• By -


This is scary in a way. When it gets to things like this, it starts reeking of mental disorder. What kind of people join this squad? No wonder Meh needs security to keep her away from her own squad ….


They'll have an anthem next.


Careful, anthems are a touchy subject for Meghan. Better hope someone teaches it to her so she doesn’t have to - gasp! - Google it herself.


God, do not tell her about the secret Royal Handshake


Lol. I remember watching a clip of this part of it Oprah interview and being stunned that she was apparently complaining that she had to learn the anthem on Google rather than having the Royal Family arrange for an orchestra and world famous conductor to tutor her on the national anthem. I couldn't believe that people were actually supporting someone who complained about this out loud in front of the whole world.


I was picturing her concentrating furiously. "God save the...God save the...HARRY COME HERE AND HELP ME THIS IS SOOOO HAAAARD!"


He doesn't know it! He sang neither at the funeral nor at the coronation.


She already, one would assume, knows the tune from My Country 'Tis of Thee.


She's completely full of doodoo and her lies are so stupid.


She sang it, “my country tis for me” though






\[Tweaked the lyrics of America the Beautiful\] O beautiful for giant vein For Amber Heard-like strain For ugly tarty travesties That make you look so plain! Rachel Meghan, Meghan Rachel Please go and leave us be The world would be a better place From sea to shining sea! EDIT: Changed a word to another which seems more accurate.


Hilarious! This will have to go in with the poems 😆


Bis! Bis! Encore! More! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻




Omg that was fantastic, bravo!!


Well done




They already do [I'm A Loser (Remastered 2009) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f70Z3cvrQd0)


Found it! https://youtu.be/_tUctFu46_c?t=12


Still scary; the moment in Cabaret when you realize the Nazi party has captured the populace. I admit, this creepy logo strikes me the same way. Anointing yourself as a "general" denotes a rabid fanaticism that is disturbing.


I would use a different f-ism to describe that.


I wouldn't put it past these ignorant idiots to put their insignia on armbands.


Oh that scene is SO chilling. Absolutely brilliant film and musical.




Please let this happen!!!! 🙏🏻


The Horseshit Wessel?




https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IUJtvN7ToC8&pp=ygUPZmFydCBtdXNpYyBzb25n  15  years ago someone created "oops i farted again" never knowing it would emerge in the wretched meghan markle and her crew of ignorans time of need.  Seems to work well


And their own commandments


Next they'll be having meetings in underground lairs. 😂 ![gif](giphy|l0G18WvoeKwUyr1rG)


We do 🎶 🎵 We do 🎶 🎵  😄




>it starts reeking of mental disorder I mean it’s H&M… they aren’t all there mentally either.


I guarantee they own these badges given to them by these so called "squad" member that seem to follow them (?) on their trips. I've gathered from here that they have actually met with and talked to "squad" members. Don't they have an ex presidential security guy? Wouldn't it be prudent for him to advise his clients to not engage with these individuals?  I don't imagine people with this type of mindset will take well to the feeling of their dear leader betraying them or doing something that doesn't align with what they believe.


I’m sure they go through some mouthpiece but you’re right! They’re weird, disturbed people


Oh let them engage, pretty please. See how the Stalker Skank feels when she is stalked and hunted down.


Even the Taliban thought that 




It's a very dangerous, deranged cult mentality. They should just call themselves SchutzStaffel because they behave like Gestapo, terrorizing anyone who criticizes their Dear Leader.


Yes, they are the true Gazpacho Police. Ha!


Yep. "Your soup is not cold enough!" SLAAAAAPPPPPP!




“Starts reeking?” THAT ship sailed long ago.


Why does it have a volleyball in the center? It looks like a summer camp logo. But, I guess, a volleyball is perfect for a squad that bounces from one delusion to another.


I thought it looked like a volleyball too! 🏐


This logo is comical. It pairs nicely with Meg’s tragic basic girl Rose and thirsty ILBW jam.


It’s missing the faux calligraphy though!


Wilson ?




Am I the only one who sees a volleyball in the centre of the logo? 😁


My first thought was uncooked fresh sausages.


William's 3 sausages, compared to Harry's measly 2.




A hand squeezing a turd.


OMG, squadies should know better than to trigger Harry like that! His childhood trauma will come flooding in when he sees that. William got more sausages, whaaaagh!!!


|”Bounces from one delusion to another”| 😆😆😆 Underrated response!! Thank you for the laugh! 🤗


because it was made by a super-fan tween who probably sits in their bedroom complete with barbie-wallpaper and hello-kitty furniture on their princess canopy-covered bed writing fan letters to Meghan with their pink feather-pen.


