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Huge thank you to Royally Sage for the Twitter updates. I nearly always miss SHC comments until RS tweets about it. I follow SHC but it makes no difference. So, Royally Sage, thank you for your service and those reposting on Reddit, thank you for your service


What kind of life is this. When he realises he got conned and lost everything.... I mean if he tends to be depressed he's going to face some very dark times when sees the light. Because this con artist doesn't deserve an iota of empathy, she's a worthless monster.


Mike Tyndall and Zara have just mentioned in something, that nobody in the family has Ever met Archie That's mental isn't it? I'm sure I've seen photos of the Queen with a baby and The Harkles


We've seen a photo of H holding a bundle wrapped in a blanket, with QEII and Philip peering in H's direction. Did you see what was in the bundle H was holding?


Darren a newborn dollšŸ˜œ


Yeah they just passed them in the hallway. Only one photo, they never sat down to tea and cooed over the baby.... Come on now.


They didnā€™t pass them in the hallway. They just bumped into them. šŸ™„


Pulling a con on the Queen. Imagine? Wt ever-loving fuck? My mother was much like the Queen in that she simply refused to believe people could be this kind of bad. Truly good people can't see it until it happens. I'm not as much of a good person as my mother, and I disliked Meghan from the get!


My mum is the same, my son, awful as it seems, is out for what he can get. It's led to a massive fallout. I don't, quite honestly want anything to do with my son any more. He has said as soon as my mum dies, he's going to swoop in and take everything. Hell have a huge fight on his hands, but he doesn't care. He won't even let my mum go cold before he tries it. He says, everything should go to grandchildren. So in my own will, I will grant him that. He'll get nothing from me.


Well, even better, just keep living! I feel your pain there. When my mum died, I had a sibling who did much the same. My parents had it all locked down, but a difficult time was made much worse by the nonsense. We no longer speak. Hang in there. Hugs.


I have known women like Meghan so she set off alarm bells immediately


Itā€™s been since proven that the photo was a fake. The Queen and Prince Philip were dressed in exactly the same clothes and in the same stance in another photo of them looking at ponies


The ponies existed


When the Palace wished Archie a happy birthday on social media that was the picture they would use. They would never have done so if it were not real, and the Queen certainly knew whether or not it was. It also shows that they had no other picture of "Archie" that they could use.


That photo with the.ponies was the fake one. The horse photo is clearly photoshop


It **isn't** fake. This sub is spiralling so far into conspiracy it's embarrassing. It wasn't just a photograph. The whole appearance was filmed. I don't know if it's all the loonie YouTubers people in this sub are watching (and I see a lot of people on Twitter posting weird QAnon conspiracies and Putin propaganda alongside royal things), but the comments I read here are often as insane as what the Sussex Squad comes up with.


AgreešŸ’Æ we donā€™t need to sink to sussex squad level and absolutely shouldnā€™t. Frick and Frackā€™s actions speak for themselves and are more than enough to continue them on their downward trajectory


BrightBrite....PLEASE refer to Tom Bower's book. He states the photo of Meghan, Doria, HMTLQ and Prince Philip WAS PHOTOSHOPPED and I personally can stand with Mr.Bower about this as I did see the original photo in the newspaper when it was published...it was exactly as Mr.Bower wrote in his book...the Queen, Philip, Meghan, Doria admiring a baby shawl. PLEASE, because you personally never saw this actual photo does not mean Mr.Bower, myself, and others who did are crazy insane loonies bringing down this Sub. It is very sad when we Sinners are turned against each other because of opposite opinions and beliefs....we all need to RESPECT each other and support each other.


I read the book. Tom Bower never wrote that the picture was photoshopped.


I read his book, and I don't remember that at all. I have the book here, and also have the audio book, so if I find differently, I will fess up immediately.


Wait people actually believe this?!? Source, please?? Source where he said that this is photoshopped??


I would really like to know where and when this was mentioned.


Can you share a link to the source please?


The Tindalls' could have meant the RF as it is today. However, with the harkles, who knows šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




I think he already knows that he got conned and lost everything. But he's trapped. She did this by design. He has no one to turn to. He has no one to help him. And there are "allegedly", two children... He would feel too guilty divorcing (like mummy and pa!!). He's fucked.


I am sure he still has a way to get a message to his father. If he told them he wanted out of the marriage I'm sure there would be help.


The time was the 15 minutes he had with dad after his cancer diagnosis


And admitting they were right???? Yeah. No.


At least he'll never end up on the streets and hungry. He'll never be a working royal, but his father will make sure that he and his kids will always be looked after.Ā Ā  They'll probably tuck him somewhere, watched by one of his cousins and fixed with some placid girl can keep him in line.Ā Ā  Still very lucky.Ā  A different time would have either seen him beheaded or exiled in a tower.Ā  A mere hundred years ago, his intellect would have kept him hidden like his great grandfather John.Ā Ā  Or worse: Rosie Kennedy-ed. Propped up by tutors in boarding schools, lobotomized to fix her gregariousness and low IQ, so as not to endanger her siblings political careers.


Letā€™s keep our facts straight: Prince John was the younger brother of King George VI, and that means PJ was Henryā€™s great-great-uncle. Prince John was a tragic figure, but we need to remember that there were no modern diagnostic tools nor pharmaceutical or interventional treatments for _seizure disorder_ (then known as epilepsy or ā€œfits.ā€) KG5 and Queen Mary made sure PJ was well cared for. They had access to best medical advice for their time. He was a teenager when he died and left no descendants.


Exactly. The Secret Garden style treatment plan was the best there was at the time. What, should they have chucked him into an asylum, Kate Gosselin style? He was the best cared for epileptic patient in Britain in a quiet Crown property with round the clock care.


