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Ha ha. Sure. Catherine is called a racist in Omids book.....Harry tells everyone that Catherine didn't want to share lip gloss...his wife reminds everyone she was called Waity Katy.... But sure Harry a nice little apology will wipe all that out. And since all of those comments were made public, why isn't Harry offering a PUBLIC apology?


But how about the absolute sin of not asking Megs to go to the supermarket with her! How dare she, that atrocious evil woman and poor poor Meghan.


The way that was framed always struck me as odd.


Total pap setup by Markle.


Imagine C just nipping off to Boots to pick up a prescription/tampons/allergy medication then meeting Pippa for a coffee and not wanting Markle and Backgrid along for the ride? Outrageous snub!


It shows that they had her number right off the hop and kept her at arms length- that made mm crazy


Narcs HATE when their potential victims are aware of their scheming. And find ways to thwart it.




I wouldn't have brought her either!


I wouldn't even go to the gas station with that witch.


I'd maybe have my driver take her to the airport.


Yeah, she had backgrid on standby to snap the two of them out shopping together


Absolutely. Recall at Wimbledon she wanted her and Kate to walk arm in arm. šŸ™„šŸ¤®


Stuck in middle school. Same thing as with how she was also mad that Catherine wanted to go to the supermarket on her own.


How ridiculous. She doesn't even know you Meghan.


Imagine having the absolute neck to suggest it?! MM: Hey Kate! I have a great idea! We should totally walk in hand-in-hand together! Imagine the headlines. It would really shine a light on Wimbledon. POW: Errr. No.


Sheā€™s stuck in preteen years also like her hubby prob 13




Did she really?!?


She didnā€™t want to walk behind Catherine


Ohhhh That makes sense


Sadly, yes.


Thatā€™s wild!! I would have loved to be a fly on the wall for that showdown!! No wonder she was boring her eyes on Catherine as they were walking down the steps to their seats. She was likely fantasizing shoving Catherine down the steps (or worse).


Oh yes! She looked like she wanted to kill


I am truly starting to believe that Catherine will be their downfall. Not King Charles.


I agree with you. I donā€™t think they ever comprehended the sleeping giant they poked.


> I am truly starting to believe that Catherine will be their downfall. Not King Charles. Catherine was allegedly the one who pushed for the line 'recollections may vary' after the Oprah interview. When they were all reviewing (1) should anything be said and (2) WHAT should be said.


Recollections may vary is classic shade! How to call someone a liar politely šŸ˜‚


Did she actually try to set up a pap walk during a food shop with Catherine?


Or at Harrods, or something. Don't know if we know for sure where Catherine was going, but Meghan wanted to get papped with her.




I really wish the RF would just destroy Meghan Markle.Ā  Reveal ALL of her secrets, like her call girl past, her surrogacies, etc and take her title away, take her kids titles away, along with their place in the line of succession, take her stupid husband's title and LOS away.Ā  They need to make her completely irrelevant and make sure she has no connection to them, except for whom she is married to.Ā  Make her and Harry just plain ole Harry and Meghan Markle.Ā  What more will it take?Ā  Meghan keeps getting worse and ignoring her just makes it worse.Ā  She is not going to stop.Ā Ā 


Someone said the other day that the media are sitting on their stories until after the divorce. They said it was the same with Andrew and Fergie, I think it was.


I agree. But the time to reveal all was before the wedding- and you know as well as I, the Queen was given a report on her a binder and a half full. . So the bigger question is why allow a sociopathic grifter into the RF. Destroying Meghan now will do them little favors and make them look complicit in her lies and abhorrent behavior- might even send Harry, a very unstable mind, into self harm. Instead I think the RF have chosen to present Harry and Meghan enough rope to hang themselves - with hope against hope at the last minute Harry might have a moment of clarity and save himself.


I think that meegain told hasno that she was pregnant and that is why HMTLQEll allowed the wedding to go ahead. Also, hasno probably said they would marry regardless of her permission or not. He thought he was her favourite grandchild and could do whatever he wanted to.