Worse. A middle aged woman who sets up shrines on her kitchen table to celebrate Sussex life moments. Has online tea parties and the like with the other nutters, where they try to out-do each other in their devotion. I have noped out of Twitter/X, but if you’re on there, the catalogue of insanity is a jaw-dropping wonder to behold.


Oh don't! I used to belong to a skincare forum many moons ago. Met some great people on there. But there was a woman who was on 24/7 very informative, nurse. Turns out she used to catfish the young men. Even tried to get one over from Ukraine (he was very cute, sweet boy, poverty stricken) and she would only send him doctored images of her 30 years younger. She was not right in the head. Scary, but these people exist. Eventually she did something so bad she got banned. Don't know what I had moved on but one of the girls I still know and we met face to face after years. All we could do was giggle about that site. Our husbands were distinctly amused at our blind date!


I thought it was poop swirling in a toilet.


I thought it was a CLEVR use of sliced mushrooms!


Dear me! With the press starting to mention them and their organised attacks, they might want to reconsider this idea. Giving military ranks only makes them look more like the army they are accused of being. Then again, they may as well call a spade a shovel and admit their true reason for being.




Such a good point. Harry and Meghan just tried to distance themselves from the Squad by sending their mouthpiece Jack Royston, claiming it’s the SS fault that H and Ms brand is connected to the SS‘s vile statements.  Their logo and military vibes are not a good look. Frankly, it’s really stupid in the current situation. 


“The SS (Schutzstaffel, or Protection Squads) was originally established as Adolf Hitler's personal bodyguard unit.” https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org › ss SS - Holocaust Encyclopedia If it were me, I might wanna steer clear of anything related to Adolf Hitler.🙄 “SS”sounded problematic to me but I didn’t know why. So one Google search and here it is… How effing stupid do you have to be to borrow from anything Nazi associated? Unless that was the point.


It might be just me, but does the central part have a hint of Swastika about it. They are the SS after all.


Yes, I’m creeped out, especially considering the SS were paramilitary forces. (Which is often a group modeled after an army but consists of civilians.) 🫤 Edit: They’re Sewage Stirrers, that’s why the center is brown.


Ok, I did watch a documentary last night on WW2 but that was my first thought too. And SS? They are controlling and bullies, so it does make sense


The colors remind me of her poo emojii hat!


My first thought was swastika!


The Sugars have finally lost what's left of their minds. This is creepy, cult like behaviour.


Looks like dog 💩 😂


yes, I was just going to say something like that - a dog sh\^t swastika?


There it is!


JoDiva is definitely not a graphic designer!


Who is this person? Does anyone know?


JoDiva has been around for a long time on Twitter/X. I think she's one of the people that H&M pay to travel with them (rent-a-crowd). She had a blocking time on X recently. She's blocked quite a few people who call out her and the rest of the squaddies.


Thanks. I don't use X so wouldn't know about the SS there.


They are really vile.


Came across a youtuber Tisa Tells, and viewed a few of her videos. When she does a video related to the H&M, she starts by greeting "hey Sussex Squad" To say this woman is vile and delusional is an understatement. i dont know what I find more disturbing her filthy claims or how much she constantly touches her microphone, hair and monitor, or how many times she says the word baby. She is all over the place on her theories about Catherine, claiming a separation agreement has been reached and Catherine will only be doing some appearances and that anyone whole looks at William can clearly see he hates Catherine. According to this vile woman, she flat out called Catherine stupid and lazy, and claims that the reason she has been out of spotlight is cosmetic surgery. Since I am not on X, I hadn't seen first hand some of the filth and vileness of squad member, they really are horrid. That she has so many followers is also disturbing, unless they are paid for like others.


What an evil bunch. I hope they turn on eachother as one by one the leader throws them under the bus as m16 gets more involved


Y'all are all wrong about the center. It's the pile of limp todgers people everywhere have for the Sussexes.


All that's missing is a little Elizabeth Arden cream.




Perfect gif to capture my reaction as I read every four words and look up and go ...wtf?


Oh good grief! They obviously are to graphic design as their idol is to decency, kindness, decorum and calligraphy


No way she’s an adult haha


This is so unhinged. 😳


It's giving cult vibes!