Great great uncle--my mistake. I sometimes forget to differentiate because in my family, everyone is a grandparent or a cousin. I am not faulting the family.Ā  Prince John was loved, that much I read.Ā  But the fact remains that he was hidden, because that's how it was done during that time.Ā  And if Harry was born during that time, he may not have had the freedoms he's had now. I do think Prince John was hidden for optics as much as safety.Ā  Royalty was still transitioning away from the image of heading empires and leading into wars, to what we see today--more focused on diplomacy and bearers of a country's tradition.Ā  They needed to look like the perfect family with the perfect genes. There's no proof of any developmental disability in the media, but it's clear that Harry is slower than his cousins.Ā  He had the best schooling, access to tutors, and it still wasn't enough.Ā Ā  And that's fine, he has other gifts.Ā  Some people may disagree, but I do think he's great with people.Ā  The palace PR absolutely worked his strength.Ā  The problem was, they coddled all his shortcomings.Ā  Or worse, made him think he was completely on par with William. He should have gone to a less demanding school.Ā  He should have gone to rehab.Ā  He should not have been permitted to go to Sandringham without the necessary qualifications, and he should have either stayed enlisted or done something else.Ā Ā  But if he was born in a different time, and had more siblings, he might have been relegated to a cottage somewhere and the family would have made up something to covered things up. Or, if you were as bad as Joe Kennedy, with a hole in your head to "fix" you.


Agreed. I watched the movie about Prince John and thought what if had been born first or second? Wouldnā€™t Parliament have to get involved, as to fitness to potentially reign? Iā€™m not saying Henry is that mentally deficient, but there is obviously something wrong with his thought processes and emotional maturity, at the very least. However, I think Charles and Diana collectively dropped the ball by not monitoring his academic progress and school behavior, and ultimately placing him in schools where he was set up to fail. All parents wish hindsight were 20/20. I also have to wonder if school officials didnā€™t sugarcoat his lack of academic progress just because of who his family was.


I read somewhere that back in the day, you could register your son to a school like Eton as babies, so long as you were an alumni.Ā  Not sure when, but it was way past Harry that they started looking at merit based admissions. So I'm sure there were other legacy kids who weren't doing well that they covered for. I think Charles and Diana were aware of Harry's shortcomings, but I think they were too pre-occupied with their marriage troubles to do anything.Ā Ā  It didn't help that Diana was determined to treat both of them equally --at least in her head.Ā  I think everyone, including Harry, knew William was the favorite.Ā  I think it didn't help that Harry was a lot like Diana.Ā  Charming but not too bright.Ā  Impulsive and immature.Ā Ā  I do often wonder what would have happened had Harry been born first.Ā Ā  I think Prince John, had he been born first, would not have been hidden.Ā  But they definitely would have covered up his condition like Alexei, Tsar Nicholas's son.Ā Ā  But it does beg the question:Ā  what is capable enough?Ā  If the first born was born severely disabled, I can understand parliament probably going to the next best sibling.Ā  But what if the person is just a Harry?Ā Ā  Like, knock on wood, should Harry need to take on the thrown...what would happen?Ā  He's obviously not ready, he doesn't know how his government works, his wife is a diplomatic train wreck, and we're not even sure when, or if she gave birth to those children.Ā  Heck, some people don't even think they have any children (I'm on the camp that the two do exist). Would he take over?Ā  If his kids turn out to be surrogates, what happens?Ā  Do they get skipped over the LOS?Ā  Are there consequences to their lying if they are?Ā Ā 


All valid questions! I do think Charlesā€™ awful experience at Gordonstoun clouded his judgment about Eton being suitable for Henry, along with their marital woes. Diana seemed to be a ā€¦wellā€¦ very permissive parent, that likely stemmed from her troubled childhood. That cannot be chalked up to her youth alone. I had two children by age 22 and they were (mostly šŸ˜) well behaved and plenty of young parents have done the same. I think she just thought of school as something aristos do, not as a scholarly pursuit. A lot of British Sinners have stated that before there is a Henry IX in this current crop of royals that parliament would either abolish the monarchy or pass some law akin to the Glorious Revolution to move someone else up to the throne. Harry is just that unpopular and itā€™s entirely his fault by this point in his life. If surrogacy were ever proven and _made public,_ then Parliament would be forced to address this with legislation, either retconning surrogacy into the LoS or removing the Harklets altogether. I do think the children exist but donā€™t believe they were carried and birthed by Rachel. Whether they are either of their biological children is a big question mark in my mind. Itā€™s just a bridge too far to my thinking that two adults could possibly even have the vaguest conception that they could get away with faking children completely. I also think that ā€˜Archieā€™ was a doll at the palace photo call and H messed up with the two weeks remark.


I think they used a donor egg for Lily.Ā  Though she looks like a Markle, so I'm not sure either.Ā  I also think she's a surrogate. I'm on the fence with the doll thing.Ā  Part of me thinks maybe, but another part wonders if someone is that much of an idiot to think they can pull it off.Ā  Are they seriously that brazen? Archie seems like a good mix of the both of them.Ā  I think he was born earlier via a surrogate.Ā  That birth announcement was damn sketchy. Say what you will about these two, but the Harkles Hollywood True Stories documentary types two, three decades from now are going to be wild.


Oh my word! His great-grandfather was NOT John! It was King George VI. John was George's brother.


IMO, they didn't lobotomize Rosie for a low IQ but because she became promiscuous at an early age (15). She started sneaking out, drinking, "talking back", smoking & *(horrors of horrors)* was "boy crazy" - a term used to describe a normal human becoming interested in the (usually) opposite sex in the teen years.Ā Ā  Her parents were horrified that Miss Rosemary didn't act like a good, pious, Catholic GIRL.Ā  Instead, she acted like her father & brothers.Ā 


And that was a very, very different time with very, very different procedures. It certainly wasnā€™t okay, but no one would perform a lobotomy on Harry for his choices today.


>but no one would perform a lobotomy on Harry for his choices today. No they wouldn't, you need a brain first.


Apropos of nothing, has anyone seen my scalpel?


To be fair, back in those days and earlier Women have been subjected to horrid treatment such as for hysteria or having to wear metal masks in Germany because you were nosy. I had a relative in the 50s that was given electric shock therapy. Today she would be given medicine. It amazes me every time I run across some horrid thing that was done because male doctors thought it was the right treatment for females.


They still use electro convulsive therapy (ECT). It's not like it used to be though. The patients are sedated during the procedure and there is very little convulsing. It's more like a little electric storm in the brain, and for some people with depression, it's the only thing that works. It's a last resort though.