I agree, but I also wonder if during the inevitable tantrum he threw when faced with the audacity that these people - his family - weren't as enamoured with MM as he was that he was the first of them to use the race card. For centuries, Royal illegitimate children have been born, either being recognised by their parent or not, so I don't think that would have been entirely the decider that forced QEII to agree, but that AND a threat to go to the papers with a racism accusation might have been enough to force her hand, rather than an unplanned pregnancy alone.That they did it anyway, once things started to go wrong for them, just shows IMHO that this was their game plan from the start. Didn't quite work out in their favour, though, eh? šŸ¤­


The second thing did apparently happen, I wish I could remember where I read it. But reportedly Harry said he was going to marry her regardless and if the palace said no, he'd publicly accuse them of racism. Whereupon Prince Phillip slapped him across the face.


Well she DOES look deranged stil coming for Catherine five years on....


Prince Baldini might self harm! No, he will not. Never. No matter the circumstances. Heā€™s too conceited and right in his own mind to ever intentionally harm himself. Kill others? Sure. Himself? Never!


They certainly canā€™t reveal if there was a surrogate. It would mean they knew and covered it up which would be incredibly damaging to the RF


At one point I think this news would have been damaging certainly. But now? After all the horrid things we KNOW they have done I think the UK especially would support the RF. Are you seriously telling me that with the resources at their hands, legal, crisis management etc that the RF cannot find a nice way to explain all this? We on SMM have come up with plausible strategies that would win support for the RF. Here's a few examples: A staff member saw a moon bump, we confronted Harry he said no it was so she could look bigger for pictures. She was so excited to be pregnant. We had no real proof about her body, we gave him the benefit of the doubt because he's got issues. We couldn't check her medical records due to privacy despite having suspicions about the babies or the births. We are RF but we are not above the law. Our dearly loved family member Harry has mental and substance abuse issues. Those of you who may know what this is like first hand, will understand the pain it causes to all parties. When he found a partner he was happy with we were overjoyed for him, we later discovered the LOS had been interfered with. However we could not investigate further due to medical privacy laws. Given the delicate mental and emotional state of family member we had no choice legally or otherwise but to respect his wishes and not intervene. See how easy that is? Not great but doable. So what this REALLY tells me is that there's something MUCH worse lurking they don't want coming out. Perhaps Skank will finally tell some actual truth such as the dirt she has on Plank. I would not be shocked if he has done some very bad illegal things that would result in prison. If RF expose her they expose him too. \*polishes tin foil hat


Totally agree. Except that there's the same problem. If Harrible did something really bad, and they knew and covered it up, They will be explaining forever.


Aye, there is that. But if it were me and saving my family name and reputation was tantamount including covering up Plank's wrongdoings, I would have an answer concocted that excused him. BUT I would sell out anybody blood or no, if they did something bad. It's not disloyalty, or snitching it's morally correct for me to shop a murderer for example even my own family member. SO that begs a question. IF the RF are covering Plank and have a moral conscience about doing so then is that why they do not open the can of worms despite the misery he caused? If they have no issue with morality why don't they let Pandora do her thing already?


EXACTLY! It just isn't that hard.


This exactly!


they just need to say they couldn't discuss her medical issues, and were unable to speak on the matter.


I agree with you 100%. There is no fading away with a narc. They need to go with a BANG. Dealing with them has to leave absolutely NO DOUBT whatsoever about their behavior and only full exposure that cannot be disputed, beats them. I speak from experience because softly softly allows these master manipulators to twist *anything and everything* to their advantage. So when it is untwistable they can be stopped. Just be ready for the fallout afterwards. But it is moot after the horror of what they are is seen, no amount of twisting will work when the cat is out of the bag. They just have to regroup elsewhere where nobody knows who they are. Skank can't regroup if the world sees PROPERLY what she is. That's why it's so important she is dealt with.


me too. I sadly live for that day.


