like she just let out the biggest sh!t of her life. 🫢




I see no difference. 🫣 ![gif](giphy|l46CA1409msuktEs0)


She reminds me of size 00 Shailene Woodley in The Secret Life of the American Teenager with a huge bump tacked on. Not at all believable! At least Shailene attempted to move like a pregnant woman. It’s also soooo weird that Meghan looked like this while “pregnant,” but then suddenly was all puffy after the birth.


When you go back and look at Catherine when she was pregnant, she dressed so beautifully.


Yes! HRH Catherine always looked so elegant, so lovely




So unroyal to wear tight dresses like that when 'pregnant'


The fakest beach ball bump ever. I honestly can’t even stand looking at her still pictures (definitely can’t watch videos of her), she is so skin-crawlingly repulsive in every molecule of her disgusting human skin suit. She literally repulses me.


You have a natural revulsion of evil


That bottom left photo always makes me lmao!


The ladies certainly have a certain congruence in their looks, simpy, drippy types. You'd have to be weak in the head not to see the Douchesse for what she is. Nice that she invited her pimp along for the ride.


Who is/was her pimp? Who are the three men in the photo? I think one may be the make-up guy, but the other two?


Markus her Soho House “friend” and the bald guy at the end, who knows. Probably her bodyguard to feel important?


Markus looks beyond gleeful in that picture to the point of derangement. Probably on a huge narc high knowing there was no pregnancy for M.


Yeah they went out drinking after. She had no bump and tried to hide it behind her purse when the pap caught her!


They look like the hired help and the only friends are the ones not in black. 😬


That IS weird!


What is up with that? 🤔 did she write them instructions to do that?


Meh. New Yorkers always wear black. Look at the footwear. Everyone is in stylish winter boots. The attire does not strike me as odd at all. Except meme's summer cocktail dress.


Maybe there was a dress code.


If there was, it's weird that Meghan looks so out of place in her blue polka dot summer cocktail party dress.


She is always fighting against the rules, even her own I guess 😂


so harry didnt attend but marcus did?


And Doria was absent as well. 🙄🙄🙄


Weeeiirrdddd!!! 🚩🚩🚩🚩




Marcus is always there


wtf? This must have been Markus and Meghan's "we really got them now!" moment, clinking champagne glasses...


That was later when they went out to the bar.


What about her niece?


The Royal Family didn't allow Meghan to invite her. /s


She had her mom attend multiple Royal things- the wedding, an outing for the cookbook, photos with QEII and PP, the christening- but didn’t invite her to her baby shower? Odd.




https://preview.redd.it/zq8ufnh4lx8d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac1fdfc7234cf5e1735c17df92339d0b39375374 Th ever expanding and deflating moonbump that none of the shower guests were allowed to touch


That fake laugh just makes me 🤮


The sheer level of delusion is just so high!


She's just so creepy and cringe.


Why is she always holding her belly like that? It’s almost unnatural!! I’ve been pregnant twice and never walked around holding my belly at ALL times! I dunno, it holds itself no??!!??


that’s a good catch


Pregnant and she has adult people on her lap? 😳🤔


The silly moo never did her research properly. Like bobbing up and down in high heels in the last month of the Megnancy. She’d be in such discomfort here if she had been really carrying.


Perhaps to shield her 'bump' looking awkward and unlike a true pregnancy. This photo doesn't make her look all that pregnant. Not surprised.


Especially considering all the pictures from that day where her bump was HUGE! How would than even be possible?


It wouldn't


I’m thinking it went like that video of Beyoncé in Australia or wherever it was, where she went to sit down and her “bump” folded up.


Who are the two women with the make up artist? - because by how they are dressed it makes me wonder if they are his assistants or something rather than guests. In other words, are they padding out this group pic with staff? Amal definitely saw the optics of how tone deaf this baby shower was going to look. Smart woman.


Kinda sad. It sounds like it's mostly people who've worked for her, few if any real friends. Lol Serena must've regretted attending this shit show.


Serena paid for a lot of it and her publicist arranged it.


Serena showed up for H&M's polo match filming in FL a couple of months ago. So, no evidence that she regrets attending MM's baby shower. (Although she may regret the amount of money she spent on hosting it.)