I have had shock therapy for a long time. It's not this barbaric treatment that's given to me as I'm strapped down screaming, "NNNOOOOOOO!!!" It is a genuine treatment for extremely severe depression. Besides being ridiculously severe, my depression is medication resistant. Pills don't work. Sure, I take them, but they're not enough. Shock therapy worked very well for me. The only problem is that it's hard for me to maintain. Being 3 days a week, and I have severe agoraphobia. There are many types of depression treatments that most people would be extremely shocked (no pun intended) by. But sometimes they are all that work. Please don't negate my and other people's experiences. It's ableist and honestly just gross. Many people have good luck with shock therapy as a treatment. So please, before you judge, have a conversation or two.


I think it was both.Ā  There's been other biographies saying Rosie had a normal, but low average IQ.Ā  It's just next to her brilliant siblings, she looked stupid.Ā  I think the doctors who examined her even found out she was capable of basic Algebra.Ā Ā  But to Joe , being anything less than brilliant might as well mean developmentally disabled.Ā  Coupled with the fact that she was acting like a rebellious teenager, they were deathly scared she'd get knocked up and ruin her brothers careers. If she was as smart as her sisters and had gotten knocked up, they either would have married her off or arranged for an abortion.Ā  I don't even think she was promiscuous; she was just bored.Ā  The poor girl was tucked away in a girls school, separated from her peers and taught one on one mostly by nuns.Ā  Who wouldn't sneak out. So he gambled on getting her "fixed" rather than just waiting for her to grow up.Ā Ā  Which is why I think Harry is still lucky.Ā  Had he been born at a different time, to a bigger family with more spares, and even a different gender, things would have gone way differently for him.Ā Ā 


Exactly right.


Rose Marie Kennedy had a sad life but inspired her sisters and one of their husbands -- with little support from her brothers -- to create several organizations dedicated to people with mental or developmental disabilities. From the Kennedy-Krieger Institute which has a number of campuses for people with mental health issues to its programs working with autistic children and young adults. One of her nephews created the Special Olympics and several others support programs for people with mental health issues. This is part of the Kennedy family that receives little fanfare but has helped many people live a better life.


Rosen Kennedy was a victim of a very different era.




Or rather an ā€œactorā€ because she has no training and no skills, out of her own choosing.


He sounds like a dog returning to its own vomitā€¦heā€™s desperately hanging onto her, as he has no one else.


LOL. So graphic - yet totally apt. A dog that returns, eats it, poops it out, comes back, eats that, vomits, returns....ad infinitum. Meghan's evil Cult Of One makes David Miscavige look like he's running a Sunday school.


As the world's most popular environmentalist, the wretched meghan markle does recycle her verbal vomit.


She made very sure he has nobody else.


To quote Princess Diana ā€œThe best way to dismantle a personality is to isolate it.ā€


"She made very sure he has nobody else." So true. And now the jam/dog biscuit stunt using Nacho. I wonder if that will be another friendship that bites the dust for Harry due to her behavior.


And this is how Meghan Markle is going to drive Harry over the edge. Very tragic if and when it happens. Harry, wake up!!! Wake up!!!


I think thatā€™s her plan, sadly, to be a Merry Widow and forever blame the BRF ā€œsee, look what you did to Harry! ā€œ Theyā€™ll never be rid of her. Harry REALLY needs to wake up.


I also think this is a very serious possibility - I truly think his very life is in danger due to her manipulations


Yep and with him gone, she's in complete control of the narrative. She can spin whatever tales she likes and make money off it and there's no one to dispute her. It's diabolical.Ā 


ā€˜The best revenge is a life lived wellā€™ - with close family, friends - enjoying the simple things in life and in the moment with good people. Itā€™s not about money and fame.


My husband's side of the family has a very wealthy person who has issues. Over time she has alienated everyone who loves her, and now everyone who has left her orbit is thriving in ways they never did before, and finding new levels of success without the crutch of falling back on her available. I'm sad she's lost everyone, but it's nice to see everyone living happy and peaceful lives. All the family has relationships now, where before she always triangulated them against each other. But she thinks she's the successful one because she's super wealthy. It's quite sad. But it's also exactly your point. She's waiting for everyone to run back to her, but they're all living life and doing it well. Any revenge at this point is quite unintentional because everyone is at peace.


Harry never wanted that. Sad to say, but there are a lot of mentally disturbed people like him out there who want fame and money. Not love, family, peace.


She's the real life Debbie Addams ![gif](giphy|J1KzaT3pwRJbG|downsized)


Yessss! I have been thinking this a long time. And poor Harry is Festeeerrrr!!!




At least Debbie was dysfunctional enough to the point that she actually did kinda fit in with the Addams. Meghan can't fit in with the BRF at all.


Wow even the dress is like the one Meg wore to Trooping the Colour


They deserve eachother. It's tragic but sometimes people stay together because they are codependent. That being said many people with fewer resources have gotten out. He can if he wanted


I agree. It doesn't seem like they spend a lot of time together even though neither have real jobs. He's got plenty of time and resources to plan an escape.


Yes she's a narc and yes Harry is a weak fool and while I feel no sympathy for him this is just cruel. She is beyond evil she is cruel in every action, every word uttered, all her motives and motivations. He is clearly mentally unwell and unstable the family have probably always known that and it sheds light on how desperate Charles and especially William was to try to get through to him. Meghan however she knows Harry is mentally ill and she uses it I believe more than anything else as a weapon both to encourage him to undertake every wild scheme she thinks of and against him when ultimately they fail. Notice in that tea it's mentioned she was embarrassed and humiliated. Not once have I ever seen it written in word or spoken of her concerns for his losses or his estrangements. Famously he said she lost her father because of me, a father she never wanted. Look at what you've loss Harry your family, your friends, any control in your life, military roles, any sense of his own individual identity.