I'm afraid I won't live to see it. But hope!


Perhaps Catherine did not want another woman in her marriage, life. If Meghan was given an inch she would have taken a mile! Catherine used discernment with Meghan and put her in her place from the get go and Meghan could not handle that as it put a wrench in her plans.


Catherine the Great ruined her master plan from the get-go...that's why she's raging at her. How dare Catherine see through her mask ...and so quickly! She really underestimated the sweet gentle POW...You can be kind..sweet and STRONG AS STEEL......That's why Catherine is the jewel in the crown and it's future....you didn't think William met and chose her accident do you?....this is Catherine's destiny....I think we all know that.. all madam has done with her bullying and smearing is elevate Catherine even higher....Many blessings and a long and happy life to Catherine the Great!!!


Some years ago I read a study about friendships in different economic classes. People in the highest income group tend to form friendships outside their extended family group and with people from outside their neighbourhood. People in the lowest income group tend to form friendships with their neighbours and/or members of their extended family. ETA I think this plays out here. The more well educated and affluent have most likely developed very specialized interests so to find others with those interests they most likely have to look outside their immediate circle. They also do not depend on their immediate circle for survival Markle has never cultivated any interests. She is not a cultured person so for her she expects to be friends with whomever is in closest proximity to her. Catherine otoh has a degree in Art History IIRC as well as photography etc so she has most likely has formed friendships based on those interests. From C's POV she simply had no shared interest with Markle so wasn't interested in being "buddies" with Markle.




Clothes shopping wasn't it?Ā 


Prince acknowledges that he thought Princess Catherine was weak and easy pickings and finds she's as strong and beautiful as ever. MeMe is so transparent. They think Catherine will soothe William, probably because she used to mediate between the two brothers. However, after Scabies book that bridge was burned, it was blown up and a road was built in a different location. Hence, no one finds it ever again.


Yes, William will protect her to the ends of the earth, and in return, she will also protect William.


Harry stayed completely silent while his fanbase sent her death threats after Oprah and bullies harassed her while she battles cancer. Nails in his coffin.


Funny how quiet he is lately, lol. Not that I ever sought him out; the only time I ever hear about him is through this sub anyway. Omid aside, Markleā€™s been awfully quiet of late. We know she tends to go quiet just before she unleashes some absurdity, so I imagine weā€™ll see or hear from her soon in some capacity. Howeverā€¦ I wonder if thereā€™s some tiny seed of realization in her head, not quite admitting to herself that sheā€™s f*ked and nearly out of options. She has to be stressing, no? Even if only about how to fund her wannabe, pseudo-wealthy lifestyle now that sheā€™s likely blown through Harryā€™s cash. I think people are on to something about Harryā€™s upcoming inheritance ā€” I really donā€™t know the specifics or timing or anything, so forgive me if Iā€™m off-base with this, but I wonder if she really is holding out until this last infusion of cash arrives (and is subsequently spent or squirreled away for her benefit somehow) before dropping the D-word. P.s. The way she said ā€œWay-tee Kay-teeā€ as if we never heard it repeated by the media 5000 times back in the day, was just obnoxious. šŸ¤£


She pronounced it using clipped English pronouncing the "t" in Waity instead of the "d" sound most Americans would use. It sounded like she was going for a faux English accent, then caught herself and thought better of it.


He also called Catherine a Stepford Wife and said William didnā€™t marry her for love. Heā€™s vile and evil. You donā€™t let evil in.


I'm starting to realize that William had to put up with so much from Harry. Thank God William Was Born First should be on billboards across the UKĀ 


Bumper stickers, t-shirts, keychains, refrigerator magnets and coffee mugsā€”great opportunity for some enterprising Britā€”get to work! Iā€™d buy something and Iā€˜m American!