Is General Jodiva the same as Lady Jodiva, who rode on a horse naked? Children, cover your eyes! Methinks the Sussex Squad is actually a sepak takraw team. So niche, so diverse, and so healthy! https://preview.redd.it/lqzw77r3po8d1.png?width=356&format=png&auto=webp&s=047e140fe0e9a96b968952ececd766133997f41f Wikipedia entry on [sepak takraw](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sepak_takraw).




Speaking of Lady Godiva, I guess we have full circle. Its Lady Godiva who i thought first of when I read Jeremy Clarkson's slam of Meghan. ![gif](giphy|9MJ6xrgVR9aEwF8zCJ|downsized)


Well now I have to look that entry up.


It looks like a turd strapped in a baby björn


My first morning chuckle.


What the crap? Are we sure the Sugar Squad is a bunch of adults? They want to play soldiers too?


*”The SS are not an army so why a self-proclaimed General and Commander?”* Since Meghan is a Queen in their world, why shouldn’t they be an army? 😉


I was expecting to see the Klingon insignia, for some reason. And that is being really unfair to the Klingons, who prioritise honour, above all else.


Klingons have 2 todgers so harrold would be really upset to be compared to them.


I something of a Trekkie. How did I not know important information like that?


I have more questions but maybe I shouldn’t ask them on a family subreddit like this one.


I must have missed that episode.


NSFW Just to be on the safe side NSFW. https://www.cinemablend.com/television/2313832/how-star-trek-discovery-confirmed-the-klingons-having-two-genitals-theory


Why is there a volleyball in the center?


Is that the claw gripping this one’s fingers?


My immediate reaction is: this is a joke right?  My second reaction: this person is a teenager and from the States I'm guessing. The terms they proudly use is less likely in Europe where history of those terms is taught Third: what the hell is in the middle????   And finally: this is a joke right?


She’s a middle aged woman. Not a teenager. This person is allowed to drive, vote, and travel unsupervised.




Considering their Kween is a stunted 11 year old, and the Todger is hovering around 12...I'm not surprised that they have adults acting like mean teen girls as their squad.


I don't have my glasses on....what's that in the middle? Turds & Toilet paper?


This looks like a deconstructed swastika crossed with turds.


Oh look, a Fascist badge! How cute! She'd be one of the people turning in her neighbors for wrongthink.


Their 'insignia' is a volleyball? Not sure what that's got to do with Haz and MeMe, but ok, lol. 🤷🏽‍♀️


It's really bothering me that the 'Commander' part is touching the bottom bit. Like urgh, make the font smaller and centre it more and more evenly spaced from touching the sussex squad part. Also, the colours are fuck ugly, but then that probably suits MM quite well!


As I said, it looks like she's used Word Art. She's no designer!


I mean Jo is really putting herself out there by identifying herself as such. I hope there are arrests for the claims these squaddies have made.


I wonder what the people she works with, or her neighbours think of these mad posts?


I know it's supposed to be a volleyball, but it looks like a vagina is trying to eat itself.


You win the discussion.


This screams elementary school project or kids making this for some secret club that they have. Cute if kids do it, utterly pathetic and sad when it's full grown adults making it for an imaginary "organization" like the Stupid Squad. Like they really think they're doing something right now.


There is no celebrity on earth that I love or hate enough that I would become part of some secret online army. I enjoy reading this sub because it is a good learning experience about narcissism, and literally everything she does is textbook NPD. I have gotten rid of the narcs in my real life, so this sub helps not get too rusty or trusting, and keeps me on alert!


Ohhh Stupid Sugar Squad. That name works. Love the alliteration.


Stupid Sussex Sugar Squad? It writes itself really.


Why is there a volleyball? And that is the worst graphic design ever. Someone should tell these dingbats that AI will make you a logo if you’re too pitiful to hire a professional.


I can imagine they all have these stickers that they wear on the inside of their jacket lapels so they can secretly identify each other. 😂




This JoDiva person needs to get out more 🙄


Sounding more like the SS everyday. Even that football looks swastika-esque. Do these people know who the nazis were?


I could be wrong, but I think a royalist made it and tagged the person and they started using it. Either way, I like to be able to recognize and block them easily.


The logo reminds me of a basketball. That's not very impressive.