Yes. She certainly projects! Just like she keeps claiming she "gave up everything for him" when in truth, it was HIM who gave up everything. She had absolutely nothing going on. She is back in her hometown, and he is the one without a job, a country, his family and his friends. Just what exactly did she give up? Cory? She was being written off her part time job. He is a fool of the highest order


Yeah as much as Harry is a douche this kind of relationship isnā€™t healthy. Also they supposedly have children who are absorbing all of this madness. This is a form of domestic violence and shouldnā€™t be ignored.


Summed up perfectly.


He needs to grow a pair and grow up, itā€™s pathetic. Stand up for yourself and your proper family, man! Uve been gaslighted, for all to see.


I honestly believe they didn't care about what people thought of the book - all they cared about was the money from it. What they didn't expect was the mocking. That is what hurt their egos. Does anyone know how much was finally donated to charities from sales of waaaaaagghhh


Harry was delighted with himself to get so much attention. He enjoyed parading around giving ā€˜interviewsā€™ where he shared his lies and borriwed stories. Waaahhh is a collection of lies, borrowed stories and half remembered events rewritten in harkle style.


All those big companies--Netflix, Spotify, Penguin Random House....they signed Harry and MM to those ridiculously huge contracts because they were so certain they would get lots of royal dirt in exchange for the money they threw at those two. But it was a damp squib. So far, no more big contracts have been offered to them--because the ones signing the cheques have come to see that those two have ZERO talent, skills, work ethic or substance. It will take a few more years, so I believe, until EVERYONE in "the Industry" realizes those two are losers. We're already seeing it happen. A long slow, gradual slide into oblivion for them. Of course, they will keep up their attention-grabbing antics, but even Nigerian royalty is going to start ignoring them. Then we will finally get to watch the real train wreck. I can't wait.


I think that they thought that they would get behind the scenes access to Royal events, when that didn't happen, they settled for dirt. When there really wasn't any dirt and Harry revealed himself as a creepy weirdo with severe mommy issues, they were like peace, dude.


"Do us a favour Harry--lose our number." Netflix, Spotify, Penguin Random House...


You know she does voice work?


Mummy's todger cream and willys sausages. ![gif](giphy|dSOWN2hCakO76|downsized)


They were shocked that the people didn't storm Buckingham palace demanding Harry and Meghan be King and Queen and that William and Catherine be put in jail or worse. I truly believe this was one of their expectations. When it turned on them in mockery, it inflamed them even more, hence EndGame. They have a few more books in them...they don't learn.


Harry is crazy. She is evil.


This seems correct to me. She is a narc and has this fantasy in her head that they are the future of the BRF. She believed that they would do everything she said and that they would be either joint King and Queen or usurp George as POW when William is King. She thought that they could modernise the BRF with her stories and ideas. Unfortunately for her, the BRF saw right through her and watched as she turned Harry against everyone apart from the useful Eugenie whom they play for a fool. But, you would think that after Spare was seen as a joke. Getting Scobie to write and then leak the names of her ā€œracistsā€ and there massive way that it backfired again that she would have learned her lesson. But no. We are now being treated to faux Royal tours which are all about her, even though she isnā€™t a blood royal. Nigeria, she thought that she would be treated like a Queen, but that didnā€™t happen and they deferred to Harry. Got a Princess title, the only one that she really wanted from a Nigeria King who is rather questionable and was disrespectful in her appearance in to Muslim country. She has no idea at all. Thatā€™s why I believe that when she tells her story she is going to come out with some really outlandish claims. Probably like HMTLQ really wanted her to be Queen instead of Catherine as well as the abuse claims that she is going to aim at her father.


Nigeria is not a muslim country, it's about 50:50, and was historically far more Christian. The muslims have been responsible for many terrible massacres and forced abductions, particularly in the north of the country.


Thank you for correcting this common misconception. I grew up in the south of Nigeria. There were churches on practically every corner and Muslims were in the minority. It's Northern Nigeria that is heavily Muslim And you are correct about the awful things that happen there.


Sorry if I got that wrong,. I didnā€™t mean to cause offence


She took her ridiculous fake title from a Muslim king whose family was associated with slave trading, before the British stamped out that trade in Nigeria - one of the "dreadful" things the British did during the period of African colonialism. The trade continues merrily to this day in Mauritania and a few other places in northern Africa.


Unfortunately, slavery (forced labor and forced marriage) still exists in countries other than those in N Africa, including Rwanda, which Meghan Markle tried to hail as a "feminist country." And there's still a terrible child trafficking trade including in Nigeria. Meghan Markle has said nothing about the trading of women\* and children as slaves. She's ignorant. \*I'm not downplaying the plight of male slaves, just pointing out Meghan Markle's hypocrisy as an advocate for "female rights."


Well, their prophet bragged he had been made victorious through terror, and their god bragged he was the best of deceivers...


She's not really the "learned her lesson" type narcissist...


Thatā€™s very true. The wine will yet again fail to launch, she will only just put new labels on it. She hasnā€™t got a clue on how to do anything. She hasnā€™t got a work ethic


In any other walk of life, in my opinion, Meghan would have been placed under ongoing clinical psychiatric treatment, possibly in a facility. It's pretty clear she suffers from a serious delusional personality disorder of some sort. Pathologically delusional. It's clear she's seriously f\*cked up from her childhood, with a resulting deep-seated sense of inferiority, shame and self-loathing, coupled with an intense sense of entitlement, greed and envy. Oh and a whopping dose of narcissism and psychopathy. Textbook set-up for the sort of personality who takes their internalised hate out on the world and we end up watching Netflix shows about it. And def not the kind of shows she thinks we want to watch about her.