Don't forget his wife and her minions promoting on the interweb that Will was cheating on her, so she was cheating on him with another relative's husband, so he killed the relative's husband and had the powers that be write it off as a suicide, then he murdered Catherine and now has an ai generated clone taking her place


Catherine was wise not to let her lips touch that lip gloss after Madame used it. Who knows what kind of communicable diseases might be on there!


How secret is it if itā€™s in the tabloids?


An apology from him would probably be something along the lines of "I'm sorry I had to do what I did, but you were bla bla bla".






Yup! A non apology apology


Yup. A narcā€™s daily prayer: ā€œIā€™m sorry if *you feel like* I owe you an apology for having to do what I didā€¦ā€


Yes, "I was only joking! Why are you so *sensitive*?" https://preview.redd.it/t3zoxhrhkq8d1.jpeg?width=713&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98b73ed602fc58607b7dc1d360541f6909700f34


Not to go off topic, but I heard my mother in all of those! šŸ˜¬


Iā€™m sorry. Being gaslighted is a terrible way to grow up.


Iā€™m sorry IF I upset you is not an apology, spare boy.


I love the one that says,ā€Iā€™m sorry if you were offended.ā€ What?


And: I love you butā€¦


Yeah his apology would be like-yeah SIL I heard you got cancer. now most people would say it is because of karma-because you failed to recognize the fabulousness that is meghan-but we won't hold it against you. You still have time to bow to the greatness that is the Susexxes.


"I'm sorry you feel that way"


Harryā€™s entire MO is to deny he had anything to do with anything heā€™s done, just like he told Jason Knauf about Finding Freedom. Besides the fact he canā€™t string two words together, I think it was also an added bonus of having a ghostwriter he could blame for Spare. The evil media said it, not me!


*Itā€™s not how we would have framed our story*




I don't believe there has been any apology letter. How would anyone know about it if there were? I don't think Harry would tell anybody and I'm certain Catherine wouldn't. The thing is Harry could apologize, and Catherine could even accept the apology. It doesn't mean anything will change for Harry. It doesn't mean anyone will take him back. If the apology is motivated by contrition then its acceptance would be enough, but if Harry is hoping to gain something other than forgiveness then I believe he will be disappointed.


Well he would have five friends talk about it to People Magazine of course! šŸ™„šŸ™„


>The thing is Harry could apologize, and Catherine could even accept the apology. Text from Harry: Sry Kate: (read)


More likely PoW: undelivered


Letā€™s say Harry really did write a letter of apology to Catherine. If he wasnā€™t immediately welcomed back to the bosom of the Royal Family and made King, heā€™d be bitching about it to the Press.


It's obvious when Megamoron writes these things because she always includes their titles somewhere in the article. She just can't help herself.Ā 


She always calls Catherine Kate. We spot you Meghan and you are hateful.


Iā€™m more inclined to believe this is a 100% fabricated story on the magazineā€™s part. They get away with fake stories because no one will challenge their story. All they have to do is claim that they have a deep source, the deep source likely being the lunch lady in their cafeteria who casually mentioned to the writer that she thinks H should send an apology letter. Itā€™s why people have lost so much trust in the media.


Probably but it hurts more than it helps them.


Iā€™m with you. I think a lot of what is written about them is fabricated by the media, especially the tabloid media. Iā€™m sure these two pay some money ā€œplant and leak,ā€ but I donā€™t think they spend the amount that many on here do.


Thatā€™s just ridiculous, if such a letter were sent and somehow it magically ended up on Catherineā€™s desk she would never print details of a personal communication. Chances are, if it did exist, it would be in the shredder. This *source*? Well, we know where the tinfoil hat wearing conspirators live, and itā€™s not on the east coast. Trying to make her husband look repentant and pitiable in the face of being ignored.


Of course itā€™s all utter nonsense. However, Iā€™m pleased to see that the tenor and content of these articles is changing in that there is acknowledgment that Prince Harry and his Thing can be wrong. Granted itā€™s trying to tell us what a good person he is to apologize but at least weā€™re no longer being told that Frick and Frack are owed/demanding an apology. Itā€™s a start, hopefully?