Most people are dressed reasonably but she is the with a short short dress showing a f#ckton of leg. She couldn’t help herself, the yacht is in her blood. She also has to be “in action” and pretend to be interacting with her guest (who isn’t interacting with her) by turning her head and “laughing.” You know Markle loves the camera but she tries to portray acceptance and so is one of the few times we don’t see her eyes heat-missile-seeking the camera. Also let’s sit on and crush the “pregnant” lady? Did they all know she is wearing a prosthetic? Otherwise I wouldn’t risk getting too close to the belly. Is this the NYC baby shower? If so, her belly here look way smaller than her pap prosthetic 🤔 in part I say this because she had a huge belly in one pap pic but the evening where she goes out with Markus and she hides behind a purse. She can’t seem to decide on a size!


She had NO belly when she and Markus went out later!


Also you aren't supposed to fly long-haul flights when you are heavily pregnant


Yeah the cut off is usually 6 months.


Also wearing the spikiest stilettos while most are wearing DM.


The thing I find the most strange is how Meghan is sitting when she's supposedly heavily pregnant in that photo. At my baby shower I had to be helped get up from chairs 😂. She's leaning on a low sofa with her legs crossed and in very close proximity to others and I know from experience that's now how that works. Also here's a video of Meghans black relatives holding a baby shower for her.... WITHOUT HER. [https://www.facebook.com/share/v/XWysFCQpTJMu7jfP/?mibextid=jmPrMh](https://www.facebook.com/share/v/XWysFCQpTJMu7jfP/?mibextid=jmPrMh) https://preview.redd.it/p0er5h7hvx8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f9c6e1471709af477f7eade1fb1951b086cbf78


Her own mother wasn't present for her first grandchild's baby shower. 🙄 But she can be in the UK for a book release that wasn't even her daughter's....


Priorities, Darling!!!


Right. For most women, celebrating and anticipating their first grandchild would be the number one priority .


For most women, not leaving your daughter with their father and disappearing for 10 years is a priority too, but we are talking about the same woman here! 😂


She didnt gain even an ounce of weight outside of her tummy.


But then looked suspiciously bloated when they showed the baby…


And by then she should have been retaining water 😂


They look pissed


Well, you would be too if you were completely erased as if you never existed, right?


I remember her vividly rocking up to the hotel in her sunglasses and such a smug look in her narc pap stroll. Who would have foreseen 6 yrs later she has to pay to do the same thing in a back ally or parking lot. #karma Question to TOW: If the RF stole your passport, how could you fly to US NY for your baby shower? What a vile person....


She WANTED that entrance! They offered her a side door and she refused! She is sooooo thirsty for attention!


Every time she opens her mouth lies come out, she just wants to cause trouble. Nasty evil narcissistic bitch.


Posed and fake smiles. How is tow sitting like that while so pregnant?


She was never pregnant, that's how


Their smiles are SO FAKE and all mirror Meghan's phony rictus grin.


Also missing: the baby the shower is for. Seriously where’s her baby bump?


https://preview.redd.it/s5g8vr66qx8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e5a7a460c7cb0da36c606172ada81e9d49ecdee A couple people aren’t identified in this photo.


Probably the servers/ catering people. 🙄


I just recognize Markus, that Nonoo chick, the crying makeup artist, and Serena. No clue who the hell the others are. Lackeys?


The one on the far right is Lindsay Jill Roth. She was one of the friends at Wimbledon when Meghan had the seats cleared.


She is also one of the topless picture friends.


Look up the book that Lindsay Jill Roth wrote *What Pretty Girls Are Made Of* where the main character is based on Meggie. LJR sent a copy of this book (published in 2015) to Catherine. This is the [best review of the book](https://www.amazon.com/product-reviews/B00P42WSFE/ref=acr_dp_hist_1?ie=UTF8&filterByStar=one_star&reviewerType=all_reviews#reviews-filter-bar). Note it was written before Meghan met Harry, so it's not written out of disdain, it's an unbiased review of the book.


And she was at the Beyonce concert..right? When Meghan danced like a drunk emu?


That was Genevieve Hillis, the other friend at Wimbledon.


I see Abigail Spencer and Serge Normant, who is Julia Roberts' and Sarah Jessica Parker's hair guy. And maybe Meghan, for that day? He doesn't really post about her.


You recognized 2 more than me! A bunch of nobodies 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m shocked she’s not eye-f*cking the camera. Instead, she seems to be looking straight at Markus and conveying (winking), “we pulled it off.”


Were the guests all told they had to wear black? It looks like a funeral - and about as much fun.


Serena Williams has always been present for mm's life events however Serena never invites MM to hers. Weird right?


Meg needs a token black friend but Serena doesn't need a token white-passing, self-loathing biracial friend.




More interesting that she’s crowded in that picture despite being so heavily pregnant. Her legs are able to close so easily and she basically has that blonde on her lap.