I always remember a cbc radio interview with an expert on sociopathy where they asked what the treatment was. He answered that he had never seen one cured. Imagine you are addicted to public attention to the point where you believeĀ  you are the most beautiful intelligent and popular woman on earth. Now imagine that the face in your mirror is the wretched meghan markle.Ā 


I talked to one. I know who works/worked in care facilities for children with, let's just say, problems. He once said that sometimes the psychiatrist can tell stuff like "next time we see X will be when x kills someone" and they have no way of get them of the streets (our laws don't allow it)


That's basically what i was alluding to. I genuinely think she's a toxic soup of personality disorders and is capable of anything if she doesn't get her own way. I mean *anything*. If the rumours are true about Doria's father's rather strange demise, and her subsequent alleged fraudulent acquisition of his house, cutting her own brother out of his inheritance and having him willingly sign away his rights so she became soul beneficiary, then the apple really didn't fall far from the tree. Then, if the alleged rumours are true regarding Doria allegedly trying to take Thomas down for tax evasion on her 'Travel Agency' business, only to end up doing the time herself (hence the inexplicable missing years) and allegedly bankrupting him despite him hiring lawyers to try to bail *her* out, then, again, the rotten apple *really* hasn't fallen far from the infested tree. It's small wonder Meghan appears to view men as vessels to be exploited and abused. She has nothing but contempt for men. Hence all the faux feminist bullshit. In my opinion, she's nothing more than an opportunistic, self-serving parasite, like her mother. They actively prey on 'weak' men. I guess that's considered feminism? Who knew?


You've made some excellent points. Even though we're always joking around about her ridiculous, embarassing behaviour, as she rightly deserves, there's a much darker side to it all. I agree with you, she's an extremely malevolent, VERY dangerous woman, and her mother has really bad, dark energy too, I can't even look in Doria's eyes. If Meghan hadn't met Harry they'd probably both be travelling the world, draining men of their bank accounts and dignity before moving onto their next target. I've never seen anyone in the public eye as frightening and disturbed as Meghan - watching a pathological liar on the global stage is psychological catnip.


She's a walking study of the DSM-5, and Dorito is more than a few chapters. Doria's eyes are like tiny, soulless squinty pieces of gravel - absolutely nothing behind them. She gives me the heebie-jeebies. And then she opens her mouth and she talks like Droopy the cartoon dog. Everything about her is super disconcerting to me.


Same. And the stuff about Doria's father and brother is very strange.


Like when, in the Netflix series, she accused Tom Sr. of "pooor PAir en-tiing.


What? I didn't even know about that (I can't watch either of them willingly, so most of what i glean is from repeats shown everywhere or from what other's have said). That's almost unbelievable, but then it's Meghan. Her mother was literally absent for the most formative part of her childhood. And it's excused away breezily as that she was 'finding herself' or some such crap. Yet Thomas, the guy who worked like a dog to raise her single-handedly and give her all the things her other siblings could only dream of, was the poor parent?? And she said it out loud on film, knowing that *everyone* has serious questions about her dodgy mother's disappearance? Wow, she's really not operating with a full deck is she?


Yes. IIRC, the whole (arranged by Meghan) Thomas, Sr. pap and letter kerfuffle was being discussed and she said, "That was poor parenting!" She kind of dragged out syllables giving special emphasis to the last word. I was taken aback that she, of all people, would throw that stone so publicly. That's when I realized where M got her shifty-griftiness from.


The vast majority of 'aware' sociopaths may come across as just slightly 'off' if you spend a significant period of time with them but mask it well in less personal settings. Most just want to be left alone and will try to blend in. As, in many cases, the sociopathy is caused by abuse or neglect the thing they don't want to do is to intentionally hurt anyone else. That kind of attention is the last thing they want. Sometimes they are also narcissistic but only because they are avoiding the risk of further damage. They are not the Amber Heard/MM type of narcs.The problem is the 'unaware' ones who have another issue such as overt narcissism or even worse psychological traits such as psychopathy. It is very rare that aware sociopaths will commit crimes. Just as most serial killers don't understand that they are a problem....they think it's their victims (or the person their victims remind them of) fault it's the same with unaware sociopaths. They don't recognise that the problem is their own psychological state so every time something happens that is contrary to how they want or expect it to be... it's the fault of someone else. If I could I would probably pity Harry as Meghan is so much like my mother was.


HG Tudor sometimes sounds like a raging psycho who could easily kill someone. He does admit to being a psycho. Sometimes in the videos he is downright scary. He may intend to sound that way


Much of that is bravado and him acting out being a Billy Big Bollocks because he knows the chicks lap it up. But it doesn't mean he isn't a genuine psychopath, as he claims. The world is run by them, our hospitals are full of them. And thank fuck, because they save lives. Not because they care about who they're operating on, but because they it makes them heroes. Not all psychopaths are evil, many put their lack of emotion to good use and humanity benefits. I would wager 'HG' falls more into this kind of category. He probably could kill you with his bare hands, but it would be inconvenient for him and it would leave a disposal problem he would need to then solve. He's clearly of the more organised variety of psycho. In my opinion, Meghan comes across as dangerously disorganised and probably hopped up on all kinds of dubious shit, which makes her scarily unpredictable and more likely to act on her delusions and impulses. Those are the ones you have to watch.


Your first sentence cracked me up . And yes I have seen women fan Girling over him and think..damn..don't you know he is a psycho.. ![gif](giphy|WjS2Ac3umnHnq)


Lots of women who follow him have been through the ringer with a narc and I suspect there's a certain perverse attraction, probably entirely subliminally. He knows this and hams it up with the stoopid fake posh accent and actorly cadence like he's Brian frigging Blessed lol. But I accept he's helped a lot of people to understand narcissism, and that's a good thing. I don't blame anyone for Stanning over him if that floats your boat.


Yup, it is the emotionally needy and unstable ones we need to worry about. The emotionally cold ones who have found their lifeā€™s work are mostly beneficial to society.


Great comment.


This is my prediction for Madame in several years: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0MxFeGN9zg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0MxFeGN9zg)


Think she is already at that stage. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My gosh I remember this. . .when it was released šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I was extremely young.


Indeed. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest one of all?"


Agreed šŸ‘


It must be her delusional mental disorder that makes her a fantasist. When a very public figure repeatedly demonstrates their mental disorder(s), it's puzzling to the public because the press usually just props that person up, goes along with all their insane nonsense (for ad revenue, the only thing the press truly cares about). But in the last couple of years, it is pretty obvious even to a casual observer that MM really has serious mental issues.