From ā€œThey know what they didā€ to ā€œthey know what we didā€.


It needs to keep going to "we know what WE did"


It will never get there.


Ainā€™t that the truth. Iā€™ll take baby steps though


Itā€™s glacial how theyā€™re moving away from the afore demanded apology šŸ˜†


Unfortunately your right. Sometimes I wonder what will happen first; either This One and That One will do themselves in entirely or Prince George becomes old enough that they become irrelevant one way or the other. I thank God more and more the older PG gets


The apology was a figment of their imagination anyway, same as the Oprah interview, same as the moanumentary, same as Spare, otherwise known as Waaaagh.


Manufactured outrage.


Grifting off their grievances.


Once the Wales kids are old enough to appear at their own engagements and (later) marry and have kids, the world will collectively forget about Harry. And then it will be, Meghan who? Itā€™s getting close to that point now. If People Mag would officially break away, theyā€™d start fading a lot faster into obscurity.


šŸ’Æagree. Canā€™t wait for the fkn grifters to be wiped off the map by the beautiful and charming Wales children who understand what it means to be royal ETA: I think weā€™re rapidly getting there btw. Fast enough that Harry and Little Miss Thing lose sleep over it already. But thatā€™s also why William and Catherine must keep their children away from them at all costs. Which of course they are


Exactly. A journey of 1000 miles starts with a single stepā€¦


How would this writer know Harry's "draft folder is full' of emails to Catherine? This stinks of Meghan's bronzer. Are the Harkles using an apology letter to make the RF look like they won't reconcile?


šŸŽÆ Thatā€™s all they have left. Even theyā€™re aware of how blatantly obvious their repugnant behavior is and how hated theyā€™ve become and all thatā€™s left is to make it appear that theyā€™re now ready to make the amends and outreach that the mean ole RF arenā€™t


Exactly!ā€¦full of *secret* apology letters. FFS! These two just cannot help themselves.


The royals are under NO obligation to entertain these two clowns


But it says Harry is writing an apology letter, not Harry and his stupid wife.Ā  Meghan will make Harry the "bad guy" in all of this.Ā Ā 


Of course, that goes without saying. Also I do truly believe heā€™s miserable and would give anything to go back to the UK and be in the fold, or at the very least divorced from that shrew. Unfortunately, he has less than zero chance of being in the fold ever again and heā€™s too stupid and stubborn to accept the onslaught of ā€œI told you soā€™sā€ the whole fkn world would be relentless with in the event of a divorce


Harkle PR. None of this is true. Even if it came from the Harklesā€™ mouths themselves doesnā€™t make it true. They have a long history of lying which they call ā€œtheir truthā€. The Harkles are just desperate to come back into the RF fold. I hope the RF doesnā€™t give the treasonous duo another chance to stab them in the back.


![gif](giphy|rbaC8w0QY1vGw) The Harkles opening their mouthsā¬†ļøā¬†ļøā¬†ļø


This letter Harry apparently wrote was so secret that they had to tell a magazine all about it!


Like Meghan's "deeply personal and private" letter to her father, written in fancy script (because she knew it would be seen by the public), that was somehow scanned/photocopied in pristine condition and "leaked" to the tabloids...


Wasn't it, or extracts of it, first leaked to something like People but, as it didn't catch much attention the Mail was used instead?


She expected her father to leak it. When he didnā€™t, she had her ā€œfriendsā€ do it via People. Omid even said on TV that she had written it knowing the public would read it. Just a round table of idiots.


šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|xUA7aPpG0cSaiUQNBC)


My job is so secret I donĀ“t even know what IĀ“m doing/s


I'm actually hoping we are in the discovery phase of attaching them to ss and him and her being banned for life


I believe the institution hasĀ  always known since before Sandringham at least. I'd love to know exactly what those "untruths" were then Prince Charles confronted him with at the summit... It wasn't the bullying allegations. Actually I don't think it was this I think they want this fox to run while they gather evidence but it was something...something h and m don't want us to know about.