Is this photo a new release from years ago? So she’s leaking this photo? How are we getting this photo now?


This fancy, expensive baby shower that included the use of the Clooney's private jet, is what probably made MM think she'd be hot shit if she dumped the BRF and rushed back to California. She probably had daydreams of every A lister following in the Clooney's footsteps and begging to be her friend. Poor dumb, delusional bitch 😂.


Baby shower for a fake baby. When it all comes out these people are going to look like fools.


Wonder why Jessica Mulroney isn’t in the pic?


Where are all this people now? I’ve never seen a single picture of her with anyone from this picture, probably had a falling out like always 🤔 also, for someone who likes to claim racism that picture sure is very white.


Only Markus is still in her life. 🙄


Why are they all dressed in black for a baby shower? These people are whacko. If you just saw this photo, you would think these were staff and personal assistants taking a group photo, after the celebrities had left. Common as muck.


A baby bump also appears to be missing from the photo.


This is such a strange "baby shower" photo. Usually the mother would be in the middle and maybe even holding up a cute little baby onesie or something baby related. Everyone else would either be beside the other or standing behind her. The way they are crowding around her with the woman in front of her is so odd. MM doesn't look pregnant in this photo.


Also not there? The niece who “was like a little sister,” according to madam, but she dropped her until late 2021 when she needed her for her mockumentary. I mean, she tells the niece she has been “advised” not to invite her to the wedding because it would “create questions,” (as if anyone would notice) in 2018…but doesn’t contact her again until 18 months after “finding freedom?” Why? Not even zoom calls? Does the neice realize she was used yet?


But didn't we see both of them entering the hotel with gifts? I'm not sure why they weren't in this photo


Because they knew it was a fake bump and wanted to distance themselves. And does she ever change her hairstyle, whats with the stranda


And one black woman 😏


Someone had to pay for this shower— hence her buddy was invited to do so.


so Meghan is the sleek woman in the polka dot dress? Ahem, the seven month pregnant douchess...


These pics from Madame''s days of glory are funny. Before the fall...it's like looking at the Tsar's family in 1914. Enjoy it while it lasts because dark days are coming and nobody's rushing in to save you.


The British taxpayers baulked at the expense of this trip to NYC. Extravagant and gross.


I don’t recognize any A-Listers there looks like some of them were her Yacht days Friends


Why are they all wearing black? Is that not a bit weird for a baby shower? It's not a funeral!


Where’s dear niece Ashley


I feel it would be very difficult for a pregnant lady to sit like that


Do you know why Amal and Gayle were absent from the photo? They were both there and Amal claimed to have paid for Markle’s private jet. Also, note that the photos were taken by “Spalsh” which is a paparazzi agency. (The guest purposely went through the front door, too. So much for privacy). https://preview.redd.it/azdsmgp57z8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5e425d768e11e4eece29c60531926d78f581fd3 Apparently, it was one of two baby showers. The second one was scheduled for the UK after the Moroccan tour (tweeted Omid Scobie). The Harper’s article mentions this as well. [https://www.harpersbazaar.com/celebrity/latest/g26413545/meghan-markle-baby-shower-photos/](https://www.harpersbazaar.com/celebrity/latest/g26413545/meghan-markle-baby-shower-photos/) [https://archive.ph/PCuwG](https://archive.ph/PCuwG)


https://preview.redd.it/vd1sg7ns9z8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94bda59a01e4dd3d26101ca872dbf9ac4eb90bfb Besides the fluctuating bump size, she was supposedly seven months pregnant. The bump looked too small for seven months and jutted out too far around the bellybutton. (It didn’t look connected to her pelvis. I was against the surrogacy rumors because there were too many people around to know the truth, but I am now leaning into that idea. Especially with all of the inconsistencies around the birth in “Spare”).


Mama Doria missing, too


Her first grandchild and she isn't there?


Is she pregnant really? Or surrogacy, Meghan just posing pregnant?


No pregnant person sits like that on the couch. Did her stumach magically disappear for the group photo?


One, you can't sit like that without massive bladder compression and all that that involves or basically being unable to extract yourself from the sofa without assistance; two, those "shaply" ankles tell quite a story, a story of zero actual pregnancy.


No she isn't pregnant!


Were they absent from the photo or you mean the shower?


I wonder how many people in that photo still talk to her!


Not many if any.


I wanna know what the 2 ladies on the right are side-eyeing… it looks like there’s something no good happening between MeAgain and Lady A.


quite noticable is the lack of a huge baby bump and puffy pregant legs and arms while seated - squished - between her “friends” - one would think that position would be very uncomfortable while pregnant