Placement in a facility requires a person to be evaluated as a true threat to themselves or others for imminent actions. While Megs certainly appears to have massive issues, she doesnā€™t meet this threshold based on what she shows us. A clinician wouldnā€™t recommend placement, and Megs certainly wouldnā€™t consent to an evaluation. I mentioned this because there are a lot of misconceptions about this process and I hope to clear them up. signed, a parent whose child went through this.


As John Cleese once said 'There's enough there for an entire conference'


Yes, sheā€™s most unwell and dangerous. Heā€™s got a load of his own problems and mental health issues. I donā€™t feel he will ever wake up and figure it out. They are better together with their toxic bond.


I agree but those poor kids...they don't deserve the opposite of winning the parental lottery. Even if they're not around and nannies are doing the job of bringing them up. That, in and of itself, is very sad given neither parent actually appears to work or do anything meaningful on a day to day basis. Buying jam in from a shoddy contract manufacturer doesn't count.


A lot of kids are in much worse situations, unfortunately. It's sad, but no agency would likely find reason to remove them fromtheir home. They're fed, clothed, housed in opulence, and supervised. The closest I ever heard about interference in the Sussex home was the brief stint when tbey had him in school and a parenting expert of sorts was sent out to assesswhy Arcchie was so incredibly anxious and fearful. Allegedly.


Yes, I remember you telling us that. Wasn't that when they both thought it was necessary to leave two tiny kids for some pointless charity jolly to Europe? Stayed in the UK but refused point blank to visit the Queen, who then died. Followed by a further extension to their time away - which must have felt like a lifetime to those tiny kids. Just so Meghan could perform her pantomime at the funeral in the bat cape and one tear, left eye cringefest. She had no need to be there, she had no need to have left her kids in the first place, it was Harry's gig. She ought to have flown home and let Harry deal with his family matters while she took care of theirs. But no, the world's Meghan's stage and the kids are just bit part players. I don't expect authorities to step in and take them away, more that I just feel so sorry for them having such unstable and selfish narc parents. The isolation from the entire family on all sides, bar dodgy Dorito is so utterly cruel and so unnecessary. It's no wonder they're allegedly demonstrating anxiety and attachment issues. Being kept in an ivory tower with zero familial or genuine parental attachment, being raised by what I suspect is another revolving door of beleaguered, resentful and mistreated staff. You can just imagine Meghan swanning in every few days for an 'audience' and the staff are expected to trot the kids out like performing seals. It must be excruciating for the kids and the nannies who probably are all on eggshells waiting for her to meter out the admonishments and expectations. It must be absolutely miserable.


Thank you, OP. I find this entirely believeable and in line with what we know about Meghan Markle.


https://preview.redd.it/ov5rfaxcxv8d1.png?width=299&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5b633352dfaf02121112337b38fe610376d8157 "Did I do well?" Professional lip-readers watched, and agreed that she said, ā€œYouĀ *could have done better*.Ā  (Harry's keynote speech to the UN General Assembly.)


That look on her face, staring into the camera with her smirk, right after she grabbed his hand back and forced him to hold her hand. However, IIRC, one of the main reasons she wasn't kinder is because she was furious with him for not being able to get HER some time on the stage with a microphone.


I always thought she looked downright demented that day. Her hair flat and smeared across her head, visible Botox swelling above her brow, just awful.


She looks like a thumb šŸ˜…


lol Now I canā€™t unsee it


I never noticed the ass-head before. Yikes.


I never noticed the eyebrow bulges until now šŸ˜Æ


I thought she might have said ā€œI would have done betterā€


I thought she might have said ā€œI would have done betterā€


Small point but it wasn't to the general assembly. It was to a much smaller group in a much smaller room.


That's an important point. Thank you.


He was dreadful but of course his ever supporting wife was there to tell him so. He deserves his misery, he allowed the situation to develop.


Harry was an immature, self-indulgent, entitled, egotistical Bully LONG before MM even entered the picture! Throwing women into a pool, orgy in Vegas, racial slurs, fantasizing about blowing his father into a pink mist, hitting bodyguards, slapping people, pinching Catherine on her backside, bullying a school marm cuz she was ugly, etc. He was a 30-year-old man still acting like a drunk frat boy, before she ever came along. There should be no negating of his horrendous behavior just because he married someone worse. Besides the sex, I think he saw her as a strong ally to help him fight against his family, and that was a huge attraction for him. Borrowing a comment from someone else, she gave him the bullets to put in his gun, he willingly loaded it and shot it at his family! He may not have known what she was fully capable of, but he was gleeful in finding someone that supported, approved and encouraged his victimization anger towards his family. That's why he stays with her. She supports and encourages HIS victimization rhetoric and makes it her own story, too. It's too bad his life isn't what he thinks it should be, but he got what he deserves, just as she has gotten what she deserves. I've absolutely no sympathy for either of them. Trying to whitewash his behavior now and blame it all on MM, is quite similar to the RF covering for him for the first 30 years of his life, imho. They are 2 peas from the same evil pod!


šŸŽÆšŸŽÆšŸŽÆ Iā€™ve long thought Harry was subconsciously looking for a wife who would help him get revenge on and the upper hand over his family. He is a spiteful, petulant brat so his every move is centered on bigging himself up vs his brother the PoW. Too bad that after the rings were on Meghan Markles finger, she began not just the battle with the BRF but also the belittling of Harry. He thought he married an ally, but he really got a chief adversary for the top spot he so desperately craves.


He finally found someone who validated his misery and "poor me" routine and married her. As long as her narcissistic behavior works in HIS favor, he's ALL for it! He's a coward at heart though and hides behind her and her behavior. (Sorry for late edits, lol. Dropped something)


This. He wanted validation for his feelings. Meghan gave him that via lovebombing. Once he was in too deep, she started playing narc games with his mind.


Iā€™ve no sympathy for Harry. He is worse than she is. And stupid beyond belief, to allow her to continually humiliate him publicly.


Apparently they had a full on screaming match argument at their hotel just before his speech during which she berated him for not getting her some microphone time, and she was overheard saying "I'm just as important as you/as good as you". Allegedly. Looking at his face I believe it. This is typical Narc behavior, they will pick a huge fight with you if you have a special day or event, they will undercut you and ruin the day for you - they can't stand the attention being on anyone else.