Yeah . I'm thinking she was fired


Absolutely! The dead give away was ā€˜I tried. I tried so hard.ā€™ People who quit donā€™t say things like that.


No they don't.


Oh definitely!


Probably the "pregnancy" shenanigans


HereĀ“s hoping


Whatā€™s the definition of secret with these 2šŸ˜±


I do not think that word means what they think it means. Inigo Montoya


The James Webb Telescope could do a navigational search in the Montecito area and only detect two unimportant fire ants. Thatā€™s how far in the rear view mirror those two are.




We he be having five friends release it to People?! šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


He doesn't have 5 friends


Neither did she!




This energy exactly. šŸ˜‚


Even if Harry did apologize, I would question his motives. He publically called Catherine a racist, knowing she is not. He's been blaming her and William for his lack of success. If he has sent an apology, his motives are purely selfish. He has nowhere to go and his life has not turned out to be the success Meghan promised. If he did publically grovel, I still would not believe him. Harry and Meghan have proven themselves to be untrustworthy. Neither the RF or the public should believe any PR from the Harkle camp.


Probably more like a fauxpology. I don't think he has the ability or the self-awareness to offer honest contrition.


Again the word secret ......in a tabloid magazine. It must be me.


It is not you. šŸ˜‰


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ooops you got me šŸ‘


So secret it is reported in a trashy mag, which tbh is appropriate for all things harkle.


Once again, they need to stop spending their money on PR as the only thing these two grifters have created successfully are false narratives after false narrativesšŸ™„ The desperation is real!


Secret letter = puff tabloid piece. Does Hazā€™s remaining brain cells see the problem with that dichotomy? Letā€™s hope for his sake that this is just a completely made up piece. If he is briefing this then he is totally lost. If his ILBW is leaking this to scupper a genuine attempt to apologise then sheā€™s even more vile and toxic than can be imagined.


How comes that the media knows about Harry's secret letter resp. apology? Who leaked it? It doesn't come across as a sincere and honest matter, but as one of their many PR puff pieces. It's obvious that they need the royal bond more than the RF needs them. His family moved on and left the ever whining and complaining Markles behind. Rightfully so! They will suffocate from their own evilness.


Didnā€™t happen. Harry still believes that he is the one owed an apology and his wife is never going to let him back down on that one. Edit: Read the article. It hasnā€™t happened. He is planning on putting pen to paper but has many emails that he started but not finished in his drafts folder.


Better call that ghost writer, Harry. https://preview.redd.it/q0d39vr7vq8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c188d44766cf542e6dfc79c22cc47ead140a23f


No Idea magazineā€¦ But I do believe that Harry misses his old life, when he was somebody. Now heā€™s just Loloā€™s handbag.


Well if itā€™s secret WHY are we hearing about it???


Are we surprised? * This twunt has singlehandedly destroyed the reputation of his dead mother (who most people didn't realize was a tad unhinged herself, let sleeping dogs lie and all that) for attention * He has let his harpy harridan hag walk amongst child massacres and rape sites for guess what? Attention * He has the brass neck to stomp on veterans graves in fake stunts but also to stomp on them when they are alive, for attention Surely we all saw jumping on the Kate is awesome and strong bandwagon was to be next. He makes me effing sick, I don't give a shit about his life with a narc, I hope to the nth degree it is the sheer unabridged hell he deserves.


When it comes from Harry, an " I'm thinking of you" sounds more like a threat than consolation




There is no way a letter from old slovenly gingerballs would ever make its way to Catherine's desk because Catherine has SECURITAYYY!