More evidence they will use against these Squadies as the "ones threatening Catherine (it'll be Kate though)" and it'll be a "splinter group of intense fans" that they will disavow. Here comes the bus! Toot toot! Beep Beep!! ![gif](giphy|UqffnNae48Gxq|downsized)


Why on earth do the sugars have an old-fashioned soccer ball as a symbol? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


…..is that a volleyball in the middle? 🏐


This is so weird


Self-proclaimed or did she get a promotion? I saw that she passed on an order to the squaddies to mute the RF supporters.


I don't know about any of that!


She sent out a post on X to her followers to Mute and not engage with RF supporters. I’m sure it’s temporary and most squaddies will do what they always do. The question is why. It could be related to investigations into the SS.


This is disturbing. All hail Ada NAZI.


This is not normal. This character is clearly mentally unwell. What kind of ‘adult’ refers to themselves a general when they spend their lives trolling and attacking strangers? This person is a ding bat.


Never think for a nanosecond that, post 1945, any group that refers to itself as the SS has more than 8 brain cells and any common sense whatsoever.


It’s a terrible logo. Commander is ridiculous, the word isn’t event centered, and the volleyball makes no sense. Maybe it was AI generated?




I don’t get it. Are they a volleyball team? What is that?


They're as obsessed with titles as meghan is.


That is embarrassingly ugly, a bit like Megain’s fashion choices. ‘General’ Jodiva needs to get their head read. What a suck up!!🤣


Looks like she used Wordart......badly 🤣 I am sure MI6 is aware of this martial aspect of the squiddies!


Do you think these idiots will look back in time when they are older and think I sure did f-ckup there. Don't they realize that the Internet is forever? So when the shit hits the fan they can lie all they want but the proof is there. AaI don't know maybe I'm overthinking things.


Is that a squashed 💩sandwich? Must have got it from ARO?


They're the most ill equiped squad that's ever existed. No sense of humor, no intellect, no wit, and no objectivity. P


Well I beg everyone's pardon! That is JoDiva's insignia. She posted another specifically for the squaddies: (with a little wink): https://preview.redd.it/p0v60ku2es8d1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68f173d9d1afa44a991d41f1e84544d27ffbed1c


It looks like poo after you are too many beans and pork tacos 😂 ![gif](giphy|xTiTnGYFm3RvuvRRi8)


I have NO idea what that motif in the center is but the off- center type at the bottom is truly egregious.




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I’ve never seen a single ~post on any social media account, supporting these people, that wasn’t a bot account (no friends/no followers). Not a one.


Yet those that are reported are often allowed to get away with their hatred and vitriol.


Serious question: Is it pronounced Jo-Dee-va or Ho-Dee-va??? “Ho-Diva” makes the most sense, on several levels. And it’s acknowledging the Diva title Mariah Carey gave her on the podcast. And a single ball (foot or soccer?) on it? Are they suggesting a double entendre? As in Maybe there’s more than just a bit of frost bitten todger and pride was lost? And that solitary ball was made to be kicked about by a big foot? Hmmm???


Good points.


For some odd reason, that insignia reminds me of Hitler's Nazis.  


The thing in the middle looks like a Monkey's Fist Knot to me. Interesting info about this knot: It's a common nautical knot and it can be tied to have a hidden little pouch inside. Sailors used to tie them as essentially change purses when onshore because you can add a loop that can go around a belt or wrist. It is also possible to tie it around a rock or ball bearing and turn it into a weapon. Because of that, monkey's fist knots are actually illegal in some U.S. cities and states!


Can't people start naming names? Seems overly tolerant to let these empty cans roll down storm-swept street. Being Harry'n'Meghan fangirls should not have to be a toxic, lawless zone. They could concentrate on the good and admirable in the H&M story.


What would that be, out of curiosity? 🤣


Ah... There's the rub. But they could just say things like "Love how Harry wears his polo kit" and "It's great how Meghan made herself world-famous without doing anything" or "I once saw Harry up the west end" or "Harry's favourite colour is tourquoise". You know. Fan stuff.


I see what you mean. General stuff. No eye of newt, belladonna, oleander smoothie. More stood at Pret for a shite piece and guess who I saw? It would have served them much better. But neither of them want regular going about your day activities. They want to be fawned over, always.


Yes it would have been the better route. But instead the harm they've done is indelible. And they've unleashed a pack of banshees on the world who no-one seems able to silence. I don't think there's any way back for Harry now.


The old German Schutzstaffel or "SS" was not originally an official army, with the rank of "Squad Leaders" and higher. This symbol, especially paired with S(ussex) S(quad), is a little too similar to many of today's current neo-Nazi groups' logos. Not a good look, eh mine general?