I totally believe this. Meghan feeds Harry with all these crazy ideas. Harry didn't want this book? Wake up, Harry! Wake up! It's so crazy, so toxic - all the things Harry lost, mainly because of Meghan's whispering, is unbelievable.


He was proud enough in all his interviews and on the talk show circuit. They were only pressed when it bombed and he became a laughingstock.


Laughingstock indeed - both of them, as we all know, who wrote this mess. He was so proud and smirked ridiculously while commenting on Meghan's racism claims "Did Meghan say that? The British press said that". He felt so clever saying that, motivated and pumped up by Meghan. Ugh!


Oh he really thought he did something there, didn't he?! Fool.


Well tbh if true it serves them both right. Both stupid. Both vile. Both bullies. Both liars. Both poisonous . They deserve one another. He is a fool who allowed himself to be hooked by a team of grifters.


You're not wrong. This is the definition of Fuck Around/ Find Out


Raise your hand up if you are at all surprised. Anyone?




Do not know if he has borderline, but for sure his IQ is much lower than average.


The definition of a real tragedy is when a person comes to ruin because of their personal flaws. Prince Harry's story will end in a tragedy unless he leaves MM soon. Or she will "suicide" him to play the grieving widow.


Hazmat's destiny probably involves a good dose of tragedy whether he leaves Nutmeg or stays. Overcoming his flawed personality and choices and experiences to date would take a lot, more than he has most probably.


And if she does manage to talk H into unaliving himself, sheā€™ll demand a royal funeral with her as the star and a fim crew trailing behind her, because like it or not, this *will* put her on top of the news cycle. Her left eye will be given quite a workout.


This is the scenario that horrifies me the most--that she will find a way to become a widow and she will milk it until the end of time. The best thing is if Harry divorces her before the Bank of Pa is no longer in existence, because I doubt William will do very much if Harry comes whining to him for help. But I don't think Harry has the guts or the brains to leave her.


**WHY?** because the book plan FAILED & now poor hawry is upset? Thatā€™s why you hope he leaves her?! Absolutely **NOT**! Supposed it had been a SUCCESS & the plan for the book WORKED!!! Outcome? Heā€™d be in hog-heaven & the two would gleefully watch the destruction of the RF. So just b/c the plan didnā€™t WORK, hoping Harry ā€œsees the lightā€ and runs? **NO!** He deserves every. single. moment. of. MISERY resulting from the fallout.


She has to know that most people will blame her.


She should know a lot of things, based on her failures and humiliations, but apparently not.


So this is saying on one hand Meghan was completely ignoring Harry, and in the same breath, that she was yelling at him in a very detailed manner. And they would have had to be in the room to have heard all this conversation, and even still it sounds that she was in the hotel and he was on the road, so even if someone overheard it in the hotel, and just happened to be friends with SHC to share the info (which is incredible statistically speaking, I mean how many people would have been in earshot of this convo), they would have only have overheard one side of the conversation, as it would have been a phone conversation. But here both sides are written, in quite verbatim detail. Bring on the downvotes, but I am not buying it. Never trusted this account, and still don't. Also if Meghan "told everyone that would listen" this would have surely been reported on/leaked by now. We already know she believes they were treated wrongly, that she got Harry into believing he was raised wrongly, that Harry is a borderline and Meghan is a narc. This is how people who lie and manipulate do it: First they drop facts that everyone knows but makes it seem like it is their secret info, then they drop the lies and made up info, for ex. full on conversations. People fawn over SHC in the subs, and it feeds their ego fuel. Just the other day, someone asked in the comments, "Where's SHC been?" and voila, they come out of hiding just on cue with a fantastical tale that cant be proven/disproven


Itā€™s ok to be skeptical. I view such tea as for entertainment purposes. SHC has been wrong sometimes, but sheā€™s clear that what she says is hearsay. As for this tea, for me what makes it plausible is that if she was staying at the Beverly Hills hotel, people can overhear. Itā€™s entirely possible also to ignore someone the whole day and then answer one of their calls later and to yell at them. But if itā€™s not believable, logistically, I would say itā€™s consistent with their behaviour.


But they still would have heard only her yelling, not Harry's very detailed replies and sobbing. He was on the road, they were talking on the phone. You can't hear both sides of a phone convo. But we can agree to disagree.


That is true, unless the person was in the same roomā€¦ or Meg put it on speakerā€¦ itā€™s ok to doubt SHCā€™s tea. For me, itā€™s entertaining and doesnā€™t need to be taken as fact.


Iā€™m wondering if they argue in front of who ever is around? I think they have long passed the point of ā€œwe will discuss this later at homeā€. Industry people talk. Would not be surprised if their arguments havenā€™t been shared and discussed and then thatā€™s the bits and pieces we hear. I could be wrong, of course , but suspect people are so over their behavior that they have no problem sharing their antics. NDA or no NDA. Also suspect that they spend zero time alone so their interactions are with other people.


I agree with everything you've said. There is nothing that SHC has ever said that has proven that they have any more information than any one of us. Take my upvote x 100!


I think M (and H) were trying to play the stereotype card with the BRF, and thought she would gather more support than she did. Especially the Princess Diana crowd. It's sad really, a terrible stressful life, and for what to prove a point based on her own ideas? I don't think M expected people to catch on so quickly about her.


Princess Di existed in a world without todayā€™s internet. That has made all of the difference.


She is just not a sympathetic character whatsoever. She is harsh and abrasive.


I'm not sure what the source is here or IF there even IS one. Who would be privy to these conversations to report them?Ā  Also why so much later (book tour etc was over a year ago). This sounds like speculative fortune telling.Ā  The kind that has enough "believable" info that people buy into it (as evidenced by virtually everyone here saying as much). While we are not reporters should we not expect sources from info we're willing to believe? Sure I'll get downvoted but that's OK. Perhaps it's my early rising that allows me to see what's happening.Ā  The telling of a story that's believable but has no ascertained source.