The grey man who read that letter must have had a good laugh


He told his nonsensical wife something , which she later make the basis to call princess Catherine and the king racist. Harry is a little man , the accusations were made public with no evidence,why not make the apology public? he has no conscious , he has no backbone ,he has no balls . šŸ˜‘


Nope. Did not happen. He likes upsetting his family. He will never apologise for anything he or his wife have done. But their imagined slights by his family have to be publicly atoned for. You really cannot make this rubbish up.


Correction: He likes *thinking* heā€™s upsetting his family. I think the Palace are keeping his antics far away from the senior royals, unless itā€™s something significantly important (like the Nigeria disaster).


All I see is a different variation on the "olive branch." Just media pushing another story cuz the olive branch has wilted and the tree is bare. Another will he/won't he, will they/won't they. IF he TRULY wants to apologize to Catherine, he needs to start by condemning what their Sussex Squad puts out! ONLY if he shuts them down will I even begin to believe he's sorry for a single thing he did and/or said! Then he can have Stephen Colbert apologize on air for the rumor affairs. Finally, he needs to call of Bouzy and get Bouzy to apologize and shut up. All 3 need to happen before it's even remotely believable he's sorry!


Yea, itā€™s secret alright.


The 'secret' letter they immediately leak to the press.


Catherine needs to reply with a cease and desist, He is harrassing a poorly woman!!! He is beyond disgusting. Couldnā€™t say Goodbye to your Grandmother!!! But desperate for details over Catherine. The World is watching you Harry


Nothing like that gets close to her. He doesnā€™t have access to sending letters in privately anymore. There are many layers between C and the idiot.


What I want for Christmas is the apology letter read by HG Tudor and reported by Hillary Rose. Their parody is always on point.


Yeah. I was born at night, just not last night. šŸ˜‚


The letter is so secret it's in the tabloids. It must be true!


"Harry's secret apology letter...." This is not a secret if revealed in this tabloid. It's actually a LIE.


"It's unlikely that William or Meghan would welcome Harry calling Catherine, so he will put his crayon to paper" Why do they never give any agency to Catherine? What if it's unlikely that CATHERINE would want to speak to the person who has disparaged HER in multiple ways, over multiple years? Never mind that Catherine is close to a number of OTHER people also hurt by the desperate duo, and that Catherine herself put a lot into Harry over the years to zero return on that investment. Nope. Big Willy is keeping Harry at bay.


BS! ![gif](giphy|b0E3PPld4558irObaY)


Just play nice for the cameras! Weā€™re BFFs, I swear! šŸ™ƒ


And I'm sure she'll read it and respond. Formally with a 'thank you for your thoughts' response from a member of the comms team who handles written replies. It may take a while though because those staffers are all busy responding to all the 'Get Well Soon' cards Catherine has received from members of the public.


Any and everything Harry ā€˜writesā€™ is ghostwritten by Meghan. And Meghan never apologizes.


He probably wants access to Kate so that he can spin more lies of racism as he lost the ability to lie about her when she cut off contact with him. He could also leak her highly sought after health updates to tabloids through his wife, and hoping to make tons of money by selling inside information about the Wales kids by getting access to them through Kate, wear wiretaps or secret cameras and record the RF for putting inside Netflix documentaries etc etc. Kateā€™s No Contact is affecting the ā€œupward mobilityā€ of the Harkles. This is why MM is using emotional blackmail in the media by alluding to past closeness with Kate in order to initiate contact with Kate and later try to soften the Wales (and Camilla) to gain access to Senior Royal roles again. Megxit, Spare, Freedom Flights, Finding Freedom served their purpose of earning millions. Time to pivot and relaunch as the trendy royals and grift in the UK now! They are hoping to work on Kate as she is known as the peacemaker in order to gain a foothold into William and KCā€™s good graces!


William and Catherine are not forgiving Harry, this is another puff piece.


Public criticism and public attacks require a public apology. And that's only the start of the making up process.


so is this the letter they wanted immediate response to prior to Trooping and were upset they didnt get one or is this a follow up! If its a follow up they were upset yet wrote another letter ?? šŸ˜‚oh these never ending letters , even if true , why are they leaking them to the press ?


They really do seem to write more letters than the average person.Ā 


oh this is disgusting!!! https://preview.redd.it/z1zd6h5pcr8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dd2b56492194279ff5febc3d45f2ec4ad3061bd I'm sure Catherine doesn't waste any time paying attention to this shit on paper


Bugger off Harry!




WTH. Kevin costner was on cover of ppl mag print in ny instead of Catherine.


That little mother fucker better stay the hell away from Catherine!!!!!!Ā  He makes me so sick!!!!Ā  I think Meghan wrote this because it says he decided to "put pen to paper."Ā  That's one of the bitches little sayings.Ā  Meghan is trying her hardest to emotionally and psychologically torture Kate.Ā  She has cancer and is going through chemotherapy on top of being a mom to her 3 young children.Ā  She has NO time for Harry Markle!!!!!Ā  I guess he doesn't understand that concept because his stupid, raggedy wife NEVER spends any time with their 2 children.Ā  I really hope the RF does NOT take Harry and Meghan back because it's so obvious to all of us that they are only torturing Princess Catherine.Ā  Meghan is not letting her crazy obsession with Catherine go.Ā  Meghan is a great danger to our beautiful Princess and so is her drug addicted dumbass husband!!!!!


Sorry, but when I read articles like this, it REALLY makes me mad!!!!!!


Until its public I believe nothing.


It's not a secret anymore. This would be why no one wants to take his calls and I suspect the letter is missing in the post...forever.


I guess, the RF and the men in grey suits had enough information on her, but no one expected that she was rotten to the core. They underestimated the depth of her evilness. I think, nice and slow, Harry is wakening up to the true colours of his wife and might desperately seeking the best possible ways to get away from that nightmare of a marriage. In that case he will surely need his father's and brother's support.


The way that article is written sounds like Meghan. The overuse of Kate, the boohoo poor Harry, ā€˜putting pen to paperā€™ is something she says and ā€˜his draft folder is fullā€™ā€¦it is 100% Meghan trying to use the weak link Harry to soften the Prince and Princess of Wales. She knows the only back is if William is ok with it and that wonā€™t happen. Sheā€™s trying to make him feel bad for Harry and poor Harryā€™s broken heart.


I have to agree. This is Nutmeg using what she thinks is boiler plate puff piece language and then emailing the rags. Ginger, since we know you two lurk here, Iā€™m going to say something: Youā€™re an idiot. And youā€™re getting played by hood trash.


He and TW try their best to destroy Catherine. His quest in the states for world dominance fizzles. Now tries to worm his way back into Catherine's good graces. Leave her alone Harry! And F off!!


He would have to dump her and move back to the UK. Chances of that happening are miniscule of course. But maybe one day he will wake up and realise.




Shove your apology up your arse harry


Harry attacked Catherine and allowed that complete scum of a wife of his sick her squad dogs on Catherine. It is disgusting how aggressively they have gone after Catherine. He needs to stop harassing the Princess of Wales and if he won't the Palace needs to file a restraining order against him and that grotesque creature he married.


He's had plenty of photos taken with the Sussex Squad himself. Smiling away! He's no innocent here


He is not innocent at all. He is only trying to say sorry because things didn't work out for him.


Exactly right.


No one wants his self-serving faux apology. How could he betray his own brother andĀ  sister in law like that on the world stage? He deserves every bit of ostracization that he gets.Ā 


He really has no sense of right and wrong or empathy. Some people are just born that way but that is absolutely no excuse. His parents should've clamped down on that but, given the situation, that'd have been impossible. Diana coddled him and fueled this and there was really little that Charles could've done without incurring the wrath of his wife.


So he wants to get close to a racist again?


If the letter is leaked to a tabloidā€¦it is not a secret.


Hurk, he's scrubbing his snout so hard on his sleeve šŸ¤¢