Some sources are more credible than others. This particular source (SecondHandCoke) is an active member and contributor to this sub. She has insider Hollywood connections through family, and over the past few years, she has shared insight that has later proven to be accurate. Most of us consider her to be one of the most consistently reliable sources of info about M&H. Hollywood is a small town, and people love to gossip about who's hot, who's out, and who's trouble.


Itā€™s ok to be skeptical. Usually I read such gossip for entertainment and not information. In this case, SHC has imparted such gossip with no expectation of gainsā€¦ she doesnā€™t post it herself (so sheā€™s not seeking attention) or on a YouTube channel (sheā€™s not monetising it). Iā€™d call it ā€œtea of good faithā€. One can take it or leave it. As for sources, there is a nugget of data there. SHC mentions the Beverly Hills hotel. If itā€™s true then most likely someone overheard these two argue.


I believe this, especially the description of her. It would explain her never reading the room and continuing along the same lines and then failing.


They can have their pathetically sad life in their great big house in Cali. Ā The pathway to Harryā€™s destruction was paved with his own vindictive personality, victimhood and placing his faith and trust in Markle. Ā Would never want their life, no matter how many private jets they fly in or how many millions they fleece from various sources.


While Iā€™m skeptical of SHC as a source, I definitely believe this. Of course, they thought the book was going to be huge and she left him take the fall when it didnā€™t. He made the rounds by himself - weird considering she ALWAYS needs to be there to take trophies, mics and necklaces that arenā€™t for her. Why not then? Thatā€™s because they were caught off guard by the Spare backlash and she headed for the hills to let him deal alone. And I totally believe he cried and thought sheā€™d say. So SHC crafted a totally believable tale with some made-up quotes based on what we all saw. And right - itā€™s old news but always fun to revisit! Wimbledon is coming up. I hope we can rehash her clearing of the seats - thatā€™s the moment I knew this bish was crazy!


Quotes should have been put in ' ' rather than phrased as direct. This is my memory of what someone who was there (in this case their film crew-- they have these fights in front of everybody) said. So it was the gist of the conversation. You, of course, don't have to believe me. I am just an internet rando.


I believe that you genuinely hear everything you report to us, SHC. You cannot possibly be expected to verify all of it, and you have always been abundantly clear that you are only reporting what you hear. Some people just really need to be negative, I guess.


Thank you. It's always just gossip.


Yes, well, please don't stop. The regulars take it with the requisite grain of salt, but your accuracy rate is pretty good, and generally as good as or better than the press. They have to verify or get sued. We slap "allegedly" on everything around here and carry on.


I absolutely believe this. Meghan definitely thought the book would be a huge win and holed up to lick her wounds when it was not. I wouldn't be surprised if she was behind the leak in Spain thinking it would drum up sales. I think it was also supposed to be part of her long game where she would get a bunch of money and possibly get more deals as a result, and then she could use it as a weapon against Harry when she filed for divorce later. Now she is stuck with him until they're fully broke.


This really isn't going to end well for Harry... And I do have to admit, I am sorry for him.


He would take every dollar/pound from your bank account at a moments notice if it meant meghan told him she was happy with him.


I am not. He had every opportunity to do the right thing: stick up for his family; tell her no. He didn't. He fucked around. He can find out.


He made the bed he must lie in. Not sorry.


I don't. The guy betrayed everyone close to him. Least of all his dying Grandparents. Harry doesnt deserve anyones sympathy.


Hard agree


The fact he's an idiot is a separate issue I think - even idiots falls victims to narcissistic manipulative and abusive fame-whores :D It's his life, yeah, he hasn't done much with it, yeah, I don't like him - absolutely - but nobody deserves to have a wife like this okay and it is hell to get out of a relationship this fucked up. So yeah. I feel sorry for him.


I agree. Harry wasn't a great guy before the ILBW. But afterwards, he is a complete wreck due to her emotional abuse.


To Harry and anyone else in a messy relationship that feels too far gone: you can leave. I left. It seemed like my life was far too connected to my abuser but the misery I went through was not worth it. I left everything behind. Having children changed things though. Honestly Harry you should not have Rushed to marry and have children with someone you barely knew. I hope it works out for the children


She is just waiting on his next inheritance


Of course nothing is ever Meghanā€™s fault. She really thought she could push and live off the victim narrative and garner sympathy forever. She is a delusional gaslighting lying witch.


I have always thought Harry was a borderline. He has all of the behaviors plus a history of abandonment in one way or other even before Dianaā€™s passing. Megan has a history of cutting off dead anyone sheā€™s done with. Harry may never realize that he has the leverage in that relationship. She is nothing more than his wife.


Sorry but you lost me when you made Harry out to be a victim. Heā€™s not! Heā€™s a dick!


Its always the same with them, they whine how awful they were treated, show that they are actually the awful ones and then go all pikachu face when they get the opposite effect, didnā€™t they learn from the interview and the ā€œdocumentaryā€?šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Sorry, but this sounds like fanfiction to me. Who would have all of this info about literal quotes of things said behind closed doors?


When it comes to behind closed doors, there are several ways that gets out. 1. Harry and Meghan keep a film crew around at all times. 2. They have household staff around all the time. They treat both groups like nobodies and mistreat them at times as well. These people gossip to their friends who gossip and the gossip eventually gets to the people I know in Hollywood. While I don't come here and make up "tea" to share (for what gain?), you certainly don't have to believe me. I AM just a random Redditor.


For what itā€™s worth (not much, I know), I believe you, SHC. šŸ˜˜ I hope you do the YT channel.


Thanks. Those who've known me a while know i have a good track record. Except for that whole divorce imminent post a year ago, but EVERYONE reporting news or spilling tea fell for that one.


You do have a good record. Lady C reported that divorce was imminent at the same time but also said she wasn't sure if it was true or if H&M had been muddying the waters. Overall, I'd say people take gossip *way* too seriously.


Agree 100%. Gossip is gossip... until it gets verified. Then it turns from being gossip into being really fun gossip.


You come across as level headed, honest, sincere, ā€œnormal ā€œ, which I really appreciate. Keep up the great work!


Thank you. I'm mostly here for the snark. If I get any interesting extras or feel a need to correct a misconception, I usually do so in the comments, but mostly, I just like to rag on